《XSCAPE | Michael Jackson and You Fanfiction!》6/24/09 *PT 1*



Today was the second to last day for the This Is It rehearsals.. at least for me, it's my last. I decided to bring

Y/N with me to see what goes on, I felt bad for leaving her at home all by herself when I'm doing rehearsals.

I'm going to be rehearsing I Just Can't Stop Loving You next but the only problem is the woman singing with me had gotten in an accident.. and she's being treated for her injuries in the hospital at the moment, she won't be discharged for a while I've heard. But I figured I'd get Y/N to sing with me and attempt to make her blush. Well, I mean.. when it comes to me, I could make her blush easily.. I've also have wanted to sing with her ever since she told me she told me she sings. But she's refused me every time I asked because of her shyness.

"Alright Michael, I just Can't Stop Loving You is next. Just give the signal and we will start."

Kenny Ortega says from his little desk off stage.

I nod then speak into my hand held microphone

"Wait a second please."

I go to Y/N in her couch off to the side that I bought out for her to watch me as I rehearse, I hold out my hand to her

- Y/N POV -

I see Michael walk up to me from the center stage. Is he ok? He's walking as if he's mad, like that fast walk people do when they're about to tell someone off.

Michael walks to me until he stops dead center in front of me.

"Sing with me"

he holds out his big hand to me

I look down at his hand and back up at him; apart of me wishes I didn't tell him that I know how to sing.

"What? Why me? I thought you guys had some sort of replacement singer planned??"

He looks in my eyes, god his eyes are so hypnotizing and is the way he could get me to do anything.. he KNOWS it.

"Y/N sing with me, it'll be fun."

He smiles his beautiful smile


"Come on let's go!"

He grabs my hand without me even getting a chance to respond and then brings me up to the front of the stage.

"Michael, I don't even know the choreography!"

I panic a bit as I grab the microphone that Michael was holding out to me

"Don't worry about it, just go with it."

Just go with it?? I'll look like an idiot if I do that!

The beginning of I Just Can't Stop Loving You starts playing and I get nervous, I haven't sang in years! Hopefully I don't sound horrible

(* You can play the video and sing along with the video.. it's a song with Michael video 😉⬇️ *)

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

I get chills down my spine as I listen to Michael sing his lines. He sounds so beautiful and calming when he sings..

"Each time the wind blows

I hear your voice so

I call your name

Whispers at morning

Our love is dawning

Heaven's glad you came"

I tense up knowing my lines are next, and look to the ground

"You know how I feel

This thing can't go wrong

I'm so proud to say I love you

Your love's got me high

I long to get by"

Michael looks over at me and picks my head up slowly using his pointer finger and his thumb, then smiles.

"This time is forever

Love is the answer"

I'm blushing.. I brace myself to sing.

"I hear your voice now

You are my choice now

The love you bring

Heaven's in my heart

At your call

I hear harps

And angels sing"

I look at him shyly before I sing my next part

"You know how I feel

This thing can't go wrong

I can't live my life without you"

He giggles before he starts singing, his cheeks turning a light pink.

"I just can't hold on"

I smirk a little seeing him start to blush as he tries to hide it

"I feel we belong"

"My life ain't worth living

If I can't be with you!"

He turns away a little bit then tries to fight off his shyness by looking back at me to sing with me, walking closer to me


"Cause I just can't stop.."

I point to him, starting to mess with him to get him more shy and blushy

"loving you"

Michael then turns me to him by grabbing my hand, his cheeks getting more red

"At night when the stars shine

I pray in you I'll find

A love so true"

I start to blush a bit more by his sudden lead, my voice starting to get more passionate when I sing.

I do it on purpose of course. At this point it's a war on who can get who to blush more first.

"When morning awakes me

Will you come and take me

I'll wait for you"

Michael then starts to move his hand down my waist, rubbing his hand down my left thigh then looks at me smirking while he does it.

" You know how I feel

I won't stop until

I hear your voice saying

"I do" "

I look up at him and then say my next line in a breathy sexy tone of voice while giving him a cute facial expression

"I do~"

He covers his face, I saw a glimpse of his face before he walked away a bit to hide his face. It was red.

HA.. Payback is a bitch, isn't it Michael?

"This thing can't go wrong"

He sings a bit farther away covering his face still

"This feeling's so strong.."


I walk over to him and turns him towards me

"My life ain't worth living"

He didn't sing that part because he's in "shy mode"

"If I can't be with you..!"

"I just can't stop loving you"

I poke Michael's cheek on the you part and smirk

"We can change all the world tomorrow"

"We can sing songs of yesterda.."

He trails off and starts to laugh quietly, biting his lip and turning to his side a little trying to get himself to stop being shy

"I can say, hey farewell to sorrow"

He comes up to me and puts his hand on my waist then grips it, pulling me close to him

"This is my life and I-"

Little does he know I harmonize

His eyes widened then gave me this surprised smirk as we continued to sing

I start to freestyle this part just to see what he did


Michael's face had the most amazing shocked expression, then he did this worshipping bow which made me turn red as the background singers kept singing

I just can't stop loving you

I just can't stop loving you

Then he looked at me and nodded his head, looking me up and down


We both looked at each other with red faces

The musicians stop playing in sync. Kenny Ortega says

"Let the audience applause.. applause.. the fans scream "aaaahh~".. then slowly fade to black.

The lights turn off slowly. It's pitch black for about 10 seconds then turns back on.

Kenny Ortega says "looks like we have a little Celine Dion here.."

I chuckle as Michael throws his arm around me "thanks Ken.."

I cover my face with my free hand as Michael kisses my cheek.

-Michael POV-

Kenny tells me we can take a break, so I walk back to the break room with an arm around Y/N. She was quiet, she's probably embarrassed. I decided to break the ice as we walked.

"You did really well baby! Why are you so red and embarrassed??"

She looks up at me

"Where's the bathroom??"

What? That didn't have to do anything with what I asked!

I point to the white door in front of the snack table

"Right there baby"

I let go of he as she runs to the bathroom


I'm not feeling so good.. I feel like I have to throw up all of a sudden. I give my microphone to Michael then I run into the bathroom and lock it.

I come out and Michael looks concerned.

"Are you okay baby???"

He runs to me and cups my face with his hands, then feeling my forehead to make sure I'm alright.

"I'm alright Michael, I promise. It was probably from the adrenaline rush from singing with you, I felt overwhelmed"

I chuckle nervously.

He sighs in relief and then hugs me gently

-Michael POV-

I hold Y/N close to my chest, hugging her gently, I know she's tired so I don't wanna be rough with her, and hug her TOO tight.

"Thank goodness.. listen, I have 3 more songs to practice and go over choreography for They Don't Care About Us with the dancers. I know it's been a long 4 hours, I have something to tell you when we get home alright?"

I'm finally going to tell her..

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