《Toshiro Hitsugaya x reader》Prologue


"It's a baby girl." Byakuya says to his wife, Hisana.

"Let me see." she says quietly, still exhausted from giving birth. "She's so pale..." she mumbles and smiles kissing the little girl on the forehead.

"My lord, we'll get her dressed more warmly." A servant says and Hisana hands the baby away gently to the servant.

"What do you want to name her?" Byakuya asked.

"What about... (Y/n)?" she says smiling.

"It's a beautiful name." Byakuya says and holds her hand as she falls asleep to rest.

Byakuya leaves the room after a little while to see his newborn daughter behind checked on by a few members of Squad 4 who came to his household to help in the birth. "Is something wrong?" he asked them.

"Byakuya-sama, the young miss was born prematurely, and is weak. We believe that she won't live past 7 years old." they said and bowed apologetically.

"I see." he says and walks over to his sleeping daughter wrapped in a light blue blanket, with sakura's on it. "You're all dismissed." he says and everyone in the room leaves. He picks up his little girl slowly and sits down on the tatami mat, just enjoying his time with her. "7 years.... huh?" He mutters softly and kisses the little girl on the forehead.


The soft pitter patter of feet sounded through the halls. Byakuya stood up and opened the closed door to see his daughter in her short blue kimono and her messy hair with small sakura petals in it. "Daddy!" She smiled and Byakuya smiled picking her up.

"Your mother is asleep right now, so be quiet, alright?" He asked and the little girl nodded.

"I got this for mommy!" She whisper yelled and pulled out a slightly bent Sakura from her sleeves and gave it to her father.

"It's beautiful. I'm sure she'll love it." He said and placed his daughter down and she set the Sakura in her mothers hair.

"Sweet dreams mommy." She whispered and went back to her fathers side.

The next day, Hisana died. "I'll take care of (Y/n), I promise." Byakuya said to his deceased wife.

"Mommy..." she whimpered holding tightly to her fathers hands. When they got home, (Y/n) refused to leave her fathers side.



(Y/n) was sitting outside, watching the clouds pass by. Her father was out, doing official work. "The human world..." she muttered. She had heard that her mother was born in the human world, and died and came to Soul Society.

"Ms. (Y/n), your father is back." She turned and smiled at the maid.

"Thank you." She answered and went to look for her father.

"Daddy?" She saw her father speaking with other people in similar clothes as he.

They all looked at her, her father said something and they nodded before leaving. Her father went up to her and carried her easily. "How was your day?" He asked.

"I watched the flowers, and played with some of the maids." She smiled. "And I was thinking.." she mumbled.

"Thinking what?" Her father asked.

"Could I go to the human world? I want to see the place where mommy lived." She said to him.

".... maybe when you get older." Byakuya said combing through her hair and guided her head to rest on his own shoulder.


Byakuya sat by his sleeping daughter. She had taken her medication for the day and had fallen asleep. She's only 6, and she is starting to grow weak. She can't play around as long as before, she gets sleepy quickly, and her reiatsu is slowly fading.

She started coughing, and Byakuya immediately held her body up and rubbed her back. "Daddy..." she spoke softly and he gripped her hand tightly in his.

"What is it sweetie?" He asked her quietly.

"I don't wanna leave daddy.." she whispers smiling.

"I don't want you to leave either baby girl.." he said and kissed her forehead. "Get some sleep. I'll be here when you wake up." He said to her.

"Promise?" She asks and Byakuya nods silently.

"I promise." he said as her eyes slowly closed, and Byakuya laid her back down in the bed.

~(Y/n)'s pov~

I opened my eyes and saw a clear blue sky with only small clouds floating by. "Daddy?" I called out, sitting up and looking around seeing I was outside, and no longer in the manor. I got up onto my feet and looked around. A small butterfly flew around me, landing on my nose. I smiled and tried blowing on it and it flew away. Suddenly, a ball of light appeared in front of me. I reached out to try touch it, and it backed away. I drew my hand back and it came closer to me, and up towards my face. It got dimmer then brightened up again, and flew off. I watched it fly away and then it came back, and flashed again.


"Do you want me to follow you?" I asked it. It flashed again and flew in circles as if saint yes. I took a step closer and closer and it slowly led the way in front of me. It led me to a river and went over to the other side. I looked into the water, and it seemed shallow enough. I slowly pulled up my kimono, dipping my feet into the water, and making my way across the river. When I got to the other side, I continued following the light and it stopped at the mouth of a cave. The light went in and disappeared. I walked into the cave, and looked around, keeping a hand on the wall. "Hello?" I asked, my voice echoing into the cave. The cave eventually opened up and into a big dome area. I looked up seeing a hole at the top, letting in the light. In the middle of this dome, seemed to be a giant nest made of rocks and tree trunks.

I began climbing the giant nest, I finally got to the top, and looked down seeing a snake dragon looking thing. I was about to lean closer, and my foot slipped and I fell down to the bottom, hitting something cold and scaly. I heard a low grumble and looked up seeing it was a big beady black eye. I froze staring up at the beast and it picked me up in its claws, bringing me up to its eye level.

"P-please don't... eat me." I whimpered.

"Who are you?" he asked me slowly.

"K-Kuchiki.. (Y/n).." I said trying not to cry.

"Are you my new master?" It asked me.

"I... I don't... daddy!!" I cried and squirmed around, trying to run away.

"You are a young Shinigami" he said to me, holding me in his palm.

I shook my head. "I'm.. I'm not a Shinigami.. not yet.. I'm only 6!" I said and it leaned in closer towards me.

He placed me down outside of his nest, "My name is Kyln (pronounced Kiln), I'm a Kirin." He then was surrounded by smoke and his big figure disappeared and he reappeared in front of me, in a human looking form.

"Nice to meet you." I said softly, looking up at him.

"You seem weak..." he said crouching down to my height.

".... I'm supposed to die soon." I said softly, "I don't wanna leave daddy alone. Mommy already left, I don't want daddy to be alone." I said sniffling.

".... my child..." he began and gave me a hug. "You are too young right now, but, with my power, I'll restore your health, so that you may live a prosperous life with your father." He said smiling at me.

"So... you are going to be my zanpakuto?" I asked.

"Kind of. I'll live in you. You will still have a sword that will contain my powers, but I won't reside in your sword." He said. "Since you are very young, the sword will act as a seal for your powers, so that you may learn how to use my abilities gradually. When you are ready, and you'll know when you are ready, the sword will become one with you, and you will be able to use my full powers." Kyln said to me and I nodded.

"So... you'll fuse with me? To keep me healthy?" I asked and he nodded. "But, that's not possible right?" I asked.

"Just because it's never been done, doesn't mean it's impossible." He smiled at me.

"Okay.." I nodded.

"Close your eyes." he said and I nodded.

~Byakuya's pov~

A bright light suddenly enveloped (Y/n). I covered my eyes and the light died down. The color returned to (Y/n)'s face, she was warmer to the touch, and her reiatsu spiked up. Then next to her, I saw a sword. "A zanpakuto?"


Kyln: Kirin form

Kyln: human form

(Young form)

(Older form)

Your sword

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