《Star Wars Preferences & Imagines》Anger / Kylo Ren


" I hate my father " said Kylo as he looked at you. You remained emotionless, a sigh escaping your lips. " The whole galaxy knows that " you said. "If you make it out alive you should let him know " said Kylo.

" Your acting like a child " you frowned. "No I'm not. You don't understand he , he is a danger to this galaxy. He must be destroyed " said Kylo and you laughed shaking your head. " Ben look at me ". " Kylo, my name is Kylo " he said. " Your given name was Ben, therefor you are Ben to me " you said.

" This session is over " he said and walked out. You instantly went to go and follow, " Come back " you said. " Leave me alone Y/N I have matters to attend " he said. You sighed and stayed behind him. You grabbed his hand, " Kylo " you said softly. " Let go Y/N before I hurt you" he said his voice full of determination.

" Okay " you shrugged and walked off. You weren't about to beg for him or anything you were going to give him the space he needed. "Y/N " said Hux. " Hey Ginger " you smiled. " How was todays session " he said. " The usual " you said. " Listen the Master has doubts about you. He doesn't trust you but I like you. I know you can help Kylo Ren with his issues. Those same issues are what prevent us from killing everyone of the Republic " he said.

You gulped , " Is he against it ?". " In a way. We need to show the power we have, so any issues you both may or may not have fix them. If he doesn't conquer his full potential, I will end you, Y/N ." said Hux in a threatening voice. " I completely understand " you said. " Good, now go have a lovely lunch. I hear they have a amazing cheesecake for desert " he smiled and you forced a smile.


You walked off and took deep breaths. You were Kylo Ren's therapist, you were kidnapped from Naboo and well some how you ended up being his therapist. There were some issues you had however, you had to help Kylo be completely devoted to the dark side. To ensure he wouldn't back out at last minute, that is what you had to do in order to go back home. If you didn't follow such orders, Naboo would be destroyed.

Somehow you knew either way Naboo would be destroyed. You headed towards Kylo's chambers and found him mediating. You slowly closed the door and took a seat in front of him. His aroma of power radiated the entire room, his eyes opened and he looked at you. " Y/N " he said. " Hi " you said. " Why are you here Y/N ".

" You seemed stress, do you want a massage " you said softly. "I'm always stressed " he said annoyed. You just looked at him , " I came to check up on you, because I was worried " you said. " Learn to not do that. It could get you killed next time " he said. You frowned and threw yourself at him hugging him. " Get off me Y/N " he said squirming but you kept your arms around him tightly and began crying.

He froze for a moment , " I hate you " you said. " Why do you hate me Y/N " he said. " Your father wants to be with you, he wants to see you happy. He loves you , he made his mistakes and you have made yours but he still manages to accept you for your defaults. My father is dead, I never got the chance to make up the relationship with my father" you said in tears.


"Y/N I'm not your therapist." he said bluntly and you let go of him and slapped him. " You dont have to be such an asshole about anything. You are such a bratty son of a bitch. I really hope that -" your rant was stop by Kylo poking your breast. " What the hell " you said and crossed your arms. " Sweet innocent Y/N you fail to release who your taking to " he said.

You slapped him again, " You anger me so much. You- You just you UGH " you said. " I what ?" he said with a smug look. " Are you always like this ? You always say you hate your father yet thats the only thing you ever talk about ! Have you no sense ! I think you love your father but your afraid of betraying everyone -" You kept ranting and Kylo grabbed you and threw you against the bed. He got on top of you, " Shut up " he said and began kissing you.

At some point you stopped kissing and you were panting breathless, "This isn't the correct way to bring out you're feelings Kylo ". "I don't care you don't tell me what to feel all I know is you're the only one I want. You make me so angry but at the same time you make me so calm" said Kylo. A smile formed against your face and you hugged him taking his aroma and everything about him.

You slowly began pushing yourself away but Kylo grabbed you tighter, "Just a little longer "



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