《Ultradimension neptunia the only hope》Chapter 12. Plans ..........! The hierarchs on the attack.
"if that happened?",
Said a very beautiful 18-year-old girl, with purple hair, who wore a white dress, which detailed her great figure, had two d-pad hairpins with white heels.
She looked at a 13-year-old boy, who also had lighter purple hair, but was in a mess. He had a white shirt, with a purple hoodie and white pants with purple shoes. On her neck she had a purple necklace with a purple gem.
"Where are we going?" The boy asked his older sister.
"We will visit Lastation, we will see the CPU, since I will have a meeting with her", replied the girl looking at her little brother.
"But why do I have to go! they will surely have those boring lectures, "the boy complained, pouting.
The girl just smiled at her brother's tantrums.
"Hehehehe, I'm sorry, but you hardly get out of the basilicóm, and that worries me that you hardly interact with anyone, that's why I'm taking you to Lastation to meet the candidate of that nation, he is almost your age, you can play with while me and his sister settle our affairs. " Said the girl looking at her brother.
"Encerio! How is it?"
"Well, I met him once, he's a very lonely boy like his sister, so I'm taking you to get him out of his loneliness and not be a lonely heart like Blake," said the girl laughing with her brother.
"Well let's go then Urano-nee-chan!" Said the boy running.
"W-wait genesis!", Uranus ran after genesis.
The two ran while the two played and had fun.
Those were good times.
"Hm? Don-where am I? Said a Neptune who was waking up to the rays of the sun coming through the window and hitting his face.
He felt a pain in his head, so he looked around, he noticed that he was in his room, in the basilicom of the ultradimension.
"I see that you are awake Neptune-san?"
A winged voice of our protagonist was heard.
Neptune turned to his right only to see his histoire, sitting on the nightstand that was next to his bed, she was apparently reading something in his tome.
"Histy?" Said Neptune who tried to get out of bed but felt a great pain in his chest
"Easy, Neptune-san! don't strain yourself, "said histoire floating in his tome near Neptune.
"Histy? What happened? How are the rest? How is nep jr, noire and rom? ", Asked the boy worried about his friends and little sister.
"Calm Neptune, they are fine, and the others too, luckily they weren't very hurt, they returned to their nations after bringing you here," explained the tome, calming the male CPU.
"I see," said the boy a little calmer. "What happened to me then, Histy? How long was I away? The last thing I remember was that that guy appeared and then he was all black, "Neptune said looking at his oracle.
"About that Neptune, you fell fainted, due to the expenditure of actions for your battle, adding to it that they nailed you the sword of malice that did something in the seals and with your power, luckily I could repair it so don't worry, although I would like to that you did not make a lot of effort for three days, just to study that everything is fine with your power, and the time you were away was for three days ", the volume explained.
"Three days!" Neptune said in surprise.
"Waiting! How is the other nep jr? Neptune said, remembering chaos nepgear.
"She's fine," he said reassuring Neptune, "she's there," he said, pointing to a bed that was on the other side of the room. "She only rests now, has a great physical exhaustion, but nothing that endangers her life."
"I see, it is a relief that everything ended well, we rescued the nep jr, noire, ram and defeated the candidates for hierarchy," said Neptune smiling.
"That's right, I'm happy for their victory, Neptune, but even so we can't trust ourselves now that the eastern hierarch appeared, besides that they have the Gehaburn sword," the tome explained in a serious tone.
"seriously? But how?"
"It must have been taken by the eastern hierarch, since before we left we looked for it and we did not find it so we deduced that the eastern hierarch has it, so we must be careful" said the tome in a serious tone.
"Don't worry, Histy, it doesn't matter who comes, we'll win in the end, I assure you, it doesn't matter if they bring that sword," Neptune said with a confident smile.
"I hope so Neptune, but now we face more powerful enemies, but I have faith in you now that we have more allies," said the tome smiling.
Neptune just smiled.
At that the door of the room opened where they entered, plutia, hyper-noire, ram and nepgear.
"Histoire-san, how is herma-?", Nepgear couldn't finish as he saw that his brother was already awake and made a sign to him while smiling at him.
Both Plutia and Nepgear when seeing Neptune who woke up, literally jumped to hug the boy, happy to see their friend / Brother who was already awake, Neptune complained a bit about how tightly they hugged him, but ignored him and responded to the hug.
"God! Pururún, nep jr, don't press so hard! "The boy complained.
Both girls said.
"Neppy I'm sooooo happy you're okay!" Said Plutia happy that her friend woke up.
"Big brother was so scared, I thought you wouldn't wake up!"; Nepgear said with tears streaming from the corners of her eyes.
"Don't worry jr, there's nothing that can bring me down," Neptune said smiling at his sister.
The hyper-Noire looked at this with some jealousy for some reason, to see how Plutia hugged Neptune, but at the same time happy to see that he was fine.
Neptune noticed that Noire was staring at him so he decided to annoy her.
"What's up noire, do you want a hug too?" Neptune said jokingly.
"that!" Noire turned red from what Neptune said. "shut! As if I really wanted a hug from you! ", Said the tsundere cpu turning to the other side while looking away and then saying in a low but happy voice," I am glad that you are well Neptune ".
"It's good to see that Neptune finally woke up, because if I didn't I would pour a bucket of cold water on you," said Ram smiling.
"I think it's a relief that I woke up?" Neptune said with a drop, but I put it aside, looked at her friends and sister. "Changing the subject, how are you girls?"
"We are fine, this place is comfortable even though I miss my nation," said the hyper-noire looking at her friend CPU.
"Waiting! Are you staying here? I thought you would go and stay with the other noire ", said Neptune who did not expect his noire to stay on Planeptune.
"What made you think that?" Questioned the tsundere raising an eyebrow.
"Well, they are both tsunderers and lonely, so I thought that between the two of them they would help each other not to be alone," said Neptune, laughing a little.
"Shut!". Noire said angrily and crossing her arms in the tsundere way. "If I'm staying here it's to take care of you, d-don't get the wrong idea! It's not that I was worried about you, I just felt that I owed you one for saving us! ", She said the latter with a blush.
"But if all of them. You and nepgear were the most worried that you even spent more time with him taking care of him and healing his wound that he suffered in his chest, almost not wanting to leave him ", said ram curious.
"Nnnnn .... no! I did it.......... thanks for saving us! Not that she was really worried or anything about something wrong with her! "Noire began with her tsundere spiel.
"By the way brother, it was amazing to see how you fought you became super strong!" Nepgear said looking at his older brother with stars in his eyes, "it was great!"
"You see nep jr, now I'm super op! no one can defeat me now "Neptune boasted as he puffed out his chest with pride.
"Don't be so arrogant, now the three of us are also training with the help of histoire, we are getting stronger", said noire looking at Neptune.
"Hope for! Already!". Neptune looked at his tsundere companion.
"This is Neptune, these three days that you have been unconscious, I was in charge of teaching you how to create your own shared resources to nepgear, ram and noire, for future battles, now I am calmer knowing that now noire-san, ram and nepgear -San are with us ", said histoire looking at the male cpu.
"Yes! we just need to rescue my onee-chan and rom! "said ram enthusiastically.
"Let's not forget about uni," said Noire, remembering that her little sister was still held captive.
"And miss vert," said nepgear.
"Do not worry girls, soon we will save you now we have many allies to commit our objective, we have the noire and blanc of this dimension, not forgetting Pururún", said Neptune smiling confidently. "With this party it is clear that we will not lose!" Said Neptune raising his fist.
"Yes! I will help them ", said Plutia encouraging Neptune.
"Don't forget about Shirou, now he's with us too," said ram, remembering the former candidate for hierarch.
"It's true! Shirou-san has decided to join us and help us, with him we have gained a powerful ally. " Nepgear said remembering the boy.
"That's true," said Noire. "He can tell us the secrets of our enemies, since it belonged to them, said hyper-noire thinking about that possibility.
"That will be a great advantage for us noire." Histoire said.
"Now that I remember it, Plutia-san I still haven't thanked you, for supporting and taking care of my older brother," Nepgear said, remembering that he has not thanked Plutia for taking care of his brother, since since he arrived he has spent caring for his brother or training to become stronger to help Neptune .
"It's nothing gear-chan, neppy is my friend and I promised to help him," said the sleepy CPU smiling.
"Still thanks Plutia, for keeping an eye on this fool." Hyper-Noire said.
"I already said that it is nothing another noire-chan, neppy is my friend so I would help him", said Plutia in a slow and tired tone.
"I know it is late to say it, but does he always speak like that?" Said Noire, seeing Neptune and histoire.
"That's how she is nowa, she is like that, although a piece of advice, never ask her to transform," the boy warned.
"If I already know, my other-me told me not to do that, I still find it difficult to believe that she is that woman." Said the cpu tsundere of the hyperdimension remembering iris heart, in fact she still had a hard time believing that she and plutia were the same person.
"It's scary," Ram said trembling.
"N-noire, r-ram!"
A cracking voice was heard behind the group.
They all turned to see Chaos Nepgear, awake and looking at Noire and Ram with teary eyes and ignoring everyone else in the room.
"N-noire-san ram-chan!", Said the other nepgear, getting up quickly from the bed and hugging the two girls in a big hug.
Ram and noire said at the time of being approached by a crying nepgear.
"Noire-san, ram-chan! I can't believe it's you! I'm sorry, I did not mean to do that........! I just wanted to save gamindustri but in the end I failed! Even though I defeated the deity of sin in the end our world fell! Sorry I couldn't do anything! Uh! Uwaaaaaaaa!
Chaos nepgear cried as she hugged the two girls. Noire and ram didn't know what to do, only to hug the girl who confused them.
"Easy jr, you're going to squeeze these two, it was not your fault," Neptune said, calling the attention of chaos nepgear.
The girl quickly turned around when she heard the voice.
"Nn-Neptune!" The other nepgear said in a hopeful tone as he turned to face the boy, only to be disappointed . "No, you are not my sister."
Nepgear was disappointed to see the boy, as he thought it was his sister, because of his resemblance to her, apart from wearing similar clothes.
"Hey? well I am not, but at the same time I am ", Neptune did not know how to explain this.
"Eh? The girl looked at this confused, at the words of the male CPU. In that I would notice the other nepgear, histoire and plutia.
"Waiting! Histoire! Why is there another me and who is that girl? "Said chaos nepgear with cat eyes when he saw another nepgear and plutia.
"Calm down nepgear-san! Let us explain what really happened! ", The fairy from the tome tried to calm the girl who was in a panic.
"Hey?! !? Explain !? "Nepgear chaos seemed to calm down to listening to the tome.
Now she herself was confused, she did not explain what was happening, first go to Noire and Ram who are supposed to be dead, a boy who looks like his older sister, who next to him was another girl with a tired appearance, and finally There is a clone of her, I did not know what was happening. It all seemed like a dream.
"First, another nepgear-san, you are in another more exact dimension in the ultradimension, right now you are in the Planeptune basilicom of this dimension and she is plutia the cpu of this nation", explained the tome while pointing to the sleepy cpu that I smile at Chaos Nepgear.
"Hey? You mean I'm in another dimension? "Chaos Nepgear couldn't believe what the tome said.
"That's right, and how will you see this boy, is Neptune", said histoire pointing to Neptune ",
"Eeeehhhhh! Is he called Neptune? "Said chaos nepgear with wide eyes when he saw another Neptune and a boy to finish,
"So, do you mean that this is me from another dimension?" Chaos Nepgear points to the Nepgear who was winged from Neptune.
"Eh I see, if so then you are his histoire", said nepgear in a low tone while the tome nodded, "then they are the noire and ram of their dimension, so it means that the noire and ram that I met? continue....? "
Chaos nepgear began to lower her head in sadness, knowing that the noire and ram that were in front of her were not those of her dimension but that of her other self.
"Sadly yes, nepgear-san they, the cpu of your dimension are still dead," said histoire sadly, he knew what happened to this nepgear, thanks to noire who explained what he heard during Neptune's battle against this nepgear.
"I thought it was all a dream ...... .. * hic *... That didn't happen, but I think it's too much to ask * sob *", said chaos nepgear with tears falling down her cheeks.
She hoped that everything she experienced was a dream, that her sister, her friends were with her, that those events had never happened, that it was all the work of her imagination or a very cruel nightmare, but the cruelty of reality was worse than the nightmare, since she actually did all this, her sister and friends were no longer with her.
Chaos nepgear would start crying as everyone looked at her sadly, they knew what this nepgear lived through.
"Hey!", Neptune got up from his bed and approached Chaos Nepgear putting a hand on his head.
"Do not be sad, I know that they are not the noire and ram that you know, nor that I am your sister, well if I am just a boy, but the point is that stop crying, it was not your fault that all that happened You didn't know that all that would happen ".
"Yes ... * sob * it was, I-I if not * sob .... no .... I would have made the decision to look for that sword, my friends * sob * my sister were with me!", Said chaos nepgear while breaking down crying more.
"Now, now, quiet they, although they are not present, they will always be with you, didn't they promise you? do not remember those bad moments, remember them always with happiness and love, they will always be in your heart every time you remember them and surely wherever they are they will always take care of you ", said Neptune with a soft voice while hugging Chaos Nepgear.
When she felt Neptune's embrace, she would return it, since she felt the same warmth that she felt when her sister hugged her, without further ado she would release all the pain that she had been holding for years.
"Yeah, yeah" he said, combing her hair with his hand, "I know you can't get your family back that you lost, but it doesn't mean you can't have a new one."
"Eh, what? Chaos Nepgear looked at Neptune with his eyes still teary.
"What you heard you can stay with us, I know I am not your real sister, but still I am a Neptune, when I saw everything you lived and experienced, I swore that now I would take care of you in memory of my other self", said Neptune smiling .
"Yes, so take away those tears, now smile and move on, not only for you but for them since surely they would like you to make a new life", said Neptune smiling in the way that he only could.
"It's true," said ram smiling and trying to cheer up the other nepgear.
"It is true, even if we are not the same people of your dimension, you can stay with us." I add noire.
"You went through a lot nepgear-san, so I agree with them you can stay with us." Histoire smiled.
"This is gear-chan! Don't be sad, I know you lost your other friends, but you can do more. Animo plutia.
"That's right, even if you are another me from another dimension, I will also support you, you can stay with us",
"Really? After knowing everything I did, will they let me stay?" Chaos Nepgear looked at everyone.
"Yes! no longer torment your silly and pretty head nep jr 2, from now on we will be your family, I will take care of you like your older brother ", said Neptune smiling.
"But as an older brother you are pathetic, " thought the hyper-noire.
Nepgear hearing that, could not help shedding more tears and hugging everyone, that pain, that loneliness, would no longer torment her.
After nepgear calmed down, they decided to go out to the living room to talk and explain things to chaos nepgear, about what really happened, as well as explain many secrets to noire, ram and nepgear, since they were taking care of Neptune or training they have not had time to find out what is happening. But when they arrived they noticed that, the mini histoire, blanc, the ultra-noire and Shirou were there.
"Valla, if they are blanc, the other-noire and Shirou", said Neptune greeting his friends and new friend.
"Welcome everyone, blanny, noire-chan and Shirou-chan." Greeting plutia happy to see her friends.
"Valla, finally someone deigned to wake up." The ultra-noire said with her arms crossed.
"I thought you'd still be out for another week," Blanc said in his usual cold tone.
"Hehehehe, to tell the truth I wanted to continue sleeping," laughed Neptune scratching the back of his head.
"I think being with plutia a lot affected your sleeping habits." Said ultra-noire.
"Jealous that Plutia spends more time with me than with you?" The boy scoffed.
"Shut up!" She said flushed and nervous.
"Leaving that, it's good to see that you are well Neptune-san," said the mini Histy.
"Thank you mini-Histy",
"Wooooow! so that is the story of this dimension, it is very small and adorable "said chaos nepgear astonished to see a smaller story.
"That's right, we call it mini Histy, so as not to confuse the great-Histy," said the boy smiling.
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Chronicles Of The Storylord: 12th Chronicle - Origin
Twelve souls were chosen to expand into the void surrounding the known universe(s), and were given a grace period in which they would experience a relatively safe expansion of their domains. Once that period is up, however, they are free to interact with each other...and what lurks in the depths of the Abyss, the Void, and the Primordial Chaos. I am the 12th soul, but I am not as those others are, for I am merely a shard. My purpose: begin the Tale anew. For I am the Storylord, and I am the Tale. The Tale is all, and all is the Tale, yet the Tale is myself, for I am all in my domain. This is my story, the saga of many, the legend… of the Tale. Just remember this: “This world is but a story, and all the stories are true...” This story is in the same general multiverse as RE: Deity by lightningwarrior21, but will be almost completely separate except in a few chapters. I have permission from him to use his base multiverse, and you should go check out his fiction, it’s really good. http://royalroadl.com/fiction/9597 This ‘fiction’ will be updated sporadically, so don’t expect much of a steady stream of chapters. (I’ll try to do one chapter a week, but no promises.) Suggestions on how to improve this universe helps with the management, so comments are welcome, as are Grammar Nazis. I’ve had this fiction mostly as scattered notes in my google drive, and only recently had enough time to actually put it together, like I promised lightning back in January. (Writer’s block and schoolwork do not mix well.) The cover is not owned by me, I found the image on google images. Anyway, I’ll be back yesterday… or was that tomorrow? (I really need to get that damn causality generator fixed, me-damnit!) See ya!
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