《Bound》12. Taken
Sullivan estate, Newyork.
Claire yawned before slowly getting out from her bed. She felt really very tired. Having the confrontation with Alyssa yesterday had totally exhausted her.She couldn't believe how much bitterness Alyssa harboured in her heart for the Romero's and for a little child.
"Mother you were absolutely right", she sighed.
It seemed Alyssa's mask had finally cracked and to see what lied beneath it had totally shaken Claire in an unpleasant way.
Claire was really worried that Alyssa might end up doing something stupid, hence she had ordered her to not go near Amara. She shuddered to think what the Don would do once he came to know that Alyssa had brought up the subject of the Sullivan -Romero enimity with Amara around.
Claire clearly remembered her father-in-law's order's, Amara was not to be told anything about the past conflicts. She was too young to understand everything and he didn't want to upset and hurt her unnecessarily with the bitter truth about the past. Everyone in the estate were warned to not bring the topic up around Amara. Both the Sullivan and Romero Don would themselves tell her about everything once she was a little older.
Another thing that had shocked her was the abrupt decision to break the alliance with the O'Reilly family.
Not only were they old friends of the family but their alliance was also made strong through Alyssa and Logan's marriage. To break it off so suddenly meant that something had gone wrong in Chicago.
This too worried Claire slightly. Some of the mafia families lead a very prideful life, even a word of dishonour lead to rivalries and in Chicago the O'Reilly family must have suffered great humiliation at the hands of Don Sullivan. She could only hope for everything to sort out peacefully.
Shaking out of her thoughts she turned to look at the watch on her bedside table and was surprised to see that it was around eleven. She never slept this late.
Getting up from her bed she rushed towards the bathroom to get ready quickly so she could check on Amara. She had called an early night yesterday and given the maid's specific instructions regarding Amara's dinner and sleep timings and ordered them to call her if the need arised.
Quickly she walked towards the kitchen only to see four of the house helpers standing there waiting for her.
"Did Amara eat her breakfast?",Claire asked them.
They exchanged worried looks before one of the woman stepped forward and replied bowing her head
"No ma'am, the little princess refused to have breakfast".
"What? Why? Did she not like the items? Why didn't you get something else made from the chefs for her?" Claire asked, angry at their carelessness.
"I'm sorry ma'am. We tried everything. We even followed the list of her favourite dishes and had the chef's prepare everything again but she completely refused to eat. Ms. Amara even refused to have dinner last night".
"And I'm being informed about it now?",Claire hissed making them all wince.
Another of the woman stepped forward bowing her head, "I did come to your room ma'am, to inform you about it as you had instructed us but I couldn't w-wake you up", she stuttered before continuing "and Mrs. Alyssa wasn't at the manor last night either, so we didn't know who to approach".
Claire rubbed her face with her hands tiredly. She had completely forgotten that she had taken sleeping pills the night before. She couldn't blame them entirely for the carelessness. None of them had the power to refute Amara's wishes.
"Prepare the breakfast plate and bring it to Amara's room", she ordered them and left to go and check on Amara.
Opening the door she quietly stepped inside inside the bedroom. Her husband Patrick had appointed some of the best interior designers in the country to decorate Amara's room with only one specific order- the room should be fit for a princess. And with it's off white, pale pink and cream shades it really did look one.
Even though the sun was almost at its peak, the room was shrouded in darkness courtesy of the thick curtains over the window. Walking over the large windows, she pulled the curtains aside and the rooms instantly lit up with the sun rays falling in. She turned around to finally observe the sleeping child on the bed.
Amara's face was almost covered with her quilt, only her hair peaking out from underneath. Claire chuckled and walked over to wake her up.
"Wakey, wakey" she sang pulling the quilt away from her face but to her surprised Amara turned away from her burrowing herself deeply within the blankets.
"Go away", she mumbled.
Running her fingers through Amara's smooth hair, Claire spoke "It's almost afternoon little flower, you need to eat something."
"Not hungry "
Claire frowned. She put her hand on Amara's forehead to check if she was perhaps feeling a little under the weather but she wiggled and scooted a little away from her.
"Amara? What's wrong dear? Tell me", Claire said bewildered by her actions. Not getting any replies she took hold of her and pulled Amara towards herself and removed the blankets to see her face clearly.
To her shock Amara looked as if she had been crying, her eyes rimmed red and as she looked up at Claire with sad eyes, it filled with unshed tears.
"What's wrong?Who made you cry? Won't you tell me what has upset you?" Claire fired questions anxiously suspecting Alyssa's hand behind it.
"I don't want to talk to anyone. Go away. You all lied to me", she sobbed
"Amara sweetie, wh -what are you talking about? Please don't cry and tell me clearly what happened ".
"I heard you and Aunt Alyssa yesterday. I know that Nonno and grandpa don't like each other" she confessed.
Claire gasped dread filling her heart She wasn't supposedly to learn the truth this way.
"You misunderstood sweetie", she tried weakly.
"No I didn't. Aunt Alyssa said that grandpa doesn't like nonno and..... And he doesn't love me either", she replied sadly.
"No, this is not true ",Claire denied at once. "Your grandpa loves your very much Amara. You're his precious little flower".
"Then why didn't he take me with him to Chicago? Even grandma or nonno didn't want me to come with them. I've not spoken to them even once since I came here. Have I done something horrible aunt Claire?", she asked
"No child you can do no wrong. Your grandparents are so busy with work right now that they don't get enough time to call and speak to you", she soothed her and wiped a few tears which had escaped away from her eyes.
"But what about what aunt Alyssa said about grandpa and nonno ?"
'Gods Alyssa, what have you done?' Claire bemoaned internally.
Claire herself had never really understood why both the Don's had forbidden everyone from speaking about the past enimity when around Amara but now looking over at the sight of Amara's distressed face she couldn't have agreed more that they were absolutely right.
Amara was only eight years old, she wouldn't understand the cause of their conflicts. Seven hells, even Claire herself had taken some time to understand the dynamics that the Romero's and her family shared. But she knew that she needed to give atleast some answers, the Callahan family event was scheduled for another one day which meant that everyone would return then but untill their return she couldn't risk Amara getting sick because of anxiety and distress.
Sighing she made up her mind."I'll tell you what Alyssa meant but first you need to get up and eat your breakfast".
Amara opened her mouth to object but Claire shook her head. "No sweetie, you have to eat something first. You didn't have dinner last night either. Why didn't you eat last night? "
"I wasn't hungry", she replied back weakly.
Claire stared at Amara for a few moments, she had never seen her look so distressed. She had probably lost her appetite after hearing what Alyssa said. But from the way she spoke Claire realized that she must have only heard the part about the Romero's and Sullivan's hating each other and had automatically assumed it to be both the Don's.
She ran her fingers down her hair soothingly trying to calm her. It went like that for a few minutes before she heard a knock on the door.
"Come in", she called out.
Two maids entered the room rolling the breakfast trolley with them. Setting up the food they quietly left the room.
"Eat", Claire ordered her as she passed the breakfast plate over.
"But -", Amara began.
"No buts Amara you'll eat first. Then we'll talk. " Amara nodded and took the plate and started eating quietly.
Claire got up from the bed and moved near the window, a whirlpool of doubts raging in her mind. She didn't know how she would justify what Alyssa had said without outright lying to Amara, on the other hand she couldn't tell her the truth either, not when they were under explicit orders.
"I'm done aunt Claire", she heard Amara call out after some time.
Walking over she settled on the bed next to Amara putting her hand over her shoulder.
"So what do you want to know?",she asked .
"Why did aunt Alyssa say that Nonno and grandpa hate each other? We are a family right? Family doesn't hate each other!", she questioned.
No child, the Romero's and Sullivan's are not a single family. It's you who has bound us together, we are both family not each other's...... she wanted to say but couldn't bring herself to tell her that when she looked up at her with her bright amethyst eyes.
"Off course we are, and sometimes you have some disagreements with others in your family but it doesn't mean that they hate each other..." she started patiently.
"Look at yourself for example, you are upset with your grandparents for not taking you with them but does that mean that you have suddenly started hating them?", she questioned knowing that this would do the trick and she was proven right when Amara's eyes widened and she spluttered at once
"No, no! "
"See now you understand what I mean?".
Amara nodded slowly but from her expression it was quite clear that she was not satisfied with her answers.
Not wanting her to enquire any further she quickly said, "Now lose that gloomy look child, how about we go and get some ice cream? You love ice creams, don't you?".
Since the morning a true smile lit up Amara's face," Yes aunt Claire", she said excitedly.
Claire chuckled. "Good, Now you get ready fast" , she said as she took out a dress from her wardrobe handling it to her so she could change.
"Get the car ready we're going out", Claire ordered the guard standing near the entrance as she walked out with Amara, ready to leave.
"Yes ma'am", he said and quickly left to arrange the security.
"Amara!", They heard Cian call.
"Where is my little cousin going?", he asked ruffling her hair as he came jogging towards them.
"We're going to eat ice cream. Come with us brother, please "
"Alright let's go", Cian agreed enthusiastically.
"The car's are ready to leave ma'am" The guard came back to inform her.
"Lead the way", she said and the three of them followed the guard outside where the other guards stood to accompany them.
Halfway through their journey Claire felt her mobile vibrating inside her purse. Assuming the caller to be her husband or even her mother in law, she quickly opened her purse only to be disappointed to see Alyssa's name flashing across the screen.
'What does she want?' Claire thought.
She hadn't seen Alyssa around since yesterday and could only hope that she was using the time left before the family's arrival to think about her behaviour and ways to rectify her mistakes.
Curious she answered the call before it could disconnect, "Alyssa", she spoke.
"Claire? Is Cian with you?", Alyssa asked, her voice laced with anxiety making Claire narrow her eyes a little at her worried tone.
"Yes,we are on our way to the ice cream parlour", she replied smiling at the kids who had stopped their conversation to look at her curiously.
"Well, send him back home now" she snapped.
"Send him back? Why? We have almost reached", Claire answered bewildered.
"I don't care. Send him back home right now"
"Why are you being so stubborn about it Alyssa? It's just an ice cream and we'll probably reach back in an hour or so", Claire tried to reason with her.
"Cl....e send m- son ba- "
"Hello? Alyssa? I can't here you"
"Not saf-.....there's goin.. t.. b- an ambu- ...."
Claire frowned not understanding whatever was being said due to bad connectivity."HELLO? ALYSSA? I'll talk once we come back home", she said loudly hoping that Alyssa would've got the message before hanging up.
Few minutes later they reached the ice cream parlour which was also owned by their family.
They stepped out of the car and Amara ran ahead inside excitedly. "Amara you'll fall down don't run", Cian yelled before chasing after her while Claire walked at a slower pace behind them and the guards dispersed forming a circle perimeter around the shop.
Fifteen minutes later Claire and the two kids were back in the car being driven back home.
The quite in the car was broken by the sounds of shrill screech of tyres, shocked Claire looked outside only to throw herself down upon the kids as gunshots were fired at them which was followed by the shattering of the rear glass window of the car.
"Aunt Claire", Amara shouted panicked.
"Ronald don't stop the car, drive fast",
the guard sitting in the front seat ordered the driver before hurriedly switching on his ear piece and shouting in it, "CODE RED! We are being ambushed! Send back up ASAP"
Ronald, the driver, drove at top speed now, leaving the security cars behind to deal with the people who had attacked them.
"Are you kids alright?", She asked worriedly looking them over once for any signs of visible injury.
Amara seemed to be relatively unharmed save for the horror struck expression on her face but Cian's right arm seemed to be bleeding from cuts where some amount of glass had pierced.
"Who is it?", he asked wanting to know who had dared to attack them.
"I don't kn- AAHHHHHH ",
they screamed as a car rammed into their's from behind making the driver lose control over the wheel and take a sharp one eighty degree right turn before slamming the sudden break.
Claire heaved a fearful breath and clutched the two kids tightly to herself as their car door was pulled open and guns were pointed at them.
"Come out", a man ordered harshly.
"Who are you? What do you want?
Do you know who we are?",the guard jumped out pointing his own gun at the intruder.
"I know which family you belong to alright, step out of the car right now", he snarled pointing the gun at Cian's head.
The man took a step back as Cian got out followed by Claire who picked Amara in her arms not letting go of her.
Once Claire stepped outside she could see that they were surrounded by almost triple the number of security men that had accompanied them to the ice cream parlour.
And from the sounds of ringing metals, gunshots and grinding of gears and tyres she gathered that the Sullivan guards were engaged in a fierce battle some distance away from where they had been caught.
"Whose orders are you following?", She snarled as Amara held onto her tightly hiding her face in the crook of Claire's neck.
"That'll be me....", came a voice from behind her and she turned around to see a middle aged man getting down from one of the cars.
"Jordan", Cian gasped in recognition from where he stood next to her.
The man named Jordan's eyes widened when he saw the boy standing there.
"You were not meant to be here", he muttered softly but Claire still heard him.
"You are an O'Reilly commander. It means...... that the O'Reilly's are behind this? Why did you want to attack us?", She asked wide eyed at the betrayal.
"The alliance between the two families have been broken. We are not allies any longer and anyway I'm just following orders from the higher ups. "
"Orders?! " Cian spat,"How dare you attack us? Have you forgotten which family we belong to? Have you forgotten that I AM your future boss? "
"You don't have to worry young master, it's not you who we seek to hurt ",he said as his eyes zeroed in on Amara making Claire tighten her hold on the scared child and nine year old Cian step in front of her as if trying to shield her.
The guard who had been riding with them aimed his gun at Jordan's head threateningly.
"Don't you dare take a step towards her", he snarled.
Jordan smirked, "Look around you, you are surrounded by my men. Don't think about making any stupid move."
And sure enough Claire looked side ways to see that the fighting had stopped because the O'Reilly men had their guns pointed at her making the Sullivan soldiers stop their attack not wanting to risk it.
"Now we can do it the easy way, hand over the girl and we can part our ways peacefully otherwise people are going to get hurt", Jordan said as he began walking towards her.
"Cowards!", Claire spat."Wanting to take your enimity out on a little child"
"Say whatever you want, the outcome is not going to change", he shrugged now standing right in front her making Claire stumble behind a few steps to maintain some distance between them.
"Give her to me "
"NO", Claire shouted.
"Alright " he said, taking his gun out and pulling Cian towards him by the collar of his shirt. Pointing the gun right at his temple he threatened, "I'll make you a deal.One child for another, hand her over and we'll leave. "
"Aunt Claire don't", Cian yelled as he struggled to get out of Jordans hold.
Claire looked around her to see the O'Reilly soldiers closing in on her while the remaining Sullivan soldiers were brought to their knees, their weapons confiscated from them.
"Aunt Claire they cannot hurt me,don't give Amara to them, RUN "
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