《The Billionaire and The Hijabi》C H A P T E R ( 1 0 )
It's been two days since we talked about her feelings, I knew she needed time but what left me wandering was why she had such a low self esteem?
she was pretty and amazing in every way- so why the negativity?
did someone or something happen that shes not telling me?
I lay back on my bed and stared at the tall ceiling
The AC was off and the windows were open, letting the end of Jan air into my room
the temperature was high and it was hot but who cares!
Iqra moved out of my room to stay in the guest room but her scent sorta lingered back in my room
she did not seem to have touched anything except the TV rack and the bed-
"Helloo Shumayll!" said Stan coming into the view
"Hey Stan" i muttered and he grinned
"She moved out eh" he said and i sighed
"You spoke to her inspite of me telling you not to, you told her things you were only meant to know and you expect me to be happy with you?" I asked Stan and he laughed
"Yes- apparently yes, I knew you were too much of a coward to tell her so i did- I only pushed the matter, you and her took it to another level- i see things are working out between the two of you?" he asked and i smiled knowingly
"Maybbee?" i made it a question and he chuckled
"Oh the way you both smile, makes it obvious you are head over heels for each other!" he said and i sighed
"Stan, go do something on your own" i said and he saluted me before disappearing
I got up and hit my Macbook on
I was working on the new design of the latest computer program
I was busy running the programs when a knock came on the door
"come in" i said and continued on programming
"Riza aunt wants you downstairs now" said Iqra and i could not glance at her because if i did, i would lose my work
tapping away on my keyboard, i nodded
"yeah, tell her i will be down as soon as i finish work" i said, keeping my eyes glued to the screen
Something was wrong with the algorithm of this program, it was not exactly following the commands
I saved whatever i had done so far and stood straight, stretching out
Closing my MacBook, i walked out of my room to the living room downstairs
"As salaam mom, what happened?" i asked her and she smiled at me
"You do remember that Waarith is coming today, right?" she asked me and i facepalmed myself
i was suppose to pick him up
"Uhh i forgot" i muttered and she sighed
"No problomo bro!" his voice came and i turned to the side to see him grinning
"EYYY!!" i said in happiness as i walked over to hug him
"hey man, hows you?" he asked me and i chuckled
"Alhamdulillah, you?" I asked and he sighed in a dramatic way
"My girlfriend left me, my mom and dad told me to leave home and my bro forgot about me!" he said in a whole dramatic way that for a second, it seemed true
I stared at him before bursting out into laughter along with everyone else
we all knew Waarith never got along with any girls
He had no sisters, he was the only son, his mom and dad were amazing, loved us to bits and his brothers would never forget him because he is always there-
"Damn it, did not work!" he said and i laughed more
"Alright, Alright, hows work?" he asked me and i grinned giving him thumbs up
"Wait a minute- where is Iqraam? I heard that 'baghairat' got married?" he asked and i grinned at him
"Indeed- and he did not tell you?" i asked him, teasing him
"He did, actually i was too busy with dad's company and school to even get out of town!" he replied and i nodded
he then turned to mom and bhabhi and began talking animatedly to them
i turned to Iqra and she gave me a small smile
"Alright, Shumayll, bhai, can we go to the room now, I am tired and sleepy as hell" he said and i chuckled
"you know the way!" i said and he bid goodbye to everyone before heading up to my room
Waarith was like a real brother to me, he was like Iqraam, maybe thats why they hit it off too well-
my dad has only one sister, Waarith's mom, and one brother, who is in US, he also has two sons, Aarib and Aariz, both younger than me (i think one is 18 and the other is 19), we all get along all too well
Shaheer bhai is the oldest, then me, then Waarith, Aarib, Aariz and then finally Shumar, the youngest
We don't have sisters in the immediate family, so Huma bhabhi is valued everywhere because she is the oldest and only female of our generation in the family
moving on, back to Waarith
"Sale kutte kamine, how can you forget to pick me up!?!" he asked me as he put his bags down on the floor of the spacious living room in my room
i gave him a sheepish grin
"I was so much into programming that i forgot about it" i said and he laughed
"Why don't you just marry a god damn computer?" he asked me and i grinned
"I was hoping to......." i said as i set on the couch, hitting the TV on
"Right-" he said sarcastically
"By the way, who was the new girl in the house?" he asked me and i raised my eyebrows
"new girl?" i asked him
no one came in before him i think
maybe someone did
"The one who was standing at the far end and no one bothered to introduce me to her" he said and i stared at him in confusion
"Which one you talking about?" i asked him and he sighed
"Leave it yaar, i will meet her myself- poor girl, she was left alone!" he said and i shrugged
"So, when are you getting married?" he asked me and immediately my thought went to Iqra
she has not said that she likes me yet, and this guy is already asking about my marriage?
"I don't know- maybe tomorrow, maybe an hour later!" i joked and he laughed
"Sure, i see the computer program has said yes to your proposal!" he winked and i laughed
my phones ringtone blared in the room and i hit answer on the hologram
Waarith was not at all surprised coz he knew what these were like
"As salaamu alaikum!" said Iqraam grinning at us
He has his shades at the top of his head and he was wearing a 'BULA SMILE' (What up country reference!)
"Wa alaikum mus salaam!" we replied in unison
"So whats the story bro? how the honeymoon trip going?" teased Waarith and Iqraam chuckled
"My wife, my family, my kids- too much fun!" he said, genuinely smiling
"Awwww!" that was Waarith
he is this guy that is very sweet and nice but can be very bitter and mean
"So why did you decide to land in SA when i am not there?" asked Iqraam and Waarith chuckled
"Actually, one of my school friends is getting engaged this coming week, I take it you will know him, he is a native Maori, Nathaniel Hughs? the guy from All Blacks team? yeah he is getting engaged here so we had to attend it-" said Waarith and i nodded
I had met him, he is nice i can say
"Oh right- the invitation i got, i had to decline coz of this vacation- which reminds me, why did you NOT attend my reception?" asked Iqraam and Waarith chuckled sheepishly
"Thats coz I was really busy, i have been training, working and studying all at once, we had a big match against the Crusaders just this Monday, was tired!" he replied and Iqraam nodded
"Sure, you come to my grandkids weddings eh! thats only when i will see you!" retorted Iqraam and i laughed
"Yes!" said Waarith bowing playfully
"Hows Iqra?" asked Iqraam and i chuckled
"Great as always, she had work, too much work actually, these past few days- but i think shes coping on, which also reminds me, Daadi mah is setting her up with Waarith" i told Iqraam and Waarith threw fits of coughs
"What the heck?!!" asked Iqraam and i nodded, fisting my hands
"Yeah-" i muttered
"No way, bro- no way- whos Iqra again?" asked Waarith
"You have not met her?" i asked him and he shook his head 'no'
"Nope- My sister and my great friend? na- ah- plus i bet Iqra will kill him in a day or two-" said Iqraam and i laughed
so true
"Woah, is she that bad?" said Waarith and i smiled
"Not really, shes nice once you get to know her, but at times she does get cranky" i said and Iqraam began his hyena laugh
I swear i will change his name to Hyena on my phone
"Did you just say what i heard you just said??!!" he asked me after sobering up
Waarith was just staring at him because Iqraam looked so damned weird atm
"depends on what you heard" i muttered and he laughed again, but a short one this time
"You just said she was nice, dude, did she hit so hard, you lost your brain cells?" asked Iqraam and i sighed
if only he knew
"Thats mean bhai!!" that was not me nor Waarith
i turned to see an angry Iqra
"Hey, you are Iqra!" said Waarith smiling at her
she nodded smiling back
"hey" she said and Waarith grinned
"I like her! shes cool bro!" said Waarith and i threw a cushion at him
"Yo thats my sister you talking about!" said Iqraam
"And that sister is standing right here!" said Iqra and i turned to her
"What did you want?" i asked her and she glared at me, raising her eyebrows
oh my Allah
"Aunt is calling you two for Lunch" she said and i smiled at her
she scowled back at me
"Dayyaamm she can kill with her scowls!!" commented Waarith and i threw the TV remote at him
Iqraam and I knew his comments were harmless because Waarith was not the type to harass girls, he was sorta girl repellent
so no harm done
"Waarith, my beloved brother, and Shumayll, please stop commenting on who will i kill first, sincerely Iqraar-who-will-murder-all-3-of-you-if-you-don't-shut-up-now!" she said and i chuckled lowly
"Tell Maami I will be there in a moment with this baboon!" said Waarith throwing a cushion on me
Iqra rolled her eyes and walked out of my room, slamming the door shut
Iqra and I had grown alittle close since the past few days, we would joke around and play around, but not once did we do anything haraam! (Alhamdulillah!)- which was good
she would tell me things about herself while i told her things about me, little things, baby steps i guess
Waarith showered and changed before we headed down for lunch
I had to leave for work again, i had to attend to some matters at work relating the delivery of our products in Australia
Lunch went uneventful, no one spoke about anything major, just some jokes here and there-
the only thing that bothered me was that Daadi mah kept trying to push Iqra to talk to Waarith and it just hit my nerves
But I can't be angry at Waarith, the poor guy has no idea what Daadi mah is planning!
after lunch, i hit the gym, then showered and got dressed for work
taking my phone and laptop, i walked downstairs and said my goodbyes to mom before heading out
taking my Ferrari from my garage, I sped to work
after all my hectic day work, i returned home and after a little chat with everyone, i went to sleep
life is so uneventful nowadays
The next day, i reached work at 6am, i needed to finish the program i was working on plus i also needed to configure what went wrong with our PC system at Logitech-
the whole day was spent doing random numbers on the screen to figure out the problem
and it made my head ache
the following afternoon, i got a call from Iqraam saying that they were returning by tomorrow's flight at 6am, meaning they will land here by the following day-
I lay back on my bed and stared at the ceiling
i had work alright, but what was haunting me more was the fact that Iqra will be gone back home after tomorrow-
no more waking up to see her grinning face at the kitchen,
no more seeing her play around
no more letting her borrow my shoes
"Iqra, Iqra, Iqra!" I muttered and Waarith walked out of the bathroom, wearing his tuxedo
"Dude, get ready, we need to leave in another 10 minutes! or we will be late" said Waarith as he set his hair
i sighed before getting up and getting ready
i wore a simple suit with tie and set up my hair
when i walked downstairs, the first thing i noticed was that Iqra was no where to be seen
"Where is Iqra?" i asked bhabhi and she smirked at me
"She will be late, shes at work- she has somewhere to go today, now actually" said bhabhi and i nodded
"No problem" i said and she smiled back at me
i knew she knew what was going on in my head but meh, who cares!
"Alright, enough of the admirations, can we please leave?" i asked Waarith and he grinned
"bye people, Allah hafiz" we said together and then walked out of the car, into my Lambo Aventador
Sleek and sexy as heck- how can anything be so sexy and not know?
we drove to Novotel Hotel, one of its finest hotels in SA
we got off and i gave the keys to the valet
"Thanks man!" i smiled and he nodded before driving away in my car
"Shall we?" asked Waarith and i grinned
of course
we entered the huge halls of the hotel and were immediately greeted by paparazzi's and friends and other business associates
"Hey man!!!" said Nickelson, brother of Nathan, the groom
"Hey!" said Waarith and we walked towards them
We did a bro hug and then i met the rest of the All Blacks players
"Shumayll, my bro, how are you!?!" asked Akira and i grinned before hugging him
"Sup bro? why did you not come to our opening matches?" asked captain Carter and i laughed
"Sorry sir, I had work to do!" I replied laughing with them
these people were great
"Where is the groom?" asked Mickelson and everyone nodded
slowly the music lowered and Nathan and his bride walked down the stairs, smiling and all adorable
but that was not what caught me by surprise, it was the person trailing behind them
a smile on her face, as she tried to walk down the stairs, pulling her dress up, like a princess she is, her hijab secured in place and her eyes trained on the task of walking without falling
Iqra walked down the stairs, gracefully i might add, behind Aleha, wearing a white and black long dress with hijab and a small purse
"masha Allah" I muttered under my breath and looked away
"Yo is that Iqra?" asked Waarith and i nodded
He chuckled
"Looks different" he said and i nodded again smiling at her
she did not see me and yet my heart rate was increasing
I smiled at her
"Alright boys, How do we show appreciation to people in the All Blacks family?" asked captain Carter and we all cheered
(they officially accepted me as one!)
here goes nothing!
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