《Ultradimension neptunia the only hope》Chapter 11. Neptune vs. Nepgear? The arrival of new enemies.
The cry of noire and blanc was heard, which was heard throughout the basilicóm scaring the baby compa and making her cry again. After histoire, he ordered his smaller self to gather the cpu, telling them that Neptune was in trouble, blanc and noire did not take long to arrive at Planeptune, both arriving at the same time, once plutia, noire and blanc were in the room the great histoire told them the situation in which they were.
"Let's see histoire, tell me again what you said!" Said Noire, looking at the tome.
"Neptune went to the cursed tower of 10,000 floors, apparently the candidates for hierarchy sent him the following statement," said histoire, taking the letter that arrived this morning and gave it to noire.
Blanc and Plutia and they came over to see what the letter said.
Lord Purple heart, I think you know who owns that tape and that d-pad hairpin, so let's get down to business, come to the damn tower, we'll send the coordinates to your transer and if you don't arrive in the next hour, your sister , along with Lastation's cpu and Lowee's candidate will cease to exist,
We will wait for you.
Sign the 4 candidates for hierarch.
"That idiot left without thinking, it may be a trap!" Blanc said angrily.
"This is bad, if they capture Neptune then it will be the end of the game!" Said Noire.
"Neptuno-san left here very angry, which even scared me since her gaze resembled Plutia's when she gets angry (o_o)",
"Fence I never thought that Neptune would get so angry, seeing his relaxed and carefree demeanor," said noire.
"Remember, the calmest people are always the ones who get the worst of it," Blanc said.
"You say it from experience," said Noire, smiling.
"what did you say?"
"Calm girls this is not the time for your fights, now we have to think of a plan to go help him", said the great histoire calming the two girls.
"It will be complicated after all the seven sages will also be there", said the mini histoire.
"Yes, right now Neptune must have seen the cursed tower arrived, the candidates used his sister, ram and noire as bait, knowing that he would not hesitate to go rescue them," explained the tome.
"But what if it was just a trap, what if they're not even there?"
"It may be, but there is also the possibility that they are there, this will be complicated, we have to come up with a plan and quickly, to go help him, he is strong I recognize him but to face the 4 candidates alone and the 4 cfw, adding at seven sages, he is at a great disadvantage, "said the great histoire.
"So what do we do?" Said the mini-histoire.
"This is complicated if we fail in this Neptune may be captured", Noire put a hand on his chin thinking about what actions they should take.
"Stop wasting time!"
The two histoires like noire and blanc turned to look at Plutia only to pale at the sight of her expression, as they tried to make a plan to help Neptune, they did not see that the sleepy CPU was quietly building up her rage, as they noticed her enormous anger that he had through his eyes that were shadowed and his expression instead of being happy, was now shadowed with a look that terrified both volumes and both cpu.
"Stop wasting your time and move now!" The CPU shouted sleepily in a tone that sounded like iris heart.
"P-but Plutia can't go like this, we have to think of a plan first", Noire tried to calm her friend, but she was shaking with fear as Plutia looked at her with a cold gaze.
"I have said that", plutia in that would be enveloped in a pillar of light and then reveal herself in the form that induces fear in both enemies and allies. "Stop wasting time and let's go, it's not a request, it's an order!" Said the sadistic CPU with a hand on her hip and with a face that said if they refuse I will punish them.
The two histoire as well as noire and blanc nodded with terror on their faces, they were not so stupid as not to obey an order given by iris heart.
Without more noire and blanc they would transform.
"Well let's go," said iris heart taking the great story and went out to the balcony followed by White heart and black heart.
Without wasting time the three cpu next to the tome took flight towards the cursed tower.
"Be very careful!" I shouted the mini histoire to the cpu and to his other self praying that everything would work out in the end.
Meanwhile with Neptune.
"Disappear!" Neptune said, killing an ancient dragon with his Victory Slash, making it disappear in a flash of data.
Neptune who was in his HDD form, was already at the main door that led to the cursed tower, it had not been long since he arrived and when he did there were a lot of high-level monsters that blocked the entrance but, no they were nothing to him since I finish them all with hardly any sweat.
"Very well let's start with level 1", he said raising his sword and destroying the metal door with a single blow creating a cloud of smoke.
The boy would enter what would be floor 1, Neptune would walk down the hall until he stopped as he saw 4 people that right now he did not want to see.
"LOL! YOU FINALLY ARRIVE CPU FROM PLANEPTUNE! "Judge shouted when he saw Neptune.
Apparently the 4 CFW were already waiting for him.
"Great are these guys!" Neptune groaned at the sight of them.
"Apparently you're not happy to see us," said trick laughing.
"Okay, I don't have time to deal with all of you, so we better skip the part where I kick your ass and tell me where are you?" Purple heart demanded with his sword in hand.
"It seems someone is in a bad mood," Magic said smiling.
"Grrrr! very good one-eyed witch, I'm not in the mood to deal with your shit, I already supported you a lot in the second game, so if you don't want me to kick your ass all over the gamind industry with your lackeys you better tell me what Where are they? "Neptune said.
"Impatient as always," said magic, sighing, and then pointing to the ceiling, "your sister and friends are on the top floor, that is, on the 10,000th floor, that's where the 4 candidates for hierarch are waiting for you",
"But !, Brave was about to say something but Neptune cut him off.
"Let me guess, I have to beat all 4 of them, I don't."
"Exactly Lord Purple heart," magic said.
"So we started floor 1 with repurposed bosses from the second game, I thought I would face one on the first floor and as I progress I would meet the others, but I think readers didn't want to see the repurposed enemy fight, which for sure They are not as strong as when they made their debut, "Neptune said with a smile.
"As always so arrogant," magic said.
"It's the truth, the enemies that are reused in new games, they are almost not as difficult as the first time they appear," said Neptune with a shrug.
"You sound confident," said trick.
"You could say yes, but very well if you want this it will be a good warm-up, I will return all the shit that made us live 6 years ago, especially your magic since you were the one that gave a pain in the ass the most", Neptune said.
"Not before, but now they are nothing more than cannon fodder since I went up many levels and learned new movements that I think it will not be necessary to use with you," said Purple heart smiling.
"That overconfidence could be your downfall," Brave said.
"Well let's dance then!", Neptune said throwing himself towards the 4. " I will show you the difference in level"
Meanwhile on the top floor of the cursed tower.
Noire, Nepgear, and Ram were locked in cages that hung from the ceiling by chains, while the Hierarchs sat quietly on the floor.
They together with his prisoners were watching a screen that Nepgeo project on Neptune, which he put up when he felt his presence, now they were seeing how he was facing the 4 cfw.
"This is bad Neptune is facing the 4 criminals!" Nepgear said worried about her older brother.
"Yes, but look closely, he is holding his own against the 4," said Noire watching as Neptune attacked and blocked the attacks of the 4 criminals.
"Neptune is strange"; said ram
"Yes, his clothes are different," said ram who noticed the Hdd shape of the Purple heart.
"Now that you mention it, his Hdd form is very different from before," said Noire, also noticing his friend's new outfit ",
"It's true, why is it?" Nepgear asked no one in particular.
"It is due to the memory of the cpu," said Nic, who heard them speak among themselves.
"CPU memory?" Nepgear looked confused at the boy.
"That's right," I answer without further ado.
Nepgear, seeing that Nic would no longer speak, decided to watch his brother's battle again.
Then a beep would be heard on the spot and Nepgeo would look at his transer.
"Hmmm? Apparently the other cpu arrived! ". Nepgeo said.
"It is so." Nic looked at his fellow hierarch.
"Yes, Arfoire along with Copypaste and Mister badd are fighting them, according to what anonydeath told me."
"Hmm? Well then what about that?" Shiro asked.
"Oh, it seems our companions are being outmatched," Nepgeo said looking at Shiro.
"That's it!" Nic looked at Nepgeo.
"Yes, and one more thing says that Planeptune's cpu has a sadistic look on its face," Nepgeo said with a shiver running down his spine.
"Men! Even that aunt scares me, "Shiro said.
"Well, I don't think they are a problem, since Neptune is further ahead and seeing as it is surpassing 4 cfw it is most likely that it will soon reach us." Nepgeo said.
To tell the truth, Neptune was able to stay firm and on par against the 4 cfw at the same time, to the amazement of these 4, since they did not imagine that the Planeptune cpu reached those levels of strength and power.
Neptune jumped dodging the magic scythe, then rolled to the left to dodge the trick tongue, but judge and brave were already waiting for him.
"TRIAL TIME!" Judge lashed out with his great ax but Neptune was able to block the attack with his sword.
In that brave would attack Neptune with his sword wrapped in fire, but he would push Judge and making his lightning sword collide with Brave, applying force to make the other go back, but Neptune would turn out to be stronger and he would push Brave making him lose his balance.
"Cross combination!", Neptune attacked brave and sent him to trick, colliding with him as he could barely react to the incoming brave.
Neptune only smiled at 4 cfw.
"How does it feel to be losing magic to a single opponent now?" Neptune scoffed.
Magic just narrowed his eyes.
"I admit it, you are stronger than last time," said magic looking at Neptune.
"Heh! You see it now, but unfortunately I don't have much time to continue losing it with you, so now I'm going to attack myself," Neptune said leaning a little with his sword ready to attack.
The 4 criminals would stand on guard ready for whatever attack Neptune would launch.
Purple heart in a purple flash would appear in front of judge with his sword wrapped in lightning.
"Take this, Electromagnetic Pulse!"
"32-bit mega blade!",
Neptune summoned and threw a sword at Judge which then exploded upon contact.
"One less is missing 3".
Neptune would then jump dodging Trick's tongue, but before Trick retracted his tongue, Neptune stabbed his sword into his tongue causing Trick to scream in pain.
Then the sword of Neptune would release an electric discharge that ran through the trick's tongue until it reached him, electrocuting him, after a few seconds trick would fall to the ground with smoke coming out of his body and his tongue burned.
Brave and magic would launch towards Neptune attacking the two together, but Purple heart would manage to dodge all their attacks and attack at the same time.
Neptune would then take a bit of distance and dash towards brave Appearing in front of him.
"Neptune break!", Purple heart attacked brave throwing powerful cuts at high speed and then sending him into the air and ending with a blow that sent him to the ground thus ending brave.
He would then crouch dodging the magic scythe, but then he threw a cut that she blocked, the two of them would start clashing their weapons at great speed until the two would take distance from each other.
The boy would be unharmed, but magic was somewhat bruised and cut here and there. Neptune knew he was at his limit so he launched himself forward with magic doing the same and the two with their weapons at the ready, collided creating a small flash that cut the place a bit but after he left he saw magic and Neptune from behind .
After a few seconds of silence, magic would fall to the ground defeated.
"Damn! He said on the ground, then fell unconscious,
"That solves everything," said the male CPU walking through the corridors, he didn't have to waste time.
Noire, nepgear and ram watched in amazement as Neptune finished off all 4 cfw with ease.
"My brother defeated all 4 with hardly any effort," Nepgear said with astonishment on his face.
"What will he have done these three years", said Noire with astonishment as well but then he smiled, "it's good to know that he was not lazy as always",
"That's Neptune!", Encourage ram. "Show them who's boss!"
"Apparently I beat all 4," Nic said without much interest.
"That was boring to watch," Shiro said.
"It was to be expected brother, after all he is at our level, it was to be assumed that they would not be a problem for him." Shirou said.
"Well let's stop talking, he is already arriving." Nepgeo said in a serious tone.
"Waiting! So fast it got up here! "Shiro said.
"He should have used the elevator, instead of the stairs." Nic said.
"Indeed yes, who in their right mind wanted to use ladders to climb this tower." Shirou said.
"Well let's put that aside and get ready," Nepgeo said.
He was already on the 9999 floor, thanks to the elevator that was in place.
"Thanks to the true goddess there was an elevator and I didn't have to cross all the floors like in that anime where there is a black swordsman," Neptune said with relief that he didn't have to go through all the floors to get here.
He was in his human form so as not to waste his energies.
Our protagonist would be walking through the corridors of the tower until he reached a jump point where there were two consoles.
"Well, let's see ... .. Which one I choose," Neptune said looking at the two consoles and thinking about which one would take him to the top floor, "the one on the left tells me that it is the correct one," he said, pressing a button on the left console.
By pressing the button, Neptune would be teleported to the top floor, that is, the 10,000th floor.
"Well we arrived," he said smiling.
Starting to walk down a corridor feeling the presences of Nepgeo and the other hierarch candidates, he walked for a few minutes until he reached a large door that was at the end of the corridor.
"Well I'm here!" He said, seeing the great door.
Before he could open it himself, the door would open by itself, revealing a large circular-shaped room, and in the center of this large room were the 4 hierarch candidates who were already waiting for him.
"At last you arrive Lord Purple heart." Nepgeo said smiling.
"Let's stop talking and tell me where are my sister and my friends?" Neptune said, transforming into Purple heart and pointing his sword at the candidates.
"Neptune! Nepgear yelled to get his brother's attention.
Neptune would lift his gaze upon hearing his little sister's voice only to see her in a cage just like ram and noire who were in cages hanging from the ceiling.
"Nep jr, ram, noire are you alright ?!" the boy yelled.
"If Neptune we are fine", answered noire. "But be very careful with them."
"Don't worry I'll be fine, just wait I'll release them soon," replied the boy.
"I'm afraid that won't be possible," Nepgeo said in a calm tone.
Neptune just looked at the boy with a frown.
"Are you going to avoid it?" Said Planeptune's CPU, narrowing its eyes.
"No, she will," said nic smiling.
"Neptune beware! Nepgear shouted alerting his brother.
Neptune would look up, only to see a purple blur coming towards him and having to duck just to avoid being sliced by a sword that passed near his head, cutting only a few strands of hair.
Neptune rolled and jumped taking some distance from his attacker.
"What the hell?! Wait...!",
Purple heart was about to say something until he saw who attacked him.
"This must be a joke!",
Noire said in amazement.
"She is?!",
Ram didn't know what to say.
"Ss-am...! That's me!".
Nepgear could not speak either, she was as amazed as everyone else, well except the hierarchs who were calm.
Neptune looked surprised to see his attacker in front of him.
"Wait if nepgear is up there! Who is she? "Said the boy looking at the girl and her sister who was in the cage.
"Waiting! How are there two nepgear !? "said ram in amazement," if nepgear is here with us ",
"I don't know, but that may be a false nepgear," said Noire, narrowing his eyes at the other nepgear.
"You're wrong," Nic said, drawing the attention of Neptune as well as the girls. "She is nepgear from a different dimension",
"Different dimension?" Neptune said confused. "Are you saying that this nepgear belongs to another dimension?" Said the boy looking at Nic.
"That's how it is!"; Nic answered calmly.
Neptune stared at the nepgear in front of him, he saw that it was very similar to his nepgear only that he felt a bad vibe coming from her but he saw more of her outfit and a certain item that she had in her hand.
"Wait because nepgear has that suit!" Neptune said with white eyes.
Neptune saw the way of Nepgear Hdd was very different and something very revealing, since he wore what was a black and dark purple bikini, which covered only his important parts leaving his abdomen and stomach exposed, he had gloves that reached by Above the elbows with black boots that reached to the thigh, on her head she had what seemed to be two species of black antennae, on her neck a black choker, her back also had two pairs of wings that were shaped like a butterfly Deep purple in color, next to it floated what appeared to be two claws that resembled those of those construction machines. And finally she had a strange symbol below her deep purple navel.
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