《The Gang Leader》||Chapter 12||


Cecilia's Pov

"Please we need to talk" Calvin pleads while working toward me.

Before I could say anything Reece steps in front of me, covering Calvin from view. I didn't understand what he was doing here. Reece had explained earlier that most of the street fighters fought to make some money. For some street fighters it was either fight and make a living or not make a living at all. Calvin had enough money to survive on in fact he had more that enough. So why was he here?

"Who are you and what do you want with my girlfriend?" Reece practically yells at Calvin. Boy was he fuming. He called me his girlfriend. Oh my god he just told my brother I was his girlfriend.

"I'm Calvin Cecilia's brother" Calvin speaks the title of being my brother as if he has some type of authority over me.

I peep over to look at Reece face to see that he had a somewhat shocked expression however he quickly recovers.

"Your the pansy who left Cecilia." Reece yells taking a menacing step toward Calvin. Reece carries on "I don't think she wants to talk to you leave her alone" His fists were clenched and his knuckles were starting to turn white. However the look on Reece's face said it all. He was absolutely horrified and looked as if he wanted to punch Calvin in the face.

"You have no right to say that who do you think you are?" Calvin says through gritted teeth.

Oh boy! Calvin you did not just go there! Honey you just saw Reece angry now you're going to see him pissed. Thats the price you pay for bruising his precious ego.

"I'm sorry I didn't introduce myself properly, I'm Reece Dennings leader of the London snipers and right now your standing on my god damn territory" Reece says with a smirk on his face. I look down to Reece's fists still clenched, if anything he was definitely not amused. In fact the smirk seemed almost sinister.


My lips twitch a bit remembering that Reece had also used that line on me when we first met. I hover kept my cool- well at least pretend that I did. However Calvin looked like he was about to pee his pants.

"I-" Calvin starts with a terrified expression on his face but Reece cuts him off.

"Just remember your standing on my territory and and I demand respect as long as you stand on it"he says with gritted teeth.

I feel like I should be sticking up for Calvin, he was my brother after all but the truth was that he deserved all that he was getting.

"Come on Cece we're leaving" Reece says grabbing my hand and pulling me towards his car. My back was now to Calvin and I didn't look back because I knew if I did I would end up wanting to run to Calvin and giving him a hug.

"Cecilia please" Calvin called out to me. My heart instantly shatters into a million pieces. I don't turn around, I just carry on walking towards Reece's car.

When we make it to the car Reece opens my door for me and then runs to the drivers side and hops in to the drivers side.

"Are you ok?" He says whilst pulling on his seatbelt.

I just nod.

"I wanna take you to dinner" he states leaving no room for any argument. I lean my head against the window and close my eyes as Reece pulls off of the curb. I wasn't in the mood to talk, I just needed a little quite time after what just happened.

"We're here Cecilia" I hear Reece say and then the noise of him unclipping his seat belt sounds. I open my eyes to see we were in a car park. I get out of the car and look at the building in front of me.


A bright red light up sign reading 'Christys' hung above a block building. Squinting I could make out the inside of the building. Red booths, checkered walls. It was definitely an American diner.

"Trust me you will love the food here, it's amazing" Reece says walking up next me. He had huge grin on his face, making me smile. It was nice to see him happy.

We both make our way toward the entrance, hand in hand. Reece holds the black door open for me once we reach the entrance.

Once we get inside a waitress walks toward us "hi I'm lacy and I'll be your waitress tonight. Table for 2?" She says all the while twirling her hair around her finger.


Reece says completely ignoring her, he doesn't even give her a second glance. Which I was quite glad about, Lucy was definitely a pretty girl and was it possessive of me to say that I didn't want Reece to pay attention to any pretty girls?

She takes us over to our table and we both take a seat. She hand us both our menus.

"What can I get you guys to drink" she say taking her note pad out of her pocket.

"Lemonade please" I say giving her a polite smile. I glance over at Reece singling for him to order.

"Could I just get a glass of water" Reece says then pulls his phone out of his pocket and starts typing away. I needed to get that phone as far away form him as I possibly could.

I kick Reece under the table and glare at him.

He looks up at me then the waitress "please" he says defiinetly not meaning it one little bit.

She nods her head and turns and walks towards the bar to get our drinks.

"So that was your brother?" Reece says breaking our short silence.

Before I could answer the waitress comes back to our table and hands places our drinks down.

"Have you guys decided what you would like to eat tonight?" She says pulling her note pad out of her pocket again.

Before I can open my mouth to order, Reece does it for me.

"We would like two large cheese burger meals" he says while looking down at his menu. He shuts his menu and grabs mine and gives them both to her to take away. I don't bother making him say please this time because what was the point if he didn't mean it.

She nods and leaves.

"Yes" I say turning to look at Reece, answering his question from earlier.

"What?" He says looking totally confused as if he had completely forgotten what he had asked me.

"Yes he's my brother" I say rolling my eyes. Wasn't it obvious already, when Calvin stated he was my brother and I didn't object.

"No offence Cece but he is absolutely pathetic" Reece says with a laugh.

Reece laughed in public.

Things were changing and I don't know if that's good or bad...

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