《Boyfriend's sister》Chapter 15


"Dresses!"Alice exclaims as she dances into the store at the same time I groan the word dragging my feet. "Lighten up,Bella." Alice laughed "We just need to get you some dresses." "Why?" "WE will be going on more dates silly. And that dress is used." she says picking at my dress. Then I remember what Edward had said about Alice hardly letting them wear the same cloths twice.

"Okay,I have some money but I can't buy many." Alice laughs again. "Silly,Bella. I'm not letting my girlfriend pay for herself." "Alice." "Bella,I'm paying. Lets go look"

"Wow,There are a lot of dresses in here." "I KNOW! Isn't it great?!" I just had to laugh at her. It was cute.

We kept looking through dress after dress and we found several cute ones. "OH MY GOD

I ended up with seven new dresses. I convinced Alice to let me pay for three.

"I had fun.Alice." "Same."she said and then kissed my cheek. "I'll drive you home so you can put your bags away." "Do you mean so I can go to sleep?" "No. It's Friday. We have sleepovers everyother Friday so, SLEEPOVER!" "ok,Alice. Lets go."

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