
Jinwoo was still there between the wall and Myungjun while looking at his drawing. He was frozen and his brain could barely recognize what happened. Then he heard Myungjun's unique soft voice whispering.

-from now on, you cant escape from me at all because i wont never allow this to happen again.

He gulped and turned his gaze at Myungjun's eyes that looking at his own eyes deeply. He took a deep breathe and tried to talk.



Myungjun put his index finger on Jinwoo's lips and quietened him.

-i see that you are a bit nervous right now but please dont try to explain or even talk. This little piece of paper explains everything my little angel. You are mine and i am yours whereupon.

He locate his hands Jinwoo's cheeks and lean his forehead on Jinwoo's. Then he closed his eyes slowly while Jinwoo was looking at his extremely beautiful face with tears on his eyes.

-i love you too Jin-ah.



-hey jinnie!~

Myungjun opened the door noisily while running to the bed and jumped the younger one's back to wake him up.

-my little baby is still sleeping peacefully without me huh?! You little lazy baby!! Wake up right now!

He started to kiss every ounce of Jinwoo's face and finally managed to wake him up with his intimate laughs.


-Your face is more beautiful than everything that i've ever seen in this whole damn world in the mornings baby... No need to wash to kiss you~

And he kissed him from his lips with his all stubbornness while chuckling.

Jinwoo couldn't stand this for so long. He shrugged and closed his eyes while deepening the kiss. He wrapped Myungjun's waist tightly with his thick arms when compared to his little hyung's and smiled while kissing him.

He thought in his mind:

My god... thanks for giving me your most beautiful angel in this ugly world.

He was so thankful to god for having his beautiful Myungjunie.


Thanks everbody reading this extremely soft story of mine and finishing it. I hope u enjoyed. Love u all please you love Myungjin too~


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