《Eden's Alpha》Chapter 7


I'm his mate? Oh no, this is not good. I shake my head, not willing to believe it.

Carter seems shocked, and stares mouth agape, looking between me and the Alpha.

"She's your what?!"

"She's my mate, Carter." The Alpha says, turning towards me. His face looks kind, but I can see right through his facade. As soon as he takes me to be his mate, I'll be stuck with him. I decide it's about time to get the heck out of here.

I jump off the bed, walking briskly towards the door. The Alpha isn't fazed, and instead grabs me and pulls me into his chest. Leaning in, he whispers into my ear; "You're all mine."

His hands hold me tightly, his thumbs moving up and down my arms as if to comfort me. Weird sensations are left wherever his hands go and my arms start to go numb from the weird tingling feeling.

That's it! I've had enough.

I go wild and struggle with everything I've got to get away from him. Surprisingly he looses his grip on me rather quickly, and I'm sprinting away.

I want to get out of the room, but with the door blocked by Carter, I run to another door, hoping it leads out into the hallway. Unfortunately, when I get inside I see it's just the bathroom.

"Wait, stop! What are you doing?"

I lock the door, ignoring the Alpha and then start looking around for an escape.

The bathroom is pristine and huge. White tile and royal blue walls surround me and cast a powerful glow around the room. Everything in here seems to be made of the finest and most expensive materials. Definitely something I am not used to after living on the run.

Snap out of it, we need to get out of here.


I look around and spot a small window in the corner. I'm hoping it opens from the inside, but it looks like it's just here for decoration.

At this point I can hear the Alpha practically screaming outside, telling me to unlock the door. I'm running out of time.

I quickly move into the shower and unscrew the shower head. This'll have to do.

I position myself in front of the window, before swinging the shower head with all my strength. Glass shatters down at me, leaving me with a few small, harmless cuts.

I hear a loud howl outside the door, and I can practically feel the Alpha's rage. Something pounds against the door, and I fear he might soon make his way in.

Focus Eden, you can do this.

I grab one of the luxurious hand towels and quickly swipe away the glass before swinging my leg up and through the now open window pane.

I sit three floors up over the ground, and anyone in their right mind would know that it would be practically impossible to jump.

As if on cue, I hear the Alpha yell through the door: "Don't even think about it! There's no way out!"

Luckily for me, I've dealt with heights before. In fact, I actually enjoy them.

Knowing perfectly well that jumping is off limits, I scan for another solution. The walls are sleek and definitely not climbable. Fortunately for me, there's a drain pipe a few feet away from me which just might be my ticket out of here.

I reach as far as I can but my arms are just too short.

Plan B?

I try to come up with another solution, but the sound of the splintering door behind me makes the decision for me.


With a flying leap, I spring off the sill towards the drain pipe.

"Ahhh!" I overshoot the jump and for a minute think I am heading right towards my death. This is it, I'm going to die.

With a last desperate attempt, I swing my arm out and just barely manage to snag the pipe.

Without my combat boots, the traction that I was hoping to have with my feet is less than I expected, but I still manage to hold on to the part of the pipe that is mounted against the wall.

A rumbling sound thunders above me and I just manage to peek up above my straining hands.

"Well, hello Alpha"

Peering down at me from the window is the monstrously furious face of the Alpha. I smile and wink at him. "Bye, buddy. Have a good life."

With that, I let my arms and feet relax slightly so I can slide cat-like down the pipe. I'm feeling very accomplished until I look down and find my most critical error.

Below me sits about a dozen or so werewolves, all looking mighty vicious and utterly terrifying. I freeze mid-slide, suddenly panicking over my predicament. These guys definitely weren't here a minute ago, the Alpha must have called them.

"You're not getting out of here"

I look up at the Alpha, a cocky grin plastered over his face. "Give up, my pack's got you surrounded and you can't hold on for much longer."

As much as I want to keep fighting, the Alpha is right about me not being able to hold on for much longer. I can feel my arms and legs slipping, and it's taking me a lot of effort to hang on.

I need to figure out how to strike a deal with the devil before I slip. Time to test my acting skills.

I smile inwardly before putting on my most pained and scared face.

"I'd rather be dead than be with you" I spit up towards the Alpha, pretending to have made my decision.

A look of terror crosses his face and he looks about ready to have a heart attack. I lean away from the pipe as if about to jump. I swing towards then away from the pipe, still holding on. The Alpha's face grows paler by the second and it's almost like he's concerned for me.

Some of the wolves below me are yipping and growling and I can tell they're trying to warn me against jumping. I am very pleased with my acting skills at the moment.

I am just about to make a few deals with the Alpha when suddenly the pipe I'm holding on to makes a terrible creaking sound.

"NO!" The Alpha yells just as the pipe snaps and sends me free falling towards the ground.

The last thing I remember is the feeling of falling along with a strong pair of arms wrapping around me.


Thanks for sticking around for this chapter! If you have any suggestions or plot ideas let me know in the comments. I always appreciate the reads and votes!

P.S. Also planning on adding a cast soon, so if you have any ideas, comment away!


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