《y/n fujioka ||haruhi fujioka's sister||》||4||
The sound of the school bell rung through the entire academy. Currently, Y/n and Haruhi were in the library working on some school assignments, but once the bell rung, Y/n ranked herself up from the chair she was sitting on that was located beside Haruhi.
"Crap. We're going to be late." Y/n spoke hastily, pushing the cover of her notebook to a close.
The two siblings shoved their books and other personal belongings into their bags and dashed out of the library.
"We're never gonna hear the end of it if we show up late." Haruhi remarked and Y/n nodded in alliance, the two sisters moving their legs as fast as they can to get to music room three which was located at the end of the Northern hallway, top floor of the South Wing.
They both finally made it to the doors of the music room and Haruhi nudged the handle down to open the said doors. Instead of seeing the usual chairs, tables, and couches that were put out in display for guests to sit on, they were inspecting the room full of tropical trees, birds, and some other animals you would find in a equatorial area.
"Uhh, where are we? Are we in the right room?" Y/n muttered, her brown eyes faintly widening at the arrangement in front of her.
"I'm just as confused as you are right now." Haruhi admitted, her eyes roaming around the jungle-like territory.
The two sisters turned their contemplation to where they heard the chorus of familiar greetings. In the center of the room, enclosed around trees, were the six other Host Club members.
'Are they...cosplaying?' Y/n speculated, eyeing the six boys who were arranged in the centralized space of the room. They weren't wearing their school uniforms, they were alternatively wearing some kind of Balinese royalty clothes. Five out-of-the six young men had their torsos uncovered and a kilt-like covering wrapped around their waists. The only one who didn't have their sculpture exposed was Tamaki, who was sitting in a bamboo woven chair with his five companions standing behind him.
'Can you see this from heaven, mom? This is the club Y/n and I were forced to join.' Haruhi thought, clearly unamused and disconcerted. The two sisters stood where they were with dissatisfied eyes, more so Haruhi than Y/n, standing next to a sapling that had a brown and black snake slithering their way up on it. Without warning, a toucan thumped down on Haruhi's head, a small blare transpired out of Y/n's mouth due to getting stunned by the birds' actions.
"You finally made it, Haruhi, Y/n. You're both so late." Hikaru and Kaoru acquainted in accord.
Haruhi took out her small calendar and held it in her hands, facing away from the hosts. "I could be wrong, but my calendar says it's still early spring."
"Huddling under a kotatsu table, fearing the cold is nonsense!" Tamaki began, getting up from his chair, holding a folding fan, that was spread out, in his hand. While the blond haired male was speaking, Mori and Honey were in the background swinging around in the trees, Honey's shouts of excitement clearly being heard. "And, besides, the heating system we have is the best." He finished and showed a small pose, making the two sisters quietly groan.
"Do you have a problem with the way we run our club, Fujiokas'?" Kyoya initiated, his brownish-grey eyes moving away from the clipboard in his hands and onto the two sisters. "Be careful what you say. You both owe us eight million yen, remember?"
Y/n and Haruhi flinched at his words, replaying the moment the Renaissance vase connected with the hard floor and shattered in their minds.
"Gentlemen don't bundle up in bulky clothing. It may be chilly, early spring out there in the real world, but here at the club, we want to surprise our chilly little kittens with a warm, tropical paradise." Tamaki goes behind Y/n and Haruhi and places his hands on their shoulders. "Oh, yes! We've turned this place into nirvana. A balmy, tropical island of everlasting summer!"
"That's funny 'cause I feel a massive chill right now."Haruhi replied sarcastically.
- - - -
"What heartlessness. Even with my lustrous skin, shining like brilliant ivory, exposed by my Balinese King outfit," Tamaki brings his face closer to one of his customers, "I am no more than a slave before my goddess, I kneel before you and swear my loyalty."
"Tamaki..." The girl lightly blushes abstractedly with heart shaped eyes.
"Oh, wow."
The two other girls at the table awed, their eyes turning heart shaped at Tamaki's enamoring nature.
Haruhi placed the drinks that the girls at that table ordered, soon walking away from the them unenthusiastically, until she heard Tamaki talk about a party the Host Club is sponsoring.
"Oh, yes, I almost forgot to mention to you ladies, next week the Ouran Host Club is sponsoring a party." Tamaki smiled.
"We're throwing a party?" Haruhi glanced back at the blond haired male, but soon turned her head to another direction when hearing the same conversation somewhere else.
"What kind of party is it going to be? Is it going to be formal?" Another girl asked from a table that was being hosted by the Hitachiin twins.
"Yes. In fact, we've rented the schools largest hall." Hikaru claimed.
"It's the perfect place for dancing." Kaoru added.
Hikaru brought his brothers face closer to his own, speaking in a low tone. "But I really wanted to spend some alone time with you, Kaoru."
"Don't be upset, Hikaru. I know exactly how you feel."
The girls at the table squealed, speaking rapidly that their words sounded like they were speaking gibberish.
Haruhi was now standing next to Kyoya in front of a beverage bar, Y/n soon joining her sisters side. She has also heard the conversation the twins were having with their guests about the party the Host Club is funding.
"The guests seem to be even more worked up than they usually are." Haruhi noted at the sight of the fangirling ladies at the twins' table.
Y/n nodded. "I know, right."
"Showing some skin proves popular with the ladies." Kyoya stated, writing on the clipboard that he has been holding.
"So are you the one who came up with this tropical paradise idea?" The oldest Fujioka sibling asked.
"I have no decision-making authority. All of the clubs policies have been led out by the clubs king, Tamaki." Kyoya lifted his head up from the clipboard, a false, closed eyed smile formed on his lips as he accustomed the glasses resting on the bridge of his nose. "But I guess there's no harm in admitting to casually slipping a Bali photo book onto his desk."
Y/n and Haruhi shared a look with one another. 'So he's the real brains behind the operation.'
"Oh, and you have a few guests waiting at a table, Haruhi. I advise you go and not leave them waiting any longer. It's bad for business." Kyoya mentioned to her, going back to write on his clipboard. "As well as you too, Y/n."
The two sisters thinly sweat dropped. "Okay..." Y/n and Haruhi walked away from the beverage bar and went their separate ways to their waiting customers. Their tables weren't that far away from each other. Haruhi's table was about six steps away from Y/n's.
"Sorry for making you guys wait." Y/n lowered her head in a small bow, showing her two male guests a small, apologetic smile. She pulled the empty chair out from under the table and rested herself on it.
"It's alright, Y/n." One of the male students convinced with a small flush appearing on his cheeks.
"Don't worry about it." The other boy assured with a friendly expression. He had dark brown hair and emerald-green eyes. In all honesty, Y/n found him quite attractive.
Y/n presented them a closed eyed grin. "Thanks you two." She said with slight gratefulness in her tone. "How has your day been?"
"Pretty good so far." The second boy replied pleasantly.
"Especially that I'm now here with you." The first boy added, a prominent blush on his cheeks as he scratched the back of his head. "Uhm, how about you? How's your day been?"
"I'm flattered that I'm somehow making your day better." Y/n expressed with a smile. "My day as been fine. To be completely honest, I wasn't expecting the room to be decorated in such tropical measures."
"Neither were we. It's a fun surprise!" The first boy acknowledged.
"Speaking of the clubs theme, how come you aren't wearing a tropical costume like the others?" The second boy asked respectfully.
"Oh, uh, I don't really have a big reason for why I'm not wearing one." Y/n began, holding up her hands. Neither of the three noticing a blond haired male spying on their conversation near Haruhi's table. "I guess I just don't think it's natural to wear anything but early-spring clothes when in early-spring, you know?"
Tamaki then swiftly grabbed a hold of Y/n and dragged her over to Haruhi's table.
"H-hey!" Y/n conflicted, undertaking the task of getting out of Tamaki's grasp. "Let go, Tamaki-Senpai!"
"It's a coincidence that at Y/n's table they were asking about the tropical outfit too, Haruhi." Tamaki said once he finished dragging Y/n to her sisters table. "We have one ready for you both! I think you'll like it! You and I are a pair, Haruhi!" He smiled widely, introducing two Balinese royalty outfits that were laid out on two mannequins. The two outfits weren't that much different from each other. They both consisted of a long skirt, a top, and some accessories.
The light grey mannequin standing to the right of Tamaki was Haruhi's tropical outfit, and it really was made to match the president of the Host Club's costume. It had a orange and yellow patterned bottom that had a purple scarf around the waist. The top part of the outfit was a white, sleeveless blouse and was accompanied with a big headpiece that was meant to be placed on Haruhi's head. The other outfit was made for Y/n, which had the same blouse Haruhi's outfit had, but it showed off a bit of the mannequins stomach which meant that it would undoubtedly expose a sliver of Y/n's abdomen. The bottom part of the clothing was a red, long skirt that reached down four inches above the ankles, around the waist was a gold colored scarf. The accessories were two gold bands for both wrists and long golden earrings.
"This one is yours, Haruhi." Tamaki began, gesturing one of his hands to the mannequin on the right. "And this one is yours, Y/n!" He announced, using his other hand to motion towards the mannequin on the left.
"No, thanks." Both girls rejected directly and Tamaki's smile dropped, a slight, inaudible gasp coming from his throat.
"I'm not letting my sister wear that." Haruhi indicated, some awes and small squeals coming from Haruhi's guests at how Haruhi's protective of Y/n. Which Haruhi is protective of Y/n most of the time.
Y/n let out a small sigh. "The outfits look great, Tamaki-Senpai, but we don't really want to wear them. Sorry for the trouble." She added, a part of her feeling a little bad about how the outfits were made for them, but they're not going to put it on.
"Wow, Haruhi and Y/n. You're really faithful to the different seasons, aren't you?" One of Haruhi's guests pointed out. The two male guests that Y/n was previously hosting walked towards them.
"Yeah, who knew somebody would be so dedicated to spring." The first boy commented with a small grin.
"I think that's great! I hope we're lucky enough that the cherry blossoms are in full bloom on the night of the party!"
"The two of us, dancing among the cherry blossoms."
"It's so dreamy."
"You really think so?" Haruhi questions. "You know, ladies, I think it's so cute when you dream like that." She smiled with a small tilt of her head, making the three girls at the table swoon.
Y/n smiled at the table and then glanced at the two boys standing to the side. "Excuse me, but I must get back to my table. It was nice to see your lovely faces." Y/n smiled kindly while looking at the three girls. She then looked over at Haruhi, patting her back before walking back to her table with the two boys, the three girls waving Y/n off with friendly smiles.
"I'm so sorry that I was pulled away while speaking to you guys." Y/n apologized to them for the second time once they took their seat. "This must be a very lousy visit for you two." She chuckled nervously.
"No, no, it's okay!" The second boy versed, waving his hands dismissively.
The first boy nodded reassuringly. "Yeah, I'm sure we still have time-"
"I'm afraid times up, you two." Kyoya suddenly appeared in front of the table, making the two boys and Y/n sweat drop, the first boy mentally swallowing back down his previous, interrupted words.
"I'm so sorry that I wasted our time together." Y/n spoke up first, getting up from her chair and showing a repentant bow.
"I-it's fine. We still have next time, right?" The second boy scratched the back of his neck, showing a closed eyed smile, but there was still a sheepish sweat drop trickling down his cheek.
"Yeah, we still enjoyed the time we had with you!" The first boy defended.
"Thanks guys, I hope I see you again." Y/n presumed with a thin smile. "And the next time you guys come back here to visit me, it'll be better. I promise."
The two boys smiled at Y/n's promise. They said their goodbyes and then journeyed out of the music room.
"Y/n, you wasted a guests time? That could expand your quota greatly. You are aware of that, correct?" Kyoya examined, his glasses glaring over his eyes.
Y/n gulped, her figure feeling smaller compared to his. She indeed was shorter than Kyoya, but this felt like he was towering over her like a skyscraper building with a very intimidating aura.
'I'm screwed...'
"But I did notice that it was Tamaki's liability for boring you away from your customers and causing the limitation of time you had with them to cut short." Kyoya verbalized, his dark aura slowly disappearing. Y/n looked up at him, a feeling of anticipation filling her, mentally praying that her quota would not be broaden. "Therefore, your quota will remain where it is at the moment, but if something like this happens again then I'll have no choice but to raise your quota up to another one-thousand, understand?"
Y/n quickly nodded her head in response. "Y-yes..."
- - - -
It was the end of the day. The sun was now setting, allowing the sky to be a beautiful, sunset-orange color. All the guests were gone, leaving only the members of the Host Club to remain in music room three.
The music room was absent of the tropical theme, the room now just containing chairs, tables, and couches. The hosts were changed out of their costumes and were wearing their school uniform.
The only sound that could be heard throughout the margin was Tamaki slurping and eating ramen, a depressed, annoyed, and tired look on his face. He was seated at a small, circular table away from the others.
"I can't take this anymore." He muttered, his mouth continued to be filled with the ramen noddles he was consuming.
"Hey boss, why don't you stop eating that commoner's ramen, and come over here to help us with the party planning." Hikaru called out to the blond haired second year.
"Does it really bother you that Princess Kasuga has taken a liking to Haruhi?" Kaoru questioned.
"He shouldn't be surprised," Kyoya chimed in, sitting on a chair while gliding his fingers against certain keys on the keyboard of his laptop, "she's had the illness for a while now, hasn't she?"
"Illness? What illness?" Y/n asked, her face scrunching up in confusion while she sat beside her sister, who sat near Kyoya.
"She's got the host-hopping disease." Hikaru answered, shrugging his hands up.
"A.k.a. the never-the-same-boy-twice disease." Karou added after his brother, also shrugging his hands up.
"Usually our customers choose a favorite host and then see them regularly. However, Princess Kanako tends to change her favorites on a regular basis." Kyoya explained, keeping his eyes on the screen of his laptop as he continued to press his fingers on the keyboard.
"That's right! 'Cause before she chose you, she was with Tama-Chan!" Honey enlightened Haruhi, his arms wrapped around his pink, stuffed bunny, Usa-Chan.
"Oh, so he's upset because I took her from him." Haruhi conducted blankly.
Y/n shrugged and a small tug pulled at the ends of her lips. "That's what it seems like..." She began, playfully giving Haruhi a soft nudge to her side using her elbow. "You just caught the eye of Tamaki-Senpai's customer and whisked her away from him because of your presence."
"Shut up! I couldn't care less!" Tamaki shouted in Y/n and Haruhi's face, abandoning the table he was sitting at while eating his ramen. His sudden exclaim causing Honey to let out a startled scream. Tamaki moved away from the two girls. "Ugh. I'm running out of patience! Haruhi! It's time you started dressing like a girl!"
"Huh?" Haruhi and Y/n sweat dropped with muddled expressions.
"I don't understand how you could be so popular with the ladies when you yourself are a lady! No one in the entire school knows the truth except for those of us here." The blond exclaimed.
"Yeah, she opted out of taking gym classes." Hikaru started, him and Kaoru sliding up beside Tamaki.
"And the attendance numbers are all mixed together, so no one can tell." Kaoru joined.
Tamaki bolted away and came back in a split second, but he was carrying a large, treasure-like chest. The outside of the chest had a sticker that read 'King's private property'. He plopped the chest down and opened it, kneeling on the floor as he dug around in the trunk to find what he was looking for. "That's enough, Haruhi. Now you listen to Daddy." He took out a big picture frame--that somehow fit in the chest considering how big the frame was--of Haruhi, but in the picture she had long hair. "Daddy wants you to go back to the way you were!" He exclaimed with tears running down his cheeks, appearing in front of Haruhi with the framed picture.
"Don't go blowing up my photos without asking me first!" Haruhi yelled, shooting up from her chair, evidently irritated with the club's president.
The frame was now being held against the wall by a sobbing Tamaki, his knees on the floor as his hands were up holding the frame, allowing the other hosts to surround and see the picture of Haruhi when she was in middle school.
"The more I look at this picture, the more amazed I am." Hikaru harbored. "How could this possibly become that?" He questioned as he thought back to the time they first saw Haruhi before giving her a makeover.
"The day before school started, one of the kids in our neighborhood got gum stuck in her hair." Y/n explained, standing next to Haruhi.
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