《Star Wars (But Mostly kylo ren) Imagines + Lemons (Requests Closed)》Mrs. Supreme Leader (Ben/Kylo X Reader)
You are in Luke's Academy for young Jedi as a gifted Force-Sensative youngling. However, your greatest burden is that you are much younger than other students. While students such as Ben Solo are seventeen, you are still fifteen.
"Maybe next time" Ben Solo smirked at his opponent who was on the ground, out of breath and obviously defeated hence the wooden stick used as a substitute for a lightsaber dangling above his neck with Ben's boot on his torso.
He let up reluctantly as cheers erupted from the few dozen other students who watched them spar. You being one of them. You always admired Ben Solo, but from a distance. You weren't afraid of him, but there was certainly a dangerous aura around him.
Master Luke nodded in approval, but did not clap. He had seen his nephew win far too many times to be surprised. Now, he awaited the day for Ben's skill level to be high enough for him to spar Ben personally.
"Very nice, Ben." He credited the raven haired boy. Ben nodded back, getting used to being undefeated in a duel. "Does anybody else want to try?" Luke called out, scanning the crowd of his now silent padawans, hoping for a volunteer.
You looked over at your best friend, Linelli. Despite her being incredibly outspoken, even she did not dare challenge the infamous Ben Solo. She stared at the ground, pretending to be interested in her boots as she kicked around dirt. Her two teal tentacles protruding from her scalp were limp, indicating that she was trying to slide by unnoticed.
"Should I?" You whispered willingly, and her head shot up with a devilish smirk
"Anybody? Nobody?" Luke asked, now beginning to sound hopeless. You heard Ben's laughter and found him to be joking with his other friends, all top ranking students.
"You're wild, Y/N!" She whispered back
"Come on, you cowards!" Ben called out jokingly while twirling the wooden sword around his wrist.
"Its alright, Ben. They're probably just tired--"
"I'll do it." You called out, all eyes immediately falling in you. You kept your eyes glued on Kylo, who immediately froze and looked at you as If you were something he scraped off the bottom of his shoe. You took a deep breath and weaved your way through the other students. When you were met with the opening, you swiftly stole the previous loser's wooden stick and nodded your head in a confirming manner towards Kylo.
Everybody was silent. Even Luke.
"Absolutely Not." Ben finally spoke out. "She is two levels behind me and she's a she" he protested to his uncle.
Not that he was wrong, you were younger and less experienced than Ben. You didn't think you were going to win, but you knew that by even stepping on to the sparring grounds that your respect level raised.
"Nobody else seems to want to try" Luke said suavely.
"Thanks for that sexist comment, by the way." You said sarcastically. "Makes me feel real good." You patted your chest.
"Y/N" Luke said in a warning tone "Watch it"
"He's the one that won't spar with me because I'm a girl!" You motioned to Ben while keeping your eyes on Luke
"Oh he's going to spar you" Luke proposed "Ben, have at it."
Ben sucked his teeth and then turned to his array of friends, whispered to them, laughed, and then turned back to you.
You felt completely naked. The way he looked at you made you feel like he was about to eat you. You felt like a helpless animal without any protection, and Ben was the hungry wolf
"Ben, Y/N, you know how this goes" Luke called out
You nodded and walked toward the center of the arena, meeting Ben halfway. You folded your hands and bowed to eachother, neither of you daring to break eye contact with the other.
"Go easy on her, Ben" Luke asserted
"No way" Ben finished, before charging at you like a bull, raising his stick over his head and trying to launch it onto you.
You were too quick; however, and you easily twirled out of the way and flung your weapon in hopes of striking his backside, but he was too far away.
You heard whispers from your fellow padawans. Most of the time, people who dueled Ben didn't even make it this far.
Slowly, Ben turned around to find you in a defensive pose, obviously angry that you had dodged his attack. You gave him a smirk and you shrugged, and this motion set him off. He growled and charged once more, this time your weapons ending in an 'X' position above your heads. You, being the smaller one, arched your back in hopes of keeping away from him as he loomed over you
"Give up. Maybe I'll go easy on you if you cry." He spat, but you shook your head and used your leg to kick him in his torso, sending him falling backwards as you reigned supreme. You heard him groan, but he was silenced by the cheers of your peers.
"Finish it, Y/N! The fight isn't over until you are in a position to kill him!" Luke called out, but you couldn't hear him over the incessant cheering so you just scowled.
Ben had gotten up and swept your leg, and everything went silent. You were now the one on the ground, and Kylo pointed his wooden weapon at you by your neck, gave you a disgusted look, and then threw away his stick.
"You shouldn't have done that." He said coldly before walking away, leaving you in the dirt.
"Are you alright, Y/N?" Luke knelt down next to you followed by Linelli
"Yeah, I'm fine."
"That was incredible!" Linelli cheered for you and helped you up.
"I'm proud of you, Y/N. That was impressive"
"I lost." You said flatly.
"You just didn't know how sparring etiquette works. You could have beat him." Linelli added
"You better believe it. I'll spar him every day until I beat him."
It had been two months since your first fight with Kylo, and you had lived up to your promises. You sparred him every day, but every day he found a more creative way to beat you.
Now, it was a daily routine. Everybody came to watch you fight and each time you came closer to winning you made more acquaintances. Even a boy who was supposed to be Ben's friend had come to congratulate you.
After fights, however, Ben did not talk to you. He always gave you that dirty look and walked off. It was always the same.
Today you felt better. Today you knew you were going to beat him.
Bowing had lost its meaning now, but it still has to be done. You bended over in front of Ben and he mimicked you, then you both took steps away from each other and got into your defensive positions.
You charged first this time, but instead of swinging over head you went to the side. He dodged and fired back with a swing to the head, ultimately missing.
Your wooden swords clashed over both of you several times, you going left and Ben going right, then vice versus. He was walking forward, causing you to step backwards. You were prepared for any one of his tricks.
He clashed against your stick and instead of releasing it and striking again, he pushed your own stick down using his, until the point of yours was pointing towards the ground. You tried to move upwards but he was ultimately physically superior, and sparring didn't allow any Force tricks so you used what came naturally to you. Your speed.
You yanked the hilt of the sword towards you and you immediately had it come crashing down on to Ben, causing him to be slightly stunned to the point that you could kick him to the ground.
You pointed your sword at his neck as he had done to you the first time you dueled. You were victorious.
people screamed and cheered, however you could not hear them. Everything was silent to you except the grueling and unsettling voice.
Kill Him.
It spoke.
You looked down at your opponent as be breathed heavily in front of you, showing submission.You then looked to the point of your sword. It was sharp enough to pierce through skin.
You threw the sword to the side and reached out your hand to help him up, but he just glared and turned over, getting up on his own and walking away.
That night
You stared up into the bright stars beyond the atmosphere of the planet, Yavin. The stars seemed to be brighter because the planet was an outer-rim territory, therefore less people populated it.
You were out late in the early hours of the morning. you did this often, but today it was to celebrate your victory. You felt a disturbing presence but you knew exactly who it was
"I'll leave." You said simply, not daring to look at Ben. You slid off the large rock swiftly and brushed past him, but he caught your arm and forced you to his gaze just inches in front of him. You swallowed abruptly, almost certain that he would hurt you.
But somehow, you saw calmness and serenity in his face. His black locks that went to his ears were unkept and untidy, but they matched with his unruly expressions
In the glow of the stars and the moonlight, he almost seemed beautiful.
"I'm sorry for what I did." He said calmly and let you go "it was unprofessional." He closed his eyes and nodded
"Its alright." You said, dying to get out of there "how did you know I was out here?"
"I see you come out every night"
"And you just now come to talk with me?" You asked. If he was stalking you, he should at least talk to you.
"Thats not why I'm out here tonight" he began and you furrowed your eyebrows "I want to take you under my wing. I am impressed with your skills and I think that with my help we can be great"
"But what about Master Luke?" You questioned "Won't I eventually learn everything you have by him?"
"No. There are things he is keeping from us, Y/N. Jedi like us-- as strong as we are. He is refusing to teach us certain things." He motioned to both of you
"What things? Ben, how do you know this? "
"Just trust me." He placed both of his hands on your shoulders, making you jump. "My friends are strong Jedi but you are different. I can't tell you what it is but-- there's just something about you. . ." His voice trailed off and you soon realized that you were both gradually getting closer and closer to eachother, so close now that you could feel his got breaths on your cheeks.
You closed your eyes naturally, hoping that he would kiss you.
"Hey!" You heard your Master call out "Ben and Y/N! Quit flirting and get back to your cots!" He hollared, and you looked up at Ben who was burning so red that it was clearly visible, even when he was only lit with the moonlight.
"I have to go" you said worrdiedly, breaking from his grip and rushing away
"Wait! Y/N!" He called after you and you stopped abruptly, turning back to him to be met with him jogging after you. "I never got my kiss" and with that he laid his lips atop of yours, without your consent might I add, and let you go as quickly as he had held you
"Ben Solo!" You heard Luke scold from a distance
Six Years afterwards....
"Ben!" You laughed and ran after him as he escaped from you, running through the purple barked trees in Yavin. "Come back!" You whined
After that night in the forest, you and Ben were inseperable. Luke hated it, and scolded you both the day afterwards that you were to no longer see eachother. It was against the Jedi code, but Ben insisted on staying with you no matter what.
"Come get me!" He challenged, and ducked back into the tree he was hiding benind. You followed until you were behind the tree with him. He pulled you close.
"I have to ask you something, Y/N. Well, two things. But this one is more important" he held your cheek obsessively
"Anything" you replied back, and he let you go, stuffing his hand into a pocket of his Jedi robes and talking out a simple silver band
"Y/N" he looked up at you, maneuvering the ring around his fingers as you looked down at it, completely stunned and petrified "I know we're young but--"
"Oh my God, Ben" you placed a hand on your forehead and tried to fight back tears. You didn't know why you were crying, all you knew was that you were.
"Are you saying what I think you're saying?" Her asked hopefully
"YES!" You replied joyfully, and he looked at you as If it were the first time he had ever seen a human.
"Really?" He asked as If he were in shock himself
"Yes!" You repeated, and he took your shaking hand while he was shaking himself, and slipped the silver band around your ring finger. Without giving him any time to say anything, you pounced on him and wrapped your arms around his neck posessively, kissing him hungrily as If he were your last meal before the electric chair.
"I can't believe were doing this" Ben said inbetween kisses
"Neither can I" you smiled against his lips "it's going to be hard to keep it a secret"
"Hey-" he stopped abruptly "I need to tell you something"
"Oh god, what now?"
"Its nothing big, Y/N. just a little request. " he sat up against the purple tree trunk. "don't come to practice tomorrow" he said simply
"What? Why?" You asked, confused.
"Just don't. I have some things to do and I don't want you to have to see it. "
You narrowed your eyes at him suspiciously. He never kept things from you, it just wasn't in his nature. So whatever he was planning must have been something extremely important and therefore you asked no further questions.
You woke up to screams.
Without thinking, you stood up from your cot and called your lightsaber to you by the force and trotted down the stairs, not caring that you were only in pajamas that we're really only leggings and a long sleeve shirt.
When you made it to the base of the stairs you rushed out the door and into the cold rain. You looked around but saw nothing, so you ran behind the building only to be met with pure terror
I'm the haze you could distinctly make out five black figures, each armed with cherry red lightsabers. Each slaying one of your fellow padawans. You screamed in terror and one turned towards you, and motioned for the others to come. They marched through the rain towards you and you were struck with the realization that you had nowhere to go, and not enough training to take on five Jedi.
They stopped abruptly in front of you, the obvious leader in the center with a mask on. It had silver ridges around a vision slit and a matte black mouthpiece.
You shook in horrification, but you stood your ground
The creature cocked its head at you
"Y/N. I told you to stay in your cot"
Fear rushed over your body
"Ben?" Your voice cracked. "Did you do this?" You looked around at the dozen dead padawans, each armed with a saber. Some were cut in half while others were punctured. You covered your mouth with your hand and let a tear roll down your cheek.
The hissing sound of Ben taking off his mask startled you, and you were met with a person you did not know.
It was Ben, it was his body. But his eyes were different. For a moment they seemed to have a yellow glow.
The creature reached out for you
"Y/N, Come with me. Leave all of this behind. Together you and I can rule the galaxy!" You looked down at his leather glove with disgust
" These were our friends, Ben. "
"They weren't Skywalker was holding power from us. Power that we deserve, Y/N!" He took a step closer and you couldn't force yourself to step back
"Ben, you're breaking my heart!"
"I asked you to marry me, Y/N. I am serious about this. Just think, with Skywalker gone we will be free to do what we want. I can marry you like I've wanted to for the last six years. " he held out his hand again "please don't leave me"
You looked to the scene, and then back at Ben.
There was nothing left for you here.
You took his hand.
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