《Ultradimension neptunia the only hope》Chapter 20, links and more problems.
In a secret base of the seven sages, more specifically in a laboratory / workshop, were the 3 hierarchs, Snow, Ventus and Nereus together with Nepgeus and Mister Badd.
The latter had gone to see Nepgeo to fix his power suit that was destroyed in the fight against the cpu of leanbox and Planeptune, when they went to attack the nations.
The 5 were in front of two chained and unconscious noire and ram.
"Why did you bring them here?" Asked Mister Badd, curious as to why Nereus brought those two CPUs here.
"You already know about the defection of shiro and nic, right?" Ventus asked.
"Yeah, I never thought those brats would betray us," said Mister Badd.
"That was the reason I brought them in to fill that power vacuum," said nereus.
"Power vacuum? But did I think that with you it would be enough? "; Mister badd asked confused, even if two betrayed them with the remaining hierarchs it was more than enough, so he was confused that they said that.
"It is true that with us three it would be more than enough to take care of them, but we still have orders not to fight," said nereus. "That would only leave you to fight, along with Nepgeo and the 4 cpu chaos that are under our command, since that blonde, the leader of her group and that robot that I do not know if it is a man or a woman and the rat cannot fight, grandma is brain dead, the cfws have already been defeated, that screaming robot was apparently destroyed, so that just leaves you guys.
"I see, so they will turn them into those famous cpu chaos?" Asked the middle-aged man.
"that's how it is"; Nereus replied as a purple diamond-shaped crystal appeared in his hand that gave off dark energy. "With them we equalize their numbers, we also turn these cpu into cpu chaos since we want entertainment before the final plan begins," said Ventus smiling.
"So what you're doing now is for fun?" Said Mister Badd.
"That's right, it will be fun to see how these cpu will face their own friends, I want to see the expression of Neptune when he sees the girl he loves trying to kill him," said Snow smiling.
"Hm? So that's chaos energy? ........... It feels very powerful "; said Mister badd.
"In fact, this energy is very powerful"; Nepgeus said.
"By the way, do you also have that energy?" Mister badd asked curiously.
"The truth is we use stocks, although after what we did I don't think they are stocks anymore, " Ventus said.
"What did they do?" Asked Mr. Badd:
"Nothing unimportant, since it is past so there is no use in remembering it," Snow said.
Mister badd said nothing but kept asking.
"So where did they get that energy from?"
"That energy was discovered by my older brother Genesis," Nepgeo said.
"Yes, he was the hierarch of the south, when he was traveling through the dimensions, he discovered a dimension where there were cpu chaos that were corrupted with that energy, destroying their own nations, they were led by a being that gave them that energy, but When my older brother got there, he fought against all the cpu chaos and their lord ", explained the candidate from the south.
"Ha! It wasn't a fight, it was a massacre! Genesis killed all the cpu chaos and their merciless lord, they could barely do anything against his power, "said Snow laughing.
"Was he so powerful?" Mister badd asked, somewhat scared to know about genesis.
"Yes, genesis was the most powerful of us all," Ventus said.
"Well speaking of him, how are you doing with the sword?" Ventus asked Nepgeo.
"Okay, I can use it with its 60% power," Nepgeo said showing the sword.
"Well I think it's time to start, let's recruit our new tools," said nereus approaching ram and noire.
When she was close, she placed the crystals and embedded them in her breasts, making them both cry out in pain despite being asleep.
After a few seconds, nereus withdrew his bloody hand and looked at the two cpu of the hyperdimension, there was a hole from which blood was coming out, but it would begin to close quickly.
"Well this is finished, now they will obey our orders from all of us," said Ventus.
"I see that with your help things will be easier, if you weren't sure we would have problems," said Mister Badd.
"We are only complying with the part of our agreement", said Ventus, "you are complying so we will pay you in the same way",
"Yes, but what is your goal really? According to you you want to capture that male cpu of Planeptune for your lord, but you are taking time to do it, I know that you have enough power to do that, so why delay? "Asked Mister badd.
"Actually, they are just orders from lord ryo that he has prepared, but soon his plan will go into effect, for now we will help them," said nepgeo.
"In truth, with you it is easier, since I do not think that with our leader we can do so much, and that it was because of her that we failed the mission we already had a brat but if it weren't because he escaped we would have won," he said. Mister badd.
"She can be very clumsy, cowardly and useless, but we have an obligation to help her as well," Nereus said.
"How is that?" Mr. Badd was confused.
"As you know, we come from the hyperdimension, a dimension that is very similar to this, as an example the cpu", explained Snow.
"Yeah, what's up with that?"
"Well we serve lord ryo ryghts and his counterpart in this dimension is rei ryghts," said nereus.
"You say you serve that woman's counterpart!" Mister badd looked surprised.
"That's right, but keep this a secret if you don't want to die," Snow said with his ax in hand.
Mister badd sweated cold at the threat and nodded madly.
"W-well, I think I'll go, I have to take care of my daughters," said Mister badd, leaving the room.
"Was it necessary to tell him that?" Snow asked.
"We had to do something to make this scene interesting, we also have to maintain the plot ourselves," Nereus said.
"Man you too can break the fourth wall!" Ventus said amused.
"Shut up", Nereus replied in a cold tone but was somewhat blushing.
"Well I think we should continue with our plan, Nepgeo is time", Ventus looked at the candidate from the south.
"Do we really have to?" The boy asked somewhat hesitantly.
"That's right, we will not fight yet, so with her you will have more advantage," said Ventus.
"But why didn't they fight yet?" Nepgeo kept asking.
"Because we still have to supervise the last key that will break the last seal that encloses the key to the heart of the world and that protects Neptune, that task consumes us a lot of time, I guarantee that in a few years the last key that will destroy the seal that protect Neptune and the key will be ready, in that time we will not fight so we leave it to you ", said Snow.
"We are sorry nepgeo, but those cpu were guaranteed to protect Neptune and the key, because if at this time we try to remove the key, it will activate the seal and destroy the key to the heart of the world and if that happens, all our efforts they will be in vain, "said nereus.
"So we need you to no longer release her," Ventus said.
"Tch! It's fine, even if I do n't like the idea of working with a Planeptune cpu, "Nepgeo said somewhat angrily.
"Don't worry when this is over you can annihilate her forever," Ventus said smiling.
"Okay," Nepgeo sighed and took out the sword of malice, "Gehaburn answers my call and frees that soul that you lock in your darkness," Nepgeo shouted as the sword of malice shone an intense purple color.
Then a flash lit the whole room, when the light went out, on the floor was a girl with purple hair and two d-pad clicks in her hair.
"All is well done," Nepgeo said.
"Okay, with this a full team of cpu chaos is ready," Nereus said approaching with a crystal of chaos.
"Let's see how they react to their new enemy," Ventus smirked.
After the defeat of Neptune and the capture of the hyper-noire and ram, the group decided to suspend the search as the CPUs realized that there was no possibility that they would find Peashy, since the time they spent fighting was longer. That was enough for the seven sages to escape with peashy, Besides that Neptune's condition was critical since it is what Nereus did, it left the boy very serious and even with Shirou's healing magic he could not do anything, and if they wanted to save Neptune would have to return to the basilicóm, already with the clear defeat, they returned to the Basilicóm to inform the mini-histoire of their failure.
Without further nepgear, with the help of nepgya, they delicately took their brother and took flight with the others.
On the way, everyone was sad, especially Plutia, together with the two nepgear and shirou, the former because she was still depressed from the trauma of IF, who kept the distance from Plutia with Compa by her side to try to calm her down. The two nepgear for their older brother were hysterical and flew faster than the others to be able to reach the basilicom and heal their brother, who although they could improve a little, his wound was still bleeding and shirou because he could not save ram, his best friend.
"We couldn't find peashy, our noire and ram were kidnapped and Neptune is in critical condition, in the end we lost," said histoire with frustration,
He thought that everything would be fine now, but everything went down, now noire and ram are kidnapped and most likely they will be turned into cpu chaos and Neptune was seriously injured, it felt horrible to see him in that state, since during all the years, he was like a son to her and seeing him in that state was painful.
"Damn it!" Those guys took us by surprise, Whiteheart said angrily.
"There is no use getting angry, we have to go back to the basilicom to make a plan of action and treat Neptune"; said vert.
"Those bastards are very clever," said ultra-noire angrily.
"Poor neppy and poor peashy one is hurt and the other lost," plutia said sadly as she was led away by noire.
Without further ado, the group returned to the Basilicóm. Plutia opened the door and greeted with a sad expression.
"Mini Histy, we're home ..." He said.
To his surprise, came the happy voice of a little girl.
"Plutie!" Peashy said hugging Plutia happily.
"Huuuuuh? But wooooow...?" Plutia was surprised.
"Hehehe! Welcome home!" Peashy said cheerfully.
Everyone looked at the girl in disbelief, she was in the basilicom apparently healthy and well.
All but Neptune screamed.
"Hi," he said smiling.
At that the mini histoire entered with a smile.
"Welcome everyone ...... .. Neptune! 0o0 ", the mini histoire came out to greet them but when she saw Neptune being carried by the two nepgears, she stopped her completely," What happened to him? "
"We'll tell you right away for now we have to tend to Neptune!" Said histoire in panic.
Without further ado, the two histoires, together with the two nepgear and shirou, went to Neptune's room where they proceeded to heal the wound he had.
"This is not a normal wound," Nepgear said in anguish.
She along with Nepgya and Shirou were using their healing magic on Neptune.
"Whatever it is, its natural regeneration isn't helping much either," said histoire who had a magic circle on Neptune's chest.
"What have they done to him?", The mini histoire said worriedly helping her other self.
"The most certain was the sword of nereus, the sacred sword of cataclysm"; Shirou said.
"The holy sword of cataclysm?" Nepgya asked.
"It is the holy sword of Nereus, I know very little about it, since it rarely uses it, the only thing I can say is that it is as powerful if not more than Gehaburn", Shirou said with some fear.
"I see that they were able to save if and compa, but what happened? Where are Ram-san and Noire-san? "The mini-histoire asked.
"The hierarchs captured them, we will explain what happened, for now we must make sure to heal Neptune, whatever that sword is, it left it very serious," said histoire.
After a few minutes they were finally able to heal Neptune and keep him stable, the bad thing that he did not wake up, but they were already calmer knowing that he was out of danger.
So they left him to rest and went to the living room where they were, vert, blanc, ultra-noire, plutia, shiro and saru, waiting for them, apparently compa, if and peashy were asleep on the floor with blankets around them .
"Well, how is he?" Asked Blanc.
"Luckily we were able to heal him, but he's still unconscious," Nepgear replied with relief.
"Good to know," said Noire with a sigh.
"Yay! Neppy is fine ", Plutia Victorio.
"That guy, he was able to stop Neptune's attack with one hand while he was in his mega drive form," Vert said recalling that event.
"And not only that but I managed to leave him very injured just with a cut from his sword," Blanc said.
"That guy is very different from the other two hierarchs, I feel that he is more powerful," said Noire thinking.
"It's because it is, nereus is very powerful even more than Snow and Ventus", said saru with his arms crossed and leaning against the wall of the room.
"What happened after they managed to rescue the girls?" Asked the mini-histoire.
"Well before that, how did peashy get here? We think it was carried by those guys, "asked Noire.
"It's true, we thought that peashy-chan had been taken away by those evil ones," said Plutia.
"Well, she arrived 10 minutes before you, according to what she said that the woman who was taking her lost her and as she got bored of waiting for her, she better come back here," said histoire.
Everyone at that statement sweated a drop.
"Most likely it was that old woman who lost her," Shiro said dryly.
"I knew it was clumsy, but not so clumsy"; Saru said with a bead of sweat.
"Do you know who it is?" Asked the mini-histoire.
"Yes, she is the leader of the seven sages, although I don't know what her leader is like if she is very cowardly and with the worst luck in the world since nothing works out for her," said Shirou, remembering Rei.
"I can't believe she's the leader of that group, she sounds like a loser"; Nepgear said with a nervous smile.
"It is," said saru.
"Now that there is the matter of how Peashy got here, we can proceed to see what happened today, and the two new members of our group," Vert said looking at shiro and saru.
"I'll go get some tea and some sandwiches," Nepgear said, getting up from where she was sitting and going to the kitchen.
"I'll help you," Nepgya said going with his other self.
The two Nepgears would go to the kitchen so they could make tea for everyone, after a very long and troublesome day.
"Well, to begin the attack on the three nations of Lowee, Leanbox and Lastation was planned to get us out of Planeptune," said histoire in a serious tone.
"Apparently they were targeting children," Noire said seriously.
"In fact we were ordered to go to the nations too, shiro went to Lowee while I went to help that robot," said saru.
"Didn't they know why they did that?" Vert asked.
"No, they just ordered me to go to Lowee, to buy time," Shiro said.
"But why would they target the girls?" Asked Plutia.
"They most likely wanted hostages to have a certain advantage over us," Blanc said.
"Most likely, since they attacked the three nations except Planeptune, so they wanted us out," said histoire.
They all nodded since they attacked all the nations except Planeptune, that meant they wanted them out of there.
"Those guys will pay me for what they did to my nation," Vert growled.
"What happened in leanbox vert?" Asked blanc.
"Well, it was attacked by some strange creatures, similar to bedbugs," Vert said, recalling what happened in his nation. "They made a big mess everywhere",
"Ugh! Those things were very ugly, "complained Plutia.
"They were led by Lowee's former minister, Mister badd, luckily Neptune, plutia and vert-san were able to defeat him," said histoire.
"It's true, but you left me with all the disaster that those things caused, while you were going to Lastation"; vert looked at histoire who just looked away.
"Sorry, but we had to go to Lastation quickly," histoire tried to find an excuse.
"So what happened at Lowee?" Noire asked.
"Well Lowee was attacked by one of the seven sages and one of the cfw," Blanc said crossing his arms.
"What happened to them?" Asked the mini-histoire.
"Miss Nepgear and Nepgya defeated him"; Shirou said.
"It's true, I also went to attack with Lowee's cpu and his candidate," Shiro said.
"It's true, you said they were turned into cpu chaos too", histoire looked at Shiro who nodded.
"That's right, I don't know why they did that," said the twin in red.
"But the hierarch of the north, Snow, also appeared," Blanc said.
"Yes, that guy almost defeated us, if it weren't for Ventus showing up we would have died," Shiro said.
"Nepgear said they don't use their 30% or their cpu processors, right?" noire asked.
"That's right, that guy only played with us, if it weren't for that guy we wouldn't have counted it," Blanc said, recalling that event.
"Snow was always known for his great endurance and strength," said saru.
"Yes, although at the end of all this, Shiro betrayed the hierarchs to join us"; Blanc said.
"How did they convince him?" Asked the mini-histoire.
"Ram did it, I don't know what he said but when we saw shiro he was fighting by our side", said shirou.
"It's true, in the end Lowee didn't suffer much damage to the nation as they were taken to the mines," Blanc said.
"Say it for yourself, Lastation was hacked by a weirdo from the seven sages," said noire, remembering anonydeath.
"Yes, I had cameras all over Noire-san's basilicom," said histoire.
"Don't remind me, I still have to find them all," said Noire with a sigh.
"Yes, luckily we were able to drive away the person responsible"; histoire said.
"You're right," Noire said with a sigh.
"All of these attacks were planned and very elaborate," Vert said.
"Yeah, we never imagined that their targets were if, compa and peashy," said histoire.
"Luckily we were able to foil the plans as they left the job to Grandma and that rat," said Shirou.
"Yes, we found a friend with Mister mouse," said Plutia, remembering how she was with the rat.
"Apparently he would take her back," Vert said.
"Really?", The mini histoire looked at the cpu of leanbox.
"Yeah, whatever it was that compa did, the rat was willing to give it back," Vert said.
"Yes, but we found her when that happened and thanks to her we didn't crush the rat," said Blanc.
"Yes, he was very kind and told us where grandmother took iffy-chan"; Plutia said.
"I don't think I had a choice after seeing you"; Noire said with blank eyes.
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