《Timeless Love》Chapter 8


After finishing the logs I finally calculated everything and saw that we are at a loss of $750,000 in the last 6 months. Getting very irritated because how the fuck can nobody see that thousands of dollars have been missing. I pick up my phone and call Sofia.

"Get here in here right now!" I yell, hanging up the phone before she can reply. I slammed it on my desk and sighed. I hear a knock on my door a few minutes later.

"Come in." She opens the door and walks in, shutting it when she is all the way in. She faces me and takes a deep breath, a worried look on her face,

"Yes, Daunte?" She says.

"Can you explain to me why almost a million dollars is missing out of these logs?" I lean back with my hand intertwined on my stomach. My left leg over my right knee.

"I'm not sure what you mean Daunte?" She said with a confused worried look.

"I mean WHY THE FUCK IS THERE ALMOST A MILLION DOLLARS MISSING SOFIA!" She whimpers at the sound of me raising my voice. She looks down at the floor and says nothing.

"Sofia, I'm not going to ask no fucking more! Why is there almost one million dollars missing from the logs in the past 6 months." I say standing up. She takes a deep breath and looks at me.

"Daunte, I don't know. I get the money and I log it in. I can have someone give me a list of how much drugs they are giving everyone, who they are, and how much money they brought in to me. That's all I can do. You know I don't deal with the weapons or drugs, only the money they bring in." I sign hard and just nod my head. She runs off quickly and knocks into Santi who was walking in when she was running out.

"What happened to her?" He asked me.

"Someone stole almost one million dollars from us in six months." His mouth opens wide. "Who has the guts to steal from us?" I shake my head.

"I don't know but whoever it is, is going to wish they haven't."

A few hours later, there was a knock on my door. Sofia walks in with a paper in her hands.

"I got the people who stole from you." I get up and snatch the paper from her. I look at the list and nod my head. They were all lowlife dealers I pay to sell my shit.

"Go downstairs and give this list to Steve and Andy and tell them to get them all and take them to the warehouse. Tell them they got an hour." She nods her head and walks out.

I lean back in my chair and think how can people think they can steal from me and get away with it. I close my eyes and take a deep breath until a face comes to my mind.

I still can't get her out of my mind after I have seen her last night. She kept creeping into my mind. Even when I was fucking Briana, I only saw her. I'm a dangerous man. She looked so innocent and that's probably why I wanted her. Because I wanted to take her innocents from her but I also didn't want to bring her into my life because she was so pure, plus she is Oliver's sister.

Oliver has always talked about his sister and brothers. He said he never wanted them to know that he works for me, that he is a part of the most famous and dangerous crime organization. That he has killed and harmed people. He told me he had a past that made him the way he is but never went further.


We all have a past that we are trying to forget or solve. Like me, I'm trying to solve my parent's murder and my father's disappearance. They were driving home 8 years ago when their car rolled off a cliff. My mother's body was found and she died on impact and my father's body was gone. But a lot of his blood was found in the driver's seat. He either jumped out, someone took him, or dead. I figure he is dead because that was too much blood loss for someone to survive. But I won't stop looking until he or his bones are found.

I'm bought out my thoughts when I hear a knock on my door.

"Entra." (Come In)

Someone opens the door and I see it was one of my men that I only saw a few months ago.

"Andy, mi ha detto di venire a prenderti in modo al magazzino signore. Ha detto che ha provato a chiamarti ma non hai risposto." He said, looking down at his feel.

(Andy, told me to come to get you so you can head to the warehouse, sir. He said he tried to call you but you did not answer.)

I checked my phone and saw I got two messages and three missed calls from him, also two missed calls from Steve. I must have been in deep thought.

"Va bene. Puoi andartene." (Okay. You may leave.) He was about to leave until I stopped him. "Parla inglese?" (You speak English?) He shakes his head no. "Quanti anni hai?" (How old are you?) I asked him, curious as to why he doesn't speak English.

"Sono 19 signore." He said quietly. "Perche non parli inglese?" He looked up at me.

(I'm 19 sir.)...........(Why you don't speak English?)

"Mio padre ha ucciso mia madre quando avevo solo sei anni. Poi ha dato un calcio a me a mia sorella di tre anni per strada. Non potevo andare a scuola perche dovevo lavorare per sopravvivere per noi nelle strade. Ecco perche non posso parlare inglese signore."

(My father killed my mother when I was just six years old. He then kicked me and my three-year-old sister out on the streets. I couldn't go to school because I had to work to survive for us in the streets. That's why I can't speak English sir.)

I'm not a softy but it fucked up that someone can do that to their child. I know how it feels to fend for a sibling and make sure they are okay because I still do that with Santi. I will lay my life on the line for him.

"Mi dispiace che tu addia divuto attraversarlo..." I trail off asking for his name.

(I'm sorry you had to go through that...)

"Francesco." He said looks up at me quickly and then adverted his eyes back to his feet.

"Tua sorella conosce I'inglese?" I ask him. He nods his head.

(Does your sister know English?)

"Mia sorella vive a Modica con mia zia. Mia madre sorella."

(My sister lives Modica with my aunty. My mother's sister.)

I nod my head at him. "Se ti dessi I'opportunita di imparare I'inglese, lo faresti?"

(If I gave you the opportunity to learn English, would you?)

His head shot up quickly. He nods his head ecstatically. I'm a ruthless man but I feel like I need to help him out. He is young and got his childhood taken away from him.


"Ogni martedi e giovedi per due ore, incontrerai la signora Gomez. Ti insegnera I'inglese. Quando non hai lavoro, ti eserciterai." (Okay, Every Tuesday and Thurday for two hours, you will meet with Mrs. Gomez. She will teach you English and when you don't have work, you have to practice.)

He nods his head quickly "Grazie! Grazie! Grazie!"

(Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!)

"Le chiedero dei tuoi progressi. Devi fare cio che dice senza atteggiamento o verrai puntio. Capisci, Francesco?" He smiles bigs and agrees. "Inizi il prossimo martedi. Lascia e torna al lavoro." (I will be asking her about your progress. You are to do what she says and asks with no attitude or you will be punished. Do you understand, Francesco?.......... You start next Tuesday. Leave and get back to work.)

He walks out and I get up, grab my phone and jacket. I call Andy.

After two rings he answers, "Yes Capo?"

"Make sure all five of them are tied up and in different rooms. Make sure you get my favorite toys ready also. I'm on my way now."

"Yes sir." I hang up and head out the door. I walk out of the house and into my Divo (the car) and drive to the warehouse. I haven't tortured anybody in two months. The person tried to sell classified information about my mafia to a rival. I used my favorite toys on him, my shockers, knives, metal clamps, piers, and my number one favorite, My Machete. I chopped every single part of him in pieces and buried him in his own backyard where his wife and kids live. Don't fuck me over and I don't fuck you up, SIMPLE.

I pull up to the warehouse and walk through the black door. I walk past woman sitting naked and counting my money, packing my cocaine in a bag, and cleaning the new guns I receive through shipments. You are probably wondering why they are naked, its because I don't trust them to not steal from me but they don't mind because they like the fact that Santi and I come in here and can see their bodies on full display. They even try to sneak into my office to see if I would fuck them. I would never fuck someone that works for me, bitches become clingy and want to be a Mafia boss lady. Fuck no.

I walk down the basement where we have 60 concrete wall rooms with metal red doors and locks. I see Steve standing by a door and walk up to him. He turns and looks at me.


"What's the room numbers?" I said sharply.

"15 through 20, sir." He says and then I hear a yell and turn around to see it coming from room 17. I point at the door and then turn back to Steve.

"He has been giving us a lot of trouble since we brought him in sir. Andy in there teaching him a lesson."

I walk towards the door and Steve follows me. He opens the door and I walk in to see who it was. I see the person sitting in a metal chair, tied with chains around his chest and duct tape on his legs and hands. Keeping him in place. I smirk sinisterly "Well, well, well, what do we have here. If it isn't Randy." I pause for a second. " I was surprised that I saw your name on the list of people who have been stealing from me. Do you mind telling me why you thought you could have stolen from me?" He spits in my face. I took my hand and wiped my cheek of his saliva. "You really shouldn't have done that." I balled up my fist, pulled it back, and connected my fist into his nose.

He screams. I just laugh at him. "I'm sorry did I hurt you? Let me check." I gripped my left hand in his hair and yanked it so he was facing me before I connected my right fist into his face again. He screams and groans.

"Now I'm going to ask you again. Why were you stealing from me?" I said calmly, knowing I'm pissed off he looks at me straight in the face and says "FUCK YOU!" Then spits in my face again. I wipe my face and smirk.

I point at the door, "Go grab my toys, Andy. NOW!" Andy walks off and I pull a chair that was sitting in the corner in front of him. I smiled at him. "I tried to be nice Randy. You have been working for me for three years and were one of my most loyal sellers. I even gave you bonuses so I don't get why you thought it was okay for you to steal from me. You saw what I do to people who betrayed me and you had the nerves to become one of those people." A few minutes later Andy comes in with my toolbox of all my toys. I grab it from him and look in it for my pliers. "I'm going to ask you one more time Randy and if I were you, I would answer. Why did you steal from me?"

"FUCK YOU!" I just shook my head. "Steve, grab his head and make sure he doesn't move." Steve walks around me and grips Randys face in both of his hands, keeping him still. I put my clamp openers in his mouth and start twisting it until his mouth and teeth are on full display for me. I then smile at him "You should have just taken it the easy way man, now I get to have fun and do this the hard way." I connect the pliers to one of his front top teeth and clamped it down. He started to squirm and I started to laugh. "This will only hurt a lot." I squeezed the pliers and yanked his tooth out. He starts to yell something with tears coming out of his eyes. But he can't talk since I got his mouth wide open. I look at him and smile. "Oh, you want to say something now, but didn't when I gave you the opportunity. I think I will pull a few more. Hold him still Steve!" I pull out a few more top ones and a few bottom ones until I finally untwisted the clamp openers and pulled them out of his mouth. He was gasping and crying.

"It-t wasn't me. He t-threatened to hurt my s-sister. I had to d-do it Daunte. I had-d t-to." He cried.

"Who threatened your sister Randy?"

"I cant-t tell you-u. Pl-please, he will-l kill h-her." He screams and cried.

"TELL ME NOW OR I WILL FUCKING KILL YOU!" I yelled at him pulling his fucking hair back.

"I cant pl-please."

"I guess it will be a long fucking night then." I snickered.

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