《The other Swan》Chapter 3


The time between Allison's second summer and her third summer at camp she spent it with her boyfriend Scott who was a son of Hermes. She also spent it with Lydia as well.

Most of it was doing camp activities and such or going canoeing. Maybe even a date or two by the strawberry fields.

The third summer started regularly and Allison thought that nothing was going to happen which relieved her. That was until Grover called and told them he had found two demigod children at Westover Academy.

Which is a military academy and apparently their aura's were strong. So Allison, Lydia, Annabeth, and Percy got into his mom's mini van and they drove 8 hours to get to Westover Academy.

When they got there after countless baby stories of Percy they walked into the academy and passed the principal and vice principal. Thalia used the mist on them to get through and they then walked into the school dance.

When they got inside Allison pulled Lydia with her to the dance floor and the two danced with each other trying to blend in.

Eventually Grover and Thalia joined and so did Percy and Annabeth. 30 minutes into them being there Dr. Thornton the disguised manticore took the siblings away and Percy plus Allison ran out when they saw.

They each brought out their own weapons which for Percy was riptide his sturdy celestial bronze three foot leaf blade and for Allison it was her bow her mother got her for Christmas.

She quickly notched three different arrows at the manticore and Percy got to work trying to get the kids away from the fight.

Thalia, Annabeth, and Lydia eventually came out and helped. The manticore finally released its true form and started firing spikes at us from its tail

Eventually we heard a horn. I knew that horn. I watched as the hunters of Artemis started releasing warning arrows.

The manticore stepped back in fear. "It can't be." I heard him say. "Permission to fire my lady?" I heard Zoe my long time big sister ask my mother.

"Permission gran-" mom was cut off when the manticore stepped closer to the cliff with the children. My mind worked faster than it had but I was to late to catch Annabeth who had jumped into the manticore's back making him release the kids.

They fell over the ledge as soon as Zoe fired the arrow. "ANNABETH!" Percy screamed for him best friend. He went to go over the age as well but mom stopped him.

"You can't jump over the ledge your to weak." Mom told Percy. "But what about Annabeth?" Percy snapped at her. Zoe went to hit Percy but mom held her back. "Enough Zoe. He's distraught he doesn't mean no I'll respect." My mom said.

"Mom!" I yelled. Every hunter of Artemis turned towards me and smiled. I saw the twelve year old girl's head snap towards me and she took her 25 year old form. I ran up and hugged her and she hugged me tightly whilst kissing my head.

"Allison." She breathed out a sigh of relief. I saw Percy's eyes widen in realization and Thalia looking back and forth between me and my mom. She nodded seeing the relation between us.

Like mom I have a runners build but I was also very flexible from the years of gymnastics I took from the age of 4-11 since I still took lessons to keep my flexibility as good as it is when I'm at my dad's. Only I took them at camp and since there's no gymnastics area at camp I took up parkour. Running and flipping off any cabin I could. I nearly scared Chiron the first time I did it.


I saw the Di'Angelo siblings looking back and forth between my mother and I. Probably freaked out by how she literally just changed appearances when she saw me.

I watched as mom shot a beam at the helicopter that had saw the hunt and it turned into a flock of birds. "Let's set up camp here girls." My mom said.

She quickly took my hand and showed me to her tent. I walked in and saw spoils of monster's left behind after she fought them. Some weapons and then a whole wall dedicated to myself.

She had pictures of me and her filling up an entire wall. Most of them were her holding me as a baby. Or her and I learning how to use the bow and arrows.

Her and I with the hunt. There were pictures that dad had sent mom over the years which were my first gymnastics competition that she couldn't attend but she did attend all of my other competitions.

I smiled at mom and she smiled back before grabbing her camera and taking a selfie with me for a new picture for her wall. She printed two of them.

One for me and one for her. Then she asked to see Bianca and she offered to allow Bianca to join the hunt.

Bianca asked for time to think about it which is reasonable since she would be leaving behind her brother. Then mom asked for Percy.

She asked him what the manticore had said. He repeated what the manticore had said. Mom went pale when the monster was brought up and I grew worried.

But then I remembered my mom can hunt any animal or monster there is so I relaxed. Bianca ended up joining the hunt much to the displeasure of Thalia and Percy. Lydia was also not very pleased since her mother is the goddess of love but she knows it's not her business to pressure Bianca into something she doesn't want to do.

They continued to go with Apollo when Artemis decided to hunt the monster that could take down Olympus. When Apollo arrived in his car that takes the sun across the sky he changed it into a mini bus so that everyone could fit in.

"Be careful my little moon." Mom told me before she left. I got into my uncle Apollo's car before he decided to let Thalia drive it. Safe to say Thalia sucks at driving and I'm never going to get in a car where she's behind the wheel ever again.

We drove to camp half-blood where the hunters stayed in my cabin. They took the bunks whilst I went further into the cabin and to a door which had my name on it. I opened the door and came across my room which was completely decorated in the color silver my favourite color.

Then I decided to go to sleep. When. I woke up the hunters of Artemis had decided they'd play capture the flag. They also decided since my mom is their patron that I'd be on their team which the other demigods agreed on.

Safe to say the hunters and demigod of Artemis won. They thoroughly defeated the campers. After they won though the oracle of Delphi came out to the lake and looked at Zoe waiting for her to ask a question.


When Delphi said my mom was captured my eyes went wide. 6 demigods were to go.

Zoe picked me for obvious reasons, she also picked Bianca, Phoebe, Thalia, and Grover.

Percy was upset he wasn't chosen and decided like last time he'd follow along with Lydia because Percy couldn't be trusted alone. At the last minute though Phoebe was pranked by the Stolls brother's with the flu.

So Zoe decided that Lydia would come. Which meant Percy was all alone and would be coming even if Lydia couldn't supervise him.

He wasn't seen until they stopped at a cafe by a museum. He came running in sprouting things about a general and skeletons.

That started the running for the demigods. They ran through different parts of the museum and eventually faced the nameion lion. Percy came up with the weirdest idea that you should put space food in its mouth and surprisingly it worked as it started hacking.

It was enough for Zoe, Bianca, and I to put arrows in its mouth killing it.

Percy used the spoils to give Artemis strength. Continuing on the used the train 'Fred' showed them. Fred was a hobo that was actually Apollo. They then continued to sleep in fancy cars which lead them to a junk yard. They realized that Bianca was a demigod daughter of Hades when she was the only one able to burn the skeleton warriors.

Zoe warned everyone not to touch anything but Bianca grabbed a all mythomagic Hades figure for Nico. This action woke up Talos an automaton that Hephaestus made to guard his junkyard.

The demigods fought as hard as they could yet it wasn't enough and Bianca sacrificed her life for her fellow demigods.

They traveled to the Hoover dam and the atmosphere around the demigods was depressing.

When the entered the dam Zoe stated "I want to go to the Dam snack shop." That started some giggles and lead into full on laughs when Percy and Thalia joined in "I wasn't to go to the dam restroom." Or "I want to get some dam fries."

But by then they had found the ophiotaurus

Which was the monster that Artist was trying to get. They got the sea animal and sent Grover with Bessy to Olympus. They went further into the dam only for the skeleton warriors to show up again.

Percy ended up running into a girl Rachel Elizabeth Dare who he had run into before at his new school Goode. Percy accidentally stabbed her with his sword and his sword went straight through her.

She obviously was shocked and Percy being stupid left her in the bathroom wondering if she was crazy.

We continued on and Zoe led us to Mount Othrys. This is where we met Ladon the hundred headed dragon and the Hesperides.

Apparently Zoe was their sister but she was kicked out for helping Heracles (Hercales is his Roman form) get a golden apple when he did his 12 labors.

When Zoe battled Ladon I saw that she got cut. I was worried for her and offered to heal her but she said it was just a small cut.

We didn't have time to argue as we could see mom holding the sky up. We all quickly ran up the hill.

We found Annabeth there and Thalia went to rescue her whilst fighting Luke who she couldn't believe turned evil.

I decided to stay back with Lydia to study Atlas who at the moment was fighting Percy and Zoe. I saw he was weaker on his left side so I aimed 3 arrows to his left leg and fired.

He dropped to one knee but quickly recovered which shocked me. I quickly grabbed the sky from Percy who had taken it from mom when he realized he couldn't fight Atlas.

I watched as Atlas threw his weapon at Zoe and it went right through her. She dropped to the floor bleeding heavily. Mom's eyes widened and she fought harder. Atlas looked at mom then at me and grinned wickedly. When mom threw her hunting knife Atlas side stepped and the knife impaled me right below my heart.

"Allison!" Mom cried out my name. My vision grew fuzzy and the sky became heavier. That was until a body was thrown into mine and then I flew back next to Zoe.

Either of us could complete the prophecy. Atlas's weapon was used to injure Zoe and Mom's weapon was used on me. My breaths came staggering out of my mouth. Mom ran towards me but I shoved her towards Zoe.

I knew I'd make it some how I knew I was meant to live longer. That meant that Zoe would die.

Mom cried over her fallen lieutenant and sent her soul into the stars. Once she was done saying her prayers she rushed towards me. Lydia was already there crying and keeping pressure on my wounds. "You're okay my little moon. I won't lose you too." I heard mom say as she flashed me somewhere before I lost consciousness.

"Apollo!" I shouted distraught for my twin brother to help my daughter as soon as I landed in a council meeting that had just started.

I looked around and saw everyone looking at me in shock. Normally I would never show any emotions besides anger but I could feel the tears rolling down my face.

Apollo rushed over and took my daughter from me before rushing her to his palace. I quickly rushed after him along with the rest of the council who didn't see what was going on.

It took an hour before Apollo came out he had my daughter's blood on his doctor's coat and his gloves but he smiled at me and I sagged in relief. "Your daughter's okay. You got her here just on time sis." Apollo reassured me.

When the drama was over we left to hold the council meeting but I didn't hear my h of it. I did offer Thalia, Annabeth, and Lydia to join my hunters. Thalia quickly agreed and became my new lieutenant but Annabeth and Lydia kindly declined.

This quest was the most heartbreaking one I've had yet.

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