《y/n fujioka ||haruhi fujioka's sister||》||21||
"Really? All the afternoon classes have been cancelled?" Y/n's older sister, Haruhi, questioned the two girls standing in front of them.
Y/n and Haruhi were presently in their classroom packing up their belongings due to the midday lessons being called off for something that was taking place at Ouran Academy.
"You mean, no one has told you two?" One of the girls with two small, pale purple bows on either side of her head answered Haruhi's inquiry with a question of her own.
"It's going to be crazy around here for the next two days." The girl with short, dark colored hair began to explain. "Ouran is hosting an exposition for the cultural clubs. Drama and choir clubs from a bunch of other schools have been invited. It's a big event the school hosts annually."
"Really?" Y/n inquired, feeling a small-scale of interest towards the topic.
"What?! You've never tried it?!" The twins disputed to a sweat dropping Renge at the back of the class, but could be heard from where Y/n and Haruhi were standing.
"Didn't anyone tell you that it's the preferred drink of the Host Club?" Hikaru detailed with one of his hands on his hips.
Kaoru stared at Renge with crossed arms, leaning against a desk. "And you are our manager so you should drink it too."
'Are they seriously cornering Renge because of a drink she hasn't tried?' Y/n pondered with a dispassionate diction, mentally rolling her eyes. 'Wow...'
"Um, well I-I think I've heard of instant coffee before." Renge claimed nervously, dabbing her left cheek with a light pink handkerchief. "Oh! That's right! Isn't that when the coffee beans have already been ground for you?" She raised her right index finger up, her nerves going down to a slight ease.
The twins crossed their arms to make an 'x' and made a buzzer sound to indicate that she was incorrect, making Renge flinch back and gasp at the twins' closeness.
"That's just ground coffee, instant is something completely different." Hikaru elucidated. "I don't even think there are any coffee beans in instant coffee. You just mix this powder with hot water and then drink it--you don't have to brew it. It's pretty awesome."
"So it's basically just like coffee but not as robust." Kaoru finalized.
"And yet, it's strangely satisfying."
"Now that you mention it we just ran out of it, didn't we?" Kaoru asked his brother, his thumb and index finger on his chin in a thoughtful manner.
The twins walked up behind the Fujioka siblings and placed one of their hands on either of the sisters' shoulders. "Go buy us some more, Haruhi and Y/n."
"Why do we have to go get it?" Haruhi deadpanned quietly.
"Because you and Y/n are the only commoners," Hikaru began with a grin, pulling a cotton swab out of nowhere and started to clean Haruhi's ears, "no one else knows where to buy it."
"We've even been serving it to our guests lately and besides, it's part of your job." Kaoru informed with a matching grin, playing with Y/n's shoulder length, wavy hair.
"But the cultural club exposition starts soon." Y/n uttered.
The twins picked up the two sisters and began to walk towards the classroom door. "Yeah, but it's not mandatory so if you're not interested you don't have to go." Hikaru maintained, insisting that the girls should go obtain the instant coffee.
'But I am interested...' Y/n thought as an irk mark appeared on her head.
"And with that being said." Kaoru commenced as he and Hikaru placed the two sisters down outside of the classroom.
"Be careful out there!" They waved the sisters off with a light blue handkerchief in either of their hands.
Y/n grumbled as she and Haruhi stumbled to lean themselves against a wall beside the classroom. "Damn them." Y/n muttered.
'I really hate rich people.' The two of them thought.
"Thanks for helping them out, Y/n and Haruhi." A females voice spoke out to them as she and someone else exited the classroom. It was the two girls that Y/n and Haruhi were talking to in the lecture room.
"No problem. I just wish they'd buy their own instant coffee." Haruhi replied in a debilitated tone.
"Well, I don't know if that'll ever happen but I'm glad they seem to be having a good time." The girl with the short hair commented with a friendly smile.
"And it's all thanks to you two."
"All thanks to us?" Y/n and Haruhi repeated, glancing at the two girls.
"We've been in the same class as the twins ever since middle school. They didn't used to be this cheerful and friendly." The other girl started tenderly. "They were always quiet and withdrawn-- they didn't have many friends. It's like they didn't want anyone to get too close."
"I don't think they liked school very much," the short, dark haired girl further stated, "they seemed so bored by it."
"I guess things started to change when the Host Club was created." The young woman with light purple bows in her hair explained as Y/n and Haruhi looked back into the classroom to see the Hitachiin twins socializing with other students in their class. "Since then, they've come out of their shells little by little."
"Really?" Haruhi mumbled.
Y/n continued to glance at the twins who were smiling as they communicated with their peers. 'How can a club affect someone that much?'
- - - -
After Y/n and Haruhi went shopping for more instant coffee, they walked back to Ouran Academy. Y/n walked next to Haruhi, who was carrying the brown paper bag filled with instant coffee containers.
The Fujioka sisters kept replaying the words that the two girls from their class told them indicating Hikaru and Kaoru Hitachiin.
"But they've really opened up since you two joined the Host Club," the girl with short hair mentioned, "now they talk and joke with everyone in class."
"That's why we wanted to make sure you both knew how grateful we are to you guys." The other girl smiled at them with her hands clasped together. "Because of you two the twins are having fun and enjoying each day to the fullest."
As Y/n thought back to the conversation, a banana peel appeared out of nowhere and Haruhi unfortunately slipped on it.
Unexpectedly, a tall, short haired girl with a different school uniform on catches Haruhi before she landed on the ground.
"It'd be a shame for any harm to come to that cute face of yours. Young lady." The young woman's voice was smooth and clear as she placed Haruhi down.
Y/n's eyes widened. "That's a first..." She quietly pointed out.
The tall girl glanced over at Y/n and showed her a small, kind, captivating smile. "Hm, by any means, are you two young ladies sisters?"
Y/n nods. "Yes, we are."
"Mmh." The females lips materialized into a small smirk. "I can tell when I see a beautiful pair of sisters--even from a mile away."
Y/n and Haruhi shared a confused look with one another.
'Who even is this girl?' Y/n wondered as she stared at the individuals appearance.
The unknown person was a tall pale-skinned young woman with cropped brown hair that has bangs swept to the left and green eyes. She wasn't wearing an Ouran uniform, meaning that she's from another school.
"I'll escort you two lovely ladies to your destination." She proclaimed evenly, assisting Haruhi to her feet.
"Oh, no, it's all right." Haruhi declined, politely. "You don't have to do that."
"I insist."
Nevertheless, Y/n and Haruhi were accompanied by the female student from another school as they walked into Ouran Academy's high school building and made their way to music room three.
"You're such a clever girl, Hinagiku."
Y/n, Haruhi, and the unfathomable young woman heard a females voice that was inside the clubroom. The double-doors were wide open, displaying the Host Club wearing either colorful armor or colorful musketeer ensembles, but the music room remains plain. In front of the young men were two females dressed in the same uniform as the young woman standing in between Y/n and Haruhi.
"Don't you think that's a little harsh?" Tamaki asked with a small, calm smile as he got up from his kneeling position, resting his fake sword on his shoulder. He was wearing the attire of a knight in red and white armor. "Fine then, what do women like you want to hear?"
"Maybe something like, 'I would never leave my two lovers alone.'" The girl with cropped brown hair gently grabbed Haruhi and Y/n, catching everyone's attention. The Host Club blinks, unresponsive towards the sudden appearance that took place at the club's entrance.
"'If we fight, it'll be together. If we fail, we fail together.'" She continued and kneeled down on one knee in front of the two sisters, holding onto either of their hands. "'Even if I were to die, I promise you that I will never leave your side, my loves.'" She brought her thin, slightly pink lips to the top of Y/n and Haruhi's hand, lightly kissing their knuckles.
'W-what the hell is going on right now?' Y/n thought as she faintly sweat dropped.
"Benibara, we thought you'd never show." The short girl spoke up as she and the other girl walked towards the young woman that was kneeling on one knee.
"What are we going to do with you?" The girl with long hair began. "So tell us where you found these lovely young ladies."
The short young woman was a pale-skinned girl with chin length tawny-brown hair with some bounce to it and dark grey eyes. The female standing beside her was a pale-skinned young woman with dark brown eyes and wavy, waist length lightest golden-brown hair that has a single hair strand swept to the left.
"I just met them outside of the school." Benio informed as she stood up. "This one may be dressed as a boy but I knew the truth. She has such pretty, maidenly eyes." She admired as she pulled Haruhi close to her, placing a hand on her cheek and looking into her chocolatey-brown eyes.
"Uh, thanks, I guess?" Haruhi replied in a unsure tone, not knowing whether to accept the compliment or not.
"Wow, her skin is incredibly soft." The short girl announced as she touches Haruhi's arm, the sleeve of her blazer and under shirt being raised to reveal her skin.
"As well as her skin." The long haired girl interjected as she caresses her cheek on Y/n's bare legs since she wasn't wearing her knee length socks. "I think these two are going to be little diamonds in the rough."
"Don't go touching my Haruhi and Y/n without asking my permission!" Tamaki exclaimed as he charged towards them.
Benio punches Tamaki in the jaw, making him back away drastically. "Leave them alone!"
"She punched me! She's so violent!" Tamaki cried and pointed an accusing finger at her and held his already swollen cheek with his other hand. Kyoya held out a vanilla ice cream cone to the blond haired male while Mori held out Tamaki's stuffed bear.
"Get a hold of yourself!" Honey directed, holding his pink bunny named Usa-Chan.
The three unfamiliar girls stood in front of the Host Club members, keeping a distance from them. "Guess the rumors we heard are true." Benio confirmed as she placed one of her hands on her hips. "You guys are just a bunch of weak little punks with no sense between you."
"Those uniforms." Kyoya observed as he adjusted his glasses. "I assume you ladies are from the Lobelia Girls' Academy?"
"That's correct." Benio established with a small smirk.
The three girls removed their uniforms, revealing them in their costumes. One by one, Benio, the long haired girl, and the short haired girl sang.
"St. Lobelia Academy, high school second-year, Benio Amakusa." She introduced with a white lily in between her lips. Benio was wearing a black, tailcoat suit with a homburg hat.
"Lobelia." They sang in unison.
"Second-year student, Chizuraru Maihara." The one with the long, light golden-brown hair introduced next, holding a open fan in one of her hands while holding a white lily in the other. Chizuraru was wearing a light electric blue dress that had the ends of the skirt white.
"First-year student, Hinako Tsuwabuki." The female with chin length tawny-brown hair was the last to introduce herself. She was wearing a lemonade-pink dress that went down to above her knees, one of her hands were occupied with a white lily.
"We are the members of St. Lobelia Academy's White Lily League also known as..." Benio trailed off and threw her hat up in the air.
"The Zuka Club!" The three girls announced with wide smiles on their faces. Their costumes from before were now replaced with big, feathery outfits.
The Host Club lets out a small groan that seemed like it was questioning the name of the club. The music room remained silent for a moment until Tamaki spoke up.
"The Zuka Club?" He muttered slowly as his face paled, soon collapsing on the floor.
Hikaru and Kaoru began to laugh, hysterically. "Oh man, what a stupid name! The Zuka Club! My stomach hurts!" Hikaru laughed loudly, wrapping his arms around his abdomen.
"The Zuka Club!" Kaoru repeated in hilarity. "That's priceless! And they had those get-ups on under their uniforms!"
"You shouldn't underestimate the Zuka Club!" A familiar voice warned and they began to cackle.
A motor sounded through the clubroom as a part of the floor lifted up, revealing Renge under an umbrella wearing a mauve colored yukata.
"I may not know much about instant coffee but I'm fascinated with girls' schools." Renge claimed, kneeling on a cushion as she took a sip of the instant coffee that was in a teacup. She tried to hold back a retch after she took the sample of coffee. She lightly dabbed her mouth with a light pink handkerchief.
"St. Lobelia Academy!" She started, tossing the teacup and handkerchief out of her hands as she showed a closed eyed smile. "It is truly a woman's world there. The Zuka Club is a group of strong young maidens who consider women to be superior in every way. The club prides itself on its thirty year history. It's a society of maidens, by maidens, for maidens. Zuka Club activities include: 'Maiden Tea Parties', 'The Maiden Debate Forum', and most importantly musical reviews performed by the society's top members."
"You sure have a vast wealth of knowledge, Renge." Kyoya stated as he placed his armor and the rest of his cosplay on top of a small round table, now wearing his school uniform.
"Well, I've always admired St. Lobelia's. I just couldn't go to school there though--what would I do without any boys?" Renge finished off and the motor sounded again as the floor went back to how it was.
"A maiden's beauty. It means possessing a spirit pure enough to not give in to power or to lust." Chizuraru had a soft expression on her face as her outfit now represented a goddess--her body being covered by a long, flowing kimono.
"'As a girl, you', 'for a girl, you'," Hinako began as her outfit changed into a black, devils aesthetic ensemble, holding a red trident in her right hand, "we've had quite enough of all your oppressive male contempt for woman-kind."
"And our pride." Benio initiated, a glass of an orange beverage in her hand as she wore a light purple shaded robe with a false black mustache above her upper lip. "Comes from having meaningful relationships based on equality because we're the same sex. And yes, that includes relationships of love."
"Yeah, you tell them, Benio." Chizuraru said alluringly, now wearing a fern-green nightgown.
"You're awesome, Benibara!" Hinako praised dreamingly as she wore a fire brick-red nightgown.
"Whatever. We're so over it." Kaoru voiced in a bored tone, exploring the bag of instant coffee that Haruhi and Y/n acquired, sitting on a red couch next to his brother.
"Why don't you gals just scram?" Hikaru added as he played video games on a white DS.
The Host Club--excluding Tamaki, Y/n, and Haruhi--was now wearing their school uniform and were positioned near a red couch. Honey was holding his stuffed bunny while watching Hikaru play his video game from over the armrest of the couch, Kyoya was reading a small book as he leaned on the right side of the couches armrest next to where Kaoru was sitting, and Mori was moving around with a sword that was from his medieval knights and musketeers cosplay.
"I find it hard to believe that you silly boys have nothing to say about our sublime female love." Hinako commented in a condescending tone, a mocking smile on her face as she giggled.
"What the hell is she talking about?" Hikaru demanded, keeping his amber colored eyes on the screen of his DS.
"Hey, I haven't seen this one before. I guess it's a new one." Kaoru shared while glancing down at the unfamiliar brand of instant coffee he was holding.
"You should feel sorry for them, Hinagiku." Chizuraru told the tawny-brown haired girl as she caressed Benio's left cheek. "Their patented host skills didn't work on us--now they're all flustered and they don't know what to do with themselves." She settled effortlessly, pulling the fake mustache off of Benio's face.
"True, I must say I'm glad we decided to perform here." Benio disclosed, glancing at the young men with taunting olive-green eyes. "It was fun to sneak a peek at the notorious Ouran Host Club."
"Hey guys, are we really notorious?" Honey questioned, directing his caramel-brown eyes towards the others.
Mori answered with a simple, "yeah."
The girls from Lobelia Academy suddenly had their school uniforms back on.
Benio walked towards Y/n and Haruhi and trapped them between the wall and herself. "And to think they're dragging these sweet young girls down with them." She moved her face closer to Y/n and Haruhi's, moving her hands so they're placed on either of the girls' shoulders.
Y/n and Haruhi let out a small, "huh?"
"The Host Club's president may be a pretty little halfer." Benio declared and spun around sharply, facing the Host Club again as she positioned herself to stand in between the two other girls. "But he shouldn't be using his looks to create a fictitious romance! Attempting to fool the heart of a pure, young maiden is demeaning! Your so-called 'club activities' are nothing more than debasing macho fantasies. I promise you, we will bring you guys down. The Ouran Host Club will be abolished!"
"All hail Zuka Club!" The three girls saluted with one of their arms raised up together, wearing matching apricot-orange colored soldier uniforms.
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Cultivating Civilizations are horrible places for people to live. Abducted from his retirement, Jack was placed into such a world. He has two options. Either he can follow the traditions of the world and kill his way to the top, or try to change the world into one where people don't have to. Follow him on his path as he tries to balance his past life's morals with this life's realities. Jack doesn't care that a sea of people stands in his way, he will nurture a sea of his own and drown them. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hey guys! I hope you like my novel. If you want to read advanced chapters then you can visit this site. You can visit the novel's Discord through this link. I will post at least 1 chapter per day here.
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