《No Homo, Bro | Taekook ✔》[]Seven[]


I can't believe this shit, I'm actually stuck with Taehyung for 4 years!! 24/7 of him teasing me and ending it with a god damn No Homo bro!! Ugh, and the fact that I touched myself to him 2 days ago is not great.

I'm having sexual feelings towards him and it's fucking terrible. What if-i gasped-what if he catches me touching myself! I would literally die of embarrassment...but him catching me didn't sound so bad. Oh god, gross Jeon Jungkook.

It was Saturday and I had already started packing lots of clothe and like other useless pretty things to decorate my room. My house wasn't far from the campus so it didn't really matter, I could always come back and get more stuff.

My phone started vibrating in my back pocket. I pulled it out and answered not bothering to look at the ID.

"Purple." I spoke. "What?" It was Jimin. "Just speak." It was quiet for a moment before, ".alrighty then. The guys and I are going Tae's place, you coming?"

Tae's place? Wow that's a danger zone. "No th-" "Oh that's great dude, we're coming to pick you up." He hung up. I stood blankly.. what actual fuck.


Taehyung's house...the last time I was here I was throwing up in his toilet...naked. A few months back Taehyung had thrown a huge party, and me being an idiot I am had went. I got so wasted that I ended up dancing on top of his pool table naked. Oh gosh just remembering that makes me cringe. Never again.

His house was huge, his parents were really rich so it kinda benefited him. I don't know why he decided to live in a dorm when he has such a beautiful house.


"Ight where the drinks at?" Yoongi pushed through us into the door. Jimin scoffed "I'm not driving you back home if you get wasted again."

"Okay wtf y'all can't just burst into my house like this." Taehyung threw his hands in the air. I walked in and his frown immediately turned into a smirk. "Ohh Kook you showed up! I didn't think you would after what happened last time." He walked towards me with open arms.

I put my palm on his chest before he could anything "Please don't remind me of that time, it's disturbing." I gagged. He grabbed my hand and pulled me towards his chest. "I thought it was pretty hot, but don't go exposing yourself to anyone except me. Got it bunny?." He whispered.

I blushed hard and pushed him away. "You're disgusting!" I exclaimed and he only laughed. "No homo bro."

I can't believe this maniac. I can do whatever I want including getting naked for anyone I want. Not that I would, it's just- ugh.

"Let's play spin the bottle. "Namjoon suggested. "Dude, why are there like 9 used condoms on the fl-" Hoseok started but Taehyung pushed him. "Spin the bottle! Great idea. Let's play."

Did he just say 9 used condoms?

"Ight, no gay shit though." Yoongi put an empty bottle on the floor and sat down with us following. "Did you just finish this whole bot-" "shut up Jimin, you're irrelevant."

"If the bottle points to you, you have to do or say a dare or a truth. "Namjoon started. "Then let's just play truth or dar-" "IRRELEVANT!"

What are we? I looked up at everyone and saw Taehyung staring me dead in the eyes, he smirked and winked when he noticed me staring back. Fucking hell.


The bottle spun and spun until it finally slowed down and landed on Jin. Namjoon smiled and was about to speak but Yoongi beat him to it. "Can you deep throat a banana?" "What the fuck man?" Jin grimaced. "What? I heard people with wide shoulders could." Yoongi shrugged. "You're the one that said no gay shit."

I frowned, that's not the main problem. "Where the fuck did you hear that people with wide shoulders could deep thro-" "Irrelevant!" He screamed.

Namjoon just shook his head and spun the bottle again. It landed on Hoseok, he smiled widely. "Are you secretly a horse?" Taehyung asked. Everyone stared at him. "Okay I think we should st-". "No!" Jimin stared at me menacingly. "We.Need.To.Know." I put my hands up in surrender.

Alright, I think I'm going. I can't handle all this weirdness. "Okay, I'm going to go take a shit." I stood up and started walking towards the bathroom. Taehyung screamed out "Remember to wipe throughly, I don't want to stick my dick into a dirty assh-".


God can this man get any fucking perverted? I walked into the bathroom, hasn't changed a bit. I walked toward the toilet until I heard something squeal from underneath my shoe. A fucking used condom? Disgusting, this man is fucking disgusting. But when I lifted my gaze, used condoms were everywhere. On the sink, on the bathtub, on the toilet. Literally everywhere. Hoseok even said there were 9 outside. This is seriously not healthy, what is Taehyung thinking?


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