《y/n fujioka ||haruhi fujioka's sister||》||25||
Y/n and the rest of the Host Club stood in the center of the clubroom, waiting patiently for their customers to enter music room three. The members of the Host Club were wearing law enforcement uniforms that were from various police groups and ranks.
Y/n's attire resembled a detective. She was wearing a charcoal-black pencil skirt that reached down to her knees along with a white buttoned up blouse that was slightly tucked into her skirt, the top button of her blouse being unfastened as the sleeves of the shirt were rolled up to her elbows. Her feet were accompanied by charcoal-black flats while her hair was styled into a loose ponytail, two strands of hair resting on the sides of her face. A lookalike detective badge was attached to the waistband of her skirt.
The doors ultimately opened after a couple of moments, allowing the habitual bright light and rose petals to glide out of the room elegantly.
'Wait, hold up. Is that...a kid?' Y/n thought once she caught sight of the young girl standing near the doorway. She was a cute and short girl with blond hair that was styled into pigtails by pink ribbons with bangs going on either side and large blue eyes. 'Is this place also a magnet for young children? This is the second child that has come here.'
"Oh my, what an unusually young guest. Well, glad you're here, my little lost kitty-cat." Tamaki welcomed with a soft, closed eyed smile and held out his hand charmingly.
The little girl entered the room and now stood in front of the Host Club. The hosts looked down at the young girl.
"Little kitty-cat, why have you come to see us today?" Tamaki asked kindly, his hands on his hips as he bent his back forward a bit, his gentle mannerism made the little girl lightly blush.
She suddenly pointed her finger at the group of high schoolers standing in front of her. "It's a reverse harem!" She proclaimed, making everyone's body language express how shock they really were at that moment. "This is a reverse harem!"
Y/n's mouth was agape as they all stood there silently, staring at the girl in disbelief due to her unexpected words.
Tamaki began to pat the side of his head, tilting it while doing so. "That can't be right. I must've heard wrong--maybe there's still some water in my ear from when I went swimming."
Hikaru laughed, somewhat disturbed, and had his index finger's inserted in his ears, moving them around a bit. "Water in the ear--that's gotta be it!"
"I'm sure we just heard her wrong. There's no way this cute, little girl said the words 'reverse harem'." Kaoru asserted, copying his brother's actions. "Something's going on with our ears."
"There's debauchery here!"
As before, the hosts eyes widened at the little girl's words as their body language expressed a bigger amount of shock.
She jumped up and down cheerfully. "Yay! There's debauchery here, isn't there?!" The little girl pointed at Kyoya. "You're the glasses character!" She directed her finger towards Honey and Mori. "You're the boy Lolita! And the stoic type!" She then points at Hikaru and Kaoru. "Twincest." Last but not least, she pointed at Haruhi and Y/n. "And the bookworm and the maid."
Y/n and Haruhi's eyes twitched. 'M-maid?' Y/n thought as her facial features displayed a look of weariness. 'Why does she think that? She got most of the other characters right. Do I look like a maid?'
The little girl shifted her attention to Tamaki, making him recoil and stumble back a bit. Her sky-blue eyes widened and tears assembled to her organ of sight. "Big brother?" She mumbled and then leaped towards the president of the Host Club, making him catch her in his arms. "My brother's blond--you must be him!"
"You never told us about this." Hikaru uttered, dumbfounded.
"Since when do you have a little sister?" Kaoru questioned in minimal disbelief.
"I don't--I'm definitely an only child--at least as far as I know..." Tamaki stated in consternation as the little girl had her arms wrapped around his neck and swung her fairly short legs while he held her.
"The more I look at you the two of you do look a lot alike." Honey pointed out with his regular expression and smile while Tamaki attempted to detach the little girl from him. "You are both blond, after all."
"Maybe she's just mistaking you for someone else." Y/n told her blond haired upperclassman in a matter-of-fact tone.
"I want to know if 'glasses character' is superior to 'big brother'." Kyoya wondered as he stood in between Y/n and Haruhi, his thumb and index finger bellow his chin.
"But does it really matter? I can't believe she called me a bookworm." Haruhi remarked in a blank, yet displeased expression.
Y/n's shoulders automatically slouched as she glanced at her sister and her upperclassman from the corner of her eye. "Hey, it's better than being called a maid."
"'Scuse me. You want to tell me your name, little one?" Tamaki requested, unsuccessful with his attempt in getting the young girl off of him. His visual communication revealed that he was--to some degree--feeling awkward at the moment.
"Kirimi." She answered with a smile as she hugged Tamaki.
'Kirimi?' Y/n and Haruhi repeated as they imagined the type of fish that is also called Kirimi.
"Kirimi-Chan. I'm afraid you've made a mistake." Tamaki began to explain in a gentle tone as Kirimi now stood on the floor with Tamaki crouching down to her height, pointing at himself with a sheepish smile. "I'm really sorry but, I don't have a younger sister."
As soon as those words left Tamaki's lips, Kirimi's face slowly contorted into one of sadness as tears brimmed her sky-blue eyes.
"Are you sure? You're blond just like me." Kirimi whimpered, causing Tamaki to slightly gasp and stumble back.
"Well...that is true." Tamaki observed the little girl's dispirited state as tears also filled up his eyes.
Tamaki abruptly picked up the little girl and started to steadily spin around. "I give in! As of this moment, I'm your new big brother! You're so cute!"
"I know you get carried away by emotion, but don't you think it's irresponsible to make such empty promises?" Haruhi inquired in a blunt tone.
Y/n nodded in correspondence to her sisters disclosure. "Yeah. I think we should find her actual brother, don't you think?"
"Don't you listen to that mean Y/n and Haruhi! I'm not irresponsible!" Tamaki cooed over Kirimi's giggles as he continued to spin around. "Come home with me and I'll look after you."
Y/n sighed at Tamaki's behavior as she glanced up at the tall male with slim, rimless glasses which flashed with light.
"What do you think we should do Kyoya-Senpai?" Haruhi questioned him.
"We should probably try to find out if she actually has a brother at this school." Kyoya briefly stated, making Tamaki stop his movements and hide Kirimi.
"Kirimi. Kirimi."
Everyone turned their attention to the echoing, shallow voice that came from a pair of dark brown doors. The door was cracked open and a blond haired male with blue eyes appeared standing there.
"Hey, uh, who the hell are you?" The twins sweat dropped at the sudden arrival of an unfamiliar student.
"He looks like a foreigner!" Honey announced with a wide smile.
"What's up with that?" Haruhi raised an eyebrow. "How come the door looks different all of a sudden?"
Y/n shrugged, equally as confused as her sister. "This is the Host Club. Nothing's normal here." She turned her attention back to the young man positioned near the door. "Maybe he's a new student?"
"Oh, Kirimi." He repeated the little girl's name.
"Master." A deep voiced male began.
"You forgot your cloak." A woman's voice notified as the two figures stepped out of the dark room.
The two people dressed in dark clothing put a black cloak on the blond haired male and then whirled him around in a fast pace.
The unfamiliar student was now wearing a dark wig that covered his blue eyes and he was now wearing a hooded cloak.
"Nekozawa-Senpai?" Tamaki, the twins, Y/n, and Haruhi recognized in disbelief.
"Master Umehito is terribly vulnerable to any kind of bright light." The woman that was wearing a dark maids uniform began as tears brimmed her eyes, bringing her hand up to her mouth. "For that reason, if he doesn't shroud himself in black, he will fall victim to the brightness of the outside world and will undoubtedly collapse. And just to be comfortable, he even has to cover his beautiful blond hair with a dark wig." She wailed as she moved away.
"On the other hand, his sister, Mistress Kirimi, is frightened of dark, dimly-lit places." A bald man advised.
"So this little girl," Haruhi began and pointed at Kirimi who was in Tamaki's arms, "is Nekozawa-Senpai's younger sister?"
Nekozawa's personal secretary, Kadomatsu, turned his back towards them and dabbed his eyes with a handkerchief. "You are quite insightful. Yes, that would be correct, sir."
Tamaki placed Kirimi back down on the floor, giving Nekozawa the chance to approach the little girl with his Belzenef hand-puppet.
"Kirimi, so this is where you've been hiding." He let out a deep, chilling laugh as he towered over his younger sister, making the girl quietly whimper in fear.
She lunged herself at Tamaki. "Brother, save me from the monster!" She cried.
"Please don't be scared. I'd like to introduce you to someone. This is Belzenef." Nekozawa gestured to his hand-puppet that mimicked a cat. "The Nekozawa family has worshipped cats for generations."
"You know, I get the feeling she's not scared of the puppet." Haruhi straightforwardly spoke. "Call me crazy but I think it's you."
Y/n nodded. "A dark figure towering over a little girl will probably give the child nightmares."
"It's probably your clothes. We'll help you change, 'kay?" The twins provided and began to pull on Nekozawa's cloak.
"Don't do that! It's far too bright! I may die!" Nekozawa argued as he struggled to keep his cloak on.
"I know! Why don't we just darken the room?" Honey suggested and started to close the curtains to the windows that were in the music room.
Kirimi began to cry and wail, making Honey pause what he was doing. "Don't do that! I'm afraid of the dark!"
"Don't worry, little one." Tamaki tried to console her, slightly bouncing Kirimi up and down as he held her, his tone holding a small amount of alarm.
"So either way, someone's unhappy." Kyoya concluded under his breath, his thumb and index finger on his chin.
"It's a tragedy that these two siblings are such polar opposites." Nekozawa's personal maid, Kuretake, started off dejectedly. "As a result they have come to be known as the Nekozawa family's Romeo and Juliet."
"But Romeo and Juliet weren't brother and sister." Haruhi and Y/n addressed in a indisputable manner.
Haruhi maintained the correction. "I think their situation was a little different."
"Oh, I'm well aware of that." Kuretake smiled as she glanced at the two sisters, her hands linked together. "To be honest it's something I just came up with on the fly--pretty impressive, huh? I thought it might make the story more dramatic." She brought her hands apart and stretched out a somewhat long banner that was labeled, 'The Nekozawa family's Romeo and Juliet.'
Y/n and Haruhi paled. "Oh, I see." They both mumbled.
"We were sent by the Master's family to get our beloved Mistress Kirimi back home safely." Kadomatsu informed with a small bow.
"Is the rest of the family-" Hikaru began, him and his brother holding onto each other.
"-as out of touch as the three of you are?" Kaoru finished the question.
Kuretake glared at the Hitachiin twins as she stood behind Nekozawa and started to brutally shake him by his shoulders. "How dare you say such a terrible thing?! The Nekozawas are a distinguished family--they're descendants of the Tokarev dynasty of Russia!"
"Tokarev, huh?" Kyoya thought out loud, tilting his head to the side along with Haruhi, Y/n, Honey, and Mori.
"Wait, you mean Romanov, right?" Tamaki's face faintly paled as his eyebrow twitched.
Kuretake turned away from Tamaki and ignored him. "There's a legend that says once every few hundred years a Nekozawa child is born. A child who is destined to be possessed by the darkness, exactly like our Master Umehito." Her dark olive-green eyes sharpened. "That legend may or may not be true."
"What do you mean it may or may not be true?" Honey inquired the peculiar notion the maid mentioned.
"Is it or isn't it?" The twins questioned, wanting a specified answer.
"Mistress Kirimi fell in love with the handsome, fairy tale prince of an older brother she had seen in portraits." Kuretake explicated. "However, as a result of his condition, the master is unable to go near his sister without being shrouded in black. Once she learned that her older brother was enrolled in the high school here, she decided to go looking for him. That's what brought her to your Host Club. We've tried to keep her comforted by reading her bedtime stories about princely characters like her brother. But we ran out of stories. So recently we decided to start reading her shojo manga that had princely characters in them. And I'm afraid she's become completely addicted!" The woman explained with her hand on the side of her head as a small blush consumed her cheeks.
"Shojo manga?" Y/n and Haruhi mumbled, then the hosts thought back to the moment when they first met Kirimi.
"I see, so that's where that came from..." Hikaru and Kaoru commented with blunt faces.
"Is there really debauchery in shojo manga?" Haruhi quizzed with her index finger on her chin in a thoughtful gesture. "But Sashimi-Chan is so young."
Y/n mentally facepalmed as she stared at her sister with a deadpanned expression. 'It's Kirimi... Not Sashimi.'
"Not Sashimi!" Kaoru lectured.
"It's 'Kirimi'!" Nekozawa corrected as he held out his Belzenef doll.
Haruhi turned her gaze to the hand-puppet, unfazed. "So Kirimi-Chan doesn't know that you're her real older brother, Nekozawa-Senpai?"
"Can't you tell? Kirimi-Chan isn't swinging around and hugging Nekozawa-Senpai, is she? She's still latching onto Tamaki-Senpai." Y/n defined and pointed her thumb back at where Tamaki was standing with Kirimi, not even taking a glance back at him.
The Belzenef doll slightly slouched and Nekozawa dropped down onto the floor with a despondent aura as he breathed heavily due to the upcoming tears, making Y/n regret saying those words.
"Yes. We've talked to her but she refuses to believe us." Kuretake responded to Haruhi's previous question, her hands were interlocked together and were stationed on the middle of her chest.
Honey rubbed his eyes in sympathy. "That's so sad. Well, no wonder Neko-Chan is so upset!"
"It's painful. That's why every night I offer prayers in hopes that one day Kirimi will come to embrace the darkness." Nekozawa admitted, making Y/n gingerly sweat drop.
"I think you've got it backwards, buddy." The twins told him.
"You should try to get accustomed to the light." Hikaru stated his opinion.
"What're you trying to do to your sister?" Kaoru searched.
"Come along, Mistress Kirimi." Kadomatsu spoke with his hand over his heart.
"It's time to go home." Kuretake notified with a small smile.
Kirimi sobbed in objection, tightening her arms around Tamaki's neck. "I'm not going with you! I don't wanna go home! I wanna stay with my big brother!"
Nekozawa sighed, undeniably hurt by his sister's words.
"Nekozawa-Senpai." Tamaki called, sedately.
"Don't worry about me Suoh." Nekozawa began, making Kirimi's cries come to a halt as she turned her head to look at him. "All I want is for my sister to be happy. Make sure she gets the love she deserves!" Nekozawa got off the floor and ran out of the music room.
"But wait a minute! Senpai!" Tamaki called out to him but it was too late. The double-doors came to a close and Nekozawa ran down the hallway and away from the Host Club.
"Sibling relations are a source of problems in any family." Kyoya claimed and pushed his glasses up the bridge of his nose.
"Even so, it's pretty sad." Y/n began softly, standing beside her sister as they stared out the window. "Haruhi and I are siblings, and we are a bit different from each other, but we're not polar opposites. It must be hard having a sibling that you can't even spend time with. I mean, I would feel pretty sad if I didn't get to spend time with my own sister because of our differences."
Tamaki placed Kirimi back on solid ground and crouched down to her height.
"Is something wrong? Tell me big brother."
"I'm sorry, Kirimi-Chan, but I'm not the big brother that you've been looking for." He softly told her with a small, gentle smile. Y/n and Haruhi directed their surveillance to him. "But don't worry, he's still out there. Believe it or not, you have a big brother that's even more handsome than I am, and I promise you--he's a real prince."
"But Senpai." Haruhi uttered as Tamaki stood upright.
"Once she stepped foot in this room, Kirimi-Chan became a guest of the Host Club. And it's our job to make all of our guests happy." Tamaki declared in a fixated attitude. "It's an absolute tragedy to see a brother and sister at odds this way! We have to do something to help them! Starting now, 'Operation: Change Nekozawa-Senpai into the princely character of Kirimi-Chan's dreams' is underway!"
"Are you serious?" The twins questioned Tamaki in a bored tone.
"But, sir." Kadomatsu stammered.
"You want to change Umehito from a prince of darkness to a prince of light? I don't know if that's even possible." Kuretake asserted.
"Senpai. Quit getting carried away by your emotions! Don't make promises you can't keep." Haruhi scolded lightly, stepping towards him with her sister.
"You can't force Nekozawa-Senpai to just change and love light all of a sudden." Y/n added with mildly narrowed eyes.
A small smirk appeared on Tamaki's face. "Oh ye of little faith. Have you forgotten that we have an expert on our side. Someone who knows the importance of changing characters."
The twins gasped in recollection. "You don't think?" Hikaru began, turning to his brother with a nervous expression.
"He's talking about-" Kaoru started just as cackling filled the room as well as a powerful motor.
A section of the floor lifted up into a pedestal, revealing the one and only Renge Houshakuji.
"Yep, sure enough." The twins said.
- In Serial7 Chapters
The Jianghu
Authors note: I appreciate feedback! Part of the reason I am releasing my chapters here is to benefit from reader feedback. If you have the time, please leave a review! Brian has lost everything he has ever held dear. Everyone who cared for him has died, in the most tragic manner possible. He no longer knows what to do. He sees no hope for the future in a world where anyone he loves will die. What is the point in trying in this reality if it all leads to sadness?And then along came the Ingenium, the worlds first true Virtual Reality device. And The Jianghu, a Wuxia-themed Virtual Reality MMO, came with it. Brian doesn't understand it yet, but he feels that both are connected with his dead parents and Uncle Jie. With the intent of figuring out what that connection is, or at least forgetting about his tragedy, he enters The Jianghu.
8 132 - In Serial21 Chapters
Pact with a soul of hell.
A gang leader in the year 2018 is sent to hell for 10000 years. In one day a prince with no luck or talent in combat is sent in Purgatory.Will the prince accept the proposal of the soul from hell?...............................................................................the cover is not mine:https://www.artstation.com/artwork/nEVwOI'm not a native speaker.if I receive negative messages about grammar, I'll stop! https://www.webnovel.com/book/12085506105901005/Pact-with-a-soul-of-hell.
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Im Just a Normal Character
A university student who have arrived at home, and was about to start read a new novel he found, but was reincarnated.
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Lux Storm ||The Goonies|| [EDITING]
Lux is a goonie and proud. She loves adventures, having fun, and just being free. Unfortunately Lux hasn't been able to experience any of that, but that's all about to change when she and a group of her friends find an old map to a ship of treasure. I only own Lux and anything I might change for her storyline.Highest rank in:Adventure: #177 on 03/24/18goonies: #1 on 06/06/18mouth: #1 on 09/30/18data: #1 on 10/18/21steph: #2 on 07/24/20Mouth x Female OC
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When You Need Me
Ant and Dec's lives were changing at the speed of light. Nothing stayed the same, not even their friendship...Or did it?
8 129