《The other Swan》Chapter 4


The year of my fourth year at camp half-blood was not very eventful. I spent some time recovering from my bear fatal hit but I made a full recovery after a month of bed rest plus some nectar and ambrosia.

I spent most of the year mourning my older sister Zoe though. I even got a tattoo for her in her honor on my back.

It was her last words. Below it I had gotten a piece of her handwriting and asked the tattoo artist who was a demigod son of Athena print the words in her handwriting.

I miss her so much it hurts sometimes. Eventually I had to get up and live like I got the chance to do so. I hurried up and did my activities.

The fourth summer came quickly and I started to do what I usually do. Wait for a quest. A quest did come to explore the labyrinth.

Percy along with Annabeth, myself, and Lydia plus Tyson and Grover decided to explore it.

We were down there for what felt like years but was only a couple of days before something big happened. Percy and I blew up Hephaestus' forge so that we could kill all the monsters and we ended up on Ogygia an island that housed Calypso.

Calypso fell in love straight away with Percy and developed a simple crush on Allison. She wanted physical affection which she hasn't had in a long time. We spent a week on the island which only felt like a few hours due to the time spell on the island.

We quickly built a raft to get off the island whilst promising to free Calypso if we could. Well I promised I would if I could but Percy literally promised he would do it.

He's a seaweed brain. We walked in on our own funerals which was really awkward especially when even the gods were there and we just strolled in like we owned the place. Percy was an idiot and asked "who died?" I hit him across the head before we were tackled.


Mom cried into my shoulder clutching onto me like I was a teddy bear as did Lydia and Scott.

We were then bombarded with questions by everyone before we went down into the labyrinth this time with Rachel Elizabeth Dare who was a clear sighted mortal. She lead us with yarn to Dedalus who had posed as our activities director.

We used a hellhound Mrs. O'Leary to tear apart monsters and then we had to escape the labyrinth and go to the surface where a big battle happened at Camp Half-blood.

We quickly joined the battle and Rachel threw her brush at a giant which allowed Percy and I to tag team and kill it.

After the fight we held shrines for those who died in service of the gods and I saw some gods she'd tears when their children's names were called.

We each got a bead that summer as well but with a labyrinth design for those who went into the labyrinth.

That year I ended up breaking up with Scott. We were just not working as well as we'd like to. Plus we ended on great terms and stayed friends. I ended up starting to date Isaac.

He was a son of Apollo he had dirty blond curly hair and blue eyes. Even though we were technically cousins everyone at camp half-blood was related in some way or another except the Aphrodite children who were like second cousins to us.

Since Aphrodite was the cousin of the original six gods.

Over the next year Isaac and I spent a lot of time together. Lydia was still with Jackson but I don't think they'll last much longer with all the arguing they do.

It was finally time over the summer. Percy's 16th birthday was quickly approaching and all of the demigods were preparing for war.


Percy even took a dip in the river stix which is a whole ordeal and challenge.

On the day leading up to Percy's 16th birthday the war started. Arrows were flying, swords were clashing, shields were being used as defence.

Monsters roared in agony when they died Half-bloods were dropping on both sides left and right. Daggers were being thrown. The Hunters of Artemis were fighting like pros and the demigod children of Athena were shouting out battle strategies.

It was hectic. The children of Apollo that could heal were bringing back injured demigods and trying to heal them.

Bridges were being blown up. Mortals were put to sleep. I even saw Sally Jackson using a shot gun before she too fell asleep.

The gods were fighting typhoon and I worried for my mother's safety as she was the only god that was awake and not as injured as the others.

Nico who we had reconciled with had gone to the underworld to ask Hades for help. I was shooting arrows left and right trying to help anyone I could. I had a few cuts on my arms and some on my stomach and legs.

A bunch of cuts on my back from where I didn't turn quick enough to cover my back.

I ran towards the empire state building and into the throne room. I passed Thalia who was trapped under a statue of Hera.

Percy was trying to talk Luke, who was possessed by Kronos, to come back to himself and see what he was causing.

He had lost so many good friends like Selena Beauregard even though she was a spy not by choice but by force and Charles Beckendorf who died trying to stop the boats from getting to shore with hundreds of troops from Kronos's side.

Like didn't take the advice or well technically Kronos didn't take the advice since he controlled Luke's body.

When that didn't work Percy and I got to fighting trying to find Luke's Achilles heel. It took over an hour of fighting and Kronos destroying Dionysus' throne before Percy tried sitting on his father's throne praying to him whilst I kept Kronos busy.

Eventually I saw the scene change and Poseidon used his powers to come help mom defeat typhoon. Kronos yelled in anger before trying to attack us again.

Eventually Luke repossessed his body and asked Percy for his sword. Percy hesitantly gave it to him and we all watched as Luke stabbed himself before he made a last dieing wish that we have the gods claim their children.

When all this was over a good 23 or so Demigods had died. I got a tattoo for each an every one of them. Most of them were small and on my arms or my back.

This one was for Michael Yew an amazing cousin to me.

This one was for Lee Fletcher another amazing cousin.

This one was for Selena. Lydia and I got matching tattoos for her sister.

This one was of course Charlie's. Selena's boyfriend.

I also got a quote from Luke and his face engraved into my shoulder blade. Even though he was the enemy he was still a hero and was one of my first friends at camp.

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