《Eden's Alpha》Chapter 12


"About what?!"

"About your life after the war"

I scoff, glaring at him.

"You really want to know?"

He nods, looking me straight into the eyes. His dark eyes speak for themselves and I can tell he's actually telling the truth.

"Ok then, it was hell. I was at school when they announced it. The news reporters were panicked, everyone was unsettled. My family.." I gulp and decide to skip that part. Why tell monsters what they did?

"There were tv stations that explained everything about the werewolves. That's how I know as much as I do. That was all before the power was cut. After that, I lived constantly running, my whole life suddenly gone. I had to learn to survive and take care of myself. You know how hard that is?"

He's about to respond but I cut him off, starting to rant.

"The most food we could find were small cans of beans. I was lucky people found me before I was...well it would not have been good if I was left on my own. Death was everywhere, people were just left behind and the whole city was rotten."

"I'm sorry Eden"

"Don't even try to be. It's not worth it after everything I went through"

We stay silent and then I suddenly realize something.

"Hold up, how do you guys have power? Why did the city's get turned off?"

He looks up at me, "well we have members in our pack who are good at technical stuff. They did some routing stuff and transferred the power to our compounds."

"But then how..."

"No more questions right now Eden. You know enough for right now."

"You'll tell me more later?"

He nods once then gets up, trying to pick me up.


"Whoa cowboy. Who said it was okay to carry me?"

"I said so"

I'm then picked up and carried back upstairs towards Baylor's room. He breathes slowly not even winded from carrying me.

"What happened to my other room," I sneer, "You know, the one with no windows where I was all tied up?"

"That was only temporary"

Baylor sets me on my feet by an open closet then grabs my wrist, steering me inside. His closet is big, filled with a lot of black clothes. He grabs one of his leather jackets and passes it over to me.

"Where's my jacket? I want that one back."

"We threw it out, it was bloody from your fall from the window."

"Oh," I say shrugging on his jacket. The sleeves are long draping almost to my waist. I don't mind the size, and roll up the sleeves.

Baylor walks out of the closet and turns back to me, expecting me to follow.

"Eden, you made a promise," he warns, a low growl emerging from his throat.

"Alright," I lift my hands in surrender, "I'm coming."

He leads me down the stairs towards the door leading outside. Almost as if sensing my urge to run, Baylor grabs my forearm, leading me out into the sun.

I shield my eyes with my left hand, the brightness making my eyes water.

We continue to walk, Baylor's steady grip on my walk.

"Where are we going?"

"You'll see, I have some work to do and figured you might want to come along."

As my eyes adjust I begin seeing we were in the middle of a field, right on the border of the woods. I turn behind me and see the large house, the pack house I think to myself.


I turn back forward and see a group of standing guys, all of them stretching and chatting casually. As soon as they see their Alpha, many of them kneel and bow their heads.

"Hello warriors"

The warriors all chorus back a series of replies and I scan over the crowd of men. There are at least 50, all well-built and bulky.

Holy Crap

"Before our training, I want to introduce you to your new Luna, Eden"

Many stare with shocked expressions but most looked overjoyed. A few even pump their fists in the air.

I lean into Baylor, "why exactly did you bring me here?"

"I wanted to show you the best of my pack," he says, surveying his army. "Alright, you know the procedure, shift!"

All of the sudden, dozens of wolves begin to appear, shredded clothes in their wake. Immediately they dart into the woods, becoming just a bunch of shadows in the trees.

A few wolves approach the Alpha, almost like they were waiting for a further command.

"These wolves are my special force, they help when..."

I can no longer hear Baylor, my attention suddenly fixed on a dark wolf in the back of the group. I feel my breath hitch in my throat and I gasp, covering my open mouth.

There in the back of the pack stands the wolf that haunts my nightmares.

The one that killed my family.


Sorry It's been so long since the last update! I was on vacation and didn't have as much time to write. Thanks for coming back and reading the update!


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