《The other Swan》27


Allison spent a whole week with her mother and her hunt along with Leah and Lydia. The two sticking by her side when trouble always hit.

But she knew eventually she'd have to go back to Forks. Knowing a battle was going to be fall the small town and that she had a duty to protect it.

She'd been away for too long and so, with great sorrow she said goodbye to her mother and the hunt before running in wolf form all the way back to Forks.

When she got to the pack house she was greeted by her pack and Emily who all asked what had happened and so she told them how her mother was captured by these two stupid witches who thought they could one up her and how they tried using her in a spell gone awry.

Meanwhile the pack told her about their training sessions with the Cullen's and Bella.

Apparently they'd made some progress with them but not much.

The great battle was looming over the pack as they got all their imprints in the pack house being watched over by the newer wolves Colin and Brady.

Seth was also supposed to stay but he had begged Sam and Allison to fight, even if he was on Bella watch duty.

The two alpha's had to agree with the very argumentative boy. He could be on guard duty, and mostly out of danger as long as he kept his pack link open to them at all times so they could make sure he was okay.

Although it took a lot to convince Allison since she didn't want the boy she was starting to see as her little brother go out and getting hurt.

The wolves were hiding behind the big rock so that the newborns didn't see them, the Cullen's stood towards the back of the field that they'd be fighting in and soon enough Allison could hear the feet pounding on the soil and the sound of water moving.

Meaning that Alice was right, they'd moved through the Ocean to get to the battle grounds.


Which would have taken them off guard had they not had Alice.

The Cullen's charged and then they were given the signal.

Allison and Sam lead the wolves in jumping over the rock knocking down many newborns before they spread out killing the newborns the way they were taught by Jasper and the other Cullen's.

It was harder than it seemed since most of the fights were one on one and they didn't know if any of these vampires had a gift.

Though it didn't seem like any of them did since none of them seemed to be using one.

Allison tore through the newborns with realities ease making sure her pack members and the Cullen's were all right.

It seemed as if Carlisle and Esme were having trouble as they were being hanged up on and hadn't seen the fifth newborn behind them.

Allison jumped over the vampire couple and wrapped her wolf lips around the newborns head biting it off with one harsh tug.

The two vampires looked at their savior with a smile and a nod which Allison gave her wolfy equivalent to.

That's when Jacob entered the fight helping out wherever he could. Helping the newer wolves like Leah even if she grumbled about it in the pack link making everyone chuckle.

She kept running around helping out those who needed it. Like Emmet did when he was getting hanged up on.

Though it seemed like Emmett was far happier to see her than she had expected.

She honestly thought her imprints wouldn't want her because of her being a wolf.

Though what she didn't know was that they didn't care, they saw her for who she was and wanted to get to know her. Infact they were desperate to get to know her.

Hoping that she'd reciprocate their feelings for them.

The newborns we're being killed left and right and it didn't seem like the wolves and the Cullen vampires were going to have to fight for much longer. Especially when the last newborn —or so the think— went down dead.

Of course Carlisle and Esme had offered asylum to a young newborn looking to only be 15 in age.


Then Edward and Bella came down with Seth and they knew the battle was finally over.

Though they did smell a little blood which seemed to be coming from Bella. Then again there was blood drops everywhere across the field so it could've been nothing.

That's when it happened.

A rogue newborn came out of the woods catching Leah's attention. "Leah no!" Edward shouted for her to stop having already read her mind and saw what she was going to do. She charged at the newborn accidently letting the newborn get a hand around her wolfy neck and Allison's battle instincts kicked in.

Time seemed to stop for Allison as her demigod senses kicked in allowing her to see what was going on.

Leah was being attacked by a newborn who had his hands around her throat prepared to kill her to get to safety.

She couldn't allow someone who was her soul bonded, a literal part of her very soul to die, no she wouldn't be able to live if either Rebekah, Lydia, or Leah died.

She wouldn't accept this. So she recklessly charged at the wolf. Not wanting her soul bonded dead and attacked him from the side allowing Leah to slip through his fingers.

Allison tumbled and rolled with the newborn in some type of dance only the two of them seemed to know.

It was like in slow motion when the vampire seemed to slowly get the upper hand and wrap his arms around Allison's middle.

Allison's brain stuttered knowing what was going to happen before it happened but it didn't seem as if her body got the memo as she tried to twist out of the newborn vampire's hold.

Trying to bite his head off before a crunching sound of bones filled the mostly silent field.

Allison's body jerked as an excruciating pain filled her body.

It was like a thousand beetles had penetrated her skin at the same time and lit her on fire. Except it hurt a lot more than actually dying.

I mean the sword going in initially hurt her of course, but then it was as if there was no pain at all. As if she'd gone numb to the word where she peacefully slipped out of.

Like she was almost floating on a cloud before she was tugged back down to her body.

A pain filled her before she gaspee awake feeling stronger and faster than usual.

It wasn't until she saw the faint silver flow around her skin did she realize what her mother did.

Her mother had made her immortal so that she didn't lose her daughter.

Though that didn't mean she couldn't get hurt so bad that she'd fade away to the land of the immortals.

Where all gods and goddesses go after they fade.

Anyways the pain hurt worse than a lot of things Allison had felt, but not the worst pain she'd felt.

Since holding the sky up hurt a lot worse than what she thought was a crushed rib cage.

It hurt to breath as her body was tossed down onto the ground like rubbish.

Though she did realize she was no longer in her wolf form when she cried out in pain and she heard her normal voice instead of a whimpering stuttering howl.

It seemed as if her brothers and soul bonded heard her cry and destroyed the vampire on sight before running over to me in human form covering me with a blanket that Bella had been using.

Speaking of Bella she heard her call her name in worry as she ran over along with the other Cullen's.

Allison's vision slowly faded as she saw the blurry figures of her imprints looking down on her in worry and she saw her soul bonded looking at her angrily.

Probably blaming herself, Allison's brain supplies the answer to why she was angry.

She felt herself be lifted up and gave a small whimper before the pain became to much for her mind to handle and the world slowly faded out.

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