《Sent To The Past (Interracial Romance)》CH. 94 A whole new world


I was in the living room, sitting on the couch in front of the t.v watching archaeologists roaming around where the ancient historical places in Egypt are—seeing if they could discover anything new that they haven't found before. They discussed the time King Tut's tomb was found, in 1922, when British archaeologist Howard Carter came across it, many tests have been run on King Tut. Some said he died from blood loss, some saying that he died from a blow to the head, some saying that he died from malaria, and others believing that King Tut's health issues were why he died, from what they could find from the body. They also found proof that King Tut was proof of incest and also knowing the fact that his parents were related as well.

Although some things had changed before I met Tut, it was known that he ended up marrying his half-sister, but right now, none of this has been mentioned. As I, of course, had ended up interfering with history, from the very moment I was pulled into the past, history was going to change. There was nothing I could do to prevent it; my very existence at that point had interfered with the era itself. The thing was, there was nothing I could do to even stop myself from interfering with Tut's era; neither did I want to.

From the minute I met him and knew who he was, I just couldn't ignore Tut and let him go through the things he would have to go through.

I continued to watch t.v as they spoke more about what was found and not found; no mentions of Tut's mother tomb were found as well.

Many tombs were not found; the reasons why? Well, because they were not meant to be seen and of course, certain people made sure that the tombs would indeed be hard to find, especially with the help from a certain someone who made sure that none of the tombs of the people she cared about would ever be found whenever they ended up dying.

A small smile crossed my face as I turned off the tv, as soon as I did. I heard the front door to the house opened.

I sat up from the couch and walked towards the front door, a smile on my face as Tut came in.

His face lightened up as he saw me.

"Hello, my Queen, how were classes?" He asked me, taking me into a hug. I hugged him back.

It's been two years of us living together in my era, we still visit Tut's era, of course, but only the ones who are close to us and who knew about our plan know of our existence and know that we visit. To everyone else in Tut's era, Tut died, and I simply have disappeared; no one knew what happened to me. There are speculations that I was taken away by the people who killed Tut and assumptions that whoever killed Tut was someone fond of Tut's father. My name was taken down as the woman who showed up from nowhere and had had an impact in ancient Egypt and even on Queen Renequa people.

The thing about that is, my name is never spelled wrong with my Starbucks order, and now whenever I'm in school in a new class, and the professor is taking attendance, they always reference my name to Amala, the woman who showed from nowhere and left to nowhere. Asking me questions if that's where my mother got my name from or if my name meaning was from the Amala in history.


Not knowing that the Amala they rave and discuss was the same one sitting in their class.

Of course, I couldn't blame them. Who would believe it? They would claim it as a work of fiction; after all, there's no way someone could travel from the b.c to the era I was in.

"Classes were fine; how were classes for you?" I asked Tut.

Tut was also going to school as well; we were attending the same university; the thought of that made me smile.

When Tut and I first arrived at my era together with his mother, my mother, and grandmother. It was a long conversation on what we would have to do.

My mother discussed how she's okay with Tut and me being a couple and that she is happy for us, but we would have to get a place for us to live comfortably.

Of course, she helped us. My mother was a great help with helping us find a place and getting us both into school.

As for Tut's mother, my mother and grandmother helped her as well. She now has her condo and is living nicely while working a job she enjoys.

We visit her a lot, and so does Queen Renequa, who, from time to time, stays for an extended visit.

It didn't take us too long to realize that the relationship between Tut's mother and Queen Renequa was romantic.

Tut was worried at first, but after seeing how happy the two were, he learned to accept it and even has a good relationship with Queen Renequa now.

Even I do as well because it was because of her I met Tut, even though she wanted to kill me first.

"School was okay, not too bad. Annoying professors but nothing I can't handle." Tut said.

I held back a laugh.

"What's so funny?" He asked with a smile on his face.

"Nothing, I just still find it amusing and cute how you now use different slangs; after all, it's usually what happens when you live somewhere else," I said.

He nodded his head, agreeing with me.

"Yes, but you know. People still ask me where I'm from because of my accent." Tut said, shrugging his shoulder.

"I just tell them Egypt." He said,

"I know. So are you ready?" I asked him, kissing him on his lips.

He held me there a little longer and kissed me.

"Yes. I miss them." He said.

"I do too. Alright, let's get ready to go." I said.

We were going to visit the others; leaving my era and going to Tut's old era was something that I learned from my mother and grandmother.

Tut and I grabbed the bags we would take with us to visit and walk into the circle.

"You know, you would be known as a witch and burn alive another time that I've learned about," Tut said, I knew which time he was referencing, and I let out a laugh.

"I am one, Tut, and yeah, I know. Okay, here we go." I said, then saying the chant to get us there.

A breeze came over us; I always kept my eyes close. I don't know if Tut does the same thing, but I tend to.


When I opened my eyes, we were back in the era we missed dearly, in the close wing.

I went towards the bell that we made to leave there and run it in the room.

Three minutes went by before the chambers door slam open by Leo and Ramo looking taller than the last time I saw them and even cuter.

Kronos was with them as well; we didn't miss the smile on their faces as they ran towards us and embrace us.

"We miss you," Leo said. I tightened my hug around him.

"We miss you three as well," I said, giving them each hug. Tut hugged them as well, and of course, the hug between Tut and Kronos was the longest.

"How is everything?" I asked them, and they filled me in with what was going on; Tut and I filled them in with things that were going on as well.

"Have you guys traveled again?" Kronos ask.

He loves hearing the stories of us traveling, especially when we go on planes.

The first time I took Tut on a plane will be a memory I never forget, the nervousness Tut felt on a plane for the first time. The murmurs and even prayers that would release from his mouth when the plane would shake were something that will forever amuse me.

Tut had every right to be scared of planes the first time he got on one; it was a new experience, and also, planes can go haywire from time to time, and Tut did not like knowing that information.

We told them about a trip we had, and of course, they ask as many questions as they could muster, asking to see pictures and us showing them pictures on our phones.

My mother also taught me something to do to change Tut and my appearance while traveling from the two eras.

Whenever we leave the close wing, Tut and I will change our appearance to roam with the others and do as we wish.

Of course, questions would get ask on who we were in the beginning, but after the first answer that we were dear friends to many members of the royal family, it was drop.

We spent the whole day hanging out with Tut's brothers, his loyal guards, the people from the village that I trust, and the faithful servants that we trust as well.

Whenever we would visit, it would be a celebration with all of them, we all look forward to it.

When it came to the nighttime, Tut and I retire to our room in the close wing.

When I entered the room, my eyes widened to find candle lights and rose petals all over the room.

The rose petals were in a heart, and the candle lights spelled "I love you."

The whole scenery in the bedroom had me taken off guard.

"Tut, when did you plan this? This is very beautiful. I can't-" I turned around to face him to find Tut on his knee and holding a ring box.

A gasp left my mouth.

"Happy Anniversary, Mala. Today is the anniversary of the day I first met you. The day that changed my life forever and the first day I ever felt anything romantically for anyone. You're the best person in my life; I adore you and love you. We may still be young, in our early 20's and still experiencing as much life can throw at us, but we have survived two eras together and have gone through a lot as a couple. You're my Goddess and my Queen; the only thing that is left is to make you my wife. So Amala Vivu, would you do me the honor of filling in that title as well." He said.

Tut prepared for all of this, this whole thing, from getting the ring, proposing the way he is doing right now, and having this sweet proposal speech.

Tears made their way to my eyes, and I smiled.

"Of course, Tut," I said to him; he smiled and stood up to put the ring on my finger.

I pressed a kiss on his lips, and Tut immediately kissed me back.

I pulled back and smiled at him.

"How did you get this idea?" I asked him.

"Pinterest." He said, chuckling.

I rolled my eyes but still smiling.

Tut is obsessed with Pinterest and always coming up with fabulous house deco for the house from Pinterest idea; his following on Pinterest even impresses me.

"I'm so happy you said yes." He said in a soft voice.

I stared at him directly, making sure that we were making complete eye contact.

"Of course I would; you're the person that I am completely in love with and the only King in my life. I would be honored to be your wife." I said to him.

"You mean the world to me." He said with so much love in his voice and pure love showing on his face.

Tut grabbed my face and placed gentle kisses all over it.

I let out a giggle.

"As you mean the world to me, here's to a new chapter in our lives, and may we survive many eras together," I said, wrapping my arms around his neck.

"Here's to a new chapter in our lives together indeed, my Queen," Tut said, pressing a kiss on my lips.

I would have never thought in a lifetime that I would come across someone like Tut, someone who I treasure and adore in the ways I do when it comes to Tut; the way Tut treats me will always make me feel special, and it will always make me feel like a true Queen in his life, just as Tut is a King in mine.

Who would have ever thought that I would end up with a King, and all it took to happen, was me being sent to the past.

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