《Star Wars (But Mostly kylo ren) Imagines + Lemons (Requests Closed)》Anywhere [Hux X Reader]


"Did he do this to you?"

You really didn't need to ask that question anymore. This would have been the third time this month; Armitage coming to your doorstep, desperately begging for comfort and love like a lost puppy. This time, that puppy had a blue purple tint below his eyes, a bleeding lip, and shaking hands.

But of course, you could not leave him in the downpour of rain which hapoened so often on Arkanis that the sight of sunlight was extremely rare. So, without fail, every simgle time he came to you for attention, you granted it whole heartedly.

He nodded in compliance, his shoulders jerking upwards in show that he was hiccuping, and about to cry. Paying no mind to his aching arms and bruised chest, he threw his arms around you, pushing you back through your door.

Armitage had never been this affectionate after one of his beatings. You two wound up caressing eachother on the floor, doing nothing but letting him weep on you while the door allowed the cold air to seep in.

You clenched your eyes shut and ran your fingers through his red hair softly, quietly shushing him back to consciousness. The smell of his silky hair was comforting to you, while your presence alone was comforting to him.

"It's gonna be okay" you cooed, breaking a hoarse whisper as the wind cradled around the both of you.

After Armitage had denied his father's requests to be sent off to the academy at Arkanis, he was still paying the price. Since you were just a gardener for his father, you couldn't do anything but comfort your lover when he needed you.

You could only interact with Armitage in the dead of night, after his daily put down and occasional beating; when his father Brendol was sound asleep, comforted by the rage he had taken out on his only son. Even though he truly hated his son, Brendol would never approve of Armitage falling for a nuisance; and you both would pay the fatal consequences if you were found out.


"I can't keep doing this" he finally said, his tone shaky as he let his grip loosen on you. He let up and pulled away, just enough to study your face and the heartbreak in your eyes. Armitage let his hand slide over the delicate skin on your cheek, his thumb gliding over the tear below your eye at the sight of him broken and beaten.

"We're leaving here tonight" you decided, standing up and helping him grasp his balance. You quickly shut the door and then returned to him, placing your hands on his chest as he stared down at you in wonder.

"What?" He asked, unsure if he had heard you correctly.

"Haven't you longed to be free?" You asked him, staring into his deep green eyes as they shined back at you, flickering with the fires light. "Forget this life and come with me. We can run away-- and by the morning, we will be free"

"Where would we go?" He asked you, his hands shaking slightly just from the excitement.

"Anywhere!" You cried "anywhere where we can love eachother and--" you smiled "and where you don't have to be hurt anymore"

"He would find us" Armitage returned, his eyes still glossy with tears "he would find us, and then kill you. I won't lose you, Y/N"

"That's why we have to go" you leaned in closer. "Somebody will find out about us if they haven't already. And when Brendol hears of us, then we will both be put to death"

You could tell he was slowly becoming convinced, so you continued. "Our only chance is if we leave!" You traced your hands up his shoulders until they were holding the nape of his neck. "Someday, it wont just be a black eye"


Armitage swallowed the lump in his throat and kept his eyes on you, looking at you like he had never seen a woman before.


"Yes, together!" You said, breaking a smile.


"Anywhere. " you decided, softly running your fingers through his hair again.

"We would lose everything" he doubted. You could tell he wanted to accept your offer; and that he was only scared.

"That's not true. My brother works for the First Order-- he can get us jobs there and. . ." he put an end to your tangent and pushed his lips on yours, the coppery taste of blood swirling around your tongue.

"To anywhere" he declared, kissing the bridge of your nose.

And you left that night.

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