《Eden's Alpha》Chapter 6


A deer runs playfully around me, jumping up and down in excitement. I laugh and chase it around the meadow we're in. My shoes become soggy from the dew in the sweet lemon grass and I fall once into a sea of flowers below me.

The deer runs fast and I struggle to keep up. As I run, the sky around me grows darker, looking like it's going to rain. Seeing the deer stopped, I approach it slowly, reaching out to touch it. Before I can, though, It's head whips around, suddenly becoming the face of an angry gray wolf.

My eyes open quickly, my breathing and heartbeat accelerated from my dream. I look around wildly to myself behind bars, while one of my ankles circled by a thick chain.

The wolves, I need to get out of here

I give the chain a quick tug to find it unmovable and probably attached to the wall behind me. The cement floor I lay on is cold and hard, definitely only meant for prisoners. I sit up slowly, my head pounding.

I'm able to prop myself up against the wall, but it does take a while. I gingerly feel my head to find a nice golf size bump on top from getting knocked out.

How did I ever get into this mess?

The sound of a door swinging open alerts me enough to pay attention to my visitors. Heavy footsteps echo into my cell and I soon find myself face to face with two men.

My gaze is immediately drawn to the one on the right, I don't even glance at the man beside him. The man I stare at is tall, muscular, and gives off an important aura to him. I cautiously move my gaze up to his eyes and find myself surprised to see them pitch black.


"Um, Alpha?" As the other man speaks, the stare-down happening between me and black eyes does not break, and I stare confidently back into his menacing gaze.

"Alpha, this is the girl we found in the city"

I'm pleased to find him breaking our staring contest first, leaving me even more confident than I was before. If I can deal with this Alpha, maybe there's a chance I can escape.

"Get her out of there"

I gasp quietly, not expecting this at all from this guy. The man beside him also seems shocked and there's a quite a pause before he even speaks again.

"Alpha, I'm sure you're aware, but this is the girl who managed to escape Jasper and Kai. Heck, she almost got away from our team. You can't just expect me..."


The man hurries over to a keypad I had failed to notice before outside my cell. He quickly types in a series of numbers before the bars automatically slide open.

"Well? Unlock her Carter!"

The man, Carter, cautiously makes his way over to me. I grin slyly at him, seeing his fearful actions. When he gets close enough, I nip my teeth, sending him flying backward.

I laugh loudly at this, my anger and frustration all converting me into a crazy maniac. Maybe I'm an animal at heart.

As I laugh, I feel those dark eyes on me once again. This time, they're just as dark as before only this time filled with...concern?

Impossible, in my delirious state, I must be delusional.

After Carter scampers back outside my cell, The Alpha approaches me and leans in close to unlock my chain.

I wait for him patiently to find the key, turn the lock, and remove the chain from my ankle before I slowly stand up. My feet are bare and bruised, but I'm still left with my jacket and the rest of my clothes.


I wait, back pressed against the wall, for his next move when he steps back outside the cell. I'm shocked, in all honesty, to have even been shown the slightest mercy from this creature. Not exactly knowing what to expect I stand there eyeing the open door.

A minute passes, then two. No one speaks, nobody moves. I take a step forward, nothing happens. I start taking more slow steps forward, finally stopping right in front of the open cell door.

I watch The Alpha, he watches me. Even though Carter's still nearby, it's just me and The Alpha, our unyielding connection unbroken from his stare.

Let's go, Eden, what are you waiting for?

I finally move through the bars and stand facing the man with all the power. I let him know with my eyes that I'm not one to be messed with, before swiveling on my heel and heading out the door leading upstairs.

He grabs me before I can get far, but I'm expecting him. I kick him hard in the shin and bring my arm up to jab him in the face. He ducks, then bear hugs me to prevent me from moving. I scream against him but he just maneuvers his arms so one wraps around my mouth while the other keeps my arms pinned against me.

He hefts me up in the air and soon we're traveling fast out of the dungeon and up different staircases. I hear Carter audibly questioning The Alpha behind us, but the words are muffled.

Each bounce or jolt only worsens my headache and soon I'm groaning out of pain. I think I'm only imagining it, but it feels like the arms around me loosen slightly as we go. Luckily, we make it to our destination and I'm set pretty gently on a soft mattress.

I turn around quickly on the mattress to see Carter grabbing The Alpha.

"Baylor, what are you doing? What is going on with you?"

The Alpha's lips tug slyly into a smile and he turns himself to face me.

"I've finally found my mate"


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