《The Gang Leader》||Chapter 11||


Cecilia's Pov

I look at the two dresses hung up in front of me. Both were pretty but which was the prettiest. Was it going to be the red dress or the blue dress? The red dress was quite the number, It was a knee length, flawy, heart neckline dress dress that had been through a lot of good time. However the navy blue was more of silky dress with spaghetti straps, it almost looked like a night dress but was very cute. It was also new.

Choices choices...

It was going to have to be the navy blue dress. This dress had something to prove and I'm always up for trying new things.

Today had been a very unproductive day. I had been in bed practically all day. If it was my choice I would have stayed in bed but I got up around an hour ago remembering I had a date with Reece.

I pick up the dress, taking it off of the hanger I pull it over my bare body, I turn to look in the mirror. It looked quite nice on my body if do say so myself. However thats what I thought, I wonder what Reece would think.

I pull my hair out of the bun that it was tied up in, it falls down my back in light beach curls, stopping just above my hips. I pull out my clear lip gloss getting ready to apply it just when I hear a knock at the door.

That must be Reece. Quickly applying the lip gloss and throwing on a pair of shoes I make my way towards my front door and open it to see Reece looking down at his phone.

I roll my eyes. Typical.

I clear my throat in attempt to catch his attention and it works because his head whips upwards to look at me.

He looks me up and down, by the look on his face he looked quite impressed and he confirms it "you look beautiful absolutely beautiful" he says grabbing my hands and pulling me out of my appartment.

We make our way down the stairs and out of the apartment building. To my luck Reece had brought his car, I would not have been able to get on his motorbike in this dress.


Reece owned a beautiful jet black Range Rover with a full black interior. It was honestly my dream car and I would use my dad credit card to buy one however I could not drive.

He opens the passenger side door for me, I thank him while getting inside. He makes his way around the car and gets in through the drivers side. As soon as he takes his seat and starts the engine.

"So how was your day?" Reece asks while pulling out of the apartment car park. He keeps his eyes on the road.

"It was good I just did a load of college work" I say lying straight to my teeth. I was way to embarrassed to tell him that I was in bed all day. "How was your day?" I question looking at him.

He takes his eyes off of the road for a second, glancing at me. "Well to be honest it was quite boring, went to the gym this morning then spent the rest of the day locked in my office doing paper work" he says letting out out a yawn.

I laugh "gang leaders do paper work?" I ask looking out the window, the roads weren't too busy tonight.

"You seem surprised" he states with a chuckle.

I just shrug my shoulders. I was surprised I mean what did he need to paperwork on? But thinking about it, he runs a gang and it must kind of be like running a business. I did however pity him for having to stay cooped up in an office all day.

The car comes to a halt on a car filled road. I open the car door and step out on to the road and what a I see next makes me want to get back into the car. It also made me want smack Reece over the head.

Note to self next time Reece smirks at you after you tell him not to do something he will to that exact something.

He had bought me to a street fight. I shouldn't be surprised at all intact I should expect this kind of behaviour off of Reece.


I feel an arm wrap around my shoulder. "Don't worry babe, I won't be fighting today so I won't be leaving your side" Reece whispers into my ear.

Babe? Since when did he call me babe?

"since now" Reece says with a laugh, knowing I didn't mean to say that out loud. I just roll my eyes.

"Want a drink?" He says looking at me his once laughing face was now covered with a horrid cold expression that I had began to get used to seeing in public.

"Water" I say giving him a polite smile.

He grabs two bottles of water from a nearby refreshment table and hands me one. It was odd that they had refreshment tables but I wasn't going to complain about it.

Reece grabs ahold of my hand and starts to make his way toward one of the fights that were taking place.

I was surprising not over dressed. Girls worked around me in beautiful but short dresses and I was glad I had gone with the navy blue option, way to many girls were wearing red.

Reece pushes through the crowd so we can get to the front obviously no one complains because I'm sure no one wanted to get in to an argument with Reece.

We watched the fights one by one.

In the first one the men ended up with what looked like a broken nose. His nose looked as if it was about to fall off. It took all I had in me to stop from vomiting up my lunch.

In the second one I wasn't very sure about what had happened because all the way through I had my face crushed against Reece's chest as I got scared after seeing a man break the others arm. Pathetic I know. All I could hear were more cracks so I'm guessing someone ended up with a few broken bones.

"Now give it up for the masked man and knockout!" shouts the the man in the middle of the crowd who had almost been like the presenter throughout the night. These street fighter were amazing at what they did but were horrible with picking out names.

Two big bulky males step out of the crowd one with a mask and one without. I'm guessing the one with the mask was the masked stranger.

They both immediately start to fight.

I cheer on the masked stranger, I had to cheer on one so why not the one with the cool mask? The cheering surprised Reece and by the looks of things, I also surprised the the masked stranger.

He whipped his head up in my direction.

Knockout took this as a chance to throw him on the floor. There was a loud thud and blood gushed from the masked strangers head. The masked stranger lay there for ten seconds and didn't stand.

"The knockout has defeated the masked stranger" the presenter man cheers, he was clearly supporting knockout. Why did I always cheer on the loser?

Knockout goes up to the masked stranger and pulls off his mask.

My eyes widen in shock.

"Reece..." I say tugging on his arm he looks down at me concerned.

"What's wrong?" He says looking down at me.

I look back at the masked stranger too see him looking at me. He then starts to walk towards me.

Oh my god this can't be good.

"Cillia" I heard him call, he always called me that.

"You know him?" Said Reece to me fists clenching. He looked mad. Not a good time to be jealous Reece.

"That's him oh my god he's the fucking masked stranger oh my god he's a street fighter Oh my god we need to leave" I say too Reece pulling him through the crowd and toward his car.

Just when I think we've gotten away from him I hear his voice from behind me.

"We need to talk Cecilia right NOW" says Calvin.

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