《My Hero Academia Oneshots》Obsessed! Toga! x Fem! Villain! Reader!
_________1st Person POV________________
Before my quirk, everything seemed like hell;
My parents weren't the best people, I lived in a crappy run-down apartment in the worse part of Japan, my family couldn't afford to send me to school (so I taught myself), I didn't have many friends, and best of all-
I was about 6 when it happened, so I don't remember it much. All I remember is the men taking me, and keeping me with them for several years. They trained me, controlled me, made me their little assassin, but that lasted for only a while, until I escaped.
That was when I discovered my quirk.
I decided that I wanted to escape into the real, outside world. I was tired of being contained, and held back from being free and making my own decisions. I didn't want to have to take orders from others, so I decided that I wanted to run away.
As I was running away from the hideout of the gang, I found some of the guys at the front, all aiming guns at me. As I went to take a step, I heard their guns go off, some got jammed while others missed me entirely. I smirked and ran up to the ones with jammed guns, and took them out, while the others ended up trying to fire at me again. Each time their guns got jammed or they missed me, I had an advantage with escaping.
I did take some stuff with me as I left the place, stealing one of their cars to drive myself into town, where I started to live my life and get to where I'm at now.
I'm a professional thief and villain, having control over a few small gangs in the area. I wasn't the leader to them though. I was more of an informant, manipulating them with information I held.
I work for myself, doing what I feel like that day, and getting away with it each time. My luck was my quirk. It's power let me be able to get anything without getting caught by both Heros and the police.
Everytime someone would try to fight me, something would happen in favor of me.
That's why I'm here now, in the most famous, high security vault. It is said that it holds the most valuable trinkets and treasures from around the world. Like the biggest diamond, largest amount of gold, and those types of things.
But I wasn't here for those things. I was mainly here to test how far my quirk would go. If I was lucky enough to get into the vault, or if that's the farthest it would go. I honestly didn't expect to get that far when going in, mainly because the security was too high for this place.
And I honestly didn't even think that I could even get in, and for my plan to begin. But I guess my luck wasn't at its highest point as I walked on the rooftop, my goggles on, trying to x-ray through the walls of the place. It seemed though that they did a good job patching up the area, as I couldn't see anything through the solid surfaces.
Shaking my head, I quickly took the drill I had on me, and tried to cut through the ceiling, but that didn't work either.
Biting my lip, I thought up a quick and easy plan that could get me inside.
Looking over, towards the edge, I walked over and peered along the wall. I could see a few open windows, that didn't have any bars protecting them. Analyzing the area of them, I remembered the map of the bank, and traced where the windows would lead to.
4th floor...Northeast wing...Ah! The Killminger's Meeting Room!
Killminger was who owned the bank, and a pretty good secret gang leader. He had done some business with me before, and even tried to kidnap me quite a bit, since I knew about him and his little gang of misfits. Killminger was a man of two faces; he was a wealthy, charitable, kind man for the public. But led a drug dealing, power crazy, fighter gang under the table.
I glanced back over at my bag I had with me, running over and grabbing rope from it. Grabbing my trusty knife too, I tried my best to measure the rope to match the window.
After I sliced off the piece of rope, I tied one end to a metal bars of the small water tower. It seemed sturdy enough to hold my weight, so I trusted it.
Throwing the other end of the rope over the edge, I watched as it matched to be the perfect length as the window. Cheering at my little accomplishment, I ran over and grabbed my bag, letting my plan happen.
But as I walked over to the rope, my bag in hand, I saw a group of shadow figures cross my vision. They were on the ground, in the alley, under the window.
I looked over and tried to get a better look at them, seeing that there was only three.
I wasn't worried if they were police or not, as my luck usually got me out of those simple situations with them. Like when they shoot at me, they always seem to miss. Or when they try to handcuff me, the handcuffs always break and I escape.
I would say that the police aren't that good at their job, but thats just my quirk being at its best.
Looking closer at the police below, I noticed that they were looking at the rope, and that they weren't police...
I got up and looked completely over, now not that afraid to show myself, since I knew they weren't police (or at least didn't look like it).
"Come here to admire my work?" I said with a smirk on my face.
The three glanced up more at me, and I finally got the chance to see their faces.
One was a man in a black and gray skin suit. He had his arms crossed as he looked up at me. I couldn't tell his emotions, because of his suit, but I could sense his curiousity.
Then next one, on the right of the suit guy, was a guy with black spikey hair. He looked to have scars on the bottom of his face, down to the top of his chest, and along with his arms/hands. He wore a white t-shirt with a black trench coat like jacket, along with black jeans and boots. He held a look of annoyance as he looked down at a piece of paper, then back up at me.
"Omg is that her, Dabi!?" Spoke the last figure.
It was a blonde girl, who stood next to the black haired boy (who I assume to be 'Dabi'). She had on a school girl uniform, along with a weird neck/face mask thing that had glass containers on the side of it. Her hair was up in little messy buns, and she looked as though she had small fangs.
Her voice was so cheery as she looked up at me, almost in awe.
"Yes, that's her." Dabi said in a monochrome tone.
I raised an eyebrow as they were referring to me.
They were looking for me?...wait, now that I think of it. They match the descriptions of some of members from the League of Villains!...But why are they looking for me?...
I glanced down, my smirk still in place, "Aww, so you actually did come to watch my work!"
The blonde still seemed excited as she looked up at me. A smile was plastered onto her face as she looked over at the skin suit guy. He was glancing over at the blonde as well as his stance changed.
"Look at her! She's so cute! She'll be great with us!" The blonde exclaimed as she jumped a little.
"I agree!" The suit guy said with a higher pitched voice, but it changed into a lower tone as he spoke again, "With her quirk, she will be a good aspect to the team!" He seemed to pose throughout his speech, and his tone seemed to keep changing.
"Will you two quiet down? We need to bargain with her first," Dabi looked at both of them and then looked back up to where I was, but I was already in the bank.
I don't want those villains to ruin my plan, and I especially don't need them killing my time.
I wasn't going to join them, no matter what. I work alone, and that will never change. No matter what, I will do what I want to do, and I won't take orders from someone else.
Glancing around, I quickly went towards the vent, knowing that the doors were locked and if I opened them, the alarm would go off. So getting closer to the vent, I opened it with a swift motion, and placed it on the side.
I then slipped into the vent, hearing some faint chatter come from outside, indicating that those 3 were still out there disgusting their plan about me.
I smirked as I managed to get through the vent with no issues,
Man, this is easy
I opened up the vent end, pushing it over to the side, and scanning the area. There seemed to be no sign of guards or security measures, but I couldn't be too sure. Taking some dust from a little bag I had with me, I blew some into the open room.
My eyes narrowed as I saw faint red lasers shinning around the room. I knew I couldn't get through them without triggering them, and I don't want to risk my quirk with this, so I thought of another idea.
The security system office
I sighed, and retraced my steps in the vent, turning around, but I was met with a sight I didn't want to see.
The little blonde girl from before was in front of me, a toothy grin plastered onto her face, as she seemed to blush a little.
"You're even cuter up close!"
I slapped my hand over her mouth, and shook my head frantically.
"What the hell are you doing in here!?" I whisper shouted at her as she pushed my hand off, her smile never leaving her features.
I must admit though, up close and personal, she seemed cute. Her little fangs poking in her smile, as her dusted pink cheeks seemed to sparkle slightly. Her honey golden eyes peered into my (e/c) ones as the small creases on the outside of her eyes defined them with more depth. Her messy buns had little pieces poking out at every angel, with her bangs pressed flat against her forehead.
"I'm here to get you silly! You're a key component to our team, and plus your cuteness will brighten up the place!" She held her smile, as she waved her hands around in a 'sparkle' motion.
I shook my head, and while rolling my eyes I pushed past her (the vent was pretty big).
"No way. I work for myself, and that's that. I don't work well with other people," turning my head around I squinted my eyes at her, slight frustration taking over, "Especially with people who think they're above me."
And with that, I decided to end my mission with the bank, knowing this little blonde would follow me around the whole time, and screw it up.
Maybe another time... I told myself, as I looked forward, crawling back to my exit.
"Oh pleeease! It'll be so much better with another girl around!" She seemed to tug on my shirt slightly, and her tone changed slightly into a more crazy one, "Plus, I'll have someone that Shigaraki says I can play with!"
I swatted her hand off me, and continued my way out, "No."
She seemed disappointed, but kept protesting, and trying to convince me while she kept following, but I gave the same answer every time.
_________Time Skip______________________
It's been about a week or two after my run in with the infamous League of Villains Trio, who I've come to learn the names of each person; Twice, Dabi, and of course, Toga.
Toga still hasn't given up on getting me to join. She keeps sending me letters and presents, trying to get me to be with the league and her.
And as much as I appreciate the gifts, I rip up the letters each time and throw away the gifts. But they keep coming and coming, so I keep a few.
She sends me weird stuff too. Every now and then, she'll send me little poems or stories about blood and that. Or she tells me how my blood would probably taste so sweet to her, and would be good.
Ugh. Vampires...
That's what I've come to call her; "Vampire"
"So what are you watching?" The higher pitched voice spoke as I was sitting on the sofa of my apartment, watching my favorite show.
Toga seemed to keep breaking into my apartment to, so I got her a key, because I hate replacing the hinges or the doorknob anymore. That's why she's here, sitting on the top of my sofa, watching me watch my show.
"Wait! Let me guess, it's...(favorite show)!" She cheered as she tilted her head looking at me.
I will admit, she was cute, especially for a villain. Every time she'd guess my life, and for some reason get it right, her little cheer to herself was adorable. She'd clap her hands like a little kid, and give a huge toothy smile when I tell her she's right.
"Yep, it is," I smiled at her as she cheered.
After a line of silence, which was filled with the soft sound of the TV, Toga got up from the sofa. I looked back at her, a little sad she moved,
"Where you going?" I asked as my eyes trailed off to find her petite form.
I spotted her grabbing one of my jackets, and looked at me,
"I need to get back to the league. They'll get mad if I'm out too long!"
I nodded and looked at her, sadness in my eyes. I honestly didn't want her to go. I enjoyed her company, for she's grown on me.
Looking down, I sighed, and fiddled with my hands, "Okay..."
My voice had sadness dripping from it, which I didn't mean to, but it happened. Toga seemed to notice though, as I heard footsteps approach me. Just then I felt hands on my face, one on each of my cheeks,
"Aww don't be sad (Y/N)! It doesn't look good on you! Plus, I'll be back soon before you know it~" she winked at me as she leaned in and kissed my forehead.
I could feel my face heat up as her lips touched my skin. She was so gentle with every touch, as she pulled away, giggling at me. I watched as she 'booped' my nose, taking her hands off my face.
"You're so cute, (Y/N)! Next time, I'll make sure to bring you something special," she said as I watched her walk away towards the door.
I wanted her to stay, but my luck went against me as she slipped on her shoes, and opened the door. She was halfway out before she looked back and waved at me,
"See you again, Cutie Pie!" She winked and closed the door.
I guess my luck did run out...
But not completely, for she kept returning after that night, like usual-
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