《The other Swan》26


Allison snarled a bit. Her mother seemed to be tied up in godly chains. Where the two knock off witches even got the chains were beyond Allison's thoughts right that very second.

"Allison." Artemis gasped out. "Mother!" Allison said as she stepped forward. Esther threw her hands out and Allison was sent flying into the wall.

Rebekah snarled at her mother before speeding to Allison's side. Rebekah helped her soul bonded up trying to see if there were any injuries.

There wasn't. "You dare, do you even know who I am? I'm Allison Luna Swan daughter of Artemis goddess of the moon, you dare use her for your poor attempt at a spell. I challenge you in the name of Hecate." Allison growled out.

Allison was faintly aware of the sound of surprise leaving the Mikaelson family's lips at the declaration.

"Foolish girl, I've had a thousand years to work on my spells, you will die by my hands." Esther scowled.

Allison had to hide her scowl. She was immortal, ichor ran through her blood. Sure she could fade, but no one had forgotten her, and Allison didn't see any godly weapons that could kill her.

The spells would barley hurt her durable skin. It would take the two witches lives combined to even hurt Allison.

Allison heard snarling in the distance as Leah and Lydia finally caught up to Allison.

The giant wolf form of Leah entered the room with the banshee/demigod hybrid on her back.

Klaus gaped at the wolf as this wolf looked a lot like Allison did in her wolf form and for a second he wondered if there were others of her kind out there just like the two standing before him.

He was snapped back to reality by a spell that had white oak ash slowly killing all of the vampires in the room.

Leah tackled Esther and Dahlia while Lydia and Allison got Artemis out of her chains.


When Artemis was free, after what felt like forever, she quickly influenced Esther to turn on Dahlia and kill her.

Esther and Dahlia went down together, turning to ash. The Mikaelson siblings were quickly healed and they all let out sighs of relief.

"Are you okay?" Allison asked everyone in the room. She got a few coughs and nods. Allison nodded satisfied before she threw herself at her mother.

Artemis quickly held her daughter steadily. "How about you spend some time with the hunt before you head back to your father? I haven't seen you in months." Artemis said, screw her, she wanted more time with her only child.

Allison nodded into her mother's chest. Rebekah looked at her soul bonded with a small smile.

"Hello." Rebekah said looking at Allison. Allison looked at her second soul bonded with a small smile as she finally felt somewhat whole again.

She had three of her soul bonded in the same room and her mother, what more could she want?

A small traitorous voice in the back of her head whispered what about Rosalie and Emmett?

Allison immediately booted that thought out of her head. The last time she was in a relationship she had died.

She had made the person she had loved believe that she would never come back unless she tried for rebirth and by that time Isaac could have been an adult or dead if he was unlucky.

Isaac had been her second love and she had died in the hands of her first love. The way that she saw the pain in Scott's eyes as she said her last words still haunted her in her dreams.

The way, when she became immortal and she had actually got to talk to both Scott and Isaac again, how she saw the hidden pain in their eyes every time that they saw her, she knew that they'd never be able to see beyond that time that she was dead in Scott's arms.


Her and Isaac's relationship had been awkward and had went into a giant mess with fights and the relationship had just turned too toxic.

Especially when Isaac would treat her like a broken china doll and how he seemed to be walking on eggshells around her.

It wasn't a healthy relationship anymore and even though the relationship was toxic as fuck, they tried to make it work, tried to treat each other how they did before the war.

Though it was impossible. The war was ingrained into their minds and nothing would ever be the same again. War does that to people. It makes them see who they really are, especially when your life is on the line, when someone's life you care about is on the line.

The last time she had seen Isaac was when he had been told he had gotten into the New Rome college a year early. Given he was older than her by almost 2 years so it made sense.

That was also the day they ended their toxic relationship for good. It was ended with a nasty fight that left Allison with a bruise mark against her cheek in the shape of a large handprint.

He had also called her some pretty mean names as the two started a shouting match. Especially since Isaac had started to degrade her after the war and Allison was just so fed up with the insults and then he just had to slap her on top of it as well.

Allison wouldn't let that go. She physically couldn't let it go. So she fought back. They fought ruthlessly with weapons and fists flying everywhere and it took multiple demigods to pull them away from each other before Allison had shouted that she was done with the child of Hermes.

How she couldn't take it anymore if he was going to act like that. It was safe to say their relationship didn't end on the best note and that they no longer speak to each other.

Allison had been very wary of relationships since then. Her and Isaac had been the best couple until the war, then it went into a downward spiral. What if her soulmates we're like Isaac?

All nice and sweet until something big impacts their lives. Like this war on the horizon?

Her insecurities had flared up as soon as she saw her mates looking at her and everything that Isaac had whispered to her at night had come back full force.

Dirty whore

No one loves you

How could I love a slut like you


You are a nobody.

Words and insults swirled around in her brain sometimes and she couldn't help but to listen to them.

Until she felt grounding hands on her shoulders or thighs and Leah and Lydia are there just holding her.

Those are the nights where she thinks that her soul bonded are all she need.

Though she couldn't help but to wonder what her soulmates are like.

Allison was drawn out of her thoughts when she saw that she was still in the house standing across from the Mikaelson family.

"Well we have to go if we want to catch the hunt, it was good to see you Bekah. Text me anytime." Allison said throwing a wink towards Rebekah as she followed her mother and two of her soul bonded out of the door and into the woods before she disappeared from Rebekah's eye sight completely.

"Who was that?" Freya, Rebekah's apparent older sister.

"That my dear sister, is Allison Swan." Rebekah said with a happy sigh.

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