《y/n fujioka ||haruhi fujioka's sister||》||24||
The sight that Haruhi and Y/n's father was perceiving at that moment was something that he would have never thought to have witnessed. His brown eyes were wide and his greeting smile faltered.
"So dad, how was work?" Haruhi asked collectedly, her head turned to look at him.
Y/n glanced at her father, then at Tamaki, then Haruhi, then back at her father. To say the least, she was quite anxious. She was in the middle of the crossfire that was taking place in their small living room.
Their father showed a limited, closed eyed smile and strode towards Tamaki and Haruhi. He forcefully grabbed Tamaki by the face and catapulted him against the wall that was behind him.
He kneeled down beside his first born and gently placed his hand on Haruhi's shoulder as she sat upright on the tatami mat. "I'm sorry. I hated having to leave you and Y/n alone last night. You two must have been lonely. Y/n, sweetheart, come here." He turned his head to face his second born, a devoted, closed eyed smile apparent on his lips.
Y/n and Haruhi's eyes widened as they caught sight of the wall their upperclassman has collided with. Y/n directed her concentration back to her father and promptly walked towards him.
"That sound. He really hit hard." Haruhi muttered while sweat formed on her forehead.
"Oh, dear, my left arm has been bothering me lately. It's so sore--like I went hand-to-hand with some ferocious beast." He moved his right hand to rest on his left shoulder, slowly rolling it back for a few seconds. "Maybe I've just been working too hard."
'Or it's because you just threw someone against our wall really hard...' Y/n thought and sweat dropped at her fathers actions, kneeling next to Haruhi and their parent.
"Please, sir. It's not what it looked like." Tamaki inaudibly begged with a look of panic, reaching out his hand while Y/n and Haruhi's father spoke.
"I sure could use a cup of hot tea about now."
"Hot tea?! I'll get it for you!" Tamaki exclaimed and quickly got up and grabbed the tea kettle. "Do you use firewood to boil it, Haruhi and Y/n? Help me out--your dad wants tea!"
Just then, the blond haired male got stomped on by Haruhi and Y/n's father. "Oh my. Would you look at that, I seem to have come across a little pest. Would you like to tell me why you're addressing my daughter's with such informality, young man?" He crossed his arms over his chest and glared down at the shrieking second-year student.
"Hey boss, what in the world is taking you so long?" Hikaru questioned as he and Kaoru appeared at the doorway.
"Whoa, check it out, that person we passed downstairs is Haruhi and Y/n's father." Kaoru conversed, his amber eyes staring at the middle aged man dressed in women's clothing.
"Hikaru! Kaoru! Help me out here!" Tamaki implored, holding out his arms as he cried in slight relief due to the twins' existence at that moment. But instead of helping him, the twins just walked on him.
Hikaru and Kaoru held out either of their hands, putting forward a handshake. "It's nice to meet you, Haruhi and Y/n's dad. We're good friends of your daughter's, the Hitachiin Brothers."
"So you're a transvestite, aren't you?" Hikaru assessed with a friendly, closed eyed grin. Y/n and Haruhi stayed on the tatami mat, eyeballing the circumstances that were occurring in front of them.
"You're the first real transvestite we've ever seen!" Kaoru phrased, his body language displaying fascination towards the cross-dresser.
The twins glanced down at Tamaki with comprehending eyes, their feet still connecting with his back. "You finally put the moves on Haruhi, huh boss?"
"Sorry about him. He's a ladies' man if you know what I mean." Hikaru informed as he smiled at the parent of two girls.
"He's a pheromone machine." Kaoru said in addition to his brother's words. "In fact, I bet he's fooled around with more ladies than you can count!"
"Oh no..." Y/n mumbled quietly, gawking at what Kaoru stated and for what's to come.
"He likes to fool around, huh?" Haruhi and Y/n's father began darkly, an irk mark forming on his head as a shadow developed over his eyes.
"No! I'm not a ladies man!" Tamaki spun around to look at him with wide, urging violet eyes. "I'm a nice guy! I care about them! I care about Haruhi!"
'Is he confessing his love for Haruhi?' The twins thought, glancing back at him with mildly widened eyes.
"I'm being completely honest here." Tamaki began, bowing his head down. "I care about Haruhi like she's my own daughter."
Ranka's first impression of Tamaki... He's an idiot.
- - - -
The Host Club members were back inside the apartment and were sitting around the small wooden table in the living room.
"I get it. You must be the Host Club I've heard so much about. You certainly are a fine looking bunch of young men. I'm not sure which of you I like best. What about you, dears?" Ranka asked his two daughter's with a kindhearted, closed eyed smile but they were too busy looking at their depressed upperclassman.
Ranka continued, redirecting his attention to the young men sitting in front of him. "I tell you what, why don't you boys go ahead and call me Ranka? That's the professional name I use at the transvestite bar I work at."
"Professional name? You mean, like a stage name?"
"Exactly like that, Mitsukuni." Ranka responded to the short, golden-blond haired males question.
"Hold on! How did you know my name, sir?"
Ranka's brown eyes glanced at Honey as a small smirk formed on his lips. "You two are third years Mitsukuni Haninozuka and Takashi Morinozuka. And the two of you are first years in the same class as Haruhi and Y/n. You're the Hitachiin twins, but I'm not sure which one of you is which! I've heard a lot about you!"
"What? So Y/n and Haruhi's told you about us?" Kaoru examined with moderately shocked eyes.
"No. Kyoya told me about you two over the phone." Ranka smiled and turned to face Kyoya, the two of them placing their hands against one another like a silent handclap.
A small, closed eyed smile appeared on his lips. "You know, you really are a beautiful person, Ranka."
"Say what?!" The Host Club blurted out, excluding Mori.
"Kyoya." Tamaki said in a warning tone, wanting an explanation. He extended his arm out and placed his hand on Kyoya's shoulder.
"We've been entrusted with the care of his precious daughters, it is only natural that we introduce ourselves and give him periodic reports." Kyoya interpreted. "Ordinarily, that would be your job, wouldn't it?" He took a sip of his drink that was in his cup.
His words made Tamaki's hand snap back and collide with his face, making him topple over.
"I'm impressed the club has such a capable president." Ranka began with his hand hovering over his mouth. "But wait a minute, you're only the vice-president aren't you Kyoya? I guess that president of yours is pretty much good for nothing, huh?"
"You never mentioned this to us, dad!" Haruhi brought up in irritation. "Why didn't you say that you've been getting calls from Kyoya-Senpai?!"
"What am I supposed to do Haruhi? You and Y/n rarely tell me anything about school." Ranka frowned with his index finger on his chin in a innocent manner.
"But you didn't have to go behind our backs to get information about our life at school." Y/n implied, not feeling as effected by it like Haruhi. She didn't appreciate the fact that her father and her upperclassman were talking about them without them being aware of it, but it didn't anger her. She did, however, get irked at Tamaki's behavior in their apartment.
"C'mon Senpai would you please stop growing mushrooms in other people's closets?!" Y/n and Haruhi scolded.
"You better clean those up." Y/n narrowed her eyebrows as she stared at Tamaki with a strict gaze.
"Haruhi, Y/n, the thing about you two is..." Ranka trailed off and pulled the two girls into a hug, a wide, adoring grin taking place on his lips. "You're cute even when you're annoyed or angry!"
"I don't know what it is about him but Haruhi and Y/n's dad reminds me of someone." Hikaru commented knowingly to his twin brother.
"This explains why they're so good at handling the boss." Kaoru stated.
Y/n and Haruhi managed to escape out of their fathers embrace.
"Wait, Haruhi, Y/n, where are you going?"
"The supermarket, alright?" The two sisters answered their father as they walked towards the front door. Haruhi and Y/n put their shoes on and Haruhi opened the door.
"We have to go shopping and we wanna do it by ourselves." Haruhi glanced back at the males in the living room. "So all of you just stay here and try to behave yourselves."
"See you guys later." Y/n said and walked out of the apartment with Haruhi, closing the door once they were outside.
Y/n sighed while walking down the stairs to their apartment complex. "I knew today wasn't going to be a normal day."
Haruhi sighed as well, feeling mentally exhausted. "There goes our day off."
The two sisters started their journey to the grocery store once again, Y/n holding the coupons in one of her hands. They didn't even notice a group of people following them as they walked down the street.
"Why didn't he tell us?" Haruhi began, slouching her shoulders.
"I don't know." Y/n shrugged as she slowly shook her head. "We obviously had no idea that Kyoya-Senpai's been calling dad and giving him updates on us."
The two girls arrived at the supermarket for the second time that day. Haruhi and Y/n grabbed a shopping basket and began to obtain items to purchase, placing them in their individual shopping baskets.
The two of them were currently in the vegetable aisle looking at some chrysanthemum. Y/n and Haruhi still haven't noticed the Host Club and Ranka stalking them.
Haruhi placed a couple of the chrysanthemums in her basket. The two sisters walked to the other side of the vegetable stand.
"Do you really think it's necessary to follow them around like this?" Tamaki asked Ranka as they hid behind a shelf while the other members of the Host Club wandered around the store. "Are you that worried about them?"
"As you know, Y/n and Haruhi lost their mother at a young age and afterwards they took on all of the household chores and shopping by themselves." Ranka explained in a calm tone. "I decided to start following them whenever they would leave the house. Maybe I'm just being overprotective." He sighed while placing his hands on his cheeks.
"I worry about them all the time." Ranka continued. "I'm the only one who can protect them, even though they have each other, you know." He thought back to a memory of him getting caught by his daughter's when he followed them to the supermarket when they were younger. "Either they don't know how to depend on others or they refuse to. They've always been so independent and so strong. And they have this uncanny ability to affect others without even realizing it. More so Haruhi than Y/n."
"That's true. I've seen it. I understand." Tamaki softly agreed.
Ranka looked at him for a second before pinching and pulling on one of Tamaki's cheeks, roughly. "What do you mean, 'I understand'? Don't think you're gonna win me over just because you're handsome. I'm warning you I'm not ready to let go yet!"
"You could at least let go of my face!" Tamaki exclaimed in pain, but his words came out muffled.
"You've got some nerve! You barely even know Haruhi! That means," Ranka points his finger at Tamaki in irritation, "from this day forward, you're my enemy!"
Tamaki let out a horrified scream and tears shot out of his eyes. Ranka forcefully kicked him, making Tamaki fall over and land on the floor behind Y/n and Haruhi.
"What the?" Haruhi muttered as she and Y/n turned around.
"Oh, hey Senpai, what're you doing here?" Y/n questioned as she stared down at Tamaki.
The blond haired male instantly got off the floor with a small blush on his cheeks, a slightly nervous, closed eyed grin evident on his face. "Oh, it looks like you caught me, Haruhi and Y/n! I followed you guys here so that I could carry your shopping baskets! You know how daddy loves accessories! Now why don't you just hand it over?"
Y/n and Haruhi looked at each other before a smile formed on their lips, both of them remembering that their father told them that when they were younger.
"You're so weird." Haruhi commented with a small chuckle.
"Wait... What's with the mushrooms?" Y/n raised an eyebrow at Tamaki, who had mushrooms on his clothes and in his hair.
"Weee! Faster, Takashi!" Honey exclaimed happily as Mori pushed him around in a shopping cart.
"So, does double-coupons mean I need two of them?" Kyoya questioned to himself as he writes down some notes in a small brown notebook.
"Ah, there's a whole stack of commoners' coffee." Hikaru points in a direction as he and his brother walked past Haruhi, Y/n, and Tamaki.
"Was there anything in particular you wanted to eat?" Haruhi asked Tamaki.
"How 'bout...a stewpot?" Tamaki shyly replied, his index finger placed on his lips. "One with lots of meat in it and no chrysanthemum."
"That's a great idea." Haruhi smiled. "A stewpot would be good since we need to feed a lot of people. It's kinda warm for it, though."
Y/n smiled softly as she saw Haruhi and Tamaki look at each other. Tamaki was silently crying as he held a shopping basket and Haruhi was giving him a deadpanned definition.
Ranka closed one of his eyes as he stuck his tongue out. 'I know it's going to happen eventually. One day my precious little girls will be all grown up. And they'll want to have that special someone by their side.'
Y/n looked behind her to see her father standing there, looking at the scene. She smiled softly at him, making his eyes slightly widen then gently smiled back at his daughter. Y/n began to walk away from Tamaki and Haruhi, advancing to another shopping aisle.
Once Y/n was out of view, Ranka allowed his irked expression to consume his facial features. "Just thinking about it gets my blood boiling!"
Y/n entered the chocolate and candy aisle. She examined the shelf's as she slowly walked past them. She stopped her movements once she caught sight of mini chocolate bars that were packaged in little bags.
The bag of chocolates that caught her attention were rather high up on the shelf. She quietly grumbled under her breath as she placed all of her weight on her toes, reaching her arms up for the bag.
"Almost there." She noiselessly encouraged herself as she jumped off the surface to see if that would help. Her hands grazed the bag but she didn't grab it on time since her feet landed back on the floor.
She plopped her arms back down to her sides as she huffed. She was going through ideas in her head that would possibly help her seize the bag of chocolates but a familiar voice spoke out to her, cutting off her time of thinking.
"It seems that you need some help."
Y/n turned her head to where the voice came from. Her brown eyes connected with the males brownish-grey ones as he walked towards her.
Before she could say anything, he stopped in front of the shelf and grabbed the bag of chocolates with ease, only stretching his arm a bit while doing so.
"Here." He held out the item and Y/n accepted it, placing the chocolates in her shopping basket.
"Thank you, Kyoya-Senpai. That was really helpful of you." She displayed a small, grateful smile as she glanced up at him.
"No problem." Kyoya said evenly, gently shoving his hands into his pockets. "May I ask why you were so eager in acquiring the bag of chocolates."
Y/n stared down at her shopping basket before looking back up at the male standing beside her. "To be honest, I've just been craving sweet things today. There isn't any other reason."
Kyoya hummed in acknowledgment, glancing down at the girl with an attentive look in his eyes that were hidden by the flash of light reflecting off of his glasses.
"Anyways, we should probably get going. Haruhi's most likely done with shopping already." Y/n stated, showing her upperclassman a small smile before walking ahead of him, Kyoya following after her.
- - - -
Everyone has settled down back at the Fujioka residence. The group of nine sat down on the tatami mat around the small, wooden table, the stewpot resting on the middle of the tables flat surface.
"Here Tamaki," Ranka began with a closed eyed smile as he placed some chrysanthemums in Tamaki's bowl, making the young man silently cry, "chrysanthemum, your favorite."
Haruhi and Y/n sighed. "What's going on here?"
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
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Chicos de Kof reaccionan a....
Son chats donde algunos chicos de Kof reaccionan a cualquier cosa.Ejemplo:Que no te bañaste o te tiraste un pedo jsjsj pueden pedir a lo que reaccionen jejejeLos personajes no me pertenecenLe pertenecen a SNKLas imágenes no son mías créditos a sus respectivos autores
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