《No Homo, Bro | Taekook ✔》[]Twenty-One[]


"Holy shit Taehyung just saw us kiss dude." Jimin panicked as he got off of Yoongi. "Dude why the fuck were we kissing anyway!!" Yoongi jumped off the couch.

They were both quiet and confused. Why the fuck did they just have a whole make out session.

"It kinda felt goo-"Yoongi started but Jimin cut him off. "We're not to speak of this to anyone." Jimin said sternly and Yoongi frowned sadly.

"Oh...yeah duh! Why would we want people to know we were just making out so passionately and like so romantically?." Yoongi said quite fast and with a blush on his face.

Jimin sighed running a hand through his hair again frustratedly. "Good, because this meant nothing. Absolutely nothing."

Wow that shit hurted. Yoongi thought.

"Yep! Nothing at all....gotta go bye." Yoongi dashed through the door.

Fuck. Don't do this again Yoongi.

Jimin stayed in the room and sat down on the couch cautiously. He couldn't believe what just happened, Yoongi and him just kissed. Like what the fuck?

A grin slowly crept on his lips as he let out a dry chuckle. "Holy shit...I just kissed Yoongi." He covered his mouth and laughed shamelessly.

"Holy shit!! I fucking kissed Min Yoongi!! What the fuck!!" He suddenly panicked and jumped off the couch.

He didn't know what to think of it honestly, he just kissed Min Yoongi, one of his best friends. What's there to it?


Taehyung walked out to the park outside of the school and sat beneath a tree. It was dark and the moonlight provided very little light but it calmed Taehyung.

"It hurts....." Jungkook's words rang in his head and he sighed.

He didn't mean for any of that to happen. He didn't think Jungkook would start catching feelings, the whole thing was a joke. A joke that was going to get him laid.


But it was true same for Taehyung also. He believes he doesn't like Jungkook and only his body, but something is telling him otherwise and he is scared of that.

"This has to stop..." He mumbled to himself rubbing his face stressfully. But wait, what about Lisa? He had to stop her from taking Jungkook to Bo-gum! He flinched and tensed.

But honestly that suspicion was ignorant from the beginning. How could Lisa an innocent sweet girl (that he has had sex with before) do something like that?

"Forget it." He said leaned back into the tree. Then he got a text on his phone. He pulled it out of his back pocket and checked it.

I'm horny come over 🙄

Taehyung raised his eyebrow. "Wasn't this chick dating Yoongi though?"

Then he remembered he was just making out with a dude just a few minutes ago. Taehyung shrugged and replied with an "ight baaatchh"

He suddenly thought of Jungkook as he walked to Jennie's dorm( it isn't his first time there :)) It felt like he was betraying him but it's not like their dating

"Psshhht I don't care I can fuck who ever I want." Taehyung shrugged and shoved his hands in his pockets as he neared Jennie's dorm.

His steps became faster as he thought about Jungkook. His big thick juicy thighs, his slim waist, his squishy bum to his adorable bunny smile and his chubby cheeks that always happen to be tinted pink.

Everything about him riled Taehyung up and he was getting riled up. His pants tightened and he bit his lip. He had to Jennie quickly to reli-

"OH GOD!!!" Jungkook's loud scream was heard from the room he just passed. Taehyungs froze and his eyes widen. No...he must be hearing stuff.

"PLEASE STOP IT HURTS!!" Jungkook yelled again and Taehyung flinched.


Then he realized, that's fucking Lisa's room. His heart raced as he put the pieces together, she was working with Bo-gum and THEY'RE RAPING HIM NOW IN THAT ROOM!!

Taehyung immediately turned back around and rushed to the door and literally pushed the door with so much force that it broke the lock but not the entire door and burst in.

What he saw made him feel like the biggest idiot in the world.

Lisa was plucking Jungkook's eyebrows....well shit.

They both gaped at him and Taehyung just stood there with the broken door knob in his hand.

Taehyung sheepishly smiled scratching the back of the door. "I-I-" he tried but Jungkook snapped. "What the FUCK Taehyung!!" He screamed and Taehyung flinched.

"You literally just broke my door." Lisa said still dazed and shocked about Taehyung breaking the door.

"Look I can expla-" Taehyung started but Jungkook pulled him out of the room by his collar. "Give is a minute please Lisa." Jungkook said not waiting for an answer.

Jungkook pulled Taehyung all the way to the nearest boy bathroom and pushed him against the wall.

"What the fuck is wrong with you?" Jungkook asked angrily and Taehyung let out a breath. "I-"

"You have gone waaayy too far like what the fuck were you thinking barging in there like fucking maniac. You have to get over the fact that I'm and have a girlfriend and I will never like becau-"

"I thought she was raping you." Taehyung said cutting off Jungkook and looking down. Jungkook let out a sarcastic laugh. "Here we go again, she can't rape me Taehyung she's a girl."

"No!....look just listen to me-" Taehyung reasoned reaching for Jungkook but Jungkook pulled away. "I don't want to listen! You're going to lie to me! Say you wanna fuck me and I'm cute and then tell you aren't even gay!" Jungkook snapped.

"No-Jungkook pl-"

"Taehyung just leave me alone please....I can't do it anymore. If I fall for you even more it'll be dangerous for me.." Jungkook said softly and Taehyung shook his head. "Jungkook just listen to me please!" Taehyung finally managed to finish a sentence.

"Listen to you what? Tell how fucking beautiful I am-make me feel so amazing just to play me?" Jungkook walked backwards with a dad frown.

"JUNGKOOK JUST LISTEN TO ME!!" Taehyung yelled loudly and Jungkook froze.

Oh shit damn

Jungkook took a step back when he saw walking towards him menacingly. He was scared. Taehyung looked mad, really mad.

"You just keep talking and you don't even know what the fuck you're saying." He said lowly grabbing Jungkook's wrist.

"All you do is fucking talk, listen for once and maybe you'd actually put some useful stuff in that dull mind of yours." Taehyung spat poking Jungkook's temple rather harshly.

Jungkook whined and tried to pull away. Taehyung was being really mean, that's rare. Jungkook has only seen him once like this. He didn't like it.

"T-Taehyung." Jungkook whined trying to pull his wrist away but Taehyung gripped tighter.

"Shut up!" Taehyung growled

"Tae Stop!!" Jungkook tried and then suddenly Lisa called. "Jungkook!? Jungkook are you in there?"

Taehyung stilled as his grip on Jungkook's wrist loosen. Jungkook completely pulled away looking at Taehyung with a fearful look and Taehyung realized what he did.

"Shit- Jungkook I'm so-" He tried reaching forward but Jungkook jumped away. "No!...please...please just leave me alone." Jungkook said sternly but softly and walked out to Lisa.

Taehyung groaned angrily. He fucked up again. There's no way he'll be able to come back from that.

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