《Bound》11. Alyssa O'Reilly
Alyssa Sullivan nee O'Reilly stood in the balcony of her room watching the ongoings of the compound with narrowed eyes.
She could see several of the guards rushing around the compound making hurried preparations as if preparing for the arrival of the almighty himself.
Alyssa scowled at herself for the unintentional comparison that she had made.
Her scowl turned deeper as she saw her mother-in-law Patricia Sullivan walking outside on the grounds with Claire, both of them walking with full blown smiles on their faces.
Oh, Alyssa knew what exactly had everyone so excited, it was time of the year again. A period which Alyssa hated with a burning passion. Her insides burned with bitterness as she saw several cars entering the compounds, half of them carrying the Romero guards while the other half had the Sullivan guards.
"That blasted girl is back," she snarled in a low voice to herself as she saw an eight year old girl jump out of the car and directly in Patricia's arms.
Alyssa knew that she was required to go down there as well to greet the little girl, but she couldn't bring herself to care about the repercussions of her actions right now. She couldn't pretend to be happy at her arrival and smile sweet fake smiles at the Romero spawn.
Alyssa hated the Romero's with a burning passion, and she hated Amara Romero even more fiercely. It didn't matter that the girl was but a child of eight years, Alyssa would always hate her, more so because of the fact that she was Cristina Romero's daughter than any fault of her own. Cristina Romero was her arch-rival in almost everything whether it be academics, socialising extracurriculars, competitions ....... or love.
But Alyssa had been very careful with her emotions so far, not letting even a single harsh whisper slip past her lips when in other's company. It really wouldn't have bothered anyone if she had bad mouthed the Romero's a few years ago, but not anymore. Not since the girl had entered their lives turning it upside-down.
She paused in her train of thought as she heard the sound of giggling and saw Caden spinning Amara around enthusiastically before placing her on the ground and dropping a light kiss on her head followed by her son Cian who gave her the same greeting as everyone else watched on with adoring expression on their faces.
Alyssa rolled her eyes at the display of obvious affection. This happened every damn year since the past three years. The girl would come here to spend her holidays and everyone would cater to her like she was some god damn precious angel.
And how Alyssa hated it, hated the innocent act that the girl put up,to Alyssa's horror the girl even had the Sullivan Don himself wrapped around her little finger. That in itself was one of the reason why Alyssa never dared to even utter anything against the girl, it did not help that the Romero's had become even more powerful than before. She wouldn't be able to hold her own against them if she tried anything against the girl.
So, she had taken the easier way out and played the part of a distant albeit sweet aunt. Though, sometimes Alyssa suspected that Patricia or even Claire saw through her facade.
Not wanting to bring any more attention to herself than necessary Alyssa straightened herself from her position and turned around to go and greet the girl.
She was just about to cross the entrance when the party consisting of the Sullivan's present at the mansion and the Romero girl along with the guards entered inside.
"Hello sweet child" , she called out as she walked towards Amara with a forced smile on her face.
"Hello Aunt Alyssa, how are you?", Amara asked in her melodic voice smiling up at her.
"I'm good, though I must admit that I was positively forlorn after your departure last time ",she said and winced slightly as it sounded a little sarcastic to even her own ears, and from the sharp look that she received from her mother in law she gathered it was obvious to her too.
Thankfully nothing was said and Amara just smiled shyly at her making her inside churn angrily as she was forced to look in the girl's amethyst eyes....... her mother's eyes.
"Amara, let's go child you must be very tired because of your long journey here, you should rest before dinner time", Patricia said as she put her arm around the girl's shoulder and gently steered her forward.
Alyssa continued smiling as the party moved ahead, her smile becoming more of a grimace with each passing second. She exhaled as they finally disappeared around the corner and rubbed her temples tiredly. Even the two minutes conversation had left her with a headache.
She glared at the spot where Amara had stood moments ago, some of her true feelings now visible on her face. So busy was she drilling holes on the floor that she completely missed the presence of Claire standing around the corner observing her with a searching look on her face.
It was just after dinner and Patricia was sitting in Amara's bedroom watching her granddaughter settle herself in her large fluffy bed.
"Did you like the dinner Amara? I had all your favourite dishes made for you", Patricia asked.
"Yeah grandma", she replied back smiling a little.
Patricia's brow furrowed at her reply and sad smile . "Is something wrong princess? Did you not like the food? Did anyone say anything to you? Will you not tell your grandma Pat?"
Amara sighed sadly and looked up at her. "Do you really have to go? ", she asked softly.
Understanding dawned on Patricia. Running her fingers soothingly in Amara's soft hair she replied," I'll be back before you know it child. It's just a matter of a few days. And when I come back I'll even bring both of your grandfathers with me. How does that sound? "
Her eyes lit up at the mention of both of her grandfathers. "Promise?", she asked excitedly.
Patricia chucked," Promise. Now off to sleep child. "
"Tell me a story," Amara pleaded.
Patricia decided to tell the best fairy story she could think of-anything to distract Amara from thinking about her departure tomorrow. "Well, did I ever tell you about old Mr. Dennis? "
"No, you didn't."
"Well," Patricia began," he used to work for your grandpa in this very house, you see. He was a pirate king in disguise. Always wandering around the compound, digging holes at all times of the day and night. Well, one day, Mr. Dennis . . ." and Patricia continued to spin her tale until she was sure Amara had fallen asleep.
Very gently so as to not disturb the sleeping child she pulled the covers over her and tucked her in gently before placing a feather light kiss on the crown of her head. "Dream, sweet dreams little flower", she murmured before switching off the lights and sweeping away from the room.
"Please inform Claire to come to my room now ",she ordered one of the maid's on the way to her own room.
A few minutes later Patricia heard a knock on her door. "Come in ",she called.
"Mother,is everything alright?", Claire asked a little worriedly.
"Come and sit Claire, I need to talk to you about something important". Claire nodded and took the seat opposite Patricia.
"As you know, I'll be leaving tomorrow early morning for Chicago with Caden for the gathering being held by the Callahan family. The men are already there for the main meetings and deals but the women would be arriving tomorrow. In my absence I'm giving you a very important responsibility Claire", Patricia began seriously.
Claire nodded but didn't say anything so Patricia continued. "I'm sure that I don't need to explain it for you to understand how important your responsibility is going to be. I cannot take Amara with me to Chicago, both Sean and Bernard Romero have explicitly ordered that Amara is to remain here, you already know how these meetings take a turn for the worse sometimes and they don't want Amara to see such a dark side of the organization, so she'll be staying here. It's the first time that Sean or I aren't going to be present here for her........"
"I'll take good care of her mother, don't worry", Claire quickly reassured her.
"I know you will Claire that's why I'm asking you and not Alyssa. She is under the impression that I don't know what's going on with her,a pity really that the harder she tries to act normally around Amara the more her facade cracks", Patricia stated coolly.
Claire felt her throat tighten uncomfortably, so she wasn't the only one who had noticed the strange behaviour... she thought to herself
"You noticed it too?", She asked her quietly.
"It's hard not to", Patricia replied dryly. "The O'Reilly family and the Romero's have never gotten along well. I had hoped that she would forget everything that has happened in the past and start afresh like the rest of the family, but I guess I was wrong. The act that she puts up is starting to crack slowly and I'm afraid that when it does crack completely she's going to do something foolish ".
Claire listend quietly as her mother in law spoke. Her being from a civilian family meant that sometimes she didn't understand the dynamics that the mafia families seemed to share amongst themselves, so she off course had no personal problems when it came to the Romero family. Infact her and Rose Romero had become fast friends over the years of meeting each other at various events, the same offcourse could not be said for Alyssa.
"Her only saving grace is that Sean and Logan aren't around enough to notice her strange behaviour whenever the Romero's are brought up", Patricia sighed
"Claire promise me that you'll take care of Amara for me. Make sure that she's always comfortable and don't let anyone upset her".
"I will mother",Claire replied back sincerely.
Two days after Patricia's departure Claire found herself in the kitchen baking special chocolate cake for the children present in the manor.
Caden as the oldest heir had been allowed to attend the meeting with his father Patrick and her younger son Liam was attending a winter camp which left Cian at the estate along with Amara.
Amara had been morose the first day without her grandma and grandpa around though Cian and Claire had quickly taken it upon themselves to distract her from having any sad thoughts.
Claire smiled softly when she heard the sound of running feet and happy giggles coming towards the kitchen. Cleaning her hands with a napkin she turned around just as the two children came to a halt at the kitchen door.
"Aunt Claire! ", Amara and Cian called out together and then burst out in giggles or in Cian's case smiled.
Claire chuckled. It was good to see Cian act his age. Amara had this effect on them, she brought out the childish glee in the boy's whenever they were around her. On any other day they always acted in a manner befitting that of the future crime lord's but with her they always seemed to shed that persona away for sometime.
"Who wants to eat chocolate cake?" She asked in a sing song voice.
"Me, me!", Amara cried excitedly. "And you Cian?",Claire asked her nephew.
"I'd like to have some too auntie", he said in a much calmer tone than Amara.
"Why don't you both sit on the table and I'll get the cake out for you",She suggested and went to take the cake out of the fridge.
As she was cutting it she heard Alyssa coming towards the kitchen calling for Cian. Claire turned around in surprise at hearing her sound so angry.
"Cian what are you doing here? Your martial arts teacher is waiting for you in the training room. Go now!", she all but snarled at her son.
"Yes Mother",Cian rolled his eyes all too used to his mother's mood swings He got up and left but not before smiling and ruffling Amara's hair.
Alyssa's eyes turned to slits at that small action. "What are you staring at?", She snarled and glared down at Amara viciously before storming out of the kitchen.
Amara turned towards Claire her lower lip wobbling as if she was just about to cry making Claire gasp and hurry towards her to console her.
"D-did I do something wrong aunt Claire? Why was aunt Alyssa so angry with me?", she asked softly.
"No princess, you didn't do anything wrong. Your aunt was probably in a very bad mood. It's alright ", she said soothingly.
"Okay ",she sniffed.
"Here eat this cake,I'll be right back",
Claire said cutting a piece and serving it to Amara before making her way towards Alyssa's room.
How dare she yell at her?...... she thought angrily as she walked with determined steps resolving to give Alyssa a piece of her mind on how to treat children.
Throwing the room open she strode in. "What's gotten into you? Why did you yell at Amara for no apparent reason?", she asked Alyssa angrily .
Alyssa gave a hollow chuckle. "Everything is always about her,huh!? The universe resolves around that brat", she bit out.
Claire gasped at hearing her bitter tone. "Don't call her that", she said coldly "Where is all this anger coming from Alyssa? "
"You want to know? You want to know? Then listen, the Don insulted my family because of her",Alyssa screamed.
"What are you talking about?", Claire asked baffled.
"At the Callahan gathering in Chicago, Don Sullivan insulted my family and broke the alliance because of the Romero's. He choose his oldest rival over one of his oldest Irish ally".
"Not so loud Alyssa, Amara might here you",she said a little worriedly.
"You think I care? How long will everyone hide the truth from her? What else will we have to sacrifice for her happiness?. Let even her know the truth about the act that we are forced to put on because of her. The Romero's and the Sullivan's are arch enemies, they've always been enemies. We all detest each other but now we have to tolerate each other's presence because the girl can't choose one family. I say, let her stay with the Italian's, good riddance to us", Alyssa spat.
"Are you mad? The Don will have your tongue removed for even suggesting such a preposterous thing. Don't you know how much he loves her?", Claire asked her aghast.
"Maybe even Don Sullivan is fed up with her. Otherwise why would he put with this strange agreement of having her live with both the families?I mean even her own parents are dead-"
"That's enough Alyssa." Claire thundered "You will not speak another word against her and you will not insult the Romero's either".
"And what about what happened in Chicago? What about my family's honour?" Alyssa questioned incredulously.
"THIS is your family now. You're not an O'Reilly anymore Alyssa, You're a Sullivan woman. And for the Sullivan family, the Romero family is important now. I don't understand why you're blaming this on the Romero's and Amara, I'm sure that the Don must've had his own reason's for breaking the alliance with the O'Reilly family. "
Alyssa scoffed making Claire narrow her eyes at her
"Listen to me and listen well because I'm not going to repeat myself, I don't want to hear even a whisper to slip past your mouth about the Romero-Sullivan feud when around Amara. Everyone was warned not to bring it up and you're no exception. Better yet , you don't worry about your tongue slipping when around Amara because from now on until mother returns you will not come near Amara or speak to her",and with that she turned around to leave but stopped near the doorway
"Oh by the way, mother and Logan are going to be informed about every word that you said, I suggest you start preparing your defence now itself, not that it's going to help you much",She warned before finally shutting the door behind her.
Alyssa was left seething. The betrayal that she felt because of the Don's actions making her more angry. She was sure that her husband Logan must not have opposed his father's decision either. But she wouldn't let it slide so easily. She would make the Romero's pay for what they had caused. Pride afterall was very important in the crime world.
Alyssa closed her eyes. She had a decision to make in that moment-one that she wouldn't understand the full ramifications of until much later. She shook her head, decision made.
Dialling a number on her phone, she waited for the person to answer,
"Hello ........."
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