《My Hero Academia Oneshots》Tamaki Amajiki x Deaf! Reader
Italic = Telepathic
Normal = Regular talking
___1st Person POV____
Sunny days always seemed to be the best kind of days. The sun high in the sky, a slight breeze with the wind, the smell of freshly cut grass as you walked by, and the decent temperature. It always amused me how some days always just seemed perfect. It was a beautiful thin-
'(Y/N), get up, I need walk'
I could see the words in my mind, but I ignored them, turning over in my bed as I tried to keep my eyes shut. But, trying to do so, I felt a sudden force jump onto me, causing me to arise in a quick motion. Panicked at what just hit me, I glanced around only to see my dog sitting there on my bed in front of me. His dog was hanging out as he sat there, staring at me. I could tell he was eager to go outside, just judging by his body language,
'I have to go to the bathroom' He said to me, causing me to glare at him. Taking this though, I rose from my bed and let out a yawn, looking down at him,
'Let me get dressed for the day first, Russell' I responded back, using my quirk.
My quirk was a blessing, honestly. With my disadvantage of hearing, and my parents getting me a guide dog when I was young, it came in handy quite a lot. It was weird though, as I couldn't really hear what he was saying though either, but rather could just know what he was saying, which does get annoying. Russell doesn't like to be quiet most of the time. Since he's my guide dog, he's alert and aware almost all the time, so he likes to tell me all he hears just so I know...
Walking over to my wardrobe, I grabbed out an outfit that was fit for today's weather. Unlike the sunny days I found beautiful, today was kind of gloomy. It wasn't raining, but it was cloudy and dark, with the sun tucked away from showing. It was autumn as well so it was a bit colder than normal, so I made sure to dress properly for the day.
Putting on my outfit, I walked out of my room, Russell following as I walked over to the bathroom. Doing my normal morning routine, I walked back out and over to my room,
'Can you hurry up?? I'm ready to pee on the carpet!' Russell whined out in my mind, causing me to let out a sigh, shaking my head at him,
'Why can't you have mom or dad walk you?' I worded back, walking over to throw on my jacket and grab my wallet along with my phone. Looking down to my dresser, I debated with myself as to whether or not I should wear my hearing aids. They worked for the most part, and did help me a bit, but they get annoying sometimes as they feel uncomfortable for me,
'You're better at walks!' Rolling my eyes at him, I thought it best to bring them just in case I decide to go anywhere for lunch or breakfast and needed them. Stuffing them into the pocket of my jacket, I walked over and grabbed the harness for Russell along with the leash for it. Looking back over, I could see him sitting there, his tongue darting back into his mouth as he stood and walked over to me. As I put the harness on and hooked the leash on, I walked out of my room, shutting off the lights in my room. Double checking that I had everything, I walked down the stairs, feeling the vibrations of something on the floor. Not minding it much, I turned to go towards the kitchen, seeing as though my parents were there.
Dropping Russell's leash, I let him wander over to his food bowl as it was restocked this morning (probably from mom). I walked over to the table and took a seat, seeing my mom smile and wave to me. She turned back and said something to my dad, her face looking a little angered, but that soon faded as she looked back to me. Her hands were a little full as she looked to be making some breakfast sandwich.
Taking it as she was busy, I glanced over to my dad, who looked stressed out and tired. He was drinking a cup of tea as he turned to me. I raised my hands up and signed to him,
He instantly nodded and took another sip of his tea before setting it down and signing back to me,
He messed up a few words while signing, but I didn't care much to correct him as I knew what he was trying to say. I nodded back to him,
I signed and he just shrugged,
He seemed a little worried by my question by the looks of it, as he darted his eyes away, taking a sip of his tea. He glanced up to my mom and mentioned something to her, leaving me hanging with no answer. I frowned a little, glancing over to Russell, who now was by my side on the floor. I smiled at him as he perked his head up at me,
'They're arguing about your dad's hero thing' Russell communicated to me, and I nodded at him, turning back to see my mom and dad now arguing more. I let out a sigh, and looked around the table for a piece of paper. I didn't want to stay much longer and get ignored as my parents continued to fight about the hero stuff. My mom was never really one to like the hero business, saying it was too dangerous for my dad. But my dad, being the stubborn man he is, kept his job at the agency and continued to stay a hero, claiming that he was doing good.
I didn't really have an opinion on the hero thing though. I respected heros, yes. And I've always wanted to be one since I was little, but as I grew older, I realized that wasn't going to happen. With my quirk not being as useful as others, and my disadvantage with my hearing, I thought it best to pursue something else.
Finally finding a piece of paper and a pen, I wrote down that I was going for a walk, and slid the paper towards the middle of the table. Letting it sit there, I stood up from my seat and bent down to grab Russell's leash before walking over to the door. Pushing it open, I shivered at the cold air, stepping out into the day.
I glanced around the small streets, seeing as though there weren't that many people outside. I didn't blame them though, it was a pretty gloomy day to be out, but I didn't mind.
Before walking down the street, I let Russell use the bathroom in our yard. But after he was done, we began our walk down the street,
'Can we get ice cream?' I could hear him think to me, causing me to raise an eyebrow,
'You do realize it's cold outside, right?' I asked back as we made our way pass the neighbors houses. I waved to one of the older ladies in our neighborhood as she stood outside, still attending to her garden... even if it was the middle of autumn,
'Its not that cold. But I really want a vanilla swirl from Camila's Shop'
My eyes went wide as I looked around me, watching as a few birds flew on by, their thoughts blank,
'Russell, Camila's Shop is all the way downtown...'
'So?' He answered back, and I just shook my head, deciding that we'll get ice cream.
___Time Skip_____
Getting off the bus, I let Russell go first, letting him hop off before me. As we went to get off, I could see the bus driver's mouth moving, but I didn't know what he was saying. Even after about 17 years of trying to read lips, I still didn't have it down.
So, not hearing what the bus driver said, I hopped off the bus with Russell. As I got off, my eyes looked around, seeing where I was exactly,
'Lots of people are talking- there's quite a lot of cars as well- someone just mentioned something about heros- oh I hear-'
'Russell, we talked about this. I don't need full commentary' I told him off, annoyed a bit as we began to walk down the street, passing by strangers who seemed to look at Russell with cuteness. I could tell they were probably complimenting how cute he was or how he's such a good dog, and stuff like that. It was typical to have those kinds of comments as everyone seemed to love him. He was a cute dog, but clearly they didn't know how annoying he could be... Still, I love him though.
As we continued our course down the street though, I watched as a few people ran on pass us looking panicked,
'Loud explosion! Loud screaming! We need to run!' I could hear Russell almost yelling at me, and just then I felt him bite the edge of my pants, tugging me towards where the others were running. Glancing around though, I was shocked to find a crazed looking maniac throw a car my way. With fear in my eyes, I pulled on Russell's leash and sprinted off to the side, dodging the flying car. Just as I dodged it though, I could see the man come at me, his eyes full of crazy and insanity. Before he could get to me though, I felt something wrap around my waist and pull me away.
I let out a yell, not knowing how loud it was as I was pulled away and towards a different side of the street. Looking around, I tried to push whatever it was off of my waist, but failed to do so as it just wrapped around me a bit tighter. Fearing for my life, I glanced over to see Russell next to me nipping at the tentacle that looked to be wrapping around him.
Just as I was about to try and reach for him though, I felt my feet touch the ground finally. Spinning around, I watched as Russell was about to attack the hooded man who the tentacles looked to belong to. But before he could bite him, I grabbed for his leash and pulled him back, recognizing the hooded man,
'Russell, he's friendly!' I told him, looking back to the man. He looked as though he was saying something to me, but I waved a hand out in front of me, causing his mouth to stop. Taking a second, I gestured to my ears and then made a 'No' motion, signalling that I couldn't hear. He seemed to understand it after I repeated it again, and looked embarrassed. He pulled down his hood with one hand, while making a messy gesture with the other,
I could tell that he didn't know much of signing, so trying to talk to him that way would be useless. So I reached down into my pocket, ready to pull out my hearing aids, only to realize they weren't there. Panic filled me as I looked around me, fearing where they were. I looked over to where I was, seeing them sitting there on the street, but just as I was about to go out and get them, I watched as they were crushed.
Feeling a bit of me shatter, I turned back around, seeing the shy hero was now gone. I sighed, sad that I couldn't thank him right away for saving me.
Quickly deciding I needed to get out of this situation though, I gave Russell a small tug and began to run with him at my side, making my way back down the street. Not wanting ice cream anymore, I thought it best to go home and finish the day already.
__Time Skippy___
A week has gone pass since the incident, and I still feel guilty for not thanking the hooded hero, who I've researched to be called 'Suneater'. But, even so, I felt even more guilty for my hearing aids getting broken. Even if it was unavoidable, I was still scolded for not wearing them but instead just keeping them in my pocket. Though, after being scolded, my parents were just happy that I made it out of the attack unharmed.
But, even though they were happy I was okay, they made me promise that I wouldn't go into the city anymore alone. I tried to vouch that Russell was there with me, but unlike me, they just consider him to be a pet and animal. I trust him though, and that's why I'm back in the city. After I was able to get an appointment in quick and get a new pair of hearing aids, I decided that I needed to thank the hero for saving me.
That's why I'm out on a walk 'through the town' with Russell. I told my parents I was just going to the dollar store in town and then to the park, but that wasn't the actual case. Instead, I'm here in the city again, searching for the hooded hero, and also getting that ice cream that Russell wanted to badly,
'Do you remember his smell at all?' I asked him, looking around at the many people who passed us. This time around, I could slightly hear a bit more with my hearing aids in, as they picked up quite a few noises. I was surprised to get them so quickly within the short time period, but I guess thats the perks of my dad being who he is?
'Yes! He smelled like so many different foods, it was amazing! Here- I can smell him this way!'
Just then, I was being tugged a bit down the street, Russell taking me this way and that way until we suddenly came to a stop a few feet away from a sushi stand. Looking around the stand, I took notice of how the hero wasn't anywhere in sight, which made me glare down towards Russell. He looked at me, his tongue darting back into his mouth as he whined a bit at me,
'Sorry... I was hungry,' I shook my head at him, turning around to face the empty street full of food stands and contenders. Deciding it was best to get something to eat, I walked down the street, looking at the various food stands, taking note of what was what. There were a bunch of different foods, which made it hard to choose as I walked down, glancing briefly over their menus. I could hear muffled voices talking, which I believed to be the venders calling out for me to try their stuff. I just ignored them though, the muffle sounds a bit annoying to me as I continued on down.
Just as I was looking around, I noticed a familiar hooded man standing next to two other heros. Cheering silently to myself, I gave Russell and little tug as I pulled him over towards the hero group. I could see a few people perk their heads over, looking in awe as the famous hero, Fatgum stood next to the other two. I didn't care much to chat with him though, as I pushed myself to Suneater. Tapping his shoulder, he jumped a bit, turning around to see me. I could instantly notice his shy persona, so I knew to make it quick.
I felt a bit intimidated by the other two heros as they turned around to see the stopped hooded hero. I smiled at him and gave a small bow as I tried my best to speak up,
"Thank you for saving me," I tried to pronounce everything correctly, but knew it didn't sound as pretty as I tried to make it out to be. I could tell that he felt a bit more nervous as he seemed to almost shrink down into his suit. Just as I watched him start to sweat, the red haired guy next to him seemed to speak up. His voice sounded muffled, but I focused on it hard to try and make out what he's saying,
"Say you're welcome, Amajiki,"
I turned back to Suneater, or 'Amajiki', waiting for a response, but I assumed he wouldn't say much as he just stood there, his arms holding himself. I held my hand up a bit, shaking my head,
"It's okay, you don't need to say anything," I spoke up, and almost instantly I notice him give me a glance of gratitude. He seemed to relax a bit more, yet I could tell he was still nervous. Knowing he probably said you're welcome in his head, I accepted it and turned around, feeling a bit better about thanking him.
Before I could walk away though, I felt a hand reach out and grab ahold of my arm gently. Turning around, I saw it was the red haired guy who had ahold of me. He gave me a toothy smile as he looked back toward Amajiki,
"He says you're welcome, but wants to know if you'd thank him by instead going out for coffee sometime with him," he seemed to say. I smiled at him, looking back to the said hero, who looked like he was peaking at me from under his hood. He had it pulled down a bit again, but left a little bit as he watched me look back to the red head.
Giving him a wispy laugh, I nodded, "Yeah," looking to my messenger bag I had with me this time, I search through it grabbing out a spare piece of paper and a pen. Jotting down my number, I handed it to him, watching as he handed it back to the hooded guy who seemed to smile a bit at me. I glanced around the red head and gave him a smile as I reached my hands up, signing as I spoke, "Call me,"
And that's exactly what he did. Well- more like texted me, but that was better than calling anyways. We talked for about a month or so before finally getting together and going out, which was a bit difficult as I wasn't really good at speaking with him. Nor was he really good at speaking with me.
But, during our time of texting one another and talking a bit, Tamaki Amajiki had learn a bit of sign language. Although, he wasn't very fluent, nor did he know a lot. But, he still learned it and was able to talk a bit through that. He told me he enjoyed it though, as it helped him with speaking out a bit more. He said that signing was better than having to talk out loud, so he kept on learning more and more.
Like I said, he wasn't fluent in it and had some trouble with a few words, but he was a quick learner. He liked the fact that he didn't have to actually speak, so much so that he binge learned it for 5 hours the other day after school.
Also, speaking of school, I've come to learn quite a bit about him and that, as I've learned he goes to UA and is striving to be a hero (despite his social anxiety and shyness). He also is in class 3-A, is apart of the 'Big 3' in his school, and his best friend is Mirio, who I've met once or twice.
The two were close, and I enjoyed Mirio, but man is he loud sometimes. I understand why Tamaki likes him so much, yet despises his positivity. When I first met him, I had to take out my hearing aids because he was so loud that it actually hurt my ears. But, he kept on apologising, saying that he thought that might help me hear him.
From then on though, he was quieter and was super nice, I enjoyed hanging with him the few times we did.
Just as I was in thought, I saw a hand wave in front of me, causing me to snap out of my thoughts as I saw Tamaki in front of me. He stood there a bit nervous as he signed to me,
I nodded to him, giving him a smile as I signed back,
He seemed to smile at that, relaxing a bit as he dropped down a little onto the couch, looking towards the TV. I snuggled myself into him more as I glanced to the TV, my eyes scanning over the subtitles on it. Reading over them, I couldn't help but let my eyes wander up to the boy I was cuddling. A smile painted my lips as I leaned up and gave him a small kiss on his cheek, leaving him to turn red. His face looked down to me as it grew about 50 shades red before he held me closer to him, not saying anything. I knew what he was trying to say, but I beat him to it as I freed my hands and signed to him,
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