《y/n fujioka ||haruhi fujioka's sister||》||5||
It was the next day, the clear, blue sky being shown through the window of music room three where Y/n was sitting at a small, circular table by herself reading a book about waltzing.
Y/n and her sister, Haruhi, had to master the waltz in one week, or else they would go back down to being the clubs dog and Haruhi's secret will be revealed to the whole school, and that could lead to them not being able to easily payoff their debt to the Host Club.
While Y/n had a book--that she fortunately, yet surprisingly found in the library--to help her learn the ballroom and folk dance, Haruhi had Kanako Kasugazaki, known to be favorable towards the said host, helped her learn how to waltz.
"Quick, quick, slow. Quick, quick, slow." Kanako quietly kept tab of the movements both her and Haruhi were doing. "Good work, Haruhi. Now on the 'slow,' you should bring your feet together. Remember the gentlemen always leads, and make sure to look at the lady you're dancing with." She gently explained while Mori was swinging Honey around in a waltz-like manner in the background, the short, third years laughs of frenzy coming out of his throat.
"Got it. A-aah!"
There was a quiet thud sound, as if something fell on the floor. Due to the sound of Haruhi's sudden scream of shock, Y/n instantly rotated herself around, dropping her opened book on the table. Her brown eyes slightly widened at the sight she endorsed. Seemingly to have tripped over her own two feet while dancing with Kanako, Haruhi was on her hands and knees, lifting her body by using her limbs so she won't put her weight on the young woman below her.
"Uhhh." Y/n mumbled quietly, somewhat sweat dropping.
"I'm so sorry, Miss Kasugazaki!" Haruhi apologized frantically, feeling marginally embarrassed and tensed.
Kanako just wrapped her arms around the short, brown haired hosts neck that was still above her, and pulled the said host closer.
Y/n's mouth became slightly agape at Kanako's dauntlessness, she herself started to feel the awkwardness Haruhi was experiencing. 'Should I help her out or...?'
"It's okay, Haruhi." Kanako smoothly ensured, interlacing her hands together when they locked around the back of Haruhi's neck.
"Uh, can I help you up?" Haruhi contented, softly grabbing a hold of Kanako's arms, unwrapping them from her neck, and carefully helping the young woman up.
"Why so gloomy, boss?" The twins inquired, standing a few feet away from Tamaki, who was sitting on the flat window seat, a dark, dispirited aura surrounding him.
"I bet it's because he wanted to be the one Haruhi practices with." Hikaru teased, turning his gaze to his twin brother, Kaoru.
"I think you may be right, but he's way too tall to stand in as a woman." Kaoru added, mocking the blond haired, currently despondent male.
Haruhi and Kanako eventually stopped practicing and Haruhi led the girl to a table that already had tea and some snacks prepared.
"Thank you so much for allowing me to practice with you. I really appreciate it." Haruhi praised with a small, grateful smile. She was standing beside the table Kanako was seated at with her hands behind her back.
"Oh, no problem. I heard that you're not seeing any customers today so that you can practice dancing along with your sister." Kanako revealed, stabling her elbows on the table and using her hands as a head rest. "I'm glad I got to spend this time alone with you."
Y/n closed her book with a small sigh, deciding that she did enough reading about the waltz. She got up from the chair she was sitting on and approached where Haruhi was standing alongside Kyoya, who just walked towards the table.
"Oh, my! This is a new tea set, isn't it? It's Ginori." Kanako inspected the chlorophyll green, gold, and white colored teacup that she has picked up.
"Ginori?" The two Fujioka siblings questioned, lightly sweat dropping at the unknown phrase.
"You have a keen eye, mademoiselle." Kyoya commemorated Kanako's intelligence and recognition of the unique, green colored teacup. "In fact, we just received them yesterday. We decided that it was about time for the club to upgrade its tea sets."
"I see. What a pretty color. Lovely." Kanako looked down at the teacup with fondness in her soft, light brown eyes. Without anyone noticing, Tamaki snapped out of his downcast state and looked towards Kanako from where he was sitting with small, stunned lilac eyes.
"Wow, you must really be into tableware." Y/n commented with a sociable smile.
Kanako quickly placed the teacup down onto the small table and rattled a small blush onto her cheeks. "Not really. I mean, no, of course I'm not. What ever would give you that idea?" She smiled anxiously, gingerly sweat dropping.
"Uh... Well, you seem to know a lot about it, and the way you were admiring that teacup sort of made me think that you liked that kind of stuff." Y/n explained in a small sheepish tone for assuming something that Kanako was denying, but she knew that the girl had an obvious passion for it but was just trying to hide it.
All of a sudden, the door to the clubroom opened, announcing that someone has just entered the music room. "Hello, I'm here with the new teacups you ordered." A young mans voice sounded through the room as he closed the door and walked further into the music room.
"Ah, thank you very much." Kyoya acknowledged while approaching the boy. "Every item that you've chosen for us has been extremely popular with the ladies. I'm quite impressed."
"Well, that's good to hear." The boy smiled softly at Kyoya's words, holding a bright yellow box in his arms. He seemed to have been a high school student, considering he was wearing the school uniform, but instead of the true blue-purple blazer, he had a pale yellow sweater over his white, button up, dress shirt.
"So, do you sell tea sets?" Haruhi asked while her and her younger sister walked towards the boy.
"No, I'm just a regular student. Can't you tell by the uniform?" The boy smiled and handed out the box he was holding to Haruhi when she motioned for him to pass it over to her so she could carry it.
"Ha-ha-ha! Oh, Haruhi, you're so funny. Ha, ha!" Kanako suddenly let out a forced giggle, making Kyoya, Haruhi, Y/n, and the delivery boy turn their attention to her. "I can't blame you for not knowing. After all, he doesn't really look like an heir to a first-class company." She turned herself around to face the four students, a trivial smile on her lips.
"First-class company?" Y/n mumbled with a hardly noticeable raised eyebrow.
"His family's business, the Suzushima Trading Company, deals primarily in the importing of tableware. They currently have the top market share in the country." Kyoya explained, holding onto his black notebook. The delivery boy and Kanako made eye contact with each other, making the girl look down with discouraged eyes, yet no one seemed to have realized their interaction.
"Wow." Haruhi and Y/n mumbled in slight amazement, looking down at the yellow box that had the family's name printed on top of it.
"So whenever something exceptional comes in, we've asked him to send it our way." Kyoya started to analyze. Haruhi and Y/n glanced up at the boy and caught that he was staring at something, or more like someone. The two sisters viewed the direction that the boy was gazing at. He was still looking at Kanako as she turned herself back around after looking at the boy. "He has a great eye for fine China. Don't you, Suzushima?"
"You think?" He enjoined, snapping out of his trance and showing a small, closed eyed smile. "I've still got a lot to learn, but thank you."
"Aren't you leaving next month to study abroad in England?" Kyoya quizzed, changing the topic.
"Yes, I am." The boy answered softly, his smile faltering faintly. "Well, I'd better go now." He said and started to walk towards the door, giving one last, polite smile to Kyoya and the Fujioka sisters before opening the door and leaving.
"So, are you enjoying the Host Club?" Tamaki examined, appearing next to Kanako and leaning one of his arms on the table with his other arm behind his back, showing a small, closed lipped smile.
"I get the feeling you and that guy are kinda close." Haruhi pointed out while she and Y/n walk back to where Kanako was seated.
Kanako yelps with a small jump of her body, she turns around to face Haruhi and Y/n. "Don't be ridiculous! We hardly know each other! What makes you say that, Haruhi?" She blushes lightly and gets up from her chair, taking a few steps towards the two sisters until she was standing next to them, facing opposite directions. "Now, if you'll please excuse me... Take care." She sheepishly puts a small, pastel purple colored handkerchief up to her mouth and walks away, leaving the clubroom.
Haruhi and Y/n look at each other with confused expressions, each having questions about Kanako's odd and nervous behavior.
"Haru-Chan! Y/n-Chan!" Honey called out to the two siblings, happily, and jumped on Haruhi's back, making her let out a small gasp at the boys affectionate lunge. "Guess what? They do know each other! Suzushima is Kasuga-Chan's fiancé." He confirmed, smiling at the girl.
"Kyoya," Tamaki folds his arms across his chest, "how long have you known about this?"
"About the two of them being engaged?" Kyoya questioned rhetorically and grabbed his black notebook that was resting under his right arm, opening it to a certain page. "Well, as you know, I conduct general searches on all of our customers."
Y/n leaned closer to Haruhi and whispered in her ear. "That's not creepy at all." She quietly commented sarcastically, earning her a small smile from her sister.
"The two of them were childhood friends." Kyoya continued, reading off the information that was written in his notebook. "It seems that their engagement was arranged by their parents. I didn't think the information would benefit us, so I disregarded it."
"I see..." Tamaki mumbled, leaning his body forward a bit, allowing Kyoya to pursue with the information he has.
"Toru Suzushima. Outstanding grades, fair social status. He's ordinary-looking, but he's reliable. If I had to fault him for anything-"
"He doesn't have much presence." Hikaru cut Kyoya off, him and his brother sliding up on either side of him with raised hands.
"And he's faint-hearted." Kaoru added.
"So in other words, he's boring." Kyoya closes his black notebook by using the hand he was holding it with, his other hand was resting on his waist.
'I had no idea they were so merciless towards other guys.' Haruhi thought, sweat dropping.
"Suzushima is a good boy. Right?" Honey asked, removing himself from Haruhi's back and was currently on Mori's shoulders.
"Yeah." Mori's monotone voice replied.
"All right, everyone." Tamaki began, standing in front of his club members. "We'll have to work on our strategy."
"Which one?" They all examined in unison.
"Men...and woman." Tamaki added, giving Y/n a small glance. "It is our responsibility as members of the elite Ouran Host Club to make every girl happy!"
- - - -
A week has passed and it was the night before the party the Host Club would be sponsoring. Y/n and Haruhi were at their apartment, just finishing up washing the dishes they used for dinner. It was just them at the apartment, their father was still at work covering someone else's shift.
"Are you nervous about the dance tomorrow?" Y/n asked, placing the last serving bowl on the drying rack.
"Not really. You?" Haruhi directed, turning off the running water of the sink, and picked up a dry rag to dry off her wet hands due to washing the dishes.
"No." Y/n replied, leaning her back against the kitchen counter. "But I'm a bit wary of the plan Tamaki-Senpai came up with along with the others. Do you think it will work?"
Haruhi breathed out a sigh, placing the rag flat on the counter. "I honestly don't know. I guess we'll have to wait and see."
They both fell into a peaceful silence. Y/n kept her back leaning against the counter while Haruhi just looked down at the sink, water droplets still very evident since Haruhi turned off the faucet not even a minute ago.
"Wanna dance?" Haruhi suddenly asked, looking up from the sink to look at Y/n with a soft smile on her lips. "Once last practice before the night party wouldn't hurt."
Y/n let out an airy giggle, a grin forming on her lips as she made eye contact with her sister. She then playfully curtsied. "Why, of course, madam. It would be an honor." She walked towards Haruhi, who extended her hand out to her.
Once Y/n gently grabbed ahold of Haruhi's hand, Y/n moved her other hand to her sisters shoulder while Haruhi moved her free hand to Y/n's waist.
The two began to slowly dance the waltz together, their feet moving along on the wooden floor of the small kitchen.
Yes, the book Y/n borrowed from the library helped her understand the waltz and how to position herself while dancing it, but Y/n still practiced with Haruhi every evening once they arrive home after the Host Club to physically practice with a partner. They would switch whoever leads in case Y/n were to dance with a female guest. If that does happen then Y/n would be leading the waltz, but if she were to dance with one of her male customers then they will lead her.
The two Fujioka sisters were pretty confident in their waltzing skills. Now, they just have to show it to the rest of the Host Club during the night of the party.
- - - -
The night of the party has finally arrived. Y/n and Haruhi were wearing elegant clothes that Tamaki forced them to wear, thinking that they had nothing classic or formal since they were 'commoners'.
"Here, put these on you two!" Tamaki smiled widely, holding out two clothing hangers to Haruhi and Y/n. On one of the hangers was a nice-looking, brown suit and on the other one was a beautiful red dress.
It was an hour before the party begins and the hosts decided to get ready, bringing their change of clothes to school so they could change in the dressing rooms inside the music room.
"Why?" Haruhi questioned with a raised eyebrow.
"Because I said so!" He fussed and pushed the clothing hangers into the respective hands of who the outfits now belong to. He then raised his index finger up. "I doubt commoners have formal clothing, so I took matters into my own hands."
"Hey, we helped too." Kaoru alleged, sliding up behind Tamaki along with his brother.
"Yeah boss, give us some credit too." Hikaru defended.
Y/n and Haruhi shared a look of slight annoyance at Tamaki's words. They both walked passed the three males to go to the changing room to put on their new classic outfits.
"Whatever..." The two sisters grumbled and closed the curtains to their individual changing stalls.
Currently, Y/n was standing with the other members of the Host Club on the top of a two-way, red staircase. A pair of stairs leading to the left and the other pair of stairs leading to the right. Y/n stood on the stairs on the left with Haruhi, Hikaru, and Kaoru. One the right side of the stairs was Kyoya, Mori, and Honey. Tamaki, however, was standing at the second story of the ballroom-like territory.
'Mom, if you're listening, please make the pain in my feet go away...' Y/n desperately thought, shuffling her feet to try and reduce the ache that the two inch, silver heels, that she was involuntarily wearing, were distributing to her.
She gripped onto the ends of her red, knee length dress to stop herself from hissing. The dress had short sleeves that fit around Y/n's upper arms perfectly, the collar of the dress was a V-neck that reached down to her collarbone. Her wavy, brown hair stayed down to her shoulders, nothing was really done to it except for not having it pushed to one side. Y/n did have makeup on, that was placed on by Hikaru and Kaoru, but it was only concealer under her eyes, some black eyeliner that made a modest wing, mascara for her eyelashes, and some lipgloss that gave her lips a tint of red. She also had a pair of silver earrings on to give her ears some thought.
"It is so good to see you here tonight, my little lambs. The Ouran Host Club would like to bid you," a spot light shined on Tamaki as he began to speak, "welcome." He bowed lowly along with the other hosts.
The lights that were attached to the chandeliers lit up one-by-one, making the room finally glow up and shine with light. Once the lights turned on, a live orchestra began to play elegant music.
The crowd 'oohs' and applauses. The guests standing in the room had both female and male students, more so females than males.
The hosts stood up straight after their bow. Kyoya showed the group of people his usual small, closed eyed smile, extending his arms out. "As always, ladies and gentlemen, the Host Club members are here for your entertainment. So we invite you to dance to your heart's content. Based on her dancing skills, one lucky young lady will be chosen as tonight's queen. The queens reward will be a passionate kiss on the cheek from our King." He announced.
"Good luck to you, my darlings." Tamaki granted with a charming tone, reaching his open hand out to them with a wink, making the girls swoon and have heart eyes, some of them even fainting.
Y/n and Haruhi slumped their shoulders and let out a quiet groan, catching Hikaru and Kaoru's attention.
"Haruhi, Y/n, show some enthusiasm." The twins appointed, sliding behind them with their hands on their hips.
"Well excuse us, you guys. Sorry, we're not used to this sort of thing. We've only ever gone to the festivals held in our neighborhood park." Haruhi stated, lowering her head a bit.
"And my feet are already killing me." Y/n noted with a quiet groan. She lifted one of her feet off of the surface to remove some pressure from it, soon doing the same to the other foot.
"Well, you'll have to get used to wearing those heels for the evening, Y/n." Kyoya disclosed to her. "I don't know if you can really consider that a party or not." Kyoya moved on to Haruhi's comment, scribbling down something on his clipboard. "Well, since you're already here, you guys might as well get yourselves something to eat. We've got quite a spread."
"A spread?" Y/n and Haruhi asked, their moods lifting up slightly. "With fancy tuna?"
Kyoya's pen snapped in half at the words that came out of the sisters' mouths.
"Fancy tuna?!" The hosts exclaimed in shock.
- In Serial43 Chapters
The Written Scraps of the Star Sea
There is another cosmos that bears many mysteries and wonders. Another universe separate from our own but are not unknown. Obscure their stories may be, these are the written scraps of their stories relayed to thee. Read of their joys and dreams, and of the sorrows and hopes. .:: Hello. This is just a collection of short stories I've written mostly for therapeutic reasons. They are most unconnected. ::. Each story has their own blurbs put in the Catalogue. [participant in the Royal Road Writathon challenge]
8 151 - In Serial34 Chapters
The Lyrics That Defined Us.
Eddy Chen and Brett Yang, friends since forever and till forever.But does forever really exist?They say you write your own story, so did Brett and Eddy pave way for the correct ending? As life takes its own turns, Brett and Eddy find themselves in different places and situations. Man proposes and God disposes, they might say. Bound by feelings and emotions, Eddy gets pulled closer to Brett who keeps moving further and further away. Will destiny's string tie them together or will it snap? _Author's Note:1)First work on wattpad. Though the story is based on real people, the plot is completely fictional. And I have absolutely no intentions of mocking or copying anyone but since the human brain thinks stuff that is already known to them, if I accidentally write something that's already been written please do inform me. 2)English is my second language but I think I'm good at it(?). 3)If I make you cry, please don't kill me. 4)No NSFW but maybe in any future works.(If you came for that, sorry) Edit- some chapters have the slightest nsfw and have been marked, but all they contain are kissing scenes, so don't be scared. I'm pretty sure you've read even more graphic things. 5) The story description will be edited after the story ends to fit even more.6) Pay attention. And don't kill me.7) Got Instagram too now, please check it out. @/interesting.twosetter8) completed 24/2020
8 133 - In Serial167 Chapters
Through the Stars, Darkly
The Imperium reigns over thousands of worlds, but it is crumbling under the weight of its own excess. Aliens watch, tensions mount, wars spread... Val would know, as her ship is sucked through a space rift, into the heart of a battle. A battle she has no business being in. Meanwhile, a scientist, somewhere in the heart of the Imperium, discovers a source of energy ten times more powerful than any ever found before... What does it all mean? NOTE: New chapters will be posted every Monday at 6 pm CET (Noon EST).
8 167 - In Serial37 Chapters
Galal: Horde Master
Mankind. Conquerors, builders, criminals and craftsmen. Tamers of beasts. Arrogant, they attempt upraise a beast, to create a machine of war. A beast born of blood and of violence, mankind will do its utmost to tame it as it resists their shackles and seeks the freedom it craves.
8 329 - In Serial20 Chapters
The Exodus Project
This is the original version of Origin before I rewrote it. It's much more simpler, some names and personalities are a little different. THere's nowhere near as much back story or character development/interaction. But the story is essentially at the end of book one. I wrote this 15 odd years ago, and with a bit of polish it doesn't look too bad. The story like Origin is about a group of college students who find a ship that is the last remnant of an ancient human space faring civilisation, they fix her up and go back into space. Along they way they'll meet alot of aliens, religious fundamentalists and conmen.
8 154 - In Serial59 Chapters
Silence Hayley anderton
[Watty Awards Winner 2013]Traumatized by her brother's death, Raven Verona desperately wants to escape her past. But when she is chosen for the 41st Hunger Games, that becomes impossible.An unwanted admirer.A true soul mate.23 enemies.Let the Games begin...(Note. All the way through this book and the sequel, The Chamber, it says that this is the 31st Games. I'm changing it to 41st because it plays a role in the third book. :D Also, if you like this, there is two more books to follow, The Chamber and Battleborn)
8 118