《Ultradimension neptunia the only hope》Chapter 21, chaos Purple Heart vs drive Purple Heart.
It had already been a week since the if, compa and peashy kidnapping plan, as well as the capture of ram and the hyper-noire and the return of the gamarket candidates.
This past week, everything was calm, Neptune was still unconscious, but his wound had healed, but still he did not wake up, this worried the two Nepgears and the other cpu a lot.
But right now nepgear was in Neptune's room, taking care of his older brother, he knew that his brother was strong and that he has previously been in similar states, from the previous battles he has had, but even so I was worried, he did not wake up nor He showed signs of early awakening.
She was sitting on a chair, while playing with her circuit board that Neptune bought her a month ago, she remembered how she wanted that board since it was the only one missing from her collection, but to her surprise Neptune somehow knew that He wanted it, so he bought it and gave it to him, he had also given one to Nepgya.
Nepgya, her thought then went to her other self that comes from a dimension where she killed goddesses to save her home, she never thought of meeting a version of her, she was horrified to learn that her other self had killed her brother or sister since according to what Nepgya said, Neptune was a girl.
She tried to imagine her brother as a girl, but she removed those thoughts since that would be strange for her, but even so she was curious to know what it was like to have a sister, of course she loved her older brother a lot, that despite his laziness and the few times he neglected her he was a good brother, he treated her very well, and filled her with affection at all times, promising that he would always be there and protect her from all the evil ones, but still he wanted to know what it was like to have a sister Maybe vert filled that role, but he didn't like to lose his oxygen so it wasn't a viable option.
But continuing with his thoughts, Neptune took care of Nepgya after he saved her from her darkness, saw how he fought with everything to free her from the power of chaos and adopting her as his little sister too, at first he thought she would be forgotten, but it was not like that anymore that he prioritized the two as much as he could. Despite being busy in his training sessions, he spent his free time with the two of them and they played whatever they wanted.
But now there was the matter that his brother was in danger, it filled him with fear in knowing what Ryo would do to him if he was captured, he did not want to know what would happen to him, when he was imprisoned in Ryo's base, there was no moment when he did not think about Neptune, if he was okay or if he was not in danger.
Of course he could defend himself and he was very powerful, but even so he couldn't help but feel worried.
Histoire told her how Neptune trained hard to save her and the other cpu, in a way it reminded her of when he was captured in the gamindustri graveyard and how she fought to free him from that place.
According to the mini histoire when he found out that she was in the cursed tower of 10,000 floors, he got very angry that it did not take long to take off to that place, in a way, Neptune is very calm and cheerful at all times, but when he got angry, she feared him, since he feels a sinister aura inside him and a very great power, the first time he felt that was when she was almost killed by magic, Neptune had come in a fury, ready to destroy the cfw .
He did not know what that strange sensation was, but he did know, that it was better not to interfere when he was in that state.
She sighed and looked at Neptune's sleeping state.
At that the door of the room was opened revealing nepgya.
"Hi," greeted the other girl.
"Hi, what's up?" Nepgear looked at his other self.
"Well, histoire told me that it was my turn to monitor the condition of the older brother and to take a break"; Nepgya said smiling.
"Is it past 4 hours? I didn't realize it ", nepgear asked who didn't realize that four hours had passed.
"That's right," Nepgya said.
The other nepgear approached his other self who was sitting on the chair, once he was close he looked at his sleeping brother.
"You know, I never thought that I would get to know another dimension, where there would be a male version of my sister," Nepgya said looking at Neptune.
"Certainly me the same, I never thought that my brother was a girl in another dimension", said nepgear.
"That's right, but even though he's a boy, he and my sister look a lot alike," Nepgya said.
"How?" Nepgear asked curiously.
"Well, the only difference is gender, but in all other aspects they are similar, they are kind, affectionate, energetic, a little lazy and they love pudding," said nepgya smiling.
"I see, but tell me, do you still miss your sister?" Nepgear asked.
"I would be lying if I said no, I know my home is gone, but this older brother gave me the strength to move on and took care of myself as my Neptune did, but even so, it does not take away the fact that I miss my Neptune" , explained nepgya.
"Well, I understand you, I would also feel that way if once I lose my home and appear in another where my sister was a woman," said Nepgear.
"But even so, I thank this older brother since he takes care of me and according to he said that when I fight against me, I hear my Neptune ask him to take care of me, and he promised to do so," said Nepgya, remembering what male Neptune told him. of his battle against her.
"Certainly, he fulfills everything he promises", said nepgear smiling and stretching and then standing up, "well see you later, I'm going to find a sandwich"; Nepgear said.
"If it's okay, see you later," Nepgya said, sitting in the place where his other self used to be, and began to play with his own circuit board.
Without further ado, he left his brother's room and went to the kitchen, on his way he saw that in the living room, there were, saru, shiro and shirou.
The first one was looking at one of his pistols, maybe he was cleaning it, while the twins were doing something else, Shiro was reading a comic, while Shirou had a sketchbook, apparently he was drawing.
Plutia was not there, maybe she was asleep and the two stories maybe they were doing the paperwork for the day, if, compa and peashy had gone on a field trip for part of their school so they would not arrive until later.
She went to the kitchen where she made herself a sandwich with some orange juice and went to sit in the living room, leaving her glass on the small table in the living room.
She ate quietly thinking about what she could do today.
"Hm? What do I do? ", The Planeptune candidate hummed in her mind," maybe I can disarm that robot that I have in my room? ".......... no, I've already done it many times, "the girl thought. "Maybe I can take my brother's transer and play with him? But he will be mad if I take it since he never lets me play with him, Aw!"
Nepgear continued eating until he saw how saru materialized his robotic arm and saw that a screen appeared that opened like a nintendo ds, nepgear saw with this with stars in his eyes, as all technology nerd looked with amazement at saru's robotic arm Sure, I'd seen it before, but only in battle. This was the first time I had seen him closer.
But like all nerd, I notice something that made her frown, at first glance the arm seemed fine, but she was not a genius of technology for nothing. She could notice the wear and tear on her arm from the constant battles she has had and that had not had maintenance for a while, her nerdy side was more and more out, she wanted to play with that arm, see, what she had and hopefully she had a transer in the.
Meanwhile with the poor boy (I say saru), he was unconcerned about life, he was seeing his robotic arm that was failing lately. It had been 5 decades since I sent it to maintenance.
"Hm? What do I do? ........ I don't know much about these things and Nepgeo was the only one who knew how to fix this ", thought saru looking at his arm.
But then he felt someone looking at him, so he looked up only to see that nepgear was looking at him with stars in his eyes or rather he was looking at his right arm where he had the prosthesis.
Lastation's male candidate was uncomfortable until an idea hit his head.
"It is true this nepgear is a version of our nepgear! Which means she's a tech nerd, she can help me or make it worse, "said saru looking at the girl. "There is a risk that my arm will end up attacking me like that time Nepgeo fixed a console, we had to run to avoid being sliced," thought saru. "But hopefully this nepgear can maybe do something",
With his plan of action already decided, he decided to call the girl.
"Nepgear", saru called the girl who came out of his mind thinking of who knows what.
"Y-yes?" Nepgear replied.
"You're good with hardware aren't you?" Asked saru.
"Yes," replied the girl.
"Can you help me with something?" Asked saru.
Nepgear was surprised, since the short time he has known saru, he hardly asks anyone for help, since he is very proud like all Lastation cpu, certainly as uni, but he knew that he did that since he did not want to involve the people in their problems. So asking for your help is very rare for him.
"Sure, how can I help you?" Asked Nepgear.
"Can you help me with my robotic arm, I have some problems ...... .." Saru did not finish as nepgear appeared at his side with a toolbox in his hands and his eyes shining.
Saru rolled his eyes, he never saw where he got the toolbox from or how it moved so fast, but he attributes it to him for being from Planeptune, since the cpu of that nation are damn fast.
But he put it aside and took off his prosthesis and handed it to Nepgear who began to examine more closely and with stars in his eyes he looked at the piece of technology as if it were a great treasure of legendary class.
She kept doing her nerdy stuff, for a few seconds until she asked the Lastation candidate a question.
"Saru, when was the last time you maintained this ?! It's very run down! "Nepgear asked / exclaimed in horror.
"Hm? I think half a century? "Said the candidate in a carefree tone, not knowing that he stepped on a landmine.
Nepgear exclaimed as if she had been insulted and without thinking, took Saru by the collar of his jacket and began to treat him like a rag doll while saying why hasn't he taken good care of his arm ?!
Shiro and shirou only saw this with a drop and laughed as seeing saru, the one who was considered to be the strongest CPU candidate, being treated like a doll was fun, no one but the CPUs messed with him, unless You had a death wish and watching a girl shake it from side to side was fun.
After a while, nepgear left the poor boy with his eyes swirling around and now nepgear was fixing the robotic arm, studying every inch of the piece of technology.
She studied every detail and discovered interesting things, apparently the alchemy glove that's how I name it saru, it worked with its own energy, it was able to absorb the energy of others and store it and then release it in a big explosion.
About three hours passed and nepgear was already finishing playing .......... I say repair saru's robotic arm.
"Here you have saru, everything is perfectly fine, you shouldn't have any problems now"; Nepgear said handing over the prosthesis to the child.
"Thank you", saru replied putting his arm and making some movements with him and channeling his energy through him ", hm? It's perfect thanks nepgear", saru said looking at the girl.
"You're welcome, it was a pleasure to be of help, by the way I made a little modification if you don't mind," Nepgear said nervously.
"As long as the arm doesn't explode we'll be fine, but what did you do?" Saru asked curiously.
"Well, I remember that you also fought with a sword," began nepgear.
"That's right, noire broke it ......." Saru said remembering. "That reminds me that I also have to buy another one," said the boy thoughtfully.
"Well that was the modification, since I added an energy sword, just press the button that is there", nepgear said pointing to a small button that was on the gauntlet.
Saru pressed the button and a great red energy sword appeared, the sword was a decent length and it was seen with the naked eye that it was a powerful one.
"Hm? Thank you nepgear I owe you one ", said saru gratefully, since in his time as a hierarch he had taken up a new style of fighting that involved a sword and his rifle.
"Woooa!" The twins exclaimed seeing the new function of saru's arm.
"It's great Miss Nepgear," Shirou said.
"That's right", Shiro nodded in agreement with his twin.
"It's nothing shirou"; Nepgear blushed from the compliments.
At that moment histoire would enter the room where the candidates were and turned to look at saru.
"Saru, allow me a moment", histoire spoke to the boy.
"Is it histoire?" Saru asked confused.
"Sorry to bother you, since you are a guest, but a problem arose outside Planeptune, and the guild issued an SS + class mission for the cpu, but because Neptune is still in KO, and we do not want to wake up Plutia If we at least wish to die, you are the only one strong enough to fulfill the mission, I would send Nepgya along with Nepgear, but since one of them is busy I can't risk sending just one ", explained the tome.
"Sure, no problem, I feel like stretching my muscles," said saru.
"Well, thanks for accepting, here are the mission parameters," said histoire handing saru a small disk.
"Of course I will fulfill the mission," said Saru, putting the disk away.
"We can go!" Shiro said looking at saru.
"We are bored," Shirou said.
"I don't know if it's a good idea," histoire said uncertainly, seemingly forgetting how strong the two boys were.
"Come on histoire, you don't remember that we are very strong," Shiro said puffing out his cheeks.
"I'm sorry, but I forget because of its size," said histoire embarrassed.
"Oh, come on! Why do they always tell us that ?! ", shiro complained, always he and his twin were underestimated because of their height.
"Come on shiro, calm down", Shirou tried to calm his twin.
"Okay you can go," said saru looking at his two friends.
"Really ?!", the two twins saw saru nod:
"Great!", Shiro exclaimed.
Then the Lastation candidate from the ultradimension turned to look at Nepgear.
"Do you want to come?" Saru asked.
"May I?" Nepgear was surprised.
"Sure, this is a good time to learn to work together," said saru with a shrug.
"Okay I'll go!" Nepgear said smiling.
"Okay, I know they are strong, but be careful," said histoire, dismissing the group of candidates who left to do the mission.
They were going through the streets of Planeptune, for some reason people turned away in fear when they saw saru and the twins, but they did not realize it since they were immersed in their thoughts.
Until nepgear spoke.
"Guys?" Nepgear spoke.
"Hm? What's wrong? "Saru glanced at Nepgear.
"I think they should put away their weapons?" Nepgear spoke nervously.
"Hey? Why? ", Shiro spoke.
"They are scaring people," Nepgear said with a bead of sweat.
"Really?", Shirou looked around and indeed people were looking at him with fear.
Or rather they looked with fear at the weapons they carried, since the twins had their scythes on their back and the saru rifle was also on the boy's back.
"You're right, we're sorry, but when we were hierarchs we always had our weapons like this," said saru.
"I see, so it was out of habit," Nepgear said.
"This is Miss Nepgear," Shirou said.
"Good, but I think it would be better if they kept them, if we don't want to get into trouble," said nepgear.
"You're right," Saru said, disappearing his rifle.
The twins also did the same.
"Happy?" Saru asked the girl.
"Y-yeah," Nepgear said nervously.
Without further ado They continued walking until they had already left the city of Planeptune and were walking towards the forest.
"And what is the mission about?" Shiro asked.
"Hm? According to there is an overpopulation of monsters that is alarming people as many of them are unidentified monsters," said saru.
"Really?" Nepgear asked.
"That's right, and I think I know who is responsible?" Saru growled.
"Who is it?" Shirou asked curiously.
Saru just stared at the twin in red.
"What?" Shiro asked feeling the gaze.
"Do you remember releasing monsters from other dimensions here?" Saru asked.
"Sure! I forgot about them! ", Shiro said smiling, remembering the monsters he had released.
"Apparently several of them have already reproduced," said saru with a sigh. "I even almost died because one of them caught me by surprise!" Saru growled angrily at Shiro who ignored him.
"Come on, I don't think it's that bad"; nepgear said trying to calm saru down.
"I don't think so?" Shirou said, drawing everyone's attention.
Saru, nepgear and shiro all looked in the direction that shirou was looking at and their eyes widened.
"There are many!" Nepgear said with his cat eyes.
"This is not good," saru groaned.
"Come on, it's not so bad"; Shiro laughed nervously.
"Brother, you just watered it here," shirou sighed.
In front of them was a plain with a large number of monsters of all kinds, from even the most basic and weak to the most powerful.
"Well how do we attack?" Shirou asked.
"Hm? There are many monsters, that if we trust ourselves we can be overwhelmed by them"; Saru said.
"Will we have to use HDD?" Asked nepgear.
"Maybe, but for now let's try to use our human forms, in case we get overwhelmed then let's go to the hard drive," said saru.
"It's done," Shiro said.
"Well being a sniper I will cover them from a distance, the great strength and dexterity of the three of you will be enough to kill them all", said saru taking out 6 light grenades and gave two to nepgear, shiro and shirou, "in case If you are overwhelmed, use these light grenades, it will blind the monsters for a few seconds, long enough for them to escape or attack ", explained saru.
Nepgear as well as the twins nodded.
"Well let's get started!" Shiro said raising his fist.
"Idiot, don't yell!" Saru scold.
Without more saru, he went to position himself in a place where he could cover his companions, while nepgear, shiro and shirou went to attack.
The monsters saw the three candidates attack towards them, but before they could do anything the twins attacked first.
"Ice coffin!"
"Coffin of fire!",
The twins attacked with their elemental magic, taking out several monsters in one hit. Nepgear was in awe of the power of these children.
"they are very strong! I have only seen them fight alone, but together they are very powerful! "Nepgear thought in amazement.
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