《Bound》21. Midnight conversations
Amara winced internally at the raw ire visible on Allister's face as he strode inside the room. His eyes were cold and sharp as he surveyed her form but they softened infinitesimally when he looked at her bandaged knee as he came to stand before her.
"How did she get hurt?",Allister asked in a hard voice.
"I- ", Amara began but Allister snapped at her, annoyed, "I did not ask you Amara."
Amara recoiled slightly at his cold tone and Damien squeezed her hand softly in support.
"I would watch my tone if I were you Allister",Valerio spoke through gritted teeth. His stance remained nonchalant and cool but his lowered head allowed him a venomous glare at her cousin.
"I will talk to my sister how I want to Valerio. Are you trying to tell me that you are going to let Serena get away with what they did today with a proud pat on her back?", Allister asked him sarcastically.
Amara, Damien and Silvano watched wide eyed as the two boys glared at each other, the tension in the room spiking dramatically.
"She fell", Damien answered, clearing his throat and attempting to diffuse the tension between the two alpha males.
Allister turned to look at her and Amara looked away, not wanting to hold eye contact with her furious cousin.
"Are you hurt anywhere else?",he asked her stoically.
Amara was about to shake her head when Valerio beat her to it.
"Her ankle is sprained", he said before turning to his cousin, "Silvano get me an ice pack."
Silvano nodded and went out shouting orders to the guards to bring him an ice pack and returned a few minutes later with one.
"I can take over from here", Allister told Valerio with slightly narrowed eyes as he took in Valerio's position sitting casually on his knees in front of his sister.
Valerio stared at Allister head on and Silvano could see that his cousin was about to refuse. Before Valerio could say anything, Silvano spoke, "The guards are waiting for you as you had ordered."
He gulped nervously as Valerio's dark eyes fell on him. Silvano knew he had angered him and Valerio was going to make him pay later on but for now he didn't say anything as he got up.
"Of course",Valerio said, and with one last glance at Amara he left the room with Silvano at his heels.
Amara turned to look at Damien in uneasiness as he came to sit on her right side, her hand still in his.
"Which ankle hurts?", Allister asked her, breaking the silence in the office.
"Right one", Amara answered hesitantly.
Allister did not reply, instead he started to untie her shoe laces before removing the shoe carefully. Amara sighed in relief as he placed the cool ice pack on her painful foot.
"I'm sorry Fratello",she spoke softly breaking the silence.
"What are you sorry for?",he asked her coldly but did not look at her.
"T-The woods.... alone ",she stuttered.
"I didn't get you. Be more clear and specific", Allister snapped at her irritably.
"The forest...",Amara tried explaining again.
"Yes? Clear Amara, be more clear", Allister spoke loudly.
Amara was almost on the verge of crying now. She didn't like this business side of Allister at all. She knew he was angry and was trying to intimidate her by his snappy tone .
"Stop it Allister, you are scaring her", Damien objected, frowning at his brother.
"Shut up Damien" Allister hissed at him. "If she's not scared to venture in an unknown territory on her own then she shouldn't be scared to answer me either."
Allister turned his impassive gaze on Amara, "You were saying?", he prodded impatiently.
But Amara did not answer this time, choosing to hide her face behind the curtain of her hair.
"Amara", he warned her and she peaked at him, her eyes wet with unshed tears.
"I'm sorry",she said softly as she quickly swiped away a tear which had escaped from her eyes. Her tears would only make the situation worse than it already was.
Allister's eyes softened at the sight of her tears and he exhaled a deep breath seemingly trying to control his temper.
"Don't cry", he told her softly as he continued to press the ice pack on her ankle.
"Do you have any clue about what would have happened if you had got lost out there and Valerio had not found you when he did?", he asked her in a hard tone, this time looking at her in the eyes, willing her to understand him.
"The guards had activated code A-102. Do you know what it means?", he continued and Amara shook her head.
"It's an alarm system to alert others about any trespassers in this zone. No one without explicit permission can enter here. By declaring the trespasser code on, they activated all the traps that are present out there to nab anyone who comes in without permission", Damien informed her.
"Traps?",she asked him as she thought about the wild dogs that she had heard and run away from.
"Yes, traps. There are several of them. They are quite dangerous especially the ones that Valerio has designed."
"I heard some wild dogs coming towards me", Amara told them biting her lip nervously.
"That was not even stage one. It is just meant to make the person aware that his presence has been noticed. It's a sort of a warning sign",Damien scoffed. "Fortunately we were made aware that you girls were out in the woods somewhere so Valerio was able to deactivate the system before he left in search for you girls", he continued.
"I'm going to beat those guards up bloody for their stupidity ", Allister said furiously as he wrapped a crepe bandage around her ankle.
Amara frowned at Allister. "But it is not their fault. They were just following the instructions given.... ", she faltered as a dangerous expression crossed Allister's face.
"They were ignorant and irresponsible. We were made aware of your little adventure several minutes before they actually sounded the trespasser alarm. And inspite of the knowledge that our family girls are somewhere around, they still did it",Allister spoke angrily.
"I don't know which one's are responsible yet but they are definitely from the Bianchi side. The Valentini family guards are trained very strictly to even attempt such a mistake", Damien said quietly.
Allister ignored him as he spoke to Amara again. "And you dear sister, going in the woods alone without any back up, what were you even thinking?", Allister glared at her again before continuing "Ohh wait you were not thinking at all. If you had stopped to think you would have realised how dangerous it could have been. Since when has my sister become this reckless. I wonder whose company she is keeping these days", he mused darkly shaking his head.
"I memorised the trail back", Amara insisted. "I just got scared when I heard the guards coming towards me so I didn't pay attention to where I was running and got lost", she replied softly.
"It doesn't matter now. She is back safe and sound", Damien quickly interrupted them when he saw that Allister was not going to let it go.
"Yes, yes she is. But you will still be given a complete check up once we reach back the estate to be certain that you have not attained any internal injury due to your fall", Allister ordered her as he helped her stand up.
"Damien help her outside. Go and wait in the car for me you two, we will leave after I return", Allister told Damien to the shock of both the teenagers.
Amara and Damien exchanged a wide eyed look before Damien turned to look back at his brother. "Yeah sure, let's go Amara",he nodded enthusiastically as he put his arms around her shoulder and helped her outside.
Amara sighed softly in relief. She couldn't believe that Allister was letting it go so easily. Her older cousin had always been quite creative when it fell on him to decide any punishment for his younger siblings.
"Let's leave quickly",Damien muttered to her and she nodded as both of them walked away leaving a part amused and part furious Allister behind In the room.
Allister shook his head ruefully as he watched the two leave. He knew that they thought that he had let it go but he had not.
He walked out of the office and towards the lowest floor where Silvano had probably ordered all the guards to be assembled. This place belonged to the Valentini and Bianchi families so the guards stationed around were also theirs. But it didn't matter to Allister. He was a Romero. And it was his sister who was injured, it meant that the right for sanctioning any punishment would be his too. Not that he doubted Valerio's skills when it came to dishing out punishments. That guy sure knew how to make an example out of the offenders.
On his way there he ran into Gino Riccardi who was making his way down as well.
"Hey man, your cousin is good?",he asked falling in step with Allister.
Allister nodded in reply. He was in no mood for a light conversation.
"These girls have got some daring for sure. I would never have expected them to do something like this. Just now the boys were discussing about how we usually tease them about being too scared to venture in the woods alone, we'll have to think about something else from here," he muttered in disappointment.
Allister snorted in amusement. It was true that they didn't leave any stone unturned when it came to fooling around and teasing the girls. But of course Amara was a different case. She was his baby sister and despite the frequent dares that they gave the girls if Amara had ever gotten dared to do something risky he would never allow it. Not that anyone dared to do something like that anyway, not even the rest of the elite boys. Allister had beat too many of them before for attempting it so they were very cautious when it came to her.
Allister and Gino got out of the elevator to see Valerio and Silvano coming towards them.
"Allister, I take it that you have come to sanction the guards?",Valerio asked him.
Allister nodded in reply, "of course."
"There are two of them. Do whatever you want but just don't kill them",Valerio told him.
Allister smirked at him devilishly as he made his way inside the basement with Gino while the Valentini boys made their way towards the drinks room.
"Valerio, what was that?",Silvano asked Valerio hesitantly.
"Speak clearly Silvano. Talking in riddles won't get you anywhere", Valerio replied back coolly.
Silvano cringed a little not sure whether he should continue or not. He knew he was going to tread in dangerous territory if he were to continue but he couldn't back out now "You should... be more careful with your affections."
Valerio stopped walking and turned to glare darkly at him before Silvano was pulled by his neck into the adjoining room and slammed on the wall.
"What did you tell me?",Valerio asked him darkly, his hands around Silvano's throat in a strong hold.
"Think carefully before you speak Silvano. You are already going to face a sanction from me for your stunt in the office earlier, don't make it more difficult on yourself",Valerio warned him.
Silvano stared wide eyed at his cousin. Valerio was holding him against the wall by his throat but he had not put much pressure on his wind pipe which made Silvano realize that he was getting a chance to back off, to take back his words if he wanted. But Silvano knew he couldn't do that now.
"I.. I'm just wondering if you are finally going to claim her as yours? Your behaviour with her changes and it won't be long before people start suspecting that there is something going on, especially Allister. I saw the look on his face back in the office and honestly Allister would have been a fool to not notice it. You were practically on your knees before her. I could see the question in his eyes..... Since when did Valerio Valentini start getting concerned about people other than his own blood!?", Silvano exclaimed quickly.
Valerio chuckled darkly letting Silvano go who massaged his neck.
"You think I didn't realise it?",he asked with thinly veiled amusement.
"If you did then why....unless you are ready to finally claim her?",Silvano asked curiously.
"I'm ready.... I have been ready for a while now. But my girl isn't. Not yet. But it is time that everyone else starts realizing what she means to me, even her own blood", Valerio replied back.
"Your girl is smart but way too innocent to realise that you....",Silvano didn't complete his sentence. Silvano was worried that if something like what happened today happened again then Valerio would lose it. He had seen the look in his cousin's eyes when the guards had informed them about the girls. He knew that it was becoming almost difficult for him to hold back his feelings for her, to declare to the world once and for all what she was to him.
"How longer are you going to wait then?",he asked Valerio cautiously.
Valerio turned to look at him and Silvano felt cold sweat trickle down his neck at the almost predatory gleam on Valerio's face "Until I can't anymore",he replied back truthfully.
Amara was now back at home and getting ready for bed. It had surely not been one of her better days. The car ride back home had been silent to say the least. Allister hadn't really spoken much except for occasionally answering any questions that Damien asked him.
Amara sighed sadly .She didn't really remember him ever getting mad at her before. They argued on different things quite alot just like all the siblings did but never did he get mad at her for extended periods of time. And from what she could see Allister was really angry despite his controlled actions around her.
As soon as the car had stopped inside the compound gates, Amara had been rushed off to her room where a doctor and her team had been ready with various equipments to give her a complete check up. Off course nothing was shown on any tests and Amara had breath a sigh of relief.
Her train of thought was interrupted when she heard a knock on the door.
"Come in", she called out, slightly surprised at the late visit. Neither of the adults were at home currently. Her Nonno was out of country for some work while her Uncle Rickard and Aunt Rose were on a mini vacation celebrating her Aunt's birthday and were due to arrive in a few days, which had automatically made Allister the incharge of them, both at home and school.
The door opened and to her surprise Damien walked in lazily with two mugs in his hand.
"Hot chocolate ", he said as he handed her one mug and perched himself on her soft bed comfortably.
Amara laughed softly. She remembered in her childhood how Allister, Damien and her would always sneak out of their rooms for some hot chocolate late at night and escape out on the terrace to watch the stars and trade stories with each other much to the consternation of their guards and the adults who had to chase them all over the manor. Allister and Damien would tell her about their training and Amara would in turn tell them about her time spent with her other family in New York.
But it had changed after her visit to New York when she was eight. No longer did they share chocolate to trade stories of fun and adventures but instead it worked to sooth out her fears and anxiety.....her nightmares of a cold evening spent in an even colder, smaller and darker room.
"Thank you Dami", she smiled at him fondly and sipped her drink silently.
Damien nodded his head but otherwise didn't say anything. He looked to be deep in thought about something.
"You remember Allister's ninth birthday party? ",he asked her suddenly.
Amara blinked at him in confusion but nodded her head curious to know why he had brought up that topic.
"Klaus, the little prick that he was, had almost made you cry back then", he said distastefully.
Amara didn't really remember what exactly had happened just that Klaus had teased her relentlessly about something and made her almost cry which had led to a fight between the two boys which had been broken up by the guards. The adults had no clue about the fight as they had been busy with socialising inside the manor while all the kids had been outdoors.
"He was grounded for a month after the party ", she recalled.
Damien laughed at that. "Only because he had almost broken Klaus' left arm".
Amara gasped at that small piece of information. She had never known the true reason behind his punishment. She now understood why Klaus had been so afraid to upset her after that one time. He had become way to kind to her unlike how he spoke and treated the other girls. He was a complete brute when it came to girls, even more so than the other boys which was really saying something.
"That's terrible!", she exclaimed with wide eyes.
Damien shook his head staring at her fondly. "You are our little sister Amara, this bond that we share is more special than any familial bond could ever be and anyone who disputes that ought to be punished. He had done that you know. When Allister defended you Klaus had asked him why he cared so much, that you were just our cousin. It was actually the reason which had led to the fight".
Damien hesitated a little before continuing, "I tell you this because I know you are a little upset about Allister. I could feel the tension in the car but please understand his position too. Father, mother and Nonno aren't here so it falls down to Allister to look out for you. The very thought of something happening to you -", he broke off, taking a deep breath before continuing, "We don't like watching you get hurt Amara ".
"I understand", she replied back softly.
"Good",Damien said and they both completed their drinks in comfortable silence.
Amara asked him a question that been bugging her since she had returned home."So what was that place in the woods?"
"Hell "
"What?!", Amara exclaimed wide eyed causing Damien to laugh out loud.
"I meant that place is named hell. It is actually called Inferno, but I wanted to see your reaction so I gave you the English version of it's name",Damien told her sniggering.
Amara rolled her eyes, "Very funny Damien. Is it newly built?"
"No, it's quite old. Of course it has been renovated several times over the years to suit our needs",he informed her. "You're wondering why you didn't hear about it before right? ",Damien asked her and Amara nodded in response.
"Because Inferno is a place only for the boys. We don't allow any girls to enter the premises. Anyone who gets a girl around there is punished",he told her smirking.
- In Serial26 Chapters
Tellus Stirs (Previously Earth AA)
The year is 2030. Earth is dying. War, pandemics, overwhelming pollution, species going extinct, climate change, etc. The so-called human race has brought more harm to their planet due to greed; their increased energy needs were on a path of decadence even with their increased technological advancements. Tactical Nukes were already used in conflicted zones in the fight for resources. The conclusion was a deep and frightening hum unleashed deep within the earth, heard by every living creature, and with it, civilization has ended. Those who survived wished they were slain along with their loved ones as the dead didn't have to endure what came after. Others took the opportunity to gain unimaginable power and prestige as a new age began. Chaos reigned as per the prophecies foretold in the past. Those who did not believe knew the signs were actual; these prophecies were no longer popular folk tales. Such titles, the Breaking, the Rapture, the Malhama, and many others, came at a high cost. After all, every city or densely populated area had been hit with natural disasters that encompassed tsunamis, Earthquakes, Firestorms, Typhoons, and hurricanes. Power, food, infrastructure. All of it was gone and what came after was worse as humans were no longer top of the food chain. Yet the imminent destruction of the 21st century re-opened a veil that had kept the world safe from hidden dangers, or maybe it was the other way around. Time will tell. In our story, the Protagonist rises from the ashes of the apocalypse. A desert child soldier nurtured by tragedy and death looking for an escape to fill the void in his heart. By chance, in his hand, he held a blade with immense possibilities. Notes: (30.06.2021) - I have re-edited and revised the following chapters up to Chapter 24. - Changed the Title from Earth AA to Tellus Stirs. (3.07.2022) - Edited the Synopsis Cover Done by [email protected] (Permission Given).
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