《Boyfriend's sister》Chapter 4


*I'm skipping certain things but the ideas there. if you read the books you'll know whats missing*

Jacob got me home and set me on my feet. "Don't go in Bella,It's one of them." "Victoria?" I asked, worried but,also not. Why should I care if she killed me now? Just like drowning, Victoria could also give me relief. "no." then I saw the car. "Oh,don't worry,Jake. It's Carlisle." "Bella-" "Jake,It's ok". He sighed "I can't protect you on Cullen turf while they're here." "I know,Just come inside and take it easy."

I walked into my house and saw my favorite person in the world, besides charlie and Renee. "ALICE!" I exclaimed running to her. "Oh" she said as I rammed into her stone perfection. "Would you mind explaining to me how you're still alive?!" She yelled. "you saw me fall." I stated "no,I saw you Jump." She corrected. "What were you thinking? Committing suicide?! I told Edward this would happen." "Alice,I wasn't committing suicide. I was cliff diving." Although, I know that I definitely wouldn't have cared if I did die. I didn't say that,though. "You were what?" "Cliff diving, you know, recreationally." she sighed my name and walked a few feet away. Probably a good idea, even though I know she'd never actually hurt me. Her eyes are coal black. "Edward thinks you're dead" "Why should he care?" "Because he loves you! He lied! He was Trying to protect you which, obviously, didn't work." "What do you mean.I'm Fine" she looked at Jacob"Werewolf in the room" she said. I rolled my eyes but, then Jake said "vampire in the room" which made Alice hiss at him


"We'll go right after I hunt,I can't sit on a plane full of people this thirsty." "Go where?" "To save Edward from the Valtuori"

*After they save Edward and get back to forks*

"Thank you,Bella. I'll never Leave you again. I'm so sorry." Edward said, holding me when we got on the plane. All I could think is No, you aren't and yes, you will but, I still fell asleep in his cold arms.

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