《Star Wars (But Mostly kylo ren) Imagines + Lemons (Requests Closed)》My Hero • Han Solo X Reader


This takes place a year after Solo, meaning 8 years before the original trilogy.

You felt a tug around your neck, knocking you out of your slight slumber almost immediately. You were struck with the realization that none of this was a dream.

You had been sold to Jabba the Hutt.

By your own mother, of all people. The two of you were from Corellia, and you both lived incredibly secluded and poverty-like lifestyles. Your father had walked out to join the Empire years ago, and even since then you and your mother never got along.

Your mother blamed your unwilling father for all of your troubles, despite her being the one that refused to get a job. You worked endless hours and non-stop days, however it was less of a job and more of a felony.

You were a smuggler. Nothing more to it. Nobody had to know anything else.

And everything was actually going just fine for quite awhile, until a Croatean had held you and your mother at blaster point and demanded money. That's when your mother had become Fed up with you, and did not do the logical thing and just ship you away, she sold you.

She better be living it up.

You thought, sarcastically as you readjusted yourself. Your so called 'outfit' was entirely uncomfortable. And it was less clothes and more slave attire.

It was a bronze metal corset that restricted your breathing, but dangling from the corset were two see through and thin pieces of purple fabric. Your hair was tied in a knot on the top of your head

You heard the Cantina music come to a sudden stop, and a pair of footsteps. You sat up to take a closer look but Jabba yanked you back down.

"Jabba growled at the man and his wookie.

The man must have been no older then twenty. That's the best you would give him. He had a black vest that slung across his shoulders and a satchel, all tied together with one single blaster on the left pocket region of his blue pants.

"Come on, Jabba! When have I ever left you unpaid?" The guy was a smooth talker, that's for sure. By the looks of him you could tell he had a silver tongue. He was obviously skilled in getting what he wanted.

"And I told you, I'll pay you back double. You just watch, I got a great gig back on Endor--"

He laughed and stuffed his face with what seemed to be some kind of fish hybrid


"I don't--" he was going to say something else but Jabba interrupted him.

The man, presumably called Han Solo, placed his hands on his hips and sucked his teeth, obviously defeated. He looked at his wookie, who seemed to have the same expression as him.

"Come on. I'm sure we can work this out!" He proposed, looking back at Jabba.

It made you laugh out loud in the dead silence. This so called smuggler couldn't get through to a diabetic snail. You thought others would laugh with you, but instead your chain was pulled harder this time, and you fell back into the pillows and cloths around you.

This made the man look down at you. His expression changed like a switch.

"Come on, Jabba." He whined, not breaking eye-contact with you " the poor kid can't be older than sixteen! " he knelt down in front of you, but you looked at him with disgust.

"I'll have you know I'm eighteen. And obviously better at talking my way out of things then you are" you spat back. This made Jabba laugh and saved you a yank.

His eyebrows raised "Jeez, kid. I was just tryna be nice." He got up but looked back down at you " but for the record, it doesn't seem like you talked your way out of this one too well. " he motioned to your place next to Jabba.

You took a breath, and you also took the loss.

Jabba commanded to you, however you could not speak . . . Whatever creatures language his was and you did not understand what he was saying.

"He said to apologize, you know" Han Solo commented

"No he didn't, you scruffy looking nerf herder!" You yelled and got closer to him, only to be pulled back once again. The wookie moaned out in agreement. All eyes were on you now, and several let out small nods. You sucked on your cheeks and shook your head. " I'm sorry" you mumbled.

"You're what? Sorry, scruffy looking people have bad hearing. Could you say that again?" He leaned in closer and cupped his ear with his hand.

"I said I'm SORRY!" You yelled out, earning a smile from him.

"Now that's more like it"

Everything was asleep. It was so quiet that it seemed like the walls were asleep. Jabba snored so loud that it could essentially shake the walls, and for some God awful reason everybody else decided to stay for the sleeping portion of the party.


You were wide awake, however, surveying over the different creatures and scanning all of their faces. You heard something drop, and then what sounded like that wookie yell from down the hall.

With all the racket, it woke up the red goblin that stood vigil to Jabba. You looked up at him and flashed him a smile, mouthing the word 'sorry'

He didn't seem happy with his finding, but fell fast asleep soon again anyway. Moments later, you saw two shaddows looming ominously over the white walls. You imagined them to be the smuggler and his monkey.

And sure enough, the circus was back in town.

Han scanned the entire room frantically until his eyes fell in you. You looked at him wide eyes in a 'what -are-you-doing-trying-to-get -yourselves-killed? ' look. He gave you the signature Solo Smirk.

He practically tiptoed down the few steps and to your position, then motioned for the Wookie to follow him.

He did, but instead of being quiet his large laws smacked on the floor. You cursed under your breath but luckily nobody woke up

"What are you doing here?" You whispered silently but urgently

" Do you want out or not? " he tested, and from his leather satchel took out some kind of pliers. "Lean back, kid. Try not to make any noise"

You did as you were told and arched your neck back, allowing him to fumble and juggle around with your collar. You heard a snap, and you immediately lost the amount of pressure.

"We have to get out of here. Now." He said urgently, in his normal voice. You nodded and got up, but almost fell back down because you had not stood for almost twenty four hours.

somebody had woken up, because you heard a blaster shot and then the wookie crying out. You almost fell down due to your unstability, and Han swooped you up wedding style and rushed out the exit

A little green man said, startling the groggy partiers .

Han carried you quickly, and after you stepped out into the dark night on Tattooine, you felt so much better.

"Chewie, get her ready." He motioned to the ship with a flick of his head. The creatures from the Cantina were trailing behind you, so the best you could do was reach into the man's holster and shoot back with the blaster.

Luckily for you, it was too dark for many of the creatures to see you before you got away. You hit a few, knocking them dead, but most of the creatures'

eyes had not adjusted to the darkness yet


You wrapped yourself up in the extra pair of clothes that the Falcon stored. It wasn't much, just a pair of tan pants and a white shirt. After changing, you made your way to the piloting portion of the Ship where Han was

"Why did you do that?" You asked him, slightly startling him.

" Jesus, Kid. Are you a spy now too? " he turned around with his eyebrows raised, but they softened when they fell on you

You blushed, but shook yourself out of it "I just came to say thank you. I-"

" Don't worry about it" he flicked his wrists "I would have done that for any girl." He turned around and looked back at the stars, not giving you the answer you wanted. You sat down in the Co-Pilot seat.

"No you wouldn't have." You said to him. He flexed his jaw, defeated. "There were other slave girls there but you chose me"

"Because you're young, don't think I'm in love with you or anything." He shook his finger " because I'm not"

You rolled your eyes and got up again, this time kicking one leg over his lap so you could sit close to him and he couldn't look away from you. He stated at you in awe

"You're awfully close" he stated, wide-eyed, but rested his hands softly on your thighs anyway.

You looked down at him, then met eye contact again. "You know I could give you some tips on your smooth speaking. You need it real bad" you said simply, and noticed you were already so close to him that you could feel his cold breaths on your cheeks.

"Scruffy People are naturally good at talking --"

"What else are they good at?" You asked, and planted a kiss on his lips . His hands traveled to your waist softly, and yours wrapped around his neck. You pulled away first, but his lips were still puckered and his eyes were still closed at if he wanted more.

You laughed and shoved a hand in his face jokingly.

"Watch it, Kid. don't disrespect your pilot." He pointed a finger at you but you just raised your eyebrows in a challenging way. " who am I kidding, come here. "

You kissed again, but were rudely interrupted by Chewie.

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