《Boyfriend's sister》Chapter 16


A/N-I'm sorry. With school back in I can only promise updates on Saturday and Sunday. Sorry.

"Thanks for making popcorn,Alice." "No prob. Comedy,Chickflick or horror first?" "I think comedy,throw out chickflick and horror before bed. Well,I have to go to bed." "Ok. No Chickflick. You are nothing like Renee." "I know."

She gets up to put the movie in and then comes back over to the cozy little blanket fort we made. The movie starts up with a couple holding hands. "Oh no you didn't" "Yes,I did." "Alice,you put in the chickflick." "Yep. You suffer through this if you want to watch horror." "You love horror!" "I know! Just shush and watch the movie." "ugh."

I get up. "Where are you going!?" Alice asks sounding genuinly scared. "I'm just getting water but,come here." "You already have water" she says walking up to me. "I know!" I say pouring the new cup of water on her head and messing up her hair. "BELLA! My hair!." Emment runs down. He starts laughing when he sees Alice. "Run,Bella. Not that it'll do any good." he tells me. I know she'll catch me but I run. She caught me as soon as I took a step.

"Ok. This is okay." she picks up the popcorn bucket and puts syrup all in it. "W-what are you doing,Alice." "Relax,It makes it better." I stayed on edge anyway.

She comes over acting like she's going to hug me and throws the sticky stuff at me. "ALICE!!! I HAVE NO OTHER CLOTHES EXCEPT FOR TOMMOROWS!" "You'll just wear mine. Let's go take a shower." We started walking upstairs when Emment ask "Can I watch?" "NO!" we both scream at him. We sling our arms around each other and head up stairs.

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