《Can love burn out? (Kai x reader){Completed}》19: Buttons, Buttons, and more Buttons


It was midnight, I stepped out of my window and jumped down followed by Lloyd to Kai's room. It was dark outside, just as I jumped on his fence, he pushed me off having me to hold on to the side ledge.

"God fucking damnit Kai." I whisper to myself pulling across the balcony underneath. I quickly and quietly back flipped onto the balcony behind Kai. Just to see Skylar walk back into her room and Kai came out looking for me. I signed and walked inside and sat down beside Lloyd and Cole on the red bed.

"Guys _____'s Gone!" Kai ran in panicked.

"No shit Sherlock, I'm right here. Thanks for pushing me halfway to my death Romeo." I say glaring at him.

"What is wrong with you?!" Kai yelled out.

"What's wrong with me!? WHATS WRONG WITH ME?!?! Why don't you give me an explanation instead of just telling me we're breaking up and leave for fucks sake!" I stood up yelling, filled with rage.

"_____, calm down, arguing won't get us anywhere." Lloyd said holding my shoulder.

"You should just run off with your Juliet." I turned around and walked outside and jumped back into my room.

I could hear the shouting downstairs. Lloyd and Cole was arguing with Kai and Jay. I signed deeply to see someone open my door.

"Hello daughter." Dad walked in sitting down beside on.

"Hey dad." I say still looking at the ceiling.

"You seem down, what's up?"

"I don't know maybe Kai being a douchebag and said something is wrong with me..."

"Boys are complicated at this age, love can conquer all, or it can destroy all."

"Father...is there actually something wrong with me..?"

"There is nothing wrong with you, your a strong independent woman. Nothing can stop the path your on."

"I guess there's just too many things putting me down."


It's morning and everyone's up eating breakfast, at least the foods good out of everything.

"Uh-uh, nothing for you." The server said to dad.

"There's a valuable lesson here children. If you turn your back on your first evil Sensei in an effort to go straight, you may not be served creamy biscuits." He left and turned around.

"Well, I know what we are being served. A whole bunch of baloney, this is a way for Chen to gain power. And we still don't know why." Lloyd said getting his biscuits.

"Isn't it obvious brother, he wants to destroy ninjago, for whatever reason, that place has a string of back luck." I walked after him.

"I'm not so sure, from what Sensei G's told us about Chen, I have a feeling it's something more sinister." Cole say following me.

"And may I remind us, we still don't know where Zane is. Which is why we all need to take care of our first rounds to give us more time. Don't look at me. I already moved on." Jay said it all proudly.


"Your opponent got himself kicked out."

"Either way it's my day off. Extra creamy biscuits. And DONT SKIMP!"

"Taking a day off? And here I thought ninja never quit."

"And I used to think ninja wouldn't steal your girlfriend."

"What ever y'all have to say, just say it, don't end like jerks to each other, it only hurts yourself." I say holding my tray stuffing a biscuit in my mouth.

"My sisters right, you should be preparing to fight your next opponent. Not each other."

"What grudge? I already dropped it." Cole said defending himself.

"I dropped it first!"

"Did not!"

"Did too!"

"This tournament will test them kids. Either find a way for them to make peace, or neither of them will move on." I nodded my head understanding the situation, that is until Chen came up on the loud speaker.



Griffin turner, and Neuro made it past their rounds. Kai and Ash where on top of lava, on a bridge. It's like every attack Kai throws at Ash, he falls through. Overall, Kai made it at the last second pulling the jade blade out of the stone pillar it was stuck in.


The following day, I went downstairs to see who's fight each other. And in 2 of those brackets, was Jay and Cole.

"Oh fuck, he already did that?" I said sighing.

"Ah, but why does it say I have to fight Cole? It's MY DAY OFF!" Jay yelled complaining. I quickly slapped the back of his head.

"Twat." I simply said.

"I tried to warn you, but you never listen. Talk? Yes. Listen? Not so much." Cole spat in Jay's face.

"Is there a problem ninja?" Clause said walking in.

"You cheated! You changed the brackets!"

"Oppose." Clause said jokingly and walked off.

"What are we gonna do? They can't fight each other. We came here to become full, not fall apart more." Lloyd asked dad.

"You can't undo what's been done. My advice is to be at peace with it."

"Peace?! ONE OF US HAS TO LOSE! Oh my fucking god it's gonna be me. He's got super strength and what do I have? QUICK! Tell me what do I have?!?" Jay yelled gripping onto my shirt.

"Don't listen to my dad, we find Zane and none of us has to fight. Your fight isn't till tonight. So we still have time to figure what's happening." I say pulling him off of my chest.


"Any luck?" I ask Lloyd.

"No, nothing." He shook his head.

"You don't have to say it. It was inevitable we were going to have to face each other. May as well be Jay. This fights been a long time coming." Cole sighed.

"Well, I'm not at peace with it, but that doesn't mean you still can't find peace with each other. We can't control when we fight, but we can control how we fight." I say gripping the bars.


"She's right, Jays not your enemy, Chen is. Remember that." Lloyd said finishing off.

"Wu once said, the best way to defeat your enemy is to make them your friend. But what would you do if your enemy is your friend?" Cole asked. Suddenly the bars came down, allowing Cole outside.

"Good luck." I say quickly hugging him and left with Lloyd to the stands.

Immediately, they fight each other. Throwing rocks and lightning at the other without giving care. Suddenly they stopped, their mouths moving as if they're figuring out a plan. All of a sudden jay and Cole began to punch each other, may I mention, not using elements.

"Summon the Condrai Crushers!" Chen yelled pushing more buttons.

Jay and Cole worked together to get rid of those weird cars.

"That's it! I know what you are doing, if neither of you win, then both of you lose!" Chen screamed out and began pushing more and more buttons.

"Wow, that man sure loves buttons." I say clearly to Lloyd.

"You got that right sister." He said with a little sassiness.

"WINNER! The master of lightning moves on." I saw Cole drop down through the trapdoor.

"Cole!" I yelled after him. Secretly, I saw him smile and waved at me. "I'll see you soon too..." I whisper to myself.


Skylor and Jacob fought, ending with skylor winning. And as a result of Jay and Coles fight, everyone was forced to sleep in the cafeteria, on rock hard backs.

"good morning, oh wait it's the middle of the night." Claude said giggling.

"Technically it's still morning, after midnight, it's counted as morning." I corrected him.

"Shut up purple ninja, we're starting the next round." Clouse said letting the henchmen put roller skates on everyone.

"If there's a fight, why is everyone wearing skates?" Skylor asked. God I'm so suspicious of her.

"Let's just say, you extra people can...effect the outcome."

"Who's fighting?" Turner asked.

"The green ninja vs. the master of form." Clouse said walking out.

"Lloyd you okay?" I asked.

"Aside from a sore back, Im good." He replied. Kai was standing suspiciously.

"Kai?" I questioned him.

"What?" I turned around to see him struggle to stand. I whipped around to see the other Kai roll backwards and turn in to a emo girl with purple hair.

"Welp, we just exposed out secret to the other opponent." I signed.

"We'll make it through somehow." Nodding at Lloyd, I followed the others to the arena.


I hooked my arms with Lloyd and blasted my power forcing him to move faster. Sure we have the same power, he's just stronger then mine due to him being the ultimate spinjitzu master.

We crossed the line again, letting go, Lloyd and I fight back to back with the other fighters.

"Lloyd go! I'll take care of these guys!" I yelled summoning my dragon blocking the pathway. I skated away following Camille and forcing her to fall back a little. Finally the lay round came, Lloyd and Camille were skating faster and faster, punching each other. Lloyd tripped over and fell, he tipped his blade up making Camille drop her blade and continued forward.

"LLOYD WON JAY!" I shakes his body before Lloyd even crossed the line.

"What do you mean Camille's in the lead!" Kai butted in.

"She doesn't have her blade, dumbass." I smirked.

After Chen throwing a fit about wanting Lloyd to lose, we left back in our quarters, I fell asleep instantly as waking up in the morning too early is really uncomfortable.


"Good morning Lloyd." I yawned between my words walking downstairs to see today's matches.

"Uh, guys?" Kai looked at us all scared.

"What is it twat?" I asked.

"That." Jay pointed at the board. Inside the 2 brackets was me, the other, was none other then Lloyd.

We glanced at each other shocked. I have to fight my own brother!?!

"You have to win that blade Lloyd. You don't need me on this team."

"What do you mean we don't need you?! If you never stood up for me,, I wouldn't even know what situation I'm in right now!"

"Lloyd for gods sake! Your the green ninja, team leader, the glue that holds this team together, I'm nothing but there to guide you. You have to win this, not me."

"Ohhh, is someone quitting?" I hear Chen laughing. "Too bad, you have to fight each other right now!"


I stood on one of the many unstable towers layered with rocks. Knowing my balance points, I was able to stand still.

"Green ninja vs. purple ninja! Who's the better one?" Chen spoke into the megaphone.

I jumped onto the large platform with the jade blade stuck in the middle. Lloyd did the exact same thing.

"I have a plan, it's a convincing one too."

"What do you mean, one of has to lose sis!"

"We fight, like we usually do, but not so harsh, put up a show for Chen at last minute when I'm falling into the water, you get the jade blade."

"I never agreed to that!"

"Too late, chens already suspicious of us." I quickly kicked towards Lloyd forcing him to jump back. "Come on Lloyd!"

"Fine you asked for it!" He yelled throwing a green ball at me. I ran around stopping as we are on opposite sides of the arena. I aim at the top of Lloyd's head, forcing myself to miss. Lloyd's energy ball hit straight on the rocks I stood on, allowing me to fall towards the water. Before landing, (and breaking my back) I summoned my dragon slowly flying towards the surface seeing Lloyd holding the blade.

Jumping onto the large platform, dissolving my dragon, I started at Lloyd's green eyes.

"Good luck." Was the last thing I said before the trap door opened underneath me.


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