《Michael Myers X Reader》Chapter 16


Michael POV

(Y/n) screaming and calling out for me resounded in my head. Her voice calling out for me before being silenced.

As my head became less foggy everything that happened came flooding back to me.

Dr. Loomis had shot me, the blood seeping out of my wound began to slow and stop.


The voice in my head boomed louder than it ever has before.


The voice didn't even have to continue, I knew what had happened. Loomis had taken (Y/n) away from me, if he hurt her he would be a dead man.

I sat up from the cold floor, my wound now almost fully healed and gone.

If Loomis thought that one pitiful bullet would keep me down he is a fool. I've come back from worse, the old man would have done more if he wanted me dead.

I stood up and made my way to the front door my thoughts running wild.

He obviously wanted me alive otherwise he would have taken more precautions to keep me dead. So then why keep me alive?

As I reached the front door I saw that the sky was darkening and becoming evening, it would be safe for me to lurk outside without drawing too much attention.

I stepped outside and instantly saw the red liquid on the ground. I didnt have to get any closer to know what it was.


(Y/n)'s blood.

My blood boiled and I was overtaken with anger. Loomis had hurt her and I wouldn't let it stand.

The voice boomed in my head once more, giving me one word of advice.


The Sanitarium, of course Loomis would take her there. My old prison and his safest place to be.

I made my way over to a driveway of the nearby house, a car was parked there. I tested the door and surprisingly it opened. I sat in the car and checked every spot for possible keys.


When I moved the visor the jangle of keys fell into my lap.

I quickly took the keys and started the car pulling out of the driveway and towards the Sanitarium.

I smiled to myself.

Dr. Loomis didnt know I could drive, no one did. I was taught by one of the other nurses at the Sanitarium at my early years of being there before the nurse themself was placed in the Sanitarium.

I purposely made sure that I never did anything to give away how much I actually knew, not even Loomis knew some of the secrets I had.


My mind was instantly pulled from its thoughts at the sound of the voice. It only called her name.

It wanted to keep me on track to getting her back. I needed her back.

Her warmth and her energy radiated everywhere she went.

I needed her.

She was like a drug and I was addicted. I couldnt live without her with me, my chest almost ached knowing that Loomis had her and she was hurt.

The pain I felt in my chest was something I had never experienced before, (Y/n) did that a lot. She made me feel things that I had never experienced before, everything she did excited me and made me feel alive again.

I was shaken out of my thoughts at the sound of a police siren and red and blue lights blaring up from behind me.


I didnt have to see my speedometer to know that I was definitely going over the speed limit. I was rushing to get to her. To (Y/n).

I didnt have time to deal with police but I couldn't let them follow me to the Sanitarium.

I pulled over the car and the police followed suit parking behind me.

I quickly searched the car for any kind of weapon I could use.


I checked the seats, the backseats, the floor, and the cupholders all turning up empty.

The last place I could look, the glove box. If there was nothing in here things would get very messy. I opened the glove box and smiled under my mask.

A small toolkit tested inside of it.


I took the toolkit in my hand and watched the rear window.

The police officer stepped out of the car, leaving the door open and began walking to the window.

As he got closer to the window I gripped the toolkit tighter and tighter my knuckles turning white under the pressure.

He was taking too long. I had fo get to the sanitarium. To (Y/n).

Finally as the cop neared my window he shined a flashlight into it, obviously unable to see me sitting in the car with the tinted windows.

He put his face up to the glass and knocked and I knew this was my opportunity.

I quickly took the toolkit and put all my force into my shoulder as I shoved it through the window and through the eye of the police officer.

Glass shattered around his face and my arm sharing up both of us.

The police officer immediately recoiled, his mouth open wide in shock as he reached out to the air.

Finally he collapsed and I quickly turned back towards the road and headed up to the Sanitarium.

(Y/n) was trapped there, I couldnt leave her, especially hot with Loomis.

He would taint her, mess with her mind to make her hate me. All the tricks he tried and failed on me he would try on her if I didnt get there fast enough.

My foot pressed harder against the gas pedal.

Time passed quickly, trees and buildings flew by as I got closer and closer to the Sanitarium.

The big white building looming in the distance, I could sense the insanity there. Sense the anguish, the pains, the suffering.

Finally I was at the gates.

They were already open ajar and I quickly zoomed through. Loomis didnt cover up his trail very well.

I stopped the car in front of the Sanitarium, now up close big and looking. All the time I spent locked up here came rushing back to me.

I could sense them inside and I knew he could sense me too.

(Y/n) was here but so was Loomis.

And Loomis knew I was here.



I hope yall enjoyed this double upload and new chapter after this will be rolling out shortly and expect some steamy situations with Michael in this upcoming chapter.

Make sure to stay tuned!

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