《Boyfriend's sister》25


The movie Jake took me too...wow. It was stupid,actually. The movie itself. His reason behind it was funny. It was about werewolves and vampires. Guess who was good? Guess who was bad? Did you guess werewolves as good because,you'd be right. When we walked,out we were laughing.

"That was so stupid,Jacob."

"Yeah,I know. Lots of blood though."

I snorted "obviously fake." Really,the blood looked like ketchup. I wouldn't be surprised if it was.

"Yeah,It was terrible. Lets go eat."

"At a buffet?"

"Howd you know."

I snorted again. "Well,you obviously wouldn't be satisfied with one plate of food. You eat like,five horses every time you eat." Now it was his turn to laugh.

"Maybe just three." Now we both laughed.

"I forgot how much fun I have with you,Jake."

"Same. You know what this reminds me of?" He ask

"Mike Newton." We say at the same time then burst out laughing. He grabbed my hand and we went to the Chinese buffet next door. Him holding my hand,it doesn't mean what you think. He's just my friend and I'm comfortable with him.

~time skip~

After Jacob and I were done,I'd eaten two plates and he'd eaten...wait for it....seven. I was so tired. I checked my phone. Its 12:00. "Lets go." Jake said and came and helped me up,just being a gentlemen. When I stood up I almost fell but,he caught me.

"Woah,Bella. You're dead on your feet. Lets get you home." I nodded and we walked to his rabbit. Well,he walked. He decided he was carrying me. When he got me home he carried me inside. Charlie was already asleep. He set me on my feet and kissed the top of my head. I had to muffle a giggle not to wake Charlie,who fell asleep on the couch. "Bye,Bella."

"Bye,Jake." He left and I went up to my room.

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