《The Gang Leader》||Chapter 1||


Copyright © 2020 by bluewaterlily.

All rights reserved. This book

may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever

without the express written permission of the publisher

except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

Cecilia's Pov

"I'll take the b&h gold" says the kid in front of me, he nervously runs his fingers through his dirty blonde hair, looking down at the shop floor. I'm able to take a better look at him when he looks up, yet he still avoids eye contact. His pale white skin is tinged with a light blush over his cheeks and his dark chocolate eyes look everywhere except at me.

"Well? I'm not gonna wait all night, I've got other things to do and people to see" he says while looking up at me with a smirk, well he tries to smirk instead it looks like a grimace.

I see him glance toward the supermarket entrance where three more males around his age stood, all looking identicle to him with their blonde hair and sleek black leather jackets. Together they looked like the perfect boyband.

The pieces start to fit... he was trying to impress his little group of friends by getting a pack of cheap cigarettes.

I don't think so. This kid looked like he was about 15 and the school badge on the jumper that he was wearing under his leather jacket confirmed my thoughts. There was no way I was going sell cigarets to a minor, he could boost himself on the social radar and would I get from it ? A chance of losing my job. I don't think so.

"I'm going to have to see some ID first" I say with a blank expression. My face was blank but on the inside I was cringing. This was just going to get awkward from now. His smirk immediately vanishes and is replaced by a slight grimace.

He starts to empty out his pockets looking for his imaginary id. I roll my eyes. Was he serious?

"I think I left it at home" he says looking up at me through his eyelashes. He runs his hand through his hair again. He looked a mess, his hair was sticking up in different directions and the thing he was doing with his eyes made it look like he's exhausted and is about to fall asleep.


"Well you better go home and fetch it then" I say. I could be reading my magazine right now but blondie had to come along and waste my time.

Blondie pouts at me he then moves his hand towards my arm and starts rubbing circles into it with his index finger. "I'm sure we could work something out" he says trying to make his voice sound husky but failing miserably. His voice sounded like he just ran a marathon and was out of breath.

I yank my arm back, away from his sweaty fingers. I somehow hit it on the counter while doing that, I keep myself from cursing. That would be incredibly unprofessional, wasn't like I was professional anyway. I sit behind a counter and read magazines instead of doing my job.

"I'll call security if you don't leave right now, one thing your underage but then you go and try to seduce me, you have some nerve" I say glaring at him. I try to keep myself from cracking up. I can't ever be serious no matter the situation. One of my many good traits.

This was the first bit of male attention I've received in a while but why did it have to be from a child. That obviously said something, the only people I physically attract are children. Blondie probably wasn't even attracted to me, he just wanted his cigarets and would do anything to get them. Even if that meant flirting with the cashier.

He looks at me in disbelief. "Don't you think your being over dramatic?" He says pouting again trying to look cute. He was failing miserably.

"Stop pouting you look like horse giving birth" I say laughing. Well i think he looks like one... in all honesty I've never seen a horse give birth. You know when you find something so funny that you can't finish your sentence without laughing? yeah well that was me right now.

He just look at me like I'm crazy...oh well, its not like I'm going to ever see them again.

"Leave" I say after I stop laughing which might I add is a solid minute after my fit of laughter started.


I see his shoulders sag as he turns to leave. He slowly walks towards the exit of the supermarket where he is met by his friends. They all look as equally disappointed. If anyone should be disappointed it was me, I was interrupted while reading my magazine.

I hear a chuckle next to me. I turn to look to my side only to see Mark my boss. Mark was a very laid back considering that he ran a whole supermarket store on his own. He was 49 and barley looked a day passed 35. He was happily married with his wife Jennifer, who just so happened to be my mothers sister. Obviously making her my auntie and him my uncle.

They had three kids two boys who went by names of Bane and Brad and one girl her name was Blush. They obviously liked the idea of all their kids having their names beginning with B. I also understand each of the names meant a lot to them. Who in the right state of mind would name their child Blush.

Other than having a very bad taste in names they were a lovely family. They were more like parents to me, better parents then my birth parents.

I grin at Mark.

"What?" I say grabbing some gum out of my bag which was tucked away underneath the counter. I put the gum in my mouth and offer Mark some but he shakes his head.

"How's the family?" I say while chewing on my gum obnoxiously loud. I only ever did it get on his nerves. Thats the thing no matter how much I irritate Mark he never gets annoyed. Everyone has a breaking point and I was determined to find his.

He cringes. Close enough.

"Their just great could you please not chew like that" he scowls at me.

"Only because you said please" I say with a smirk on my face. I'll annoy him another day, I just wanted to get back to reading my magazine.

"So how come you came over here?" I say with a smile while looking for magazine. I finally find it on thee floor by my chair. I look up at mark waiting of a reply but his eyes are fixed on my gossip magazine. I give him a innocent smile. Marks always hated it when I read magazines at work, he says its not very professional. Tell me something I don't know Mark.

He just shakes his head at me. "Just saying goodbye" he chuckles.

I frown at him.

"What are you on about?" I say while putting my hair up in to a ponytail using a rubber band.

"Your shift ended 15 minutes ago" he says looking beyond amused.

"You could have told me" I say while looking at my watch. My shift did end fifteen minutes ago. I grab my jacket from under the counter and put it on.

"You were busy dealing with those boys I didn't want to interrupt" he smirks he then walks off to talk to another employe.

I grab my bag and my beanie, I pull it on to my head and I then place my bag on my shoulder.

I turn around to the cigaret board and pull the shutters down. I then move over towards the alcohol cabinet and do the same. I lock the shutters in to place and do the same with cabinet using my staff key.

I walk out from behind the counter and towards the exit of the shop, I toss the keys over to Ben the security guard.

I look over at him.

"Goodnight Ben" I say giving him a smile.

"Goodnight Cece" he says with a smile showing off his pearly white teeth.

I walk out the exit of the supermarket. I can not wait to get home to my bed.

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