《Boyfriend's sister》26


I woke up on Monday morning already scared. Jake can't protect me at school and Alice...does she care anymore? I threw on a blue blouse and a black skirt. Maybe I'll look so pretty he won't kill me. Not really possible. I went down for breakfast with Charlie already gone. I ate my breakfast as slow as I could. Edward and I have nearly every class together. When he's here. I finish eating and have no more reason to stall. I get to school and sit in my truck until I spot Angela. I'm going to try to stay with someone all day today. Yes,I'm a wimp. I got out and ran to Angela. "Hey,Ang."

"Hey,Bella. You know Edwards coming back today after,what,a month and a half being gone?" (

"Yeah,I heard."

"Maybe you guys could get back together? You were solo cute."

"About that,I need to tell you why I need to stay with you today so Edward doesn't have a chance to be with me alone."

"Ok,Bella. Shoot. I'm listening."

I held up my arm because some cuts and bruises stayed and will probably be there forever. "Edward hit me and abused me. He made me feel worthless. Ang,please don't leave me alone with him." Angela grabbed me into a to tight hug.

"Oh,Bella! You should have told me. You will not be alone with that monster as long as I'm here,which I will be until he leaves again."

I could of kissed Angela just then. I was tempted. But,the only person I really want to kiss is Alice. I wish she was the one by my side. The bell rung and I jumped as I was lost in my own thoughts.

"Class. Come on,Bella." Angela said and dragged me to class.

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