《Toshiro Hitsugaya x reader》Death


News of the death of Captain Aizen's death spread like wildfire. Rangiku was asleep on the couch, ad I was helping the Captain with Paperwork. "I'll deliver these." I said picking up the completed paper work.

"Thanks." Captain Histugaya said as I left the room. I tried to be quiet since I dind't want to disturb Rangiku.

When I got back, I saw a third person was inside. He reported that Lieutenants Kira, Hinamori, and Renji had escaped from their cells. Captain Histugaya and Rangiku immediately left to go check it out. "Kuchiki, come with us." Captain Histugaya ordered as he past me and I nodded and followed behind the 2 of them.

"Please, forgive me sir!" The guard bowed his head. "It all happened so quickly. Lieutenant Hinamori called out to me, and when I turned around, I was blinded by an intense bright light. That's all I remember. When I came to, she was gone. I have no excuse." he said not lifting his head once. I turned to look at the cell, both the wall and cell bars were melted away, leaving a giant hole.

"I should've remembered Momo was a master of Kido. If we had been serious about wanting to restrain her, we would've made certain to seal her reiatsu." Captain Histugaya said, looking at the cell. "We didn't even think of taking that action. We had no reason, since none of us actually believed she'd take things this far." he said.

"It's not if she was being threatened with execution." I muttered looking at the cell.

"Yes, so why would-" Rangiku was cut off by the Captain.

"There's only one explanation that makes any sense. Rangiku, Kuchiki. You are to go home, that's an order." Captain Hitsugaya said and left. Rangiku and I looked at each other.

"Want to walk together?" I asked and she smiled nodding.


"I heard some poeple talking, that you know the ryouka?" Rangiku asked me as we walked together.

".. They were my friends when I was in the human world." I admitted.

"Is that why you haven't been looking for them?" she asked me.

"I wanted to look for them, and help them... but I don't know enough about anything in Seireitei to be of any help. It may be easier for them to be chased by other shinigami who will know more than me." I said. "Anyway, they are all to stubborn to not get what they came for." I smiled at her.

"What did they come for?" she asked me.

".. They want to rescue Rukia." I said and she looked at me and said nothing more. As we were walking, I couldn't help but wonder why the Lieutenants escaped from their cells.

"Wait." Rangiku said and I turned to her and she was looking somewhere.

Before I could ask, I could feel the same thing. "Hyorinmaru?" I asked her and she nodded. "Let's go." I said and she nodded and she ran ahead, and I followed her.


We had finally caught up with Captain Hitsugaya, and with him was Captain Ichimaru, Lieutenant Kira and Hinamori. Lieutenant Hinamori was on the ground, seemingly unconscious. The two Captains were fighting each other, "We have to stop them." I said looking at Rangiku.

"Agreed." She said. SHe rushed forward and I saw her stop Captain Ichimaru's Zanpakuto with her own. I joined her and checked Lieutenant Hinamori. Her injury wasn't bad but she got hit in the head bad, which caused her to go unconscious.

"Please, forgive us, sir. We were heading back to our quarters, when we felt Hyorinmaru's reiatsu and thought you might need help." Rangiku said as she continued to hold back Captain Ichimaru's Zanpakuto. "Now, Captain Ichimaru, please put away your sword. If you refuse, you're going to have the 3 of us as your opponents." Rangiku said.


I turned Hinamori over, so she was lying on her back. I summoned Kyln into my hand, and unsheathed him. I pointed the sword at Hinamori and the familiar white glow emitted from my sword, healing her injuries. Her breathing was more calm, and her facial expression relaxed. "She'll be unconscious for a while more, but she'll be.. physically fine when she wakes up." I whispered so Rangiku could hear.

Captain Ichimaru left with Lieutenant Kira, and Captain HItsugaya came to us, checking over Hinamori. "She'll be alright. But we should take her to Squad 4 to make sure, and she can get proper rest there." I said seeing the worried look in Captain Hitsugaya's eyes.

"Thanks, Kuchiki." he said and carried her, and began walking away.

".. No problem." I said and sighed. I looked at Rangiku, "I can heal that for you." I offered.

She smiled, shaking her head, "It's no big deal. Don't worry about it." she said and I nodded as she followed after the Captain.


Lieutenant was given a room and a be to recuperate in, and Rangiku's wrists were bandaged up. "If you hadn't shown up there when you did, Momo would surely be dead now. Thank you, Rangiku." Captain Hitsugaya said to Rangiku.

"You're welcome." Rangiku responded.

A hell butterfly then flew in, and landed on Rangiku's finger. "The following message is an urgent message for all Squad Captains and their Lieutenants." Rangiku said. I got up, to leave, but Captain Hitsugaya raised a hand, telling me to stay. I nodded and Rangiku continued the report, "A change has been made regarding the execution of Kuchiki Rukia, be advised that this convicted prisoners execution is now set, 29 hours from now. This decision is final and irrevocable. No further changes will be made to the execution date. That is all." Rangiku said and I froze.

"29 hours.. Does that give Ichigoa and them enough time.. I don't even know.. where they are. or if something happened.." I thought. "I.. I have to go." I said and left the room. "Sorry." I said and rushed out.

As I was running, the same report I heard was repeated out loud for everyone to hear. I jumped up onto the roofs of some buildings, and closed my eyes, looking for Ichigo's reiatsu. "Where are you.." I mumbled, and frowned sensing Renji-san's, except it was far from Seireitei. I didn't know why, but I rushed to that location.


I ended up on the outskirts of Seireitei, and there was a lot of nature around. I walked around, and saw footsteps on the ground. I followed it, and found a small cave. I followed the cave, and saw a hole. I looked down the hole, seeing a partially familiar room. I saw the ladder, and started to climb down. I looked around and saw Ichigo, and Renji-san. I sighed and jumped down from the ladder and landed on the ground. I ran to where Ichigo was and saw the ground was covered with swords. I also saw Yoruichi standing there with him, and someone dressed in all black.

"Yoruichi, Ichigo." I called out and Ichigo looked at me and smiled. He said nothing, and attacked the man dressed in black. I walked to Yoruichi. "What is he training for?" I asked her.

"Bankai." she simply answered.

"Ban... kai.." I mumbled and looked at my own hands.

"Do you want to learn?" I turned to Yoruichi as she asked me. I stared at her as she smiled at me.

"Learn.. my bankai.." I muttered.

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