《Eden's Alpha》Chapter 11


"Eden? Is that you?"

I sit up and swivel my head to see....Isaiah?

"Isaiah!? What are you doing here?"

In the cell across from mine stands Isaiah, leaning against the bars. I gasp seeing the dried blood on his head and shirt, dark bruises along his arms, neck, and face. He stares at me in shock and his mouth hangs open.

"Eden is that really you!? Are you okay?"

By now I'm doing my best to get up and move over to the thick bars.

"Isaiah, what happened to you?"

He forces a smile for my sake, "I had a run in with some wolves. What happened to you? Where's Finley?

I feel my throat close up and I hesitate to say anything. Isaiah seems to understand.

"Do you know if he's okay?"

I shrug, shaking my head. I hope Finley's okay but based on what I saw with the werewolf, I would be surprised.

"What about James and Zeke? Are they..."

Isaiah cuts me off, "I don't know Eden. After we lost you and Finley, the three of us didn't make it far before the psycho wolves caught up with us. We all split up trying to escape. They caught me and almost killed me. I think the only reason they kept me alive was that they thought I was traveling with other survivors."

Those stupid werewolves

"Eden, how did you end up here?"

I shrug, "Finley and I hid out in the old safe house when we got separated from you guys. Finley went out looking for you guys and long story short when I found him he was in bad shape and then I was brought here."

"Did any of them...I mean, did any of them claim you to be their mate?"


I nod my head slowly staring down at the ground. Isaiah lets out a breath I didn't even know he was holding.

"Please tell me it's a low member in the pack"

I shake my head and start chucking sadly.

"Eden, don't tell me you're mated to a warrior"

"I'm mated to the Alpha, Isaiah"

There's a moment of silence as Isaiah takes in what I said. Before I can continue, he punches the cell bars hard and I cringe at the loud noise.

"Isaiah calm down, it's okay"

"IT'S NOT OKAY EDEN!" he stops to take a breath, "It's not okay, I was supposed to protect you from the wolves."

"Isaiah, you did the best you could. I'm alright Isaiah, really, I am."

Before Isaiah can reply, a loud slamming of the door alerts us of someone coming and we both quickly sit down and move away from the bars.

Baylor, Andrew, and Carter all suddenly turn the corner, coming into view. I duck my head assuming they've come for me.

"Get up human," I hear one of them say. I look up to realize they're talking to Isaiah, not me.

Oh no.

I watch as Andrew steps towards his cell, unlocking it then entering along with Carter. Isaiah moves away but because he is so weak he doesn't even make it back to the wall before Carter gives him a good kick in the ribs.

I watch in horror as they continue to beat him, Baylor watching from a distance.

"No, Stop!" I get up grabbing the bars, "Stop this! You're hurting him!"

"Be quiet Eden," Baylor says turning towards me.

I feel tears begin to well up in my eyes, the complete feeling of being powerless overwhelming. I need to save Isaiah.


"Baylor, please, stop this! Please, I'll do anything!" I cry out, practically screaming.

Baylor looks over at me and throws a questioning look my way.


"Please Baylor....I promise....I promise to go willingly with you."

I can tell I have his attention so I continue, "If you save this man, I won't fight you. I'll be your...mate"

Baylor stays quiet for a moment, the only sound being the grunts from Isaiah.

"STOP," Andrew and Carter freeze, looking up expectantly at their Alpha. Baylor turns to me, "If I let this man go, you'll come with me willingly."


"No Eden! Don't you dare!" Isaiah shouts out, earning him another good punch in the chest.

I have to do this

"Let him go, Baylor, It's the only way you'll get me to stop fighting you. If you so much as touch him again I swear I will run and fight against you until the day I die."

"Fine. Let him go."

Isaiah is dragged out by Carter and Andrew but struggles against them, trying to reach me.

"EDEN! Don't give in to them! Continue to fight!"

Before I can say goodbye, Isaiah is gone, leaving just me and the Alpha.

"How do you know him?"

"After the war, he saved me," I say wiping my nose, "he was my friend. You hurt my friend."

Baylor stands silently a moment, his face revealing nothing. Time passes slowly before he finally unlocks my cell and reaches towards my arm.


I follow him willingly, not because I want to but because of the deal I made for Isaiah. Exchange of one life for another.

Baylor leads me out of the dungeon and back into the house. After turning multiple corners I soon find myself in the kitchen.


I sit, but not before saying back, "I'm not a dog!"

"Sorry," Baylor grumbles before going through a door at the end of the room. Is he really leaving me alone?

Nope, I realize when he returns with a handful of boxes.

"Is that what I think it is?!"

One of the labels sticks out at me, a little man with a green hat. "Are those lucky charms!?"

Baylor looks at the label before turning back to me, "Do you like lucky charms?"

"I used to love them!"

I grab the box from his hand, pouring out the cereal on the table. I sort them by color and type, soon ending up with a bunch of marshmallow piles on the table. I then take them one at a time, savoring each delicious taste.

"I'm glad you like cereal, I like lucky charms too," Baylor says, seeing me in pure happiness. I continue to eat under the direct stare of the Alpha.

"Eden, I need you to tell me something"

I stop eating, "what is that?"

"I want you to tell me about what you went through after the war"


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