《My Hero Academia Oneshots》Koji Koda X Male! Reader



____1st Person POV____

Standing in line at the coffee shop, I waited patiently as I glanced over the menu the hung overhead. My eyes ran across the chalkboard menu, taking in all they had as I came to a decision. Deciding on what I want, I pulled out my wallet double checking over it as to make sure I had enough money to pay, which I did. I smiled to myself as I continued to wait, listening to the soft jazz music the small shop had playing throughout the speakers, it's soothing tone calming.

I took in a breath of the coffee smell, enjoying it as I walked forward in line. Once I got to the front of the line and placed my order, I stepped off to the side and waited, but not before paying for my stuff. As I waited for my order, I looked around before noticing I had a pair of eyes on me.

Growing curious, I watched as they quickly turned away, so I decided to turn away, knowing it would be rude to stare. Looking back towards the counter, I saw an older lady who looked to be in her 20s at least, pass my drink onto the table, calling out the name,

"Order for (Y/N)," they said and I stepped forward, thanking her for the drink before turning around. Reaching over, I grabbed one of their special made red swirl straws, quickly unwrapping it and shoving it into the drink (). Throwing the trash away, I went to make my way back towards the door, ready to head off to wander the streets.

I mean, that was until the most cliche and problematic thing happened to me. I ran right into someone and spilled the only source of energy I had for the day; my drink. Keeping my calm composure, I looked up to the person in front of me, seeing it was a taller guy, who looked to be my age, judging by his feature.

He seemed rather embarrassed and nervous as he looked down at me, his head beginning to drop sweat. I waved my hands in front of me, making sure not to spill the rest of my drink,

"I'm so sorry man, I'll go get you some napkins," I said and I could see him move his hands in a certain way, but I couldn't tell what he was doing as I turned around and grabbed a few of the specially designed red and gray napkins. Making sure I had quite a few, I turned back around and held them out for the guy, who still stood there in place, his face showing complete nervousness, "Here you go. Again, I'm so sorry about that. I can buy you a chocolate croissant or any of the sweets here to make it up to you,"

He seemed to hesitantly take the napkins before wiping himself off and shaking his head at me. I shrugged to his remark before speaking up again,

"Well I have to make it up to you somehow," I explained and he shook his head again. Looking down to his shirt, I noticed he was in a school uniform- more importantly a UA school uniform. Of course I knew their uniforms, anyone with a brain did. So, he must've just got off school as that's what I just got done with. But, I needed energy still for the rest of the day as I was tired as can be.


He looked down to me and his hands began to move again, this time with the napkins. Curious as to what he was doing, I soon realize he was talking in sign language. Taking this into consideration, I looked at him with a bit of embarrassment as I took the napkins from him, throwing them away before grabbing a few more,

"Sorry, I didn't realize you were...mute?" I asked and he didn't exactly give me an answer, so I just accepted it as he was mute, "I don't know much sign language, but I'll try and understand. But first thing is first, I need to repay you for messing up your uniform,"

He shook his head again, his hands waving in front of him as he looked at me, his nervous features never leaving, but a blush adding onto them. I chuckled lightly at his actions, before taking a sip of what I had left in my drink. Guiding the silent man over to a booth, I looked at him with a calmness as that was my main mood. Looking across the booth to him, I pulled my phone out, going to the notes app before sliding it across the table to the kid,

"I insist I make up for it. I bet your teacher won't like you having a stained uniform, so it's the most I can do, so please. If I don't let me do this, I'll have a guilty conscience hanging over my head," I joked a bit at the end, and he looked down to the phone, typing at it slowly before sliding the phone to me. I read over it,

What's your name? It read and I smiled up to him, my smile gentle as I answered,

"(Y/N) (L/N), 16 years old, my blood type red and I'm (a/an) (*zodiac sign*)," he seemed to crack a small smile at that before I slide the phone back over to him, "So what's your name then?,"

He typed away at the phone again before sliding it back over once more. Scanning over it, I smiled to him, commenting out loud,

"Koji Koda, I like it. Seems to contrast you a little," I stated and he seemed rather fearful of what I met, so I elaborated, "Sorry, what I meant is like, it seems to different than you. You seem a bir intimidating, I don't know if it's the height or what, but then your name is Koji. It's rather cute," I let out.

That seemed to embarrass him a bit as his face flushed with a pink hue. I just kept my same soft smile present on my face as I pushed forward the phone. It was a bit odd not being able to hold a verbal conversation with him, but instead have it feel more one sided. But I didn't mind though. I was almost one to accept anything, and plus, I improvised. If I didn't have something for him to type or write his words on, I would've been a little in trouble on what to do, so. But, it was nice. He seemed nice, despite the consequences as to how we just met and just started chatting,

"So, Koda, what's your quirk?" I asked, looking at him curiously as I took another sip of my drink, the contents of it almost being gone and empty, which made me a bit sad. But, I prevailed.

Looking down to the phone in front of me, I grew a bit more curious of Koda just seeing his quirk,

"" His answer was short and sweet and too the point- my type of man. I nodded to him, looking up and smiling a bit wider,


"That sounds so cool,"

Just as I was about to ask more about him, I saw a message pop up on my phone, causing me to grab back my phone, looking over it. Letting out a groan, I dropped the phone to the table, "Well it looks like I have to start going,"

Standing from the booth, I looked back down to Koda. Grabbing my phone, I opened it up to my contacts and slid it over to him, "Add your number into my phone. I still haven't repaid you for spilling my drink all over you, so we'll figure something out,"

He seemed a bit shocked at first, but grabbed at the phone when I handed it to him. He punched in his digits before handing it back to me. He was still sitting in the booth, but I didn't pry into it as that wasn't my business to tell him what to do or ask anymore questions for the moment.

As I said goodbye though, I couldn't help but feel a bit disappointed. I couldn't tell if it was the fact I didn't repay him back down or the fact that I'm leaving the guy who looked a bit lonely. But, pushing that aside, I waved him goodbye and walked out the shop, ready to head home and study whatever crap I needed to.

______Time Skip______

A few months pasted since my first interaction with Koda, and ever since then, I don't regret spilling my drink. After I got his number and we began to text back and forth, it was the start of a friendship. He seemed to open up a lot as we got talking, telling me about his class, his life, his animals and even inviting me to see them! Me, on the other hand, wanted to invite him over as well, but I didn't have anything that interesting in my house such as animals and such. But, it was whatever.

As we spoke more, we started to hang out a lot more when we had free time. I also had him teach me a bit of sign language as well when we hung, since I found out he could speak but chooses not to. I respected it, and didn't force him to speak to me, but instead just learned some sign language from him.

I wasn't the best, of course, and I struggled hard to understand it. But, Koda was as patient as he was, not getting frustrated or angry over my mistakes with it. He'd help me every now and then, adjusting my hands with his own.

To say I didn't like it would be a lie. Over the course of talking to Koda, my inner gayness had started to pour out as I found the littlest things he did to be the most adorable things in the world. He could just be sitting there, watching a movie at my house, and I would somehow found myself smiling at his intrigued face. Or, when he would just be sitting there, reading a book he found, I would feel myself grow weaker at his cuteness. And it wasn't stopping at that.

My little crush turned into a major huge crush, and I soon found myself to be stuck in a difficult situation of whether or not I should tell him. I know he probably wouldn't feel the same way, since I figured him to not swing my way, and plus I didn't want to ruin our friendship. But then again, it felt rough and hard to contain it inside me as the secret felt like it going to come pouring out of my mouth.

But, I kept my calm composure as I always do and did what I always do: talk (for the most part).

Looking over to Koda, I petted the little fluffy bunny in front of me, in my arms. I held him close to me as I cuddled him gently, making sure I didn't squeeze the life out of him,

"Hey Koda?" I asked and he glanced over to me. Holding his innocent look with a gentle small smile, I could feel my heart almost leap a bit, but kept going with my sentence, "Have you ever dated anyone?"

He seemed a bit surprised with my question but looked like he was in thought for a second before shaking his head. I gave a little nod of understanding, taking the answer as I turned back down to the bunny in my arms, seeing it fast asleep. I wasn't surprised... I had that effect on people.

"Have you?" He spoke up. It wasn't the first time I heard his voice, but it still surprised me. Even if he's become more comfortable and open around me, he still uses sign language every now and then. I tried to suggest he speak to me, but like I said before, I don't try to force him. But, hearing his voice now made my stomach feel all twisted. It was small and gentle, and so adorable.

Glancing over to him, I shrugged, "If you consider middle school relationships an actual thing, then yeah. But they never lasted long,"

"How come?" He asked yet again, and I let out a small chuckle,

"Eh, girls just didn't turn out to be my thing," I answered back and looked and me confused. As I realized what I just said, my eyes went wide and I looked away from him, trying to dodge his eyes.

I've never really been open about my sexuality with people, since I've always been scared of what they would think. Some people weren't as accepting as others, and so I decided it was best to keep to myself. But, of course, I was too dumb and let my words slip up. Although it was nice to finally get it out there. Yet, I hope he didn't take it that way and it just floated over his head.

But, Koda isn't dumb, so...

"So... You like guys?" He asked rather quietly. Hesitating to answer, I kept my face turned away as I could feel it grow warmer by the second. My usual calm complex was clearly gone as I became a shy mess. I didn't want to tell him about my crush on him now, but one way or another he'd find out, right? Or maybe not. Anywho, I gave a little nod, still facing away.

I could see him slightly out of the very corner of my eye, his fingers playing with one another as he looked down at them,

"Do... You like me?" He asked and I could feel myself grow warmer as I gave another small nod. The roles were basically switched now as I was the shy one and he seemed pretty confident. But that soon changed when I heard his small, higher pitched voice speak up again, "I like you too..."

Turning around, my fear of rejection gone, I could feel myself becoming unflustered while Koda became the blushing mess. He kept his head staring down at his fingers as they messed with one another. Smiling at him, I leaned over and put my head on his shoulder, looking up a bit at him. He seemed frozen and tensed as he turned as pink as Miss Piggy.

It was quiet for a few seconds and he seemed to relax while I spoke up,

"Well now that that's out of the way, should we watch a movie?" I asked and he gave me a nod.

Getting it set up, we ended up cuddling next to each other for it and for the rest of the night. Neither one of us dared to move about as we were both comfortable just sitting there, watching Disney movies in one another's arms.

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