《Toshiro Hitsugaya x reader》Reunion


The next day, school was like usual, when it was time for lunch, I went to go buy lunch, and then went up to the roof to see Ichigo and his friends were already eating there, along with the Quincy, whose name I learned was Ishida Uryu.

"Ichigo~" I said and quickly hugged him and kissed his cheek.

"AH!! Why are you the only one with a cute girlfriend!?" Keigo cried.

"Did you buy a drink?" Ichigo asked me and I nodded.

"I didn't bring enough for food, all I could afford was this juice." I said and sat myself next to him.

"Alright, you can have this." Ichigo said and gave me some bread to eat.

"Yay~! You're my favorite boyfriend of all time!" I said smiling.

"I'm your only boyfriend dumbass." he said pinching my cheeks and I smiled, pushing his hand away.

The school day quickly came to an end, and I got home to see Yoruichi with Urahara outside the shop. "Yoruichi! You're back!" I smiled and ran over and picked her up and hugged her.

"(Y/n), have you noticed?" she asked me.

"... yeah... its my dad.. and someone else.." I mumbled and set Yoruichi back on the ground. "Chances are, they are here for Rukia..." I said and looked up to the sky.

"Most likely." Urahara said.

"... I'm going to check it out.." I said and huried inside and threw my school bag into my room, and quickly popped a pill in my mouth. I felt the familiar pull, taking me out of my gigai. I then quickly hid my reiatsu and left through the front door, bidding Yoruichi and Urahara a goodbye before searching for Rukia.

I was almost a block away from Rukia's location, and I could also feel dad's and another persons reiatsu, and I also sensed Ichigo's reiatsu with them as well. I watched from behind a fence, behind some bushes, at the battle in front of me. I saw Ichigo was fighting a red haired shinigami, Ishida was unconscious on the ground, with Rukia standing next to him. I also noticed dad, just standing there, watching.


I heard the red head yell out his name as Abarai Renji. I knew Ichigo wasn't going to win in this fight. Even if he was able to defeat Renji-san, although unlikely, he'd also have to fight dad, and he'd most definitely die if he did. I was about to help when I felt a hand on my shoulder.

I turned and it was Yoruichi. "He needs to see for himself the difference in skill." she said.

"I can't just let them kill him!" I whispered harshly.

"Do you think he'll die?" she asked me.

".. I.. I don't know." I turned back to Ichigo and he was pushing Renji back. He then went in for another attack, one that would've injured Renji gravely, but it was stopped by dad. I saw that Ichigo's Zanpakuto had been broken.

Then, faster than the eye can see, dad cut Ichigo. Ichigo fell forward, and dad stabbed Ichigo once again. "Ichigo.. he probably doesn't even know what happened." I thought sadly, looking at Ichigo.

Rukia then ran out to Ichigo, but Renji stopped her, holding her against a pole. I stood up, "Where are you going?" Yoruichi asked me, holding my arm.

"... home, I guess?" I smiled, and glanced at Ichigo, "Take care of him.." I said and she nodded.

I jumped over the fence, landing beside Ichigo and dad. They both turned to look at me. "You.." Ichigo muttered looking at me.

"Who are you, to interfere?" Dad asked.

"That's mean, I know I've been gone a while, but still.. not recognizing your own daughter." I said while taking off my mask, smiling at my dad. "I've missed you, dad." I said and moved myself in front of Ichigo, right in front of dad. I used my foot, and made Ichigo let go of dad's uniform. I glanced behind me, looking at Ichigo. "Can I come home?" I asked looking back at my dad.


Dad looked down at me, and at Ichigo behind me. "Big Brother, let's go back to Soul Society." I looked at Rukia who was standing by Renji.

"There is no need to deal the final blow, he will eventually die on his own." I said smiling up at dad. He silently placed his hand on my head, petting my hair.

"You've grown." he said, and he turned his back, and Renji began opening the senkai gate.

I crouched down, looking at Ichigo, "Sorry for not telling you, and.. take care of yourself." I said to Ichigo.

"(Y/n)..." he spoke and his hand reached up for my own.

I looked back seeing Rukia looking back at the two of us. I smiled and looked at Ichigo, "I'll see you soon." I whispered and held his hand tightly, and placed it back on the ground.

"(Y/n)." Dad called out to me.

"Coming!" I said and ran to dad before the gate closed. Dad placed a hand on my back, letting me walk beside him.

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