《Toshiro Hitsugaya x reader》Captain Hitsugaya


The whole walk back to Soul Society, I stuck close to dad and I was unconsciously holding his hand like I did 50 years ago. ".... what's going to happen to me?" I asked looking up at dad. "Since I don't have a squad... do I need to take some kind of test... or will Captain Yamamoto just assign me to a squad?" I asked.

"We'll discuss it with the other Captains." Dad said as we exited the gate.

I glanced back at Rukia and saw her being taken away by Renji, and dad guided me in the other direction, to meet with Captain Yamamoto.

I was led to a different room from the one 50 years ago. "Wait here." dad said and I nodded as he walked in. The door closed after he went in and I stood there, waiting a bit. The door then opened, and inside was all 12 Captains, looking at me.

I cautiously stepped inside, and walked towards the center of the room, where dad was also standing. I could recognize Captain Yamamoto, and Captain Unohana. Though everyone else was a complete stranger to me.

"Captain Kuchiki, who might this be?" I turned to the person who asked, seeing it was a man with long white hair, and a pale complexion.

"Introduce yourself." dad said and I nodded. I stepped beside my dad, so that everyone could see me.

"My name is Kuchiki (Y/n). It's nice to meet all of you!" I said hopefully loud enough for them to hear.

"Welcome back child." Captain Yamamoto said and I smiled a bit at him. "So, have you been able to control your reiatsu?" he asked me.

"Yes sir." I nodded and he nodded, with a slight smile.

"Does she not have a Zanpakuto?" I turned to see it was a guy with short silver hair, and his eyes seemed to be closed.

"I do, sir." I said to him.

"May we see it?" I turned to see it was someone with messy brown hair and glasses.

"Am I allowed to?" I asked looking at Captain Yamamoto.

He said nothing, but just nodded. I nodded and held out my (left/right) hand and relaxed, "Come, Kyln." I whispered and reiatsu started flowing towards me, and it formed my sword. I closed my hand around the glowing form of my sword, and once I had the sword in my grasp, the reiatsu quickly dissipated revealing my Zanpakuto. Everyone was looking at me surprised. I drew out my blade as well, twirling it a bit and swiping in the air kicking up dust near my feet as a result.


Captain Yamamoto nodded in approval, "I see, you've certainly improved the past 50 years." he said and I bowed before putting my sword back in its sheath, and then from the bottom of my sword, it began to turn into reiatsu again, and traveled up the blade until it was completely gone, and I placed my hands behind my back, looking up at Captain Yamamoto.

"Hmmmm, I'd love to do some research on that Zanpakuto of yours~" I turned seeing it was a interesting looking guy, he had white paint over his skin, and the inner part of his face was black.

"No thank you." I said flatly.

"Her skill would be useful in my squad." I turned and it was a girl, she had 2 long braids down her back.

Captain Yamamoto silently looked over all the Captains and seemed to come to a conclusion. "(Y/n), you may choose which Squad you would like to join. If the Captain of your chosen Squad accepts, then you may join that squad." he said and I nodded.

I didn't want to join Squad 12, since it seems to be that white paint faced dudes squad. Squad 2 seems like it'd be too strict on the rules for me. Squad 6 is run by dad, and I don't want people thinking I'm only in dad's squad for an easy life. I looked over all the rest of the Squads. Squad 11 is based all in fighting, which I'm not fit for. Squad 4 is a team full of medics. I mean, I can heal people, but I don't want to be just a healer of Squad 4. I sighed and looked over all the Squads again and saw the shortest Captain among the bunch. "He must be the youngest..most fun?..." I thought and turned to Captain Yamamoto. "I want to join his." I pointed to the short Captain.

"Ah, Captain Hitsugaya, of Squad 10." Yamamoto said. I looked to Captain Hitsugaya to see whether or not he would accept me or not.

"I don't mind if she joins my squad." He said and I smiled and bowed towards him and Captain Yamamoto.

"Then, you may be dismissed (Y/n)." Yamamoto said and I nodded and bowed, taking a few steps back before leaving the room.

I left the Captains meeting room and sighed in relief. "I hope I made a good choice... I chose him since he seemed to be the youngest, and hopefully the most fun..." I mumbled and twirled my hair and walked down the hallways, bored.


"I should go home first..." I mumbled and flash stepped to the Kuchiki residence.

I was greeted by the servants, who I was surprised had remembered me. I went to my old room, and it was pristine. I excused the servants, and looked through my old books. I then left my room and wandered around the grounds, and found the garden I used to always hang out in. I walked past the pond with beautiful koi fish swimming around. I sat on a rock that was used to line the pond, and watched the flowers sway in the wind. I remember those flowers being mother favorites. She planted them herself before she became bed ridden. Dad then planted the same flowers on other parts of the residence.

"I'm home mom." I said softly and the wind picked up and some petals flew up and towards me and I smiled since the wind felt comforting. I felt a presence and turned and recognized the person standing there as Renji.

"Captain Kuchiki and Captain Hitsugaya want to see you." he said and I smiled at him.

"You don't have to be that stiff around me." I said and stood up and walked towards him. "lead the way, Lieutenant." I said and he bowed before walking ahead of me, and I recognized we were headed to the main living room.

Renji stopped in front of the door, and opened the door for me to go inside. I entered and the door closed behind me. "You called for me, Captain Hitsugaya, Captain Kuchiki?" I asked with my head bowed.

"Starting from today, you're a member of Squad 10. I need to see your skills to determine if you are worthy of being a seated member, or not." Captain Hitsugaya said and I nodded.

"How do you wish to test me, sir?" I asked

"A simple sword fight." Captain Hitsugaya said. "We're not to release our swords, the unreleased state is fine." he said and I nodded. I held out my hand and the reiatsu around me gathered in my hands again, and pulled out my sword from the sheath as the reiatsu was still forming my sword.

"Start." My father said and Captain Hitsugaya charged in first. I quickly held up my sword to block his strike. I then tilted my blade downwards, and his katana slid down mines and I quickly turned and kicked him in the back, giving us a bit of distance.

"Nice kick." Captain Hitsugaya commented.

"Thank you, sir." I said and this time I charged in. I held my sword in my left and swung down from above. I saw as Captain Hitsugaya moved his sword up to block my hit, so I quickly flash stepped behind him to hit him from the back, but he was quick to avoid my attack. So I flash stepped closer to him and swung my blade and he stopped before it hit his neck and I smiled seeing his was pointed to my chest.

"I lose?" I said smiling and he lowered his sword. I let go of mine, and it disappeared into the air again.

(Srry if the appearance and disappearance of your sword is confusing.)

"Well, from what I can tell, you're a good fighter, and you think on your feet." Captain said sheathing his sword.

"Thank you sir." I smiled and fixed my hair.

He seemed to be thinking of where to place me. "You definitely are strong enough for a seated position...." he then looked towards my dad. "I think third seat will do fine." he said and I looked towards dad and he just nodded.

"Alright, today, you can work on moving your things into the barracks." he said and left.

"... Do I have to bring everything?" I asked looking at my dad.

"Just bring what you need." dad said and I nodded. "I'll order a bed for your room in the barracks." Dad said and I nodded and went to go pack my things.

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