《The Ugly Duck-Kim || MyungJin || Astro》✨17✨


“Go away and stop following me around!”

“Why should I? When you look so eatable this morning?”

“Are you high right now?”

“that's a personal thing to ask but I'll answer if you kiss me”

Rolling his eyeballs, myungjun's legs head towards the cafeteria with a certain troublesome blonde following behind. He takes a seat at another window spot with Jinwoo taking a seat beside him.

“So...” jinwoo crosses his arms. “..about that kiss..” he furrows his eyebrows. myungjun simply ignores him and picks up the menu.

Lately, jinwoo was more sultry than usual and myungjun knew the bathroom incident was to blame for it, that was why, he never liked to be alone with Jinwoo.

Park Jinwoo was a great friend, a good comedian and a great driver but- he, jinwoo was also a horny idiot.

“eunwoo won't be joining us again?” a frown meets jinwoo's lips as he glances at his watch. This was the third time this week eunwoo was missing lunch with them.

Myungjun shrugs, knowing why. Eunwoo was obviously avoiding him and he wasn't comfortable with that. Ofcourse, it was fine the first few days but now, it just didn't make sense. Eunwoo needed to stop acting immature and wake up to smell reality, they were Bestfriends and Bestfriends should remain Bestfriends.....right?

“he's busy” myungjun retorts, placing their orders.

“I have heard that excuse before...myungjun hyung, is something going on?” jinwoo inquires, gazing intently at a now unsettled myungjun.

“Everything is fine” he says taking out his phone, a clear indication he was trying to avoid this topic but jinwoo wasn't that stupid.

“Don't do that..” jinwoo yanks the phone out of the older's grip, the older staring shocked at him. “Please talk to me, what happened between you both.? Am I the reason?”


myungjun raises a confused brow. How did jinwoo come to such a conclusion that he could be the reason why himself and eunwoo were becoming distant.

“You are not the reason, don't be stupid..”

Jinwoo heaves out a heavy sign. “Then tell me..” he says placing myungjun's phone on the wooden table.

myungjun remains silent. How? How was he going to tell him everything that happened between himself and his Bestfriend? What was he going to really say? That his Bestfriend kissed him and confesses days after and now he was avoiding him?

Was it that easy to talk about?

Jinwoo watches how Myungjun's face morphs into a worried one. Knowing who myungjun was, jinwoo knew something bad must have happened for him to struggle like this. He knew something was wrong the moment, myungjun avoided going to work, when eunwoo chose to take the bus home instead of hitching a ride with them like he usually did. Now, watching myungjun just confirmed every suspicion he had.

“He kissed me” myungjun sighs out with Jinwoo's jaws dropping.

He what?

Eunwoo kissed myungjun?

“why? Isn't he supposed to be straight?” jinwoo inquires, voice dropping low in disappointment.

“I don't know. He said, he likes me..”

jinwoo nods, crossing his arms. his mood switching. He wasn't sure if he wanted to be happy or mad that eunwoo likes myungjun.

“and what did you say?” a growl escapes his lips causing myungjun to turn towards him. Both boys pausing to stare intently at each other.

jinwoo's brows creased the minute his gaze met his the older boy's lips, his imagination beginning to betray him. Cha eunwoo kissed those lips when he, park jinwoo hadn't. Did myungjun kiss back? Did they go beyond kissing? More importantly, did myungjun like him? It could be possible afterall they had been friends since forever.


“I don't want to talk about this” myungjun swallows turning his gaze from jinwoo as the waiter placed their order on the table.

“why? are you considering dating him?” jinwoo probes, ignoring myungjun's request.

“No” a sigh escapes his lips. “I..can we not just talk about it?”

“why?” Jinwoo replies, his tone stern. “is it that complicated to tell me what you told him?”

myungjun snickers. “and does it bother you so much that you have to use that stupid tone for me?”

“Yes. Yes it does bother me that you might date eunwoo” jinwoo fumes.

myungjun shakes his head, knowing jinwoo was simply overreacting. Why would he be bothered if himself and eunwoo did date?

“I won't date him” he picks up his chopstick.

Jinwoo watches as myungjun dismisses the topic noticing his eagerness to throw the subject under the bus.

“Promise..?” jinwoo bites hard on his bottom lip with an absentminded myungjun nodding hastily to it. Jinwoo sighs, trying to calm his nerves down.

Sure, it shouldn't bother him if they dated because it wasn't his business-but it did. It bothered him that myungjun could be with anyone that wasn't him.

Was... He blinked confusingly, a hand reaching for his chest. Was..this a crush?

He huffs out a puff of air, staring disbelievingly at the boy beside him. There was no way.... There was no way, he, Park Jinwoo was beginning to have feelings for his Ex's brother.


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