《Toshiro Hitsugaya x reader》Intruders


It was early the next morning, when a mystery object came flying towards us and hit the Seireitei barrier. It caught the attention of everyone, including me, who was laying on the roof of the Squad 10 barracks. I saw the ball explode, and then another bright light and I closed my eyes and then streaks of gold came flying from it in 4 different directions.

"Could it be.. Ichigo?" I thought watching the golden streaks. I decided to pick one of the streaks to follow. I found myself in the territory of Squad 11, and below me I saw Shinigami running up and down the halls, trying to figure out what to do. I then saw a bunch of smoke in the distance and decided towards it.

By the time I arrived at the fight, I saw Ichigo and Ikkakku-san were fighting. I jumped onto the roof of the demolished hallway. "Oi, Ikkakku! If you lose you're gonna buy me dinner!" I smiled and he looked up at me.

"What the hell are you doing here?!" He yelled.

"I wanted to see what the commotion was about." I smiled. "It's fun to see you loosing." I said and he glared at me.

"Make yourself useful and hunt down some other intruders! I got this one!" He yelled and charged at Ichigo.


Eventually the fighting came to an end. I walked over to the unconscious Ikkaku. "Stupid." I said and grabbed his zanpakuto and opened the end, revealing the medicine inside it. I walked over to Ichigo and used it to stop the bleeding over his eye. I then walked back to Ikkaku. I kneeled next to Ikkaku and my sword formed in my hand. I pulled my sword out of its sheath, pointing it towards Ikkaku, and it glowed white, slowly healing his injuries.


"(Y/n)." I turned to see it was Ichigo.

"Are you here for Rukia?" I asked.

"Yes." he answered. "Do you know where Rukia is?" Ichigo asked me.

"I used to." I said.

"Tell me." He said.

"Ichigo, they transferred her yesterday, while I was out. I didn't find out till late last night when I went to visit her cell." I said.

"Do you not even have an idea?" he asked me.

"He might know." I looked at Ikkaku, and pulled my sword back, sheathing it, and letting it go, disappearing into thin air.

Ichigo said nothing and sat on the broken hallway. I sat against the wall in the shade. Ikkaku soon woke up. "What are you still doing here, Ichigo?" Ikkaku asked. "Why are you here?" he asked me.

"Well, I learned something. The released Zanpaluto returns to its original form when the owner goes unconscious." Ichigo said holding Ikkaku's zanpakuto.

"Bastard! Give it back!" Ikkaku said.

"I'm not gonna take it." Ichigo said. "I just used the medicine to stop the bleeding. Except I kind of used it all. (Y/n) healed most of your injuries. But, this sure works great!"

"B-bastard! That was dirty!" Ikkaku said.

"I knew it was strange, I didn't die, even after losing so much blood. I can't live in shame like this." He complained.

"Damn! If I could move I'd bet you to a pulp!" he said to Ichigo then turned to me. "You know our squads philosophy, why did you save me?" He asked.

"It's the right thing to do, Ikkaku-san." I said and he just rolled his eyes.

"The human world has made you soft hearted." He said and I smiled and shrugged.


"Well, appreciate it or not, doesn't matter to me. All I want are some answers." Ichigo said.

"I knew something like this was coming. I sure am unlucky. What do you want to know? My birthday?" he asked.

"Where is Kuchiki Rukia?" he asked him.

"Kuchiki?" he asked.

"Why not ask her?" Ikkaku looks at me.

"I don't exactly know where she is." I said shrugging.

"Wow, anyway, why do you want to save someone like her?" Ikkaku asked.

"We came to save her." Ichigo said.

"S-save her?! How many of you came?!" Ikkaku asked.

"There's 5 of them." I answered. "Plus a cat." I added.

"What? An animal?" Ikkaku asked. "You seriously intend to rescue her with so few?!" Ikkaku asked.

"Thats right." Ichigo said smiling.

Ikkaku thens tarted laughing. "Y-you'll never pull off something like that! Are you stupid or something?!" He then groaned. "God, I'm laughing so hard, my wounds are hurting again."

"Then stop moving around stupid." I said and hit him on the head with his Zanpakuto.

"Well, fine. Directly south from here are the stations for each of the 13 Court Guard Squads... " Ikkaku said.

"You're going to tell me?" Ichigo asked crouching down.

"Shut up and listen! Or I won't tell you!" Ikkaku said. "At the West end of the stations is a white tower. She should be there..." Ikkaku said.

"I-is that true?" Ichigo asked.

"You're doubting me?! I have no interest in whatever you want with the girl. Save her, if that's what you want. Hey, get going or other reapers will find you!" Ikkaku said to him.

"So long, I owe you Ikkaku." Ichigo said.

"By the way, whose the strongest in your group?" Ikkaku asked.

"Probably me." Ichigo said.

"Then watch out for my Captain then. He has no interest in weaklings." Ikkaku said.

"Good luck." I said smiling and he turned to me smiling and nodded.

"Thanks." Ichigo said and ran off.


I turned to Ikkaku. "Can you walk?" I asked him.

"I refuse your help." he said. I rolled my eyes, and picked up his Zanpakuto.

"Come on." I crouched down, grabbing his hand, pulling it over my shoulders and lifting him up. "Wow, why are you so heavy.." I muttered and began walking towards Squad 4's Barracks.

"You're just weak." he said leaning against me.

"Shut up baldy.." I sighed and continued in assisting him to Squad 4, so he could rest in a proper bed.

"Are you going to tell the others where he's headed?" I asked Ikkaku.

"Who knows." he said quietly. "Are you?" he asked.

"Who knows." I said and he scoffed. "If I bump into Yumichika-san, I'm totally telling him you lost your fight." I teased.

"If you do, I swear-" He groaned since him getting angry aggravated his injuries. "I thought you healed me." he complained.

"Only enough so that your injuries don't get infected, and that you don't bleed to death. You're still going to be sore." I said. "Don't worry, I was only kidding." I said to him. I looked up seeing we had arrived at Squad 4. A few people noticed us, and came running towards us. One of them took Ikkaku off of me. "Don't push yourself." I said to Ikkaku.

"Good luck." he said to me and I smiled, and left.

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